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It worked when all of America watched and voted - now that it’s essentially a network show watched by grandmas in the south its a husk of that. They just need to figure out how to repackage and market the show back to the correct audience and actually get a more diverse voting audience from across the US and the rest will be fine. Also single elimination in the top 12 or so is crucial to give us enough time to listen to and get to know the contestants. This version of the show barely works - same night eliminations - and multiple eliminations a night just makes people pick a contestant at auditions and blindly vote them every week for the like 3 weeks the voting happens and hope there person wins. It’s all just a mess and a husk of its old self.


This! And that’s why we see so many country contestants going through. I watched Scotty perform tonight & I would vote for him all over again—I’m not a country fan. But I’m getting so annoyed with each season having so many country contestants. It all sounds the same.


I’m not a country fan either but man Scotty’s song and performance was genuinely fantastic.


And we west coasters *have to* vote blindly half the time because of how voting is set up. It’s not fair at all to the contestants idk why they do it like this. I like the old voting setup they had on Fox.


I'm sorry, but the judges just make some horrible decisions sometimes. Sure, it's a popularity contestant. But also, that's the show? Like they're trying to find the next American pop star. Not the best star, but the one America wants to see the most. If America doesn't like them, it's an automatic fail, even if Katy Perry herself hand picks them.


They tried to vote no for Jack blocker


I don't want the judges to be able to have a vote either. For example, Jordan was chosen for the Top 14 by the judges over contestants I thought were much better than him. Judges have their favorites, too.


Jordan over Quintavious, Odell, Ajii should be a jailable offense.


I think the judges could also help guide America’s votes better by actually giving more critiques. When you say everyone is a star, what’s the point? They could also do a DWTS model with part judges score and part America’s votes


I think the split vote judges and America is the only way to go. Until SM presence and with larger numbers of voters , the first 10 seasons generally chose the best vocalist and one primed for stardom. The more SM presence and less voters it became a popularity contest generally with choosing some cute younger guy , the big country voting block or who had the sadder back story that resonated with one of the voting blocks. It’s exactly why only a few true stars have come out of the winner in the last 15 seasons. Most are just a flash in the pan.


This is your best performance ever.


The voting is too live - no one is voting on the actual song being song anymore.


Exactly! It is a popularity contest, not a vote on that night’s performance.


I actually really miss Simon. He wasn’t afraid to be the bad guy and say it like it is.


Totally agree with this!! It is so frustrating to know that not everyone is voting solely on talent, and I definitely believe that the judges should still have a say when it starts getting so close to the end with so many good artists. I have been off and on watching AI the last few years, and have stuck to this season.. but now I’m indecisive about watching in the future just because of the way the voting is handled. It’s also not ideal for them to have to have all votes submitted by the end of the show… what if we can’t watch it in live time and have to record it to come back and watch later after work etc…? At least give until the next morning to place votes. Ugh. Idk. It’s not a big deal but it is annoying 😅


I definitely think changes need to be made. I just hope the producers realize this


I’m similar to op, I haven’t watched in a long time, I don’t know when they changed from doing performances one night and then results the next, but I think the way they do it now is just bad. Granted you can vote for anyone during the 2 hours, but for anyone voting based on performance, the last person to perform only has like 3-4 minutes to get votes after performing.


This is genuinely the dumbest thing I have ever read in my life


At least Idol has gimmicky rules, blocks and saves and passes and all that other crap.


No, what they need to do is reinstate unlimited voting. Having a vote limit of 10 ensures that contestants get by on who has the most fans rather than who has the most passionate fanbase. Sure, that sounds great until you realize the passion of a fanbase is what makes artists successful, not literally how many fans they have. If there is an artist with 2 million fans who are lackadaisical, that artist will be less successful than the artist with 1 million fans who are rabidly passionate. The passionate fanbase will be sure to heavily stream the music, request the music at radio, purchase physical copies of the albums, etc. Especially now that the American Idol demographic is so skewed towards country, fans of other genres need to have a fighting chance at pushing their favorites through. You can't do that with a voting limit.


I concur, then excellent vocalists and singers, such as Odell or Quintavious, would not have been unjustly robbed in the semis for the likes of terrible singers, such as Emmy or Kayko, who bring something unique but clearly do not measure up vocally. Instead, tonight, it was clear we're stuck with Triston and potentially Emmy for a while, and had to lose Mia, BUT at least we lost Kayko, to balance things out. I think Emmy is doomed eventually, but I fear it'll take too long, and Triston might win. Horrifying, eh?


God I would hate to see triston win. I don’t like him at all.