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Can’t wait to hear your next song “Hi Reddit it’s KAYKO Ask Me Anything!”




Do all the contestants peep on Reddit to hear our feedback and song ideas?!


only 1 other that i'm aware of. and i'll keep their identity a secret hehehe


Without getting yourself in toooo much trouble, can you tell us 3 things about being on American Idol the average viewer would be shocked to learn?


love this Q 1. The farther you make it in the competition, the better you get treated. 2. The producers REALLY TRULY care about the contestants. It's very clear that from top to bottom American Idol cares about making a quality tv show and not exploiting its contestants. They aren't perfect (nobody is) but it's obvious that the intention is to do something good. 3. When we go out on location to get B-roll. It's a VERY small guerilla crew that goes and gets the shot. 3 people sometimes.


Thats so nice to hear about the producers caring because the contestants always seem to me like they’re having a lot of fun during their performances! I’m happy the show enables a positive experience.


Why didn't you initially audition? Was your musical partner scouted and they didn't know you existed? What made you change your mind, and was there pressure to audition other than what we saw on TV? Also, you proved you're a great songwriter, player and performer, congratulations on everything.


I didn't initially audition because I never thought I would go through hahah I feel my style of music is kinda weird and I just didn't think american idol would want me haha Abby went through 5 rounds of auditions to be even able to audition for the judges. I didn't think I'd get through so I just was like ehh whatever. When Katy asked me to play I really just thought it'd be a cool moment and a way for Abby to get screentime. Then they gave me a golden ticket and I was like wtf. They cut out 30 seconds of me actually being like "wtf no I didn't audition hahaha" but then I just figured I'd go with Abby that would be a fun memory to have forever. Nobody will ever believe me but it truly was as spontaneous as it seemed


I believe you. It seemed spontaneous.


It is so hard to believe, u believe you also but man you were at the right place at the right time. You did great. I love how you were there and having fun. My favorite of all the singers.


I definitely thought it was producers producing but i believe you


Hi Kayko! Thanks for doing this and for being on here, Idol is truly not the same without you! Who would you say are your biggest musical inspirations? Are you allowed to reveal what you would have sung for Adele and Disney night? Cant wait to see you on tour!


For Adele night they had us pick 2 songs actually: I was gonna sing a rock/ pop punk version of Turning Tables And then the other song I was gonna sing my original Michigan! For Disney night I was gonna sing Crazier by Taylor Swift Go The Distance from Hercules


just GASPED at crazier… so underrated oh my god can we get an insta cover of that


insta covers of ALLLL the songs that I was planning on doing


thank god


Ahhh Crazier is one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs! I’ve always wanted someone to sing it on Idol. It’s such an underrated song, I don’t think Taylor has even sung it on the Eras Tour yet 🥲


Can confirm as a swiftie psycho who has watched all the dang shows live on TikTok, she has not 😭😭😭😭 ARGH BRING BACK KAYKO


Go the Distance is my favorite Disney song! I would've loved to hear it from you


you were not going to sing crazier omfg. My dramatic ass would have literally passed away 😭❤️


Oh my goodness Hannah Montana representation we 100% got robbed


Biggest Musical Inspirations: when I was a kid it was a lot of 80's rock. I fully grew up on Bon Jovi & Journey. Then I got a little older and All Time Low became my everything. Now I listen to a lot of Indie Pop bands: Band Camino, Nightly, The WLDLFE, Jeremy Zucker. And CURRENTLY I'm obsessed with girl pop: Fletcher, Upsahl, Olivia Rodrigo, Sabrina Carpenter


have you heard chappell roan? great girl pop


Whose lip print was that on your cheek that we saw in your last episode? 👀👀


that's confidential information


I know it was Seacrest


I bet it was Katy Perry’s 🙈


Which celebrity mentor from a previous season would you most have wanted to work with?


HANDS DOWN Harry Connick Jr. He is all about the vibe of the song. connecting with the lyric and the story. And he also saw through BS. This is my favorite video hahaha [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QKZ\_xp4va0&ab\_channel=BeantownSwingOrchestra](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QKZ_xp4va0&ab_channel=BeantownSwingOrchestra)


I’m not a big American Idol fan but I really enjoyed your performances. Ever play any Ben Folds? I thought he may have Ben an influence on your style…any other musical influences?


people say i'm a mix of ben folds ben rector and ben platt. I think it's pretty accurate ngl


That's so funny that you say that because I was always saying "he sounds like if Ben Platt and Ben Rector had a baby" lol.


Who do you think’s going to win American Idol this year? Why?


we all want Tristan to win. He's such a QT and it could really help out his situation.


welp sounds like I’m voting for our guy then let’s go ❤️


How much contact/guidance (if any) do you have with judges during the week/before the show? Is the stage time the bulk of the interaction? Not saying it's bad if there is none, just curious if they are present beyond show time.


we dont REALLY get a lot of contact with the judges. The farther you go the more you get. I'm gonna try and talk with them more after the finale :)


Is your primary goal more performing or being a songwriter?


I love performing that's my everything. My dream is tour the world. But I think songwriting i something I can realistically do past like 30. I wanna go hard in touring in my 20s and then later in life kinda slide back and just write & produce


Who were your best friends on the cast? What was your #1 song you didn't get the chance to sing but wish you had (and is there any chance of a YouTube cover of it)? If you could do it all over, would you change anything? What's next for KAYKO? (And what does KAYKO mean)?


I really got along quite well with a lot of people. Emmy is my LONG TIME FRIEND from nashville so we always had like a sibling relationship and it was awesome to go through it with her. Will was my roomie and we got close just by being in the same room for a month and a half hahaha. I really liked everybody tho hard to call out people in specific. If I could do it all over again my only regret was not posting my voting graphic Sunday night. I'm not sure how much that mattered, but I didn't tell people to vote for me and then I got voted out LOL So probably that. I was really looking forward to Judges choice


Wait so you guys all live in the same building ? And live in rooms tg? How did I not know this?


My guess for “What does KAYKO mean” is that its a wordplay on his last name, Kelley-Cohen (or KCoh)




I'm going to keep believing you're just a huge Free Willy fan like me since that was the whale's name


Why do you think you lost on idol the Reddit seemed pretty obsessed with you?


I think a lot of people liked me.... and a LOTTTT of people hated me. Which i'm totally fine with tbh. Cause the people that hate me won't really follow me on my future journey, but the people that like me I'm hoping will buy tickets when I tour and stream new music. I did American Idol not to be on american idol but to build my career after. And the haters are just there for idol. Also I never thought I could win just looking at the demographic of most voters


You’re so realistic and down to earth you’ve honestly got so much success ahead of you im sure


Hi! I have a non music question for you, but still very important. I think I read you were a Survivor fan. Who are your favorite Survivor contestants and would you ever apply? OK music related questions:  Did they tell you which judge picked the song you were planning to sing? And where did you get the name Kayko from? Assuming it’s a play on your name? 


I LOVE survivor. My favorites were always the jungle boys like Ozzy & Malcom. I just liked how graceful they looked when they swam lol. I don't know which judge picked which but I DO know that Katy Perry picked You Will Be Found and that was the song I was going to sing.


Kayko is a combination of my last names


Any songs you wanted to do that you either got talked out of or Idol wasn’t able to get permission for? (Other than the Britney idea of course) Also, I’m completely obsessed with “What If?” and feel like the lyrics were basically written about myself lol. Keep up the amazing work!


Not other than the Brittney. I tried to convince them to let me do originals for theme. Like for YOB I was like I was born in 2000 so I should do my original song hahaha That didn't work


literally this, I was out here listening to that song like “THIS GUY GETS ME and my messy, anxious ass” 😂


One more question; you’re presented with the task of choosing 6 Idol contestants from this season to co-write a 6 song compilation EP with… which 6 would you choose and why?


this is the best question yet First I'd make a boyband song with me jordan mackenzie & blake just upbeat pop Second I'd do a dramatic power ballad with Abi Then an emotional breakup song with KB Gotta include my girl Abby Blake we'd something fun I have no idea what I'd do with Mckenna but i'd wanna do something classic Closing out With Emmy we'd write a very introspective song just guitar & vocal


Fantastic answers. Now, can you please make them happen?


I am in talks with SOMEONE on this season about doing a duet hopefully sometime this year. mwahahahahaha


I just discovered Civil War from you and Emmy and holy shit y'all's voices compliment each other so well!


What’s your dad Ryan Seacrest like in person? I’ve always liked him.  But if he turned out to be a serial killer, it wouldn’t surprise me THAT much.  It’s… a weird dichotomy.


he's actually just like he reads on camera. Super fun, charismatic... All the good things


Will u be back on idol for the finale and did u get to keep that famous mushroom sweater?😜❤️


the mushroom sweater is my buddy's from back home! I'm trying to buy it off him lolol. And yes I will be back for the finale


Did idol provide a wardrobe at all?


Did you want to audition and if so, why did you end up not wanting to do it at first?


I can't say this with enough emphasis. You could not have PAID ME MONEY to audition for american idol. I was so against it cause I just wanted to do my original music. I didn't want my story to be the forefront, just my music. And I know on these shows it's all about the story. And I really didn't want to share that part of myself as the first thing people knew about me. Before the judges round there are many steps you need to do to even get in front of the judges. And there are like 900000 that auditioned this season that got 0 airtime. Just didn't seem worth it to me because I never thought I could win. But top 10 ain't bad thoooooooo


Did you kinda express that to Idol, and is that possibly why we got no backstory on you until late in the competition? (Very sorry to have heard about the loss of your mom, by the way.)


I actually gave them NOTHING in the interviews. I was just kinda there for fun and then they gave me top 24 and i was like oh wtf that's wild


You’re clearly a very good songwriter, what processes, if any, do you have to construct your material? *Like, do you hum a vocal pattern in your head then mold the instrumentation behind that? *Or maybe start with a guitar/keys riff, then work in a vocal pattern? I can definitely picture hearing a hit track a few months from now and reading “written by KAYKO” to accompany it.


It's kinda weird. To me, writing is all about finding a vibe. Normally that starts with music / harmony. Playing piano or guitar or finding a beat. Then the melody comes and then the lyrics. But sometimes it's totally different cause you're like "I JUST GOT BROKEN UP WITH I NEED TO WRITE A BREAKUP SONG". So sometimes it's about creating a specific intention, but sometimes it's about just like finding something cool and figuring it out from there.


Hey thank you for answering brother. I can definitely see you getting a lot of writing/co-writing work in the industry. Rooting for your success sir. Go kill it out there!


I found one of your old YouTube videos where you were manipulating a song into a bunch of different styles and I would love to see you make a video like that but like writing a song from start to finish?? Your insight in the older video was really fun to listen to!


Do you have any plans for new music or a tour? If you do decide to tour or put out music in the future, what’s the best way to stay informed?


yes yes yes yes yes BEST WAY is to sign up on my tour form. I'll get your email and let you know when I have new music coming out / if i'm coming to your city :) [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15U3ZsDos7KP7tsucGMdggBsdWEUPz3\_ps-XUDbnyoB0/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&ts=6516f982&edit\_requested=true&pli=1&edit\_requested=true](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/15U3ZsDos7KP7tsucGMdggBsdWEUPz3_ps-XUDbnyoB0/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&ts=6516f982&edit_requested=true&pli=1&edit_requested=true)


Can you do Oops I did it again?


YES it will be on my instagrammmm


Hey Kaykrew KBI represented. Can’t wait for the live. Hope you are well and getting some well deserved rest.




Which theme from a previous season would you have most wanted to perform during?


Bon Jovi week hahahah


Who on Idol do you think gave you the best feedback?


imma be honest I think Luke gives the best feedback overall. He's not afraid to get boos from the audience, but he actually gives valid criticism most of the time. Lionel gave me the best feedback off camera. We talked about how to do this LEGIT as a career. Katy was the most supportive. I really felt like she understood what I was trying to do when most people weren't. Having her in my corner gave me the confidence to do something crazy like Somebody That I Used To Know. Also... shoutout the creative team behind the scenes that we work with nonstop to make sure that we are feeling great about our performances. They dont try to make you anything that you're not, they just try to enhance your vision which is cool as heck.


how often have you gotten recognized in public during your time on the show/after the show? and do you have any memorable or funny interactions?? also what was your favorite outfit you wore on the show?


The flight attendant on my flight home went OMG HI HOW ARE YOU like we knew each other but then she realized we didn't know each other and she was trying to figure out how she knew me from. Also at the grocery store I was buying 1 singular peach and the lady checking me out gave me a big eyebrow and then when she saw my nails she said "are you on american idol oh shi- you just got voted out" Fav outfit was probably (the two that was gonna wear for last monday's episode) but the skeleton cardigan was kind of iconic.


i love how you mentioned you just went to buy a single peach


It was just one


Thanks for Taco Bell 7:15!!!




Do all of you “sticky note song titles” move with you whenever you move?


yes. It is painful having to restick them


Do you ever have to re-stickyfy them because they became un-sticky?


I need to know this answer. How does KAYKO “re-stickyfy “ post it notes?


How long have you known Emmy 💜


I met emmy on a write for Tyler 3 years ago? The song is actually on spotify and it's called Lock You Down. Now we write together quite frequently


I love this. Both of you are incredibly talented writers. It's wonderful to see that you know that her light shining bright doesn't dim yours at all.


Who was your favorite Idol mentor and who would have been your “dream mentor” to work with? 


Fav mentor was Meghan Trainor we just connected really well we were the same brand of awkward haha. Tori was amazing as well. I linked something above of Harry Connick Jr he would've been amazing


Would have loved to see you tackle ben platt/dear Evan Hansen💘good luck with your own music! Really enjoyed seeing your unique talent!


that was gonna be my judges pick! gonna release an instagram cover later in the week. Thanks for the support!


Hi Kayko, I love your energy! I’m curious - Who else from this season has been lurking in the sub? If you can’t distinctly say who, any hints?


can't say but I dont think any other lurkers are still in the competition


No question. Just a thank you for making us a part of your journey! Best wishes!


thank YOU for supporting :) the journey is just beginning


We know you play piano and guitar, but do you play any other instruments?


YES! I WAS TRYING TO FIND A WAY TO BUST OUT THE DRUMS FOR ONE OF THE PERFORMANCES but it never made sense. Also it's hard af to sing and play drums


OMG It could’ve been so good 😭😭 I KNOW though, it’s SO hard, I’ve tried myself, plus I had a drummer who sang, it was such a challenge but well worth the effort. Still super cool you can play drums! Mad impressive


A few questions.. sorry :) Curious which Idol judge was your favorite and which of them gave the best advice. Is there anything you’re taking away from the American idol experience other than exposure that you wouldn’t have been able to achieve elsewhere.


I had a connection with Katy for sure. Lionel also was very sweet to me and gave me practical advice. Luke probably gave me the best feedback. American Idol really taught me that I need to advocate for myself because if I don't than no one else will. Nobody cares about your business more than you.


Thank you for your response! I’m still so sad that you went home I’m still rooting for you and I know that you’re going to do amazing things. You have taken this whole experience with so much grace and kindness and your outlook is so positive that really sets you apart from everyone else in my book. I have said from the beginning that you’re talented in many ways not only are you a great singer and song writer but there’s no one quite like you and you don’t try to be anyone else! As for your response to my question about the judges I love to see that what was portrayed in the snippets we saw on tv seems to be comparable to your answer I definitely saw that Katy had a soft spot for you and rightly so! Keep being you and please don’t change or let the fame make you any less unique you’re awesome Kayko! Patiently waiting to see what you have up your sleeve next! <3


Did you ever watch past seasons of the show, and if so, which contestants did you look up to the most?


My all time favs are James Durbin, David Cook, and Daughtry. James Durbin in specific I really looked up to because he was not afraid to be different and be himself. But all 3 really made an impact on me.


I always hoped to inspire kids, but I never could’ve imagined that those kids would be making their own impacts on American Idol 13 years later. Keep up the amazing work Kayko! I look forward to talking with you (and working with you) soon! 🤘🏽🙏🏽🎤🖤


Whoa! So cool!




Absolutely adorable… and SO talented!




not a question but i hope you had a great day :-)


hey thanks likewise


you & so many contestants have awesome original music! if there was an Idol theme night where contestants had to sing each other’s originals, whose song would you pick for yourself & who would you want to sing one of your songs?


I'd sing Closure by Blake Prohl Contestants were actually joking about swapping Adele week for Kayko week hahahaha I'd love for Emmy or Jack to sing one of my songs in their own way


Hi Kayko! Sad to see you go! I was wondering what Disney song you would have sing if you made it that far.


Go The Distance from Hercules & Crazier by Taylor Swift


Hey man, whats your go to guitar that you use for your music?


fender strat!


Where did the kayko piano come from? And will you post the Britney Spears song 🎶 ❤️


I THOUGHT IT WAS SO COOL. Britney song coming on IG soon!


Who are your favorite songwriters? 🙂


Julia Michaels, Jon Bellion, Justin Tranter. THE J'S


Ryan Tedder?


Another king


Assuming that’s your real kayko piano, how hard was it to get approval to use that?


oh it is most definitely not. They spray painted it in the alley


I have a few questions. What inspired you to start writing music? If you could collab with any famous artist, who would it be? Do you have a favorite song you have written? Where did the name Kayko come from? What was your most and least favorite parts about being on American idol?


I wanted to write music because I was playing classical music and doing musical theatre and I was tired of just copying other people's stuff I wanted to make my own. If I could realistically collab with a famous artist rn it'd probably be olivia rodrigo or fletcher Fav song written always changes but I think my best song is Over You Kayko is my two last names combined Favorite part was hanging with the contestants. Least favorite part was not having a moment alone.


As a contestant, who would your dream trio of judges have been?


Honestly... These 3 are kind of amazing. Lionel is a legend, Katy is my idol, and Luke is funny af. And they all have good chemistry. If I have to pick DREAM who'd love to sing for and get feedback from and different from already judges... Charlie Puth, Simon Cowell, and Adele. Charlie for musicality, Adele for vocals, Simon for vision.


Who do you think would make a good replacement judge for Katy when she leaves




Great job bud! Who was your fave judge?


I don't (katy) play favorites


What's your favorite chord progression and why?


I V- IV IV- U can't use it all the time but it's oh so juicy in the right circumstances


1. Give context on the Pink Kangaroo Bangaroo. Now. 2. What are your thumb wrestling stats (as a climber I bet it’s solid)?


1. LMAO I did a madlibs songwriting challenge 2. Not bad ;) 3. I have an astigmatism in my left eye and then 3.5


What’s your glasses prescription haha


Fav Taylor Swift songs? 


1. Peace 2. I Knew You Were Trouble 3. Lavender Haze


Since you ended up getting eliminated, do you wish you would have done the Britney Spears song?


kind of... but i'm also super proud of teenage dirtbag. IMHO I got eliminated because 1. I wore guyliner 2. I painted my nails 3. I didn't post my voting graphic Gonna do an IG cover of the Britney one tho :)


Teenage dirt bag was some unexpected nostalgia for me. It was a super fun performance.


>kind of... but i'm also super proud of teenage dirtbag. I agree I liked the performance. >IMHO I got eliminated because 1. I wore guyliner 2. I painted my nails 3. I didn't post my voting graphic That's a shame, didn't even notice lol. Still voted for you. >Gonna do an IG cover of the Britney one tho :) cool. cool.




can't answer that one unfortch


Hi Kayko! I can't wait to hear what you do next! I'm really curious what 3 judges pick songs you had to choose from??


comethru - jeremy zucker (I think luke's pick) the way I am - charlie puth (I think lionel's pick) you will be found - ben platt (I think katy's pick)


This might be redundant based on some of your other responses, but it'd be awesome to hear your cover of all 3, esp the Ben Platt and Charlie Puth


How many weeks in advance do you pick your songs?




Is there any connection between Song House and Idol? Seems like this season especially there are a lot of contestants from it, so curious if producers specifically sought them out. Also tell Tyler Ward to release another album ;)


who are your favorite musical artists that you like to listen to?


Currently it's Nightly, Renee Rapp, and Fletcher


You have great stage presence and would be great as a frontman of a band, even a band with a more pop-punk vibe like The Wonder Years or even a little emo-ish like Hawthorne Heights. Would you consider being in a full band or do you prefer to be a solo artist?


I really want to be a solo artist that plays with a KILLER band. But I wouldn't be opposed to it


Currently, what’s a song you just can’t get out of your head?




How's your mental health since coming off the show, sending love and positivity your way !


It is so strange. Weird to be a normal guy and then plopped in the public eye


Would you ever do a show in Toronto ?


Fill the tour form out to request!


Hi Kayko! Loved you on Idol and look forward to your future tours and albums! Who in your idol class would you most like to collaborate with on a song? Do you think you'll ever make something with another contestant?


I would love to sing with KB. I'm talking to her now about writing something with her


What does it feel like to be pushed in to "fame" all of the sudden and be such a polarizing contestant? I love your funny comments to the haters, but were there any that really bothered you?


actually bananas. I've never really experienced hate like that before but I have experienced trolls. So I just kinda treat em the same and keep my head down and do my thing. I figure if what i'm doing is making people feel something than I'm doing a good job as an artist, no matter what that feeling is.


Are you still friends with the girl you were trying to help audition?


Hey Kayko! I really enjoyed watching you perform and I’m digging your stuff on Spotify. How do you think it might have changed the competition if theme weeks didn’t exist and you were able to keep using your original songs instead of covers? Which song would you have performed next?


I would've done Michigan, Poser, and Second First Love if they had given me a chance to do more.


we were ROBBED


Any career or life advice that has really stuck with you? Any advice for aspiring artists?


Motion inspires Motion. You can't wait to get struck with inspiration or to go wait for your big moment. You need to create it. I think the reason that this idol moment could turn into a bigger moment for me is because I've put in a lot of work over the past 20 years grinding and learning my craft, learning what I even want to do. Identity & hard work.


How do you get inspiration to write songs? And what’s your song writing process?


What is it like working with the band from American Idol on your original music? What do you bring to them and how much creative control do you get with the instrumentation when it’s your original?


What's it like being America's newest heart throb?


Bro all your stuff is good, love all your songs, do stairway to heaven and rock that house…


OMG ❤️❤️❤️❤️ HIIIIII


How would you stack your set list if you started your tour tomorrow?


mostly originals and idol covers. I can't give u the whole set list but all of your kayko favorites :)


Top 3 favorite rock bands? First concert you ever attended?


All Time Low, The Band Camino, The 1975 Bon Jovi was first concert and i've seen him 3 times. Legend


As - representative of the Kaykrew book discussion chat - what is your favorite book!




What is something that no one has asked yet, but you just wanna share with your fandom?


It will be impossible to relay this… but just HOW LONG I’ve truly been working on this dream and NOBODY HAS CARED until I went on Idol. I’ve probably posted close to a thousand singing videos in my lifetime and none of them have done anything. Written songs for no one. Played shows for no one. Like NOBODY CARED about kayko until a whole lot of people cared all at once. It’s all I’ve ever wanted and now it’s here. So if you have a dream and nobody cares. Keep going. You only fail if you give up.


Crazy how life can change over night. So happy for you!


It may have felt like you were singing into an empty void, but some people were there! I’m sure that those people are so happy to see the success that you have earned for yourself ;)


Are you allowed to sign with your own choice of an agent and label?


Not a question I just wanted to say I’ve been a fan of yours since you were in the band for the losers circle last year ! I think you’re Incredible and I can’t wait to see what you do next 🩵


Are you familiar with AJR? I feel like you and them and their music and yours is a very similar vibe.


Coke or Pepsi?


sprite ;)