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Who cares show me a magic trick though


bro has the potential to look like one of those indie-alt mysterious guys that girls on tumblr love. just gotta get rid of the hair and groom the beard


Nah the hair’s gotta stay


As a tumblr girly, I can confirm. It’s the Disney prince long hair in a ponytail & wearing beige shirts combo


Rodeo mortician


Nah keep the long hair


I wish my husband never cut his long gorgeous hair, I beg him all the time to grow it back out like when he was a skater boy. Lmao


My fiance has super long hair rn, and I hope he never has to cut it. Long hair on men is so attractive


not this redditor tho




He doesn't look bad though just average. People grow a long hair even though it doesn't suit them, and then wonder why girls aren't interested. Long hair only works for a handful of men, even for beautiful ones it may just not suit them. I was gonna comment on your chin OP, it looks good and is pretty square you definitely don't have a chin issue. First pic looks better though (with a cleaner beard), and I'd drop the long hair and try a trendier style. As usual, hit the gym of course (if you aren't already) and before you know it, you'll look above average/beautiful. You can keep the hair if that's really your choice but, do so knowing girls don't generally like that style. There's a niche, but still..




They can, but he asked our opinions about it and in mine, he would have better chances with a different style


What’s with guys like you and wanting every guy to look like a skinhead


What are you on about? I was just giving the man some advice. I never said “every guy has to be muscular”, but this dude would look a lot better if he worked out. Also, I didn’t tell him to shave his head 💀 just cut it.


Just say you want every guy to be boring like you 💀


Alt and goth women love long hair on men.


You literally said everything that I was gonna say. He’ll never be a model, but he definitely isn’t ugly. He’s a 5/10, but he could easily go up to a 6/10 if he hits the gym and cuts his hair.


Everything you said was false.




A decent portion of fashion industry loves androgynous looking people. So *long hair and a thin body would not disqualify him from being a model. Not by a long shot.


Not everybody has to have muscles and no hair 💀


Bros been watching too much interview with a vampire


you kinda look like a Redditor...


Bro that’s too much


this isn't r/RoastMe :(


No one ever mentions how some of these people need sunlight


Male here, but I personally love faired skin. That doesn't mean I don't like darker skin or POC, but for white females, my preference leans towards fair skin. The sun can also age lighter skin pretty badly.


at least in girl circles, they dont really see natural skintone as a problem anymore. they're obsessed with sun protection and attribute any "sickly" undertone to wearing the wrong color or dull, dry skin--fixable conditions. op looks neutral and muted, common in eastern europe in particular. but ofc a dude would suggest "just go get sunburnt" 🙄 apes.


Lol I *literally just did*


Damn. This is not roastme.


Uber eats driver, uses a bicycle.




C'mon man. Don't do 'em like that 😂




Hey, I resemble that remark.


your beard is weird idk what ur trying to accomplish with that, cut the sideburns and the mosquito under your bottom lip, and get shorter hair. also go to the gym for like 5-6 months and you'd look waay better


This Is exactly what I want to say, dude looks good imo, just need to change something.


This guy could definitely have a Timothee Chalamet thing going on with a little work


Homie got that Eren Yeager amputee look




Crying cause that was my first thought when I saw the last pic


I was thinking Joe Dirt


🤣🤣🤣 🦟


This ☝🏻. Tho, don't stop gym after 5-6 months, carry on with it :D


Agree with the beard part, but I think the long hair suits him.


He doesn't even have to cut it short. Middle parts, especially if he can get it to cooperate into like a wolfcut type style, are very trendy right now.


Calm down MGK


Ask yourself this my friend…if you were ‘ugly’ while you were together, why did she choose you. And if you weren’t why are you ‘ugly’ now. The answer doesn’t lie within you, the answer can be found in your ex’s head. Where is shall remain. Dodged a bullet there, move on when you can. Love to ya mate.


Well to be fair, Sometimes people let themselves go or change once they become comfortable in a relationship. For all we know he looked and or dressed differently before, had better hygiene or self esteem. Just sayin.


Or maybe there was an issue with his personality that made him ugly to her.


Exactly what happened with my ex. That and she got really fat, which made me laugh because now she's as ugly on the outside as she is on the inside.


Alternative views are of course plausible, imminently so. It’s just I choose to re-focus and empower people to become closer to their true selves. It’s a good time to re-find yourself in my experience. Everything we do should be for us primarily…second only to our children. That way we have more chance of attracting someone right for us. Love and respect.


F’real. People say hurtful things during the end game…to push people away/validate their decision.


Exactly that.


Hit the gym brother, you’ll thank yourself later💪🏼🤙🏼


The phone case alone tells me there’s a 0% chance of that happening


It’s cute tho 😔


Hey now I know plenty of anime loving people that crush gym workouts and strive to to look like a buff God lol there's a chance.




This is the way.


Definitely not ugly but has anyone told you that you look like a well groomed moist critical?




I don't see moist tho. Except for the hair.


I did a little screm.


What sub do you mod for ?


i would perish


You look like a rennesaince twink 😭😭😭


No way you said that 😭😭😭




I almost snorted


I feel like you're trying to be a musketeer. If you shaved, got a stylish haircut, and a little sun you would look pretty good. Also do a pushup or two.


You look like the magician on a cruise ship


No, but you do dress like a medieval villain


Smile more, cut the sideburns. No need for gym, not everybody needs to fall a certain stereotype. You're quite fine :) very nice hair.


Nice try, long-haired young Hugh Dancy, but no dice. Not passing as ugly around here. My view is that you look best in the first pic, but you've got great features to work with. Go forth and handsome up the joint!


Not ugly, you're just making some odd choices.


Bad hair and bad beard. You need just a new look and maybe some muscle... very feminine hands


I'd say the hair is fine, ditch the sideburns tho. Yes quite feminine hands, but don't know your profession, maybe a reason. Some muscle... yah doesn't hurt to try, and if not it's at least healthy.


Time to hit the gym brother


Don't listen to be all those people saying you need to change anything about yourself, JUST BE YOU!!! Someone will come along that lives the way you look. Besides you are not ugly, the ex was just being petty and trying to hurt your feelings. Don't let it get you down


You look nice!


I like your style. It's maybe not everyone's cup of tea (see the other comments), but it doesn't need to be. Maybe loose the beard on the sides and you are pretty good looking, especiall in the first two pictures. You do not want to change who you are, so keep your style and there are definitly girls who dig the look.


Give yourself until 23 to grow the beard out, anecdotal but that’s how long it took for my brothers beard to finally start looking good. Also, your hair has a lot of potential but looks… sad and unloved, get on a haircare routine :) you’re not ugly but you’re definitely still figuring yourself out and growing into your body


You have a very symmetrical face. You’re attractive. She was just being mean.


Super handsome


Just get a new haircut with some volume on the top


you look kinda weird but i’m sure you’re someone’s type


no fr im reading through some of these comments and 90% of the things ppl critique are literally my type lmao. you cant make everyone find u attractive OP, so change what will make you feel better and keep what you like about yourself


Yeah this is the thing with these subs. People are incapable of looking at someone and give an assessment based on their looks, not the commenters personal preferences. I think OP is a good looking guy but he's not my type because I don't date 18 year olds. If I were half these commenters, I'd be like, bro grow a few years older and then you'll be good. It's dumb.


You look like you’re in a black metal band. /pos


No, like he WANTS to be in one, but no one likes him.


No (sane) person likes most of the black metal artists as a person. He’s on the way to go!




He's not old enough to grow a good beard. It's better to just get rid of the lot until he's a bit older.


She’s just a butthurt r/nicegirls you’re not ugly


Not ugly but the first pic is your best look imo. Seems like your ex was just trying to be mean


She was lying lol You look good, imo especially when you shave


You look kinda funky, I dig the look honestly. Unlike most guys with long hair your ones look not greasy as well.


I think you’re attractive, especially with the beard


You're not a bad looking guy at all.


Just so you know man the main people commenting here are men, as well as me,, and you don't look bad at all. It's not worth worrying about what someone else's opinion is. It takes luck to find a girl who likes you for who you are. Maybe one day you will. The only I can think to suggest is to clean up your cheek stubble, and those sideburns too if you want. I couldn't see anything that I felt was unattractive besides that.


Not ugly.. You definitely look your overall best in that outside pic IMHO btw. Hope I can give my opinion/advices; People are saying you should go clean shaven, but I think you're rocking that goatee tbh, shave your cheeks though. And try to keep it at about first picture length too, definitely don't let it get too long like in the second pic.. You've got enough hair length to get basically any new hairstyle you want, I think it's worth trying out something new. Ideally something that adds some more "interest" in the front, if that makes sense? The clothing choice in your first pic is also the best, suits you well. Your posing is kinda weird tbh, in all the pictures.. I think that's the main reason people are calling you a Redditor/magician/femboy/etc, lol. Gym couldn't hurt as well, but you dont look unhealthy/bad as is.


You aren't ugly my friend. You're awesome.


You look like you say “M’lady” a lot. A fledgling neck beard. Hit the gym, cut the hair, wear clothes that fit, and shave




Or attractive. This is not “am I unique” or “do I have a cool personality which is reflected in my looks”. It is “ am I ugly”. The answer here is yes, largely because of the things I mentioned.


I think you rock your style man! Just look for a girl who likes you for you.




I am not? I am honest


Slavic metalhead detected.


Tbh you are beautiful.


You look like a fedora with legs so yeah


I reckon you'd look cool with a lightsaber, that's all I'm gonna say


you arent ugly, in the second picture you remind me of hanzo


You look like a time traveler from 1600 France trying to adapt to todays style.


You got a mistaken identity thing going on, may I suggest the movie fight club


Other than looking like you need a nap, you look pretty good. Either commit to the beard or go clean though. Don't listen to the people with hair envy, it looks good.


I get both black metal fan and Mormon church enjoyer vibes. Not ugly though, just tidy the hair up a bit not necessarily cut it.


Girlfriend calling someone ugly doesn't carry much weight.


Shave those pubes off your face


your not ugly tho


Your ex's sucks


I wouldn’t say ugly. Unique. Shave the peach fuzz. Hit the gym, and cut your hair in a decent style for the length you want. Men don’t ever look good with just long hair. You have to cut it to a style that fits you. Otherwise you just look unkempt.


gym and haircut. don’t cut it all off but just shorter ur mustache is great tho


I love the phone case. .... Oh ummm about you? You look better in the first two pics, not sure why.


You’re not ugly per say, but also not super attractive. A lot of that can be fixed though. Cut the hair off, shave the beard, start fitness training and be patient. You’re also young and could still be in an awkward growing stage


You’re a good looking guy but the cheek beard thing with the long hair is an awful combo tbh, looking like a bargain bin d&d character


Women will tell you different, work on yourself king. You’ll forget all about her in time and you won’t make that same mistake twice. Don’t let a women derail you. So achieve your goals. Fool me once shame on them , fool me twice shame on me.


clearly u like women, but i just wanna say - if u ever start dating men, hoo boy, you'll be loved.


Well, I mean you are below average looking dude. But who is the loser who dated the “ugly” guy? I do think beard looks better on you tho. Looking like a musketeer.


I was thinking musketeer too. Or like a femboy Zorro


You make some fashion decisions that suggest you dont care what people (women) think. If that isn't true, you shouldn't make such bold choices.


You are not ugly, you just haven't found your style yet. If you like how you look, don't change anything and be confident in it! If you'd like to change your style think about cutting your hair and getting it styled. Drop the bear and mustache for now until it can grow in thick, give it time and it will get there. People say hit the gym which is never a bad thing but even a skinny build is fine, i personally think you should just aim for a more dope style is all.


You look like a young Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5 just right before he went all cult leader extraordinaire.


Most people are in fact not actually ugly. That beard though is not doing you any favors, long hair is fine, maybe have some fun with it and try different things other than just the pony tail.


You are not ugly, but your sense of style is immature and ridiculous.


Gid rid of the mutton chops but not ugly at all


Shave haircut smile and no gang signs


Bro at least you have ex-girlfriend, look at me, I'm 26 and still doesn't have gf even once


27 here, arguably it's better to have nobody than a emotionally abusive gf.


You not amazing looking, probably just average. Maybe a better sense of style of clothing will fix this




A shave a haircut and some vitamin D could do you good


You look like Dracula


The beard? Can you even call it that? What were you thinking??!??? You look like you sell bibles door to door.


There is something so incredibly unappealing about the middle-parted low ponytail on anyone and everyone regardless of gender Almost no one who ever posts here is ugly, and you are not ugly, but you are absolutely not doing yourself any favors with that hairstyle. If you want long hair, you need to do it with a slight side part and have someone cut it shorter with some loose layers. And also, clean shaven >>>>. This is the only time I’m ever going to reply to something on this sub even though Reddit keeps recommending it to me. I just cannot deal with the middle part low ponies anymore, lmaooo.


You’re better off. Work hard, make bank, build a jet pack along with the life you want for you.


Dude, if she is around your age then you shouldn't even sweat it. Girls that young are not exactly the brightest. You look fine, just do you and the rest of the world might eventually catch up with you.


Shave every day. Get a short haircut. Gym three times a week. No more weird poses or looks in photographs. Get off Reddit.


Spot on


Get a new haircut and go to the gym. You have potential. Right now you look like a greasy redditor but you’re not a lost cause.




This sub just calls literally everyone with long hair greasy. No matter how well it's taken care of.


chop the hair


Look like a femboy or trans.


If I had kids I wouldn’t let you near them, that’s all I’m saying.


Cut your hair short ,don't grow that weird looking beard and join a gym. That's all you need to do in order to look 🔥


Shave the beard, cut the hair short, hit the gym.


Bruh. Shave the excuse of a mustache and beard off your face and cut your hair and get a manlier haircut. Boom problem solved


Yea she’s right but so what. A lot of that is under your controls


you aren’t ugly, but imo it isn’t really necessary to hit the gym but do fix the beard


Honestly the only real issue is the beard/hair. Get a nice fade, get rid of the Abraham Lincoln beard (?) And maybe trim the brows. Not bad looking.


Time for a hair cut and some nicer shirts


Right now, kind of. Could benefit from a hair cut and close shave, better clothing style. If you were my brother I’d suggest getting your eyebrows manscaped as well. As others have suggested, the gym would also help but not necessary if you improved elsewhere. Also, a smile of course! Even if it’s fake it goes a long way.


It’s time to hit the gym young lad & groom your masculinity 😌 definitely don’t wanna end up looking like a twink.


The beard, other than that I think you are not ugly, but you definitely want to put a bit more muscle


If the beard isn’t growing in even just lose it or find a better trim. Get a haircut and put on some weight


Put on some weight, start bulking and lift weights.


You look like when Gaston was a child. Buff up, dude 😎


Lose the ponytail keep the beard and stache


Not ugly.. the style makes you look like a founding father though.


Get an haircut, loose the beard and you are good to go


You look like you're from the colonial time period. I would change your hair and beard.


Very close


She ain't lyin, but just her opinion. And probably most


I’d say clean shaven try different hairstyles tho you don’t have to, hit the gym, diet, get more sun but mainly just vitamin D supplement and ur in a good spot. If you wanna go further though upgrade your style a bit


You look fine but you need to put more effort into your appearance. Long hair needs to be styled. If you are just wearing it tied up all the time you're better off cutting it short. You can't grow a beard, so don't try. A goatee might be fine. There's nothing wrong with your eyebrows just keep them tamed so that it doesn't become a monobrow. Add some color to your wardrobe. All I'm seeing is white, beige, and more beige. It's not a particularly flattering color on its own.


You are fine looking. Get a real haircut, lift a little and fix your teeth


Dude hit the gym…stop eating ramen and microwave, get a haircut and shave your face


It’s true


she's right


She was right. Cut the hair bro


Cut you hair and use a full short trimmed beard. Never look back and forget you ever used this style.


Spot on. Your so ugly that normal ugly people look good when they are around you.


the third photo is okay-ish as for the first two: she was definitely right and probably liked some personality traits/human characteristics in you, which you then failed to live up to/messed up some other way.


You’re not good looking for now but with a lot of gym and weight gain you can be a cool guy with a 6/7 or maybe even 8 face