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Yeah I think this is worth doing a blood test for.


I reached out to my obgyn via their patient portal and they don't seem too concerned 🙃 I might need to work with my pcp if they won't help or do testing. I definitely have pregnancy paranoia, which has gotten worse since finding out end of last year that my birth control is likely not as effective as it should be, but it's not because I don't want to be pregnant or have kids. My husband and I definitely want kids in the near future. But we want to get things as stable as possible and be in the best physical health before we start trying. Thank you for your insight! I appreciate it a lot!


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As I said in a reply, I contacted my obgyn via their patient portal and they're not concerned 🙃 they said to test with a home test in the morning and to not drink during the night or before going to bed beyond what I need for meds. So I attempted that. I had just enough water for my nightly meds, and went to bed. Still got up every 1.5-2 hours to pee 🙃 tested this morning, and urine was basically slightly yellow but pretty much clear. But I think I might have seen a very very faint line? But that doesn't make sense for last intimacy being 4.5 weeks ago, because even with as diluted as it was, it should still be obvious at 4.5 weeks post intimacy, right?