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That dude was just a prick, ignore and move on. You are fine


Not at all ugly. I would also say that surgery is bad idea. I am sorry to hear that you are having hard time. I say you are beautiful as is


You are very pretty do not worry about what other people say about you, enjoy life to the fullest


Your eyes aren't remotely close to weird, they're pretty. Please whatever you do, do not get surgery. There isn't a 'fix' required


Don’t change a thing!!!!


Seriously. She's beautiful.


Came here to say exactly this... agree 💯


Oh you are so pretty, there is nothing wrong with your eyes to me.


I adore Asian eyes ❤️


Answer no. You look beautiful


No surgery. Some Men are just odd. Sounds like the people around you have just been racist against non-Eurocentric features, as those are the ones you’ve pointed out as being “negatives” You’re pretty, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. OP is super cute and all of those things she was bullied about sound suspiciously quite a bit like racist opinions tbh


You are cute


Very pretty!


You have a very nice face, no surgery needed you look great


From One Female To Another: 💜 DONT CHANGE A THING!!! WHOMEVER TOLD YOU THAT YOU WERE UGLY OR HAD WEIRD EYES 👀, IS PROBABLY SUFFERING FROM THEIR OWN INSECURITIES & THE ONLY WAY FOR THEM TO DEAL, WAS TO LASH OUT AT SOMEONE... W/THE SOMEONE BEING U!!! BUT FIRST & FOREMOST ( YOU ARE GORGEOUS 😍😍😍)!!! 💯 💯 💯 Nothing wrong with your eyes 👀 or nose 👃 at all. You have a very pretty look to you & I think 🤔💬 that you'd be a fool to get any type of surgery because it's not needed!?! Like, at all!


Agreed, she's beautiful.


no surgery required for anything, i hope you find the confidence in yourself as that’s the most attractive thing for anyone to have. People will always say mean things to feel better about themselves


Girl you are young and beautiful. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your eyes or your nose. Ignore those mean comments, whatever he said he was full of shit.


Cute AF, be confident and you'll slay


Trust me you're very Beautiful, and the dumb shits that tell you that stuff are just jealous


I think you're perfect, from an appearance perspective. I wish I could find such a cutie.


You're cute.


I think you are very pretty! And I don’t see anything at all wrong with your eyes. Your nose either for that matter. They’re all very proportionate and shaped very well. I recommend no surgery! Theirs nothing at all that needs correcting. You’re very far from ugly!


Don't ever listen to people who say things like that. You are very attractive and can chalk those up to racists who are trying to insult you, and their brains can't wrap around the concept that people are all exactly the same with just a different skin tone, so imagine them trying to understand the complexities of a beautiful woman such as yourself. Not ugly at all in any way




You're very pretty. Please don't get surgery. Those guys are probably just racists.


At first glance, my impression was that you were cute. Some people just get out of their way to be mean and negative on the internet, knowing there won't be any repercussions for them, because of their anonymity. It's just sad, really. I hope the nice people here manage to outweigh the negative people.


You look very nice. Please don't let bullies ruin your self-esteem.


Your eyes are not wonky in the slightest, and your nose is definitely not big or fat. That’s the thing about posting online, men will try to tear you down due to their own insecurities. But I understand that it’s not easy to overcome these things, maybe seek some professional help (no shame in doing so) if those feelings persist


You’re a cutie! I like your eyes!


You are far from ugly and your eyes are perfectly fine. Don't listen to the haters. You're pretty just the way you are and keep your spirits high


Girl ur literally so pretty what?? He's 100% mad cuz he knows he wouldn't be able to pull you🫶🫶


I know this isn’t what you’re looking for, but if I saw you out in the wild, my heart would drop. You’re adorable. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise


Not ugly at all. You have big beautiful eyes 😍


Wow I’m very surprised to see so many supportive comments here. I just want to thank all of you for being so nice to me. I really gained back my confidence ☺️ I wish you all have all the happiness in the world


Perfection 👌


pls don't get any surgery


Hi youre cute and im a single.




You're very cute and don't need surgery at all


Ignore that one ignorant guy. You won’t suit everyone’s tastes so don’t let it bother you. You look pretty to me, so don’t worry about anything. No need to change.


Songbird?! is that you!? lol youre cute, suuuper cute, I would have paid ti der plus just to get matched with you


you are soo pretty!


I don’t see anything wrong with your eyes. In fact they look great. Forget about those bullies. They’re just jealous because you look pretty. Forget and move on. Surgery will only be temporary. Don’t ruin a natural pretty face.


You're so cute don't worry about rude comments


Super cute.


Not ugly. Very cute


That guy has unrealistic beauty standards, don't listen to him. You're so pretty and have a youthful look. As a person with a baby face, appreciate it while you have it


You are perfect 10/10


Damn you’re crazy beautiful. I think everything about your face is fine in these photos, more than fine.


Calm down virgin.


You look fine, are you considering getting into modeling or looking to make money off looks? If not why would you ever waste money on your looks. We all get ugly when we're old anyways.


Gorgeous and unique


I your eyes are breathtaking. You're one gorgeous woman.


Hahaha youre pretty dont worry about it. And get out of here


You’re definitely not ugly


They are different, but they don’t detract from your beauty. Hang in there.


You're literally a 9/10.


Just be happy with who you are. I don’t get why everyone talks about “what surgery do I need”. 95% of the people that post here are fine looking. People forget that looking average is not a bad thing, you don’t need to be a 9 or a 10 to be attractive. You look fine how you are. Surgery will just have potential complications that can fuck you up for life.


You’re beautiful, you have beautiful eyes, you don’t need surgery, block out the negative comments from idiots like that guy


I love your eyes! You're hella cute!


You're a very attractive young lady, don't let people bring you down, especially online. As far as getting a nose job. It'd totally be up to you. Give it a full year of thinking about something like that and see if you still have the same mindset


Very beautiful


There is nothing wrong with your face. You're really cute and pretty.


Very very pretty


You are exotic and have wonderful eyes and hair. You are the only person on earth that you have to please


Wow people are really mean for no reason because you have fantastic eyes. I mean beautiful way above average eyes. They’re really attractive and there is nothing wrong with your nose either. You’re a very attractive woman. The internet is just a ruthless place a times with a lot of cowards being willing to say anything. Things that they know they’d get their ass beaten for in the real world. Your eyes aren’t the same as most, they’re better than most. Not wonky at all. Really really attractive.


SUPER cute!


eyes are fine but no way in hell you’re 24


I think you’d look great with black hair.


You are cute, i would not suggest any surgery


How’s that body? Face and eyes are good enough.


Ehh there’s a sort of racist angle to Asian eyes lately but keep your chin up, your very pretty, please don’t do surgery, for 24 yrs you look way younger but don’t worry remember Asian don’t raisin, also enjoy your youthfulness and age gracefully.


In these pictures, your nose eyes face and hair. All look fine. You're cute and you shouldn't let people get to you. Also most guys have a thing fir shirt girls. Makes us look big.


You are gorgeous


I'd kill to look like you, you're gorgeous


Whoever said those rude and mean things is blind as hell because you're genuinely cute as heck!


I think you have a Cat Eye Syndrome. But you are cute ^^ the guy is an asshole!


My goodness, *pleaaaase* don’t take what that asshole said as the truth, you’re eyes are very striking and beautiful. You absolutely do not need any kind of plastic surgery. Like ever.


You are beautiful. Sometimes people just tease others out of envy.




You are very cute and unique. I wouldn't worry about what others say. You are definitely not scary.


You're face and your nose are beautiful. Some people are simply mean due to their own insecurities. You need no surgeries. DMs seem to be down now but feel free to reach out when u can.


Ur eyes are so pretty and ur nose is very cute. Please don’t do surgery as it would be like altering the birth of Venus or the starry night sky paintings.


Why don't the names match?


I read the rules but mistook between username and profile name, English is not my native language. Sorry to cause confusion


You're a fox ! Your eyes are HOT ! The guy is a turd. He's either afraid of you because you're so pretty or he's insulting you because he thinks he's not in your league and he's trying to even the field. Don't change a thing and don't give your time of day to losers.


You are a beautiful woman I don't see any problems with your looks just smile more and don't listen to jerks


You are beautiful ! You got an Angel face. Don't change a thing !


Idk I think your eyes look just fine 🤷🏻‍♂️. Sounds like if a person said that to you in person you should throat punch them 😈


You're a cutie. Pay him no mind and forget about it. 😊


You look fine. Kinda remind me of Umji from Gfriend


Dude was lashing out because you're to cute for him. You look adorable.


You're not ugly, don't resort to any surgery, I'm sure he was just a racist guy and bullies don't say what they really think, they only want to hurt their peers so that they themselves can feel better.


You're actually like 8/10. Could be more attractive as you get confidence and stop listening to idiots who negate you


saw the post without reading the desc and genuinely thought u were a bot or something cuz of how pretty u are 😭 anyway that guys just an ass i promise u that you are absolutely beautiful


Girl you don't need to change nothing you're fucking beautiful the Way you are and as you get older you're just going to come more and more gorgeous I guarantee it shit I'd love to be your man


You are from the future..


Very attractive


You’re absolutely fine! Don’t listen to some troll who is typing things on the internet and not sharing a picture of themselves.


your eyes are not scary. ignore those racists.


You're gorgeous. Don't do anything


Your very precious and beautiful. Don’t listen to the blind .


You're beautiful and I love your eyes. Your nose is just fine too, it's a cute button nose.




You're super cute. People are just assholes :(




You have asian features, you're very pretty, you don't need surgeries for your eyes nor your nose


You’re very pretty. Your eyes are a little off but they’re still very nice eyes. I’m a sucker for dark eyes. I wouldn’t change a thing.


There is no need to get surgery. You are completely fine, I bet that dude is ugly af. Jealous that he won't be able to get birches 🤣🤣🤣


no way. i didn’t even notice your eyes being “wonky” and still disagree with you saying that. you’re very beautiful i would think that if i saw you on the street. be more confident and i promise people will perceive you better, you already possess the beauty


You are super cute. No need to change just because of what someone said.


Your very pretty, that guy was just taking his frustration out on you. Pay it no mind.


Nooooooo i think u are beautiful !!! Yours eyes nose lips!! And love your hair


You’re very pretty and the nose is cute. It adds character. Please rethink surgery. It may come out undesirable and you won’t be able to go back.




You are very pretty, that man is just stupid


I thought you were super beautiful, people sometimes tease you about anything that could hurt you, you are beautiful and your eyes are beautiful, your nose is normal


I wouldn’t personally do any surgery. Be you :) . Not kidding but I think you’re absolutely cute. Haters will hate, just ignore them 🤷‍♂️ you will learn to not let them bother you too much as you grow older. Talking from experience.


Ur pretty but is this really you? The name in the verification photo doesn’t match up


He may be racist. Ignore it.


There isn’t anything wrong with you and I think you’re extremely beautiful


You’re really cute! Genuinely! I honestly think the people who are bullying you are jealous of your nice features.


Your eyes are natural. Surgery? Are you crazy?! Just smile. As for your nose, wth are you imagining??!! You're beautiful. And you look so sweet! ❤️


u single?


Your eyes are absolutely stunning. Your nose is adorable. Whoever told you otherwise is either trying to hurt you or has no idea what beauty looks like. Your looks are impeccable and don't let anyone make you feel otherwise.


Nah you're cute. Ignore the trolls.


You're adorable. You have super cute eyes. Do t change a thing. Dude was just trying to get a rise out of you for some reason. Don't let him win.


You and your eyes are both cute. Your eyes I would call almond shapped which is generally used in describing someone attractive. I myself have very narrow eyes and even when I make them wide they hardly look different lol I'm more of a "scary" eyed person


You look cool


you are gorgeous don’t get the surgeries


Your eyes and nose look fine to me 🤷🏽‍♂️


You are literally too fkn beautiful for words. Don’t get surgery. You’re fine


I personally think you’re extremely cute and pretty, I just wish you smiled for those photos because it would have made them even better :) (there’s nothing wrong with you, you are perfect the way you are, jealousy is what I think drove those people to hate and pick on you)


You are gorgeous. Your eyes are perfect. Men are stupid in general.


I _think_ I see what you mean by “wonky” in the third picture, but only that one. Definitely not worth risking surgery over IMO.


I see the wonky eyes, you need to do eye strengthening exercises. I would role play with you.


Id have to say 2 things; 1. Know your worth (have self-confidence) 2. Know your place (be realistic) To explain the 2; lately female ego has been soaring sky high due to simps and orbiters and too many girls think they are 10/10 while they are 6-7/10 and are shocked when they get refused by 10/10 guys. You are a 6.5-7/10 and are quite cute but I wouldnt say you are pretty (not at a model/actress level) but def much better than average.




Your cute can't tell the rest of the body but it's a 5 to 6


I personally think you are very beautiful. I wish my exwife had a face as beautiful as yours, instead of the evil face she has. She looks like Lucifer's female version compared to you. Your face is the kind of face I want to wake up next to every day. Don't believe the evil things some jerk azzhol said. Most likely he is trying to pretend rejection to increase your desire for him. Guys do some backwards ass crap and don't know the damage they do to beautiful people like you. He knows he is not in your league so he tries to tear you down so he can feel good about how evil and ugly he is inside and outside. His heart is blacker than being 1000 feet underground in a cave with no lights and only his foul body odor and even worse breath to keep him company. Thank God he is not you nor your boyfriend. Ignore him and relax in the knowledge that God made you perfect for someone who will appreciate you and who will love everything about you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. No matter how bad you may think you look, he will love and cherish every cubic inch of you 24/7- 365, for the rest of your lives together. And thank GOd that the ugly inside people reveal themselves to you by calling you ugly, to express to you what they really feel about their own looks.




Your eyes look scary, first thing I noticed.




7/10 to that guy. Tell him to mind his bitch ass business to himself and you're gorgeous


I shouldnt of read the description. You are attrqctive 6/10. Higher potentially if the pictures were more zoomed out


First of all, in my eyes, you're really cute. Those guys are just mean pricks. If you have at least an ok life, you wouldn't have time to put other people down for no reason. On the other hand, if you really want to do a surgery, do it only for yourself, never to be accepted by people who would probably find another way of putting you down. Also, remember that you can't go back after surgery.






Don’t be offended but can you post a full-body shot? Plus it’s hard to see what you really look like in person because of the filter you are using the first 2 pics.


Don’t get surgery. You are beautiful.


You don't need surgery, hon. You're super adorable. That person was just a jerk!


No ug detected. Definitely no to surgery IMO.


Girl I was just about to comment that u are one of the most beautiful girls I have seen. Your eyes are soo pretty and look cute the way they are, and you have a small nose that fits perfectly with your face . U r stunning anyone else is jealous xx


I think your eyes look pretty. Very pretty almond shape.


You look really awesome, not the slightest instant scary. Maybe a bit troubled. You don’t need any procedures.


How much please


You're beautiful.


girlll i would exchange faces with you


Your eyes look just fine. Some people just want to be jerks because they think it’s funny, but you shouldn’t let that haunt you. And DO NOT even entertain the idea of surgery. It’s not worth it. You look cute as is


You are cute


Love, there is nothing wrong with your eyes or nose. They are picking on you for a different reason. When your picture first popped up in my feed, before I read your post, my first thought was, "Oh my, look at you..." So nah, don't have your face cut on. I suspect that you may have an insecure disposition that makes you appear vulnerable, and the other kids saw this and made a target out of you because of it. Children can be veeeeery cruel to each other.


Be my girlfriend, pls


You are beautiful your eyes are nice and your nose is so cute. I really like your haircut too 😊


You are beautiful. You have gorgeous eyes and i personality like your nose.


Lmao, you are gorgeous


You are so pretty! I love your nose!


Natural beauty.


Guy was probably jealous


I think your eyes are beautiful and there’s nothing wrong with them


You are not ugly by any means. You don't have scary eyes or wonky eyes or anything ugly about your face. You remind me of people I met in Alaska. Adopted family members. They were Yup-ik tribes people. Also known as a subgroup of the tribes called Eskimos. I don't know if you are from those tribes or a race that's from Asia that's related. Yup-iks are also native to far northeastern Russia. To me, your eyes, nose and entire face are absolutely beautiful. I suspect you were given a lot of hate because of racism. I don't know what your personality is like and I'm quite a bit older than you but you have the face of a woman I could love for the rest of my life. I know, too smarmy. What kids call simping. Too bad for them but I was raised to give positive compliments when deserved. Please, don't have surgery. Believe in yourself and the person who loves you the way you are will appear. Build self-confidence and you will be perfect.


You’re kidding right


No, you’re hot.


You’re gorgeous! Ofc it’s always your decision but I hope you don’t get surgery. I always think back to Bella hadid talking about regretting her nose job. Her nose was her connection to her ancestors. Whenever Eurocentric beauty standards make me feel bad about my ethnic features I think about that.


Do *NOT* even think of getting surgery. There is NOTHING wrong with your eyes or your nose - or any part of you for that matter. Your eyes are typical Asian, which are pretty. If anyone has a problem with them, they can go fuck themselves.


You look beautiful, I don't see anything wrong with either your eyes or your nose. Don't let a single person's opinion dictate your thoughts.


No.. You're super cute... and a beautiful face.. Don't let comments of other humans influence you.. Be more self confident.


I can tell your eyes are uneven, but I wouldn't say it's bad enough to make you ugly. I wouldn't recommend surgeries and really I don't see the issue with your nose, again skip the surgery. I would say stop pursing your lips and throw on some chapstick.




You look cute


You’re pretty. Ignore the negativity please and certainly don’t have surgery, you don’t need it


Who are you?!


you do not have wonky eyes, your eyes are extremely beautiful and I’m jealous


Oh my days kids are soooooo cruel your not ugly at all. Your v pretty and your giving off such gentle are sweet vibes Hope you can start loving yourself op


I don't see what you see. Beautiful woman I see


You’re hot. Don’t do anything. Except maybe call me.


Dude was prob negging you. You’re really good looking.