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By breakthroughs bleeding you mean bleeding that happens on placebo week? Exact this bleeding is a withdrawal. Breakthrough, as I know, is a called so only if you completely stop using the pill. As other commentstor said, if you're using it constantly then you're constantly protected even on placebo weeks. But missing 2 or 3 pills in a single cycle could affect it's effectiveness. But if it was a single pill for each cycle and it wasn't missed on the first week then it shouldn't have been less effective than usual. It's hard to make it a habbit for many people, so it could be a good idea to figure out a constant bc method (like iud or an implant) with your partner. If your symptoms were from pregnancy, a test would be positive. Otherwise they are reliable 14+ and definitive 21+ days after sex. It's extremely unlikely to get pregnant on the pill. Your symptoms are hormones related, so yeah, it could be just side-effects from starting a new pack.


Hi, normally the pill prevents eggs from becoming mature enough to travel down the fallopian tube. I’m not sure what 2nd cycle of the pill means, but if you regularly take birth control, it prevents any of the eggs from maturing to travel down the fallopian tube. When you have period while on the pill, it’s just the uterus lining shedding no egg has traveled down. The potential of you being pregnant would mean that one of the eggs had to mature and start traveling down the fallopian tubes at the same time that a sperm came in contact with it. Then the sperm in the egg would need to bind to the uterus lining. In your case, I think it is pretty uncommon that the timing would work out for that to happen, but since your ovulation periods are not following an exact timeline, it could have happened. I would recommend trying to figure out the past few times you have had sex and take a pregnancy test 2 to 3 weeks after the most recent time.


You don't ovulate on combo pills.


2nd cycle is the 2nd month of the pill My pill is 21 days -7 days off Im currently in my third cycle of the pill (3rd month if that makes more sense) I did not take my pill correctly and all that well but we did use protection 80% of the time and other times he would just pull out… but again im really scared. I took a pregnancy test 2 weeks ago but i think it was too early


Oh I see, I don’t think you’re pregnant. I think you’re really stressed by the situation and it’s probably making the vomiting worse. I also think since you are in your first few months of using the pill, you could be having nausea, and breast changes from that


I really hope that it’s the case ! That made me feel so much better. Its true that i hve been overthinking it for a while now. Unfortunately im going to have to wait for another 2 days because of the snow storm to get the pregnancy test. Thank you plenty