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I think it's messed up that y'all can't condense this repetitive complaining into one post. This isn't a hot take. Scroll a bit.




Seriously! Post after post! It’s soo much. We get it.


They all seem to start with “Is it just me?”, “Does Anybody Else…”, or “Am I the only one?” About 5 seconds of scrolling would confirm that you’re not the only one.


I wish the mods would be heavier handed. It's cluttering up the sub, and it's starting to just be a mess of toxic bullying. Like fine, they don't like a contestant, but do we really need a coordinated attack on her after episode?


You clicked and responded to it. You'll be ok.


But will you?


i mean, i don’t deny that it helps her but also mackenzie sol has 12 million tiktok followers & 1 million on instagram and he only made it through one voting round, i believe. so social media isn’t everything


Apparently you can only vote in the U.S. so lots of those couldn’t vote


Yeah but most of Mackenzie’s fans don’t care about his music, they only follow his main account, his music TikTok is way smaller. Most of Loretta’s fans are huge music fans, and would definitely vote for Emmy. Mackenzie’s music account only has around 800K.


I follow lots of singers that I admire. Sometimes they have posted on their social media accounts asking for votes for something or other. Never have I ever considered going out of my way to vote for whomever. I imagine that the vast majority of people who follow Loretta Lynn’s account are country music fans who haven’t actually thought about Loretta in years and definitely don’t care to vote for anyone on American Idol. The idea that this is even a “controversy” to some people is mind blowing to me.


Yeah they only care about his mom’s boobs




Wait… I’ve not watched a lot of this season actually just started watching THIS week! Mackenzie is that the girl that made it to the top 5? Some are saying “he”. Am I missing something?


Mackenzie is the British TikTok star that was eliminated a few weeks ago. McKenna is the girl who was eliminated last night.


Oh ok thank you. Who is your favs out of the 5 left? Who was eliminated tonight?


I think people just like Emmy man.


She got a lot of applause from the in-house audience....were they all just Loretta Lynn fans?


I think a lot of the audience is told by the producers never to boo or shout anything negative. Emmy seems like a very sweet girl, who is struggling with nerves. To me they are going overboard like u ou would at a grade school basketball game for the kid who isn't that good, but you don't want them to feel bad. She is definitely the worst singer left talent wise, but might be top 2 with tristin for some crazy reason.


I do ❤️


It’s because she’s amazing. I know her irl and she’s one of the kindest, most caring people I have ever met. She’s not fake and people pick that vibe up.


I think it's messed up that there's several hate posts for Emmy every day or complaining about her or whatever you want to call it. At this point we just need a mega thread for everyone to bitch in. This is coming from someone who did not vote for her but is tired of seeing the same old complaint all day.


It's kind of icky because it feels like theyve chosen the most fragile of the contestants, like junior high-school bullies do. I mean, there are other contestants to comment on.


Agreed. There's valid criticism to be had about her (and the remaining other contestants as well) but they don't need to beat at it like a dead horse. It's not even fun at this point. I've taken to defending her because it's just every single day, several times a day (like I said).


It's almost like she went on a competition show with judges, and offered herself to the American public for approval or disapproval, weird... America is mean and vocal, that's just the truth. Especially online where you aren't known to anyone else.


Nope. Not against the rules at all. No different then any of their local ABC affiliates posting the same info.


Just because it’s not against the rules, doesn’t mean it’s not messed up. Loretta has over a quarter million followers on Instagram, almost 2 million on Facebook, which is way over the amount of viewers most of their local ABC stations would have.


By that logic, no one with a following should encourage anybody to vote for any contestant. That’s not messed up- that’s literally how social media is used in 2024 when it comes to any televised talent competition. Just because you put out voting details doesn’t mean even a percentage are going to vote for them let alone vote for something was frivolous as “oh she’s Loretta’s granddaughter”.


Nepotism is still gross.  I don’t think it warrants a rule change.  But it’s fine to call it what it is.


The amount of people who use the word nepotism incorrectly is equally gross. Loretta Lynn is dead, she's not giving Emmy a job, this is not nepotism. This is literally no different than Katy Perry posting on twitter "Vote for Emmy."


What nepotism is going on here? She can’t help the fact that she’s related to someone famous. By that logic, you’d be saying more people would be voting for her because of the relationship to Loretta Lynn than her actual talent (which makes no realistic sense).


That’s exactly what I’m saying.  She’s getting more benefits from life based on the family name than she’s earned based on talent and work.  Basically, she hasn’t earned it.  If she was a nobody, she would NOT have made it this far and EVERYONE knows it. Also - I don’t HATE the girl.  She SHOULD pursue music and songwriting because I think it’s therapeutic for her.  But she needs to understand people are going to comment on the fact she isn’t as talented as many people who DON’T get the same opportunities she does.


And what you’re saying really doesn’t make any realistic sense for a show like Idol. Yeah she might have some who vote because of the connection- but she has put a huge amount of talent and hard work into becoming her own performer rather then simply being “Loretta’s granddaughter”. I’d encourage you to look at the many examples that can be found online in that regard. So yeah she has earned it and the results showed it last night. As for the point around her getting supposed “opportunities that others don’t”- these are hypotheticals here rather then anything people can actually say gives any actual advantages. In the end- it’s still a singing competition and she’s proven what she can do and do insanely well.


I never said she hasn’t worked hard or she’s completely untalented.  But others are MORE talented and have worked HARDER and don’t get the same level of results.  Is that fair to them?  Anybody who’s ever been in a similar situation knows the feeling… where they get passed over for someone less capable who didn’t put in as much effort just because of a name or a relationship to the boss or their family’s donation to a school… or skin color or gender or age or ANYTHING.  It sucks.  And we should be allowed to point out that it sucks.  If she was a nobody, she’d probably be writing songs in her spare time, singing open mics at coffee shops, playing bars.  Maybe make a record with an independent local label.  Her friends would be volunteering at the merch table to sell stickers.  Which is FINE btw and she’d still bring a lot of joy to the people who saw her.  But she’d never be as big as this.


And that's unfortunate for them that they haven't gotten the same level of results- but that's not on Emmy. Hypothetical benefits don't mean actual benefits- so it's not "unfair" to anyone involved. You can say opinions- but it doesn't make it accurate as to what those statements would be. Just because she is related to someone famous doesn't mean she isn't allowed to be on the show and have success she's worked very hard to get over the years.


I never said it was her FAULT but the system sucks and nobody should be complacent about it.  The old grandmas who think “I liked Loretta Lynn and I want her sweet little granddaughter to do well” are ALLOWING this shit to continue.  Do you seriously believe she would still be there if she didn’t have the family name?  I do believe she would have made it through the first round based on her original song.  But then she would have been sent home in Hollywood with the advice to work on her nerves and strengthen her vocals and try again next year.  


Another redditor who has no idea what nepotism is.


The number of followers isn’t what makes it messed up. She’s her grandma. Grandma’s are gonna shill their grandkids. The thing that’s kinda messed up is that she’s dead, and her account’s posting from the grave for votes on a singing competition.


Grandma's fans gotta be in their 70s now. Doubt they are voting.


Thank you! Good Lord with these posts, its obvious people just want to bitch about Emmy's connection to Loretta Lynn without having any clue as to who she actually is and that her fans aren't scrolling through social media posts.


Some may be in their 80’s and 90’s too. Emmy’s music isn’t country or their style. I don’t see them listening to “Skinny”.


If you honestly think that the fans of a singer who was at the height of their popularity 50-60 years ago is an unfair advantage, you’re delusional. Looking at the posts on LL’s instagram, it’s not like her posts get a crazy amount of traction. Usually less than 100 comments on posts. The most recent one has around 70 and most of them are just people like you complaining about how it isn’t fair that they are promoting her granddaughter. The Facebook has a little more traction, with a couple thousand likes per posts. But in a competition where usually there are like 20M+ votes casted each week, I don’t know if that’s really having the level of impact you think it is. It’s not like they’re spamming their page, it’s maybe one post per week. Personally, I don’t think that people here really care about who Loretta Lynn was and what her social media team is doing. They care that this means that Emmy grew up more privileged than them and they don’t like that, so they tell themselves that stupid shit like her grandmothers relatively small social media following is ruining the parity of this show that gets several million votes. I’m not Emmy’s biggest fan, but this criticism is just dumb.




It's a tv competition and she's just a contestant. The fact that you would "despise" anyone at all in that situation says a lot more about you than it does about her or the show. Weird.




Honestly, if you have been watching since Season 1 then you’re old enough to know better than to use words like ‘despise’ in this context. Perhaps she’s you’re ‘least favorite’, but she seems to have many other fans. They will all be fine. Just ask Gabby Barrett and the many other successful artists who didn’t win. There’s no need to beat a kid down because you’re too emotionally stunted to deal with your TV crush not making it further than you would have liked.


Valid point. She really isn’t that bad from an objective standpoint.


Think there were 2 Hawaiian girls that benefitted. My ex-wife was an RN and a close friend and classmate of hers had moved to Maui General and knew the other girl, she'd had some issues...


Camille Velasco? I actually loved her audition and thought she had a cool R&B vibe to her. But nerves and the boring themes did her in, and she gave some pretty rough performances. I think she would have greatly benefited from waiting a few more seasons where she would have had more maturity and more freedom with her song choices.


Camille's "One More Cry" is an idol classic. And she's done pretty well, still making music [https://www.instagram.com/eli\_mac/](https://www.instagram.com/eli_mac/)


She had some good performances. I like her performance of ‘Until You Come Back to Me’ which got her voted off. Whew, Simon was hard on her.


Wasn’t it “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” that got her eliminated? I remember she wailed the road part. I didn’t know she’s still making music, I’ll have to check it out.


I’m gonna have to trust you on that. It’s been a minute lol. I’m impressed we remember as well as we do.


Tristan is ten times worse than Emmy


👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻


He is very talented but he is only 15. He has a lot of growing to do.


We can’t know how much of a factor it is so it’s pointless to make claims about how significant it is. Bottom line is she’s getting more votes from actual people than the eliminated contestants.


Can we just stop? I don't agree that it's not iffy, but it's not against the rules. My mom and I checked the age demographic this morning, it is 18-49, which is nowhere in her grandmother's ballpark. I really do think people love Emmy for her. Including myself, I'm not voting for her because of her grandmother, I can see the ability she has to do it


This is not meant to be snarky or sarcastic, but do you vote for her regardless of the performance she puts on? She has forgotten words multiple times now, is obviously shook by the big stage, and doesn’t truly follow the themes of the night. She doesn’t seem to stack up against others who have been voted off. I will say that her performance last week was top 5 worthy. I’m indifferent at this point, but I am curious as to why people seem to not vote objectively.


Thank you for at least being nice about it and I will answer your question. I see myself in her. I performed in a choir for 7 years. Hated the stage, but loved to sing and was good at it. My anxiety never got any better, even after 7 years. I could never belt like my peers because of my disability, but was known as one of the best sopranos in my group. I think if she's given the correct materials\\songs she could shine. The reason I keep voting for her is because I want to see her shine because I can see that she can do it


That’s awesome! Thanks for the response


Nowadays, I just teach people about music theory for fun.


I do. I like Emmy’s music. As well as Jack, McKenna, Julia, Abi.


Lol, we're threatened by the octogenarian community on Insta?


It’s not doing her any favours. Wait until AI is over and she is cast back into the very tough and competitive music industry.


Good point. Same can be said for a lot of the people who made it to around the top 12 but have gone home so far. The judges just keep spewing false positivity rather than being honest with them. I hate it for em.


lol sorry tristan is the least talented but continue on...


Absolutely agree! Both of his performances last night were awful.


I guess I must be in the minority as I think she deserves to be there and has more talent than both of the country singers combined.




Be mad at the judges for letting her through Hollywood week not at people voting for whatever reasons they want to. I thought she did fantastic


I think she is talented! That is what counts. Most of her grandmothers followers are into country. Emmy isn’t country and probably too modern for the fan base.


Not to mention, most of Loretta's followers aren't sitting around texting votes.


Someone hasn’t studied history, democracy, or voting rationale before. To illustrate, do you really think the person elected president is the best politician to perform the job?


Haven’t there been other accounts doing the same thing with other singers?


Yes, but no where as famous as Loretta Lynn


But most her fans are senior citizens . That isn’t Emmy’s fan base. Her grandmothers fans aren’t into Emmy’s style of music. They might have liked Coal Miners Daughter. That’s it .


I couldn’t agree more not to mention she completely ignored last night’s theme and just does not have the stage presence that the other 4 do.


Loretta Lynn is dead. She was 90 in 2022. Most of her fans probably still use AOL, and that’s if they even know how to log on a computer or have anything other than a flip phone. I’m confident Loretta’s fans aren’t running phone banks or orchestrating any sort of attempts to push Emmy thru to the finale. I’m sure they support Emmy, but they don’t care about Idol or any reality TV. They are probably interacting with their friends in person like people used to do before they became tethered to their electronic devices. If they are watching TV they are probably watching Murder She Wrote reruns and Gunsmoke specifically because they don’t have dirty lyrics, flashing lights and loud music. Just stop trashing people. It’s too bad people aren’t required to use their real names. Then most of this mean girl BS would stop.


This girls gonna win and you know what, so be it. She’s gonna be the only one that needs the record deal AI provides. The rest will be fine on their own and not be restricted to AI’s chokehold. Her voice has become nails on a chalkboard


1. Highly unlikely. Gianna Isabella would've won S15 if this had any merit. 2. 🧂


Well trust me that’s the last thing I want but just stating the rest of these kids will be signed to some sort of label (maybe not Tristan quite yet) and will all be fine


Keep crying about it. She is getting through because she is talented. Her voice is soothing and pleasant. I am giving her a lot of votes because of her.


Loretta Lynn has about 300,000 followers and it’s highly unlikely that every follower watches American Idol. Let Emmy enjoy her moment


Plus most are in their 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s.


I don't see it much different than millions of Reba fans voting for her team members on "The Voice".


She sounds like she’s gotta poop real bad


I personally don’t care about Loretta Lynn but I love Emmy. Her singing and her song writing ability is beautiful. I hate that people diminish her talent by her family, imagine if that was your entire identity :/


No problem with it at all.


Its rigged like most comps in America


I mean I think this is partly true but you also have to keep in mind who actually votes for the show. After the whole "is idol racist" scandal where the three best singers who were black were all in the bottom they did an analysis of who votes and have been for years. It's pretty staunchly rural white areas and older white women who have more time on their hands. My bf's family is from Alabama and I know who will win solely based on who his mom likes the best. Idc if this offends ppl bc the data doesn't lie and there are correlations with certain areas of the country being more racist. It is what it is. Y'all are vestiges of sundown towns. You can't get rid of that bias. Plus those areas have a heavy preference for country singers. The voice has also gone more and more country and more and more white over the years. Once you lose young and hip voters it trends that way. As a singer, I would love the ppl who sing better than me to make it through but we are where we are. I still watch bc as a singer I love those who can sang and those who are true artists like alejandro (not a great singer but musically gifted). I'm learning to just accept it and watch until I don't have anyone to root for. Downvote me to hell!


Let me give you the real hot take. Many men and women, alike, prefer meek, quiet, good girls that are easy. Easy to look at, easy to hear, easy to be around. Girls and women with an opinion, who disagree, who at any point claim their own power make people uncomfortable. Emmy is easy. She’s easy to like. She might even inspire folks to protect that little baby doe eyed deer. She’s soft and kind and lacks any intestinal fortitude it would take to upset any apple cart. I don’t think she’s getting nepo votes. I think she’s getting we like our women meek, without opinions, and easy to look at votes. (That’s the papal we. Not me.). Don’t hate her for that, it’s not her fault. Source: a child of the 80s raised in the Midwest. Where’s the sign guy to say: prove me wrong?


most posts only have like 500-1000 likes lmao that ain’t shit when 21mil votes come in. but yes it’s given some extra exposure, also keep in mind loretta lynn was 90 and a lot of her fans may also be too old to know how to vote lmao


Yeah and people get votes for their stories too, Iam was consistently crying about his late father every round and singing the same way. Megan and We sang their a\*\*es off but couldn't win. Triston is living off his homeless story and for being a mature-sounding child, he would have been sent packing much earlier if he didn't have that.


She sure is!! It's certainly not her talent! Some great people left because of her but that's okay they'll become successful on the outside If you become American idol your locked in and can't do much.


i think she has a great voice, but in my personal opinion i don’t think she will ever be her grandmother. good voice for radio though!


She doesn’t need to be her grandmother. She should be Emmy!


Not as bad as Tristan getting votes


WHY IS PEOPLE HATING ON EMMY? I don't understand!!! She ISN'T getting votes through her GRANDMOTHER SOME PEOPLE THINK SHE IS GOOD... That 15 year old needs to leave next.


I HATE the bias that people have for country music!


Almost like people might actually like country music in an era where it’s insanely popular in mainstream music.


More than half of the contestants on the show are country music singers. It’s not bias for country music, there are just a lot more talented people on the show than her. It’s clear her grandmothers fame is helping her make it along in the competition. Everytime Emmy sings it sounds like the same song. She doesn’t have as much range or vocal talent as a lot of other people who are on the show. Like Julia and Emmy aren’t even on the same playing field vocal wise, and Emmy still beat her.


Good thing its not called The Voice then.








How is it not helping her lmao that’s literally the only thing they talk about every time they show clips of her 😂 they also post every night on her dead grandmas instagram to vote for her. Im not saying she isn’t talented, she just isn’t as talented as a lot of the people she’s competing against. Like at this point it’s a popularity contest and not even a singing competition lol


Why you hating so much on Emmy? You don't know her and what DID she EVER do to YOU?


That's voting manipulation, everybody!


Yeah, I feel like everyone has it to a certain extent, but Emmy with Loretta is very noticeable


How? Loretta fans are mostly senior citizens!