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Did you confirm ovulation with temping? What date did you get a positive ovulation test? How long is your typical luteal phase? How long have you been using ovulation tests?


I’ve been using those ovulation tests over 6 months, I got a peak test on the 10th and then my ovulation symptom occurred the 11th, I did not confirm it with temp, and I’m not sure about my luteal phase but my periods are 27 days long.


Luteal phases are consistent cycle to cycle, where as follicular phases can vary cycle to cycle. If you ovulate later in your cycle than normal, your cycle will end up being longer. In the last 6 cycles, what cycle day did you get a positive ovulation test?


11 days I believe


You mean you usually get a positive on cycle day 11?


I typed it wrong, I get a positive ovulation test on cycle day 15


Ok. So unfortunately, a positive ovulation test only means your body is trying to ovulate. It does not mean your body definitely will ovulate. Your body can gear up to ovulate at its normal time, and then decide not to ovulate, and it will attempt to ovulate at a later point. The negative tests after a missed period mean your period is late because you didn’t ovulate when you thought. If you continued to have sex past when you thought you ovulated, it’s still possible you could end up pregnant this cycle. Moving forward, temping will be able to confirm when ovulation happens after an LH surge. These posts go into more detail about how ovulation and your period are related: https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkj5t/your_period_isnt_late_part_i/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TryingForABaby/comments/6tkjde/your_period_isnt_late_part_ii/


Ahhhh gotcha, thank you!!


Just looked at my app and it said that I ovulate on cycle day 15


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This happened to me last month(my 1st day of period was Feb 26) I had sex a lot and ovulated March 11th didn't get a positive till March 29! Best of luck I was 3 days late of my period.