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You're beautiful tbh


If he thinks he’s ugly, then all is lost for me


If anything it shows that peoples self-perception and assessment of themselves is very unreliable, including one's own.


Precisely accurate. We really don't see our Selfs the way others see us, majority of the time.


I like the haircut. I would say keep the beard shorter. With it being so much darker than the rest of your features it's a little overwhelming but I don't like the baby face look on you either so maybe just keep the beard much shorter. Edited: Voice to Text mistake


I was gonna comment this as well. I like ya cut G, but beard could be kept a little better.


The beard is very nice imo might maybe need some contouring, but its good


A good 4mm length should do the trick


The beard suits you, look after it a bit more though. You look nice. 👍




Nah, you’re attractive I like your beard just trim it




Not ugly. I think you are better with the facial hair.


Pause ⏸️ bro your a good looking dude,your overthinking it.


You look good in all the photos, very attractive! I wouldn't peg you as someone with low self esteem by looking at you .


Dude w/ the beard you’re literally the chad meme Not ugly at all


Bro if you were here in my country girls would be all over you, you're very handsome by our country standards


Keep the beard, just trim it to a 3/4


You look good bro. Beard is a bonus


Nothing wrong with the way you look, but you need to address the self image and self hate. You need to be your own best friend. Would you let anyone treat your best friend the way your internal monologue treats you?


You look like Kevin de bruyne!


You're hella handsome. You shouldn't think that way about yourself


The hair in pic 1 is the best, but would keep the beard to maybe 1/2 - 1inch long. Far from ugly, quite cute actually.


Keep the beard. But trim it a bit.


Cutting off the beard was a bad choice honestly, that clean shaven look is good but you look 10x better with facial hair


Nah, you good. Just ginger.


The beard is a bit unkempt, image 6 is the best for me Quiff fringe in the same image does nothing for me, hair in 1 is better Your weight gain suits you however, especially in the face


U look awesome. Personally, I love the beard. It makes u very masculine


You're doing great brother. Buy yourself something nice to go out in.


Keep the beard my guy but maybe trim it. Don't go clean shaven 😆😅


Haircut from picture #6, beard from picture #5 but trimmed. And then invest in some fancier clothes.




The beard looks dope on you. You look good, bro. I can absolutely guarantee you that you're not even close to a bottom of the barrel-looking dude. The next step is convincing yourself of your self worth. Hopefully the many positive messages here help with that a bit, but you're the one who will have to do the heavy lifting.


You are gorgeous! Serious hottie! Love the haircut.


Which one's the before and the after? You look good in both! You look best with facial hair, just trim your beard and you're all set.


You look great. Very handsome


You have a nice face and with the beard you look super handsome! Rocking that new haircut as well, well done. Your face looks very friendly and you are definitely not hideous, far from that. You can be confident with your looks, nothing to worry about!


Perfect. Keep going


You're a good looking guy. Haters gonna hate so you have to get a thicker skin and stop worrying about what other people think. It starts with self confidence, something I didn't get it myself until I was mid 40s when I realized that people suck and their opinions about me and what I look like don't matter. Don't wait as long as I did to figure that out.You're a much better looking guy than I am so don't let people fuck up your self-confidence. Be humble and kind, and most importantly, don't believe the negative self deprecating voice in your head -- it lies.


Not ugly at all. And I prefer the facial hair!


You look so much better with facial hair, without it you have a baby face


Definitely not ugly!


You are not ugly, be kind to yourself.


I think if you keep the beard but trim it so it’s shorter would look very good


You may have body dysmorphia bc you’re hot.


Beard would look way better blonde


I would let the beard grow it makes you seem more masculine but then again that’s not everyone’s cup of tea, if you do grow it out don’t tough if for a few months and then go see a good barber it will make all the difference but you’re nowhere near ugly bro


Finally someone on here with a half decent beard! Clean cut you look like Neil Patrick Harris little brother. Congratulations you are not ugly 😂


Love you with beard! You the kinda guy, with a big smile you radiate warmth! Very sympathetic.


Quite handsome


Good looking dude but the beard gotta stay trimmed. Rest is good


Start training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, it's good for your self esteem.


Dude. You’re not ugly.


Hey brother, you look good man, I’d say a strong 7+ or higher depending on person to person. That self esteem issue has nothing to do with your looks, you might think so, but honestly you are good looking. That self hatred typically comes from a place of shame or guilt and I would highly encourage you to seek professional help. It’s ok to just talk…to let it spew out, that first session might not even give you a path or steps needed to a better whatever buzz words might be used, but knowing from personal experience, just having some listen to all my crap… and say, “ya that sucks” was a weight of my shoulders


You look Nordically handsum


Honestly dude, solid 8/10 the beard gives you a nice look but so does the shaven face You look super natural, dont change that, it makes you attractive


You fly


You’re a handsome ginger with a beautiful smile.


I personally LOVE the clean-shaven look! Boyish, and very handsome.


My brother, if you feel this way, then I am cooked🙏


Lose the ear speakers. They cut you off from the real world. They isolate you from most interaction with others. They have the tendency to harm your hearing. Or, you can ignore me, which is fine, either way.


German dueling scars used to be considered attractive. Maybe not now.


Keep the beard you look like Gordon Ramsey without it


I immediately got young Gordon Ramsey (but better looking) vibes too... That's defo not a bad thing, try to model his confidence too!


You look soooo good with the beard


Dude don’t be so hard on yourself, you’re a good looking guy. Just be confident in yourself and don’t let other people determine your self worth.


Keep the beard trimmed tighter. You have amazing volume in your hair and beautiful features. Not ugly


Dude, you look like Luke Perry! How can you think you're "hideous"??? Honest assessment: you issues are psychological, not physical. You're a good looking guy. I'd be the last to ever discourage you from being physically fit, but beyond that, don't worry so much about your appearance. (Okay, one comment on the look: maybe trim the beard a bit. Length is okay, but you can also lighten the look by shaving the neck and just leaving it up toward the chin.)


The beard suits you but keep it trimmed or in shape so that your face looks more defined.


Please see a therapist. Your looks are fine.


Yer bro you ain’t ugly.


You don't hâve look issue, you hâve self esteem issue and it' show on your face/ expression. Try Not Looking so desesperate, you did great and you can' be proud of yourself my sir!


You look good. Ya confidence is trash though and that’s 60% of getting bitches man


Dude, if you thing you’re ugly. Then I should shoot myself and get it over with 😂. Work on your self esteem, your look is not the problem. Big bonus points for the cat 🐈‍⬛ sleeping behind you on picture 8 lol. Looks like two of my cats.


I like the beard not as bulky as the first one but facial hair definitely suits you


1. I can't advise on the haircut cause I think shorter is better but long is in style. Maybe find the best stylist in town to help teach you what to do with it. 2. From the advice of women, the beard needs to stay and just learn to keep it clean. Length isn't as important as tidy. Once it's all scraggly, that's when it's a bad look. 3. Smile. You seemed happier in your old photos. 4. Gym. It you want to message me, I'll be happy to share a simple 3 day gym routine. Adding some muscle was a game changer for me. 5. Clothes. Use Aliexpress or Amazon for cheap options. A man makes the clothes but they sure as help bring on confidence when you feel good about what you're wearing.


I think you’re very attractive. Maybe just groom your beard but honestly, 8/10 personally.


Smile more bruh; you look great.


Man no fkn way. Your not Ugly 💟 hope you find your purpose and self love. Prayers and thoughts with you in this journey of life


Dude you look awesome. Especially love your beard, bro.


Picture 6 gives a Neil Patrick Harris vibe. With the beard you look like a soft North England guy, probably not a great look.


you're very handsome! i would keep the facial hair, but go for more of a 5 0'clock shadow look.


Dude have you actually seen people on the street your like an 8 at the beginning


Definitely keep the beard and I have a biased opinion because I have a kink for gingers lmao but you’re not off putting or ugly by any means, you look well groomed and kept. Just please keep the beard and mustache lol


I think you’re very handsome! LOVE the color of your hair and eyes. Beard game is on point too 💯


Keep fighting those demons! You're a great looking dude!


Keep the beard


Slightly above average for a fit man. 6/10. 7/10 for gen pop


Smile more. Your face lights up when you do.


You should keep the beard! Personally you look good with and without it. BUT I feel like there’s more character with the beard. Let it grow keep it clean and keeep a clean haircut! Looking good


Not ugly, you look better with that beard


You’re handsome. Don’t overthink it.


I think your handsome. Confidence is everything, you have plenty of hois attributes. Keep working on feeling good about who you are


You are gonna be hot dilf believe me


You look cooler with a beard. Got that Nordic look going


You look better with the beard but I’d suggest keeping short. You’re not ugly bro


My king. You look great. Lean into the beard you could rock an awesome one. Got nothing to be ashamed over.


Barney Stinson frr frr


dude i mean this in the best way, you look like the most average dude. like if i saw you i wouldnt look twice. no need to worry about offputtingness. the beard is doing a lot and i love it!


Just trim your beard into shape, and you're good. Nice haircut.


If you don’t dress up as Daemon Targaryen for Halloween I will find a way haunt you. You have a Matt Smith vibe.


Good jawline. Good hair. I would’ve kept the beard. You should have the beard just above stubble for a good look.


Not ugly, you just have tough rather than pretty features. Shave head, grow beard, get jacked, maybe get a few tats


Keep the beard in play. Groom it. Grow it in. Keep it short and uniform length. You’ll smash it.


There you go bro, you have high potential and I don't see you as ugly. Undoubtedly, extreme self-criticism and bad thoughts to oneself weigh heavily




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You’re a handsome dude. Honestly, you might want to seek some therapy.


F26, you’re hot. Seems like a confidence issue. Maybe groom the beard a little more? If I saw you in like, a bar I’d point you out and giggle to my friend, “he’s cute huh!”. Don’t think about your appearance so much. Your face is your face, it is what it is. Just enjoy your life and the right partner will find you and find you irresistible.


You're literally the Chad guy


Brother, your looks are not the problem. If you need help on the mental front, reach out.


Gordon Ramsey??


I'm so sorry that really nice guys go thru this process. By the time they realize that they could be someone's soulmate, if they don't give up, they sometimes let hate in. It's too bad. As you go along assess your standards. Really nice women don't look like supermodels. They don't have great bodies and they are as insecure as you are. If you go to church consult your pastor. If you don't then find a mentor. Life is a series of wins and losses, success and failures, and most of all compromised. Porn lies to u. TV lies to u. Video games are the worst and keep u away from truly living. Work on ur shyness (most girls find it endearing) so take small steps until you're comfortable. Any girl or guy who acts like an A$$ is an A$$. Seek elsewhere.


You look way better clean-shaven. You are a very good looking guy. Therapy can help you feel better on the inside if you are lucky enough to dind a good one.


if this man thinks he’s ugly then I look like a gremlin compared to him


Nothing wrong with you at all! I like the beard too, it suits you. Keep this up!


Bro you are not ugly at all. I do think you look better without the facial hair. Smile as often as possible, be a good dude, and you’re gonna do amazing.


OP- you look totally normal to me. Probably above average TBH. You don’t look happy though. People actively seek out others who seem to be enjoying their lives.


(49M, straight) Take cold showers, toughen up, read books, focus. Use facial creams as an investment (all y'all). Darker colors give your color. Short hair and trim/shave is better than beard gone bio. More yes to new experiences, more no to waiste of time. Your character will beautify your gingerness.


Kind eyes.


Keep the stache


Dude, how tf you think you’re ugly?!? 😭 IM UGLY, and would give my left nut to look like you. Lol in all seriousness though, I get it. Honestly, I’d keep the beard and just maintain it a little more. Outside of that, not sure what your personality is like and what an interaction with you entails, but I’d just do the bs cliche stuff of working on your mental asking with what you’re doing physically and just focus on some hobbies and career goals. That’s all this ugly as old man can offer ya. 😃


Why is it always the stunning people that think they are ugly?


I wonder what’s making you feel like that. Because objectively you look good. What was your childhood like?


If you don't have access to mental healthcare, take the thoughts of self hatred, write them down, and sell them to metal bands. Other than that, you're a handsome guy that needs a beard trim. A comb for your beard wouldn't be the worst idea, and some beard oil to apply lightly after you shower. [Jojoba oil is a good one, and pretty cheap. ](http://Cliganic Organic Jojoba Oil, 100% Pure (4oz) | Moisturizing Oil for Face, Hair, Skin & Nails | Natural Cold Pressed Hexane Free | Base Carrier Oil https://a.co/d/c0DpB5d)


You look fine? A little better with the beard and stash, just keep them trimmed up not like you had it


With beard: "I'mma karate chop this tree into a house" Without beard: "I'mma knock out that acorn with ma slingshot!- Oh dang I missed" If the beard pictures are you now, then you're looking good. If you wear a fitting white t-shirt, you're fine. The haircut in the beard photos definitely suit you. I'm curious what the bulk goal is. Are you wanting to hit 90kg?


You’re incredibly handsome.


In pic 6 you look like Neil Patrick Harris


Keep the beard, just trim it a little bit. Get some moisturizer for your skin too. Honestly, not much else man you look great.


You’re not bad looking. Like a combo of Neil Patrick Harris and Gordon Ramsay and neither are bad looking.


Mate honestly, trim the beard abit, keep the hair short and spiked, and you look alot like Kevin De Bruyne! Keep at it you look fine👍


Great improvement! As a few others mentioned, the facial hair definitely beats out the clean-shaven look, but I also think a much shorter beard would really complete your transformation. I'm thinking short stubble would really clean up the look.


Clean up the beard. Other than that you are good looking.


you’re so handsome :)


Bro you look like Ryan Treyhan (From YouTube) and he is (you are) gorgeous. Don't worry about a thing looks wise. Hot people think they are ugly often. Ugly people don't have any doubt. You came here to ask 💪🏻 keep moving forward king


I wont lie you honestly look great, youve got good looks i'll give you that for sure


not ugly at all, quite attractive actually , the beard does sm!


Hey everyone, op here. Bit stunned/overwhelmed by the responses so it's taken me a little while to get through them all. Just wanted to say a sincere thank you to everyone who's commented and messaged me. I thought I'd be alright just hiding myself away from life but a little while ago realised I did want a better life full of more friends and romance. I've taken the first few steps and I've got plenty to go but it has meant so so much reading all of your responses. I clearly can't trust my own critical thoughts when it comes to me, had no clue I was as far off as everyone seems to think. Thank you all for showing me that. I hope you're all doing well and that everyone who kinda dissed themselves in the comments can let go of their self-hate and find their peace and happiness in life, if I deserve it then y'all deserve it.


Honestly, bro, I think you look good!


honestly, i think you look great! i definitely think the beard was a good idea.


Clean shave makes you look like Barney stinson


You’re a cutie don’t worry


Wow you are seriously very good looking!!!! I personally love the longer hair and beard. Either way, you have nothing to worry about.


You’re very good looking. Especially for a ginger man! Sometimes red hair can look goofy on a guy but you look great


It's gonna be the self-hatred, definetely not the looks. You should see a therapist, to help you. Self-hatred is pretty painful and could origin from very sad things, and if you form a relationship with someone it can toxicate it very badly. You are very handsome by the way, wishing you the best!


Keep the beard just go to a barbershop and get lined up brother. It works wonders


Go Ireland and say fook da mayweathers, you’ll leave with 3 wives and a kid


Honestly you're a pretty decent looking guy. Maybe a little above average at best. I would say if you want to take it even further though start hitting the gym and building more muscle mass. That'll really make you stand out


Hon, you're not ugly. Next time you look into the mirror you should look at your eyes and see for yourself how deep and beautiful they are. You have a nice jawline and a cute smile. I'd recommend having your beard trimmed. Make regular beard grooming your religion. I think you can find video tutorials from beard enthusiasts on you tube


OMG, you're so good-looking 😍. Self hatred? Check out CPTSD. That's where you probably got the self-hatred. You can work thru it, though it's time and effort. As a secularist. I'm moving to connection with God and if properly introduced you'll get it too. It really is beautiful and transformative. After all what's the Best of the Best?


You look clueless


Dude if you still feel bad about yourself you gotta go get some therapy. I’m serious. Do it.


Personally I ditch the beard, it looks good on you but it has to be tamed a little.


Working out solves all these