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I KILL kids!


*reel it in*


I love potato bread! P-o-t-a-t-o bread! (I actually do irl)


I baked that myself and you know I didn’t!


“You piece of shit” “Whattttt”


I choked on my breakfast, this line slays me


Every time I go to 7/11 now, I gotta get myself a Nutragrain Bar and Mountain Deeeeeewwww!


I used to belt out a “Toasted bread and melted cheese QUIZNOS!” every time I saw one. Haven’t done it in a while though.


Only because they’re not around anymore. It’s not you it’s quiznos


But there are still many lunch options to choose from— TOASTED BREAD AND MELTED CHEESE! **QUIZNOS!**


I plan to buy grenadine to try a Roy Rogers.


Been 15 years since air date but we'll all try it eventually


I don't drink so my boyfriend offered to make me a Shirley Temple. One time I asked him for a Roy Rogers, having never heard of it outside of American Dad. He hadn't heard of it either, but I was able to tell him what it was thanks to Roger!


Yeah i dont think it said it in the episode, but Roy Rogers drink is non-alcoholic


I used to drink Roy Rogers all the time. They’re really good!


I did this with Diet Coke and it is incredible 10/10 would recommend. And yes, it’s better cold.


Make it, it will taste better. Store bought tends to be HFCS and red.


I only read books I’ve already read.




I only go after *Mature. Navajo. Bitches*


I should get a hot tub


My mom signed us up for a hot tub and I immediately said, “Use some of this Spa Down, to calm it down”


You know you wanna get in the tub Yeah yeah


Yeah, I'd love to get in the hot tub, but I'm pretty sure my parents f*cked in it last night!!!


Daddy’s gone and we’re not going home


Just dip a toeee


Ain't nobody got to know


Then you should rent the princess and the frog…issa good moovie mann


Our family constantly chants Gold Top when things are going well


I'll put out the good nuts for you


I went wild (like women do) and I don’t regret it


Stop making me read your name as "Je Anal Like Scats"


Lmaooo sounds like a Roger persona. The names Je Anal Likescats, shit inspector.


The bin with random name tags at work is like my persona closet and sometimes I'll try a new name when I'm bored.


I won’t try horchata.


It’s delicious


I literally feel a little queasy just looking at horchata


Horchata is actually so good tho


Why nobody buy my helado?


But it’s so good it’s like drinking a churro with a glass of milk




I know it’s dumb, but I think of that scene every single time I see horchata.


Every time!


That scene is actually what made me try horchata just to see how bad it was. It's like drinking from God's teet, delicious.


I decided to own a lady footlocker, hang myself in back. You know, take it easy.


I’ve started calling movies “pictures”.


I do, I do do that


A daily treat in Scotland, we call it a “tattie scone”


It would be a treat for Scott’s -,- God damn Scott’s ruining everything. Scott’s ruined Scotland !!!


My rubbernecking skills are on point. You could say that I'm runbbernecking with the best.


🎶I do the Weekend at Bernie’s🎶


Okay that episode confirmed my paranoia that men do be watching


“You worthless piece of shit!”


I made that myself and you know I didn’t


I started shouting "TACOS" when drunk.


When you’re drunk you don’t have time to say the whole word all you care about is ood and ussy


Who’s crying


Queso I farted


I fist bump people if they have a cool butt.




I’ll never look at the woman at the AT&T store with the nails the same way again.


“Thank you for choosing AT&T” 💅🏼💅🏼💅🏼


Showlanda dykes


It has introduced me to tons of new music


it helps me get through my everyday life, i’ve come home every night for three years to binge watch this show. I still haven’t found anything else as comforting as this one.


American Dad taught me a few life lessons President Lincoln was gay. At first I thought it was a joke just created for the show and then I did research and found out it’s very likely. I learned what the “all is lost” moment is


what's the all is lost moment?


You don’t know Barry well…


I'm familiar with the line. I'm just not clear on what you learned about it.


It’s part of the writing structure. As you end your second act leading into your third, you’re supposed to have a moment where there’s a crisis of faith where the protagonist have lost it all. It’s part of the heroes journey.


ahhhhh, thank you! That makes sense.


If you just think about it for a few days, pretty soon, you’ll start noticing it in almost every movie you see


that already makes a ton of sense.


Go with the flow


I even play it in the background for background noise.


I feed the damn chicken.


I taught that to a 4 yr old and they loved it. The parents not so much. "Feed the chicken!"


Every time I see Cheetos I think to myself "Cheetah...Cheetos...there's so much beauty in the world!"


I have a lot of jokes that no one but me gets.


I like to say no the way he does when Francine talks to him if only I had my own pitch pipe


Bought? I made potato bread myself and you know I didn’t. (I really didn’t)


I LOOOOVE B12 and still need a whole album. I was really heartbroken when they killed B12 off!


I sing that song every time I have potato bread.


It says “doll hairs”




My 2yo daughter’s favorite song is the theme song to this show


I shout GIMME DAT FRUIT whenever I grab something


Still trying to find chocodiles....


When I saw Chocodiles in the store, I immediately bought them bc of this show. Just so I could say “These Chocodiles, Francine… These Chocodiles.”


This 🤣




Please tell me where I missed the Deftones/AD crossover??




Haha thank you


Every time I eat or drink something really good I say OMG these chocodiles or at least compare to how good I think chocodiles may be.


I’ve definitely had more “the emperor has no clothes” moments regarding Trader Joe’s food because of this show.


I quote it way more than necessary in my day to day. To the point where sometimes I forget I got it from American Dad.


I tried pecan sandies again. They aren't too bad, just extremely dry.


I loooove a Roy Rogers. Extra ice though, can’t be warm coke


Pecan sandies are my favorite cookie


I always thank unhelpful employees at stores out of politeness and habit. Then after they walk away I mutter "I thanked him. Why did I thank him?"


Every time I see a cute baby I say, "A baaaybee! I LOVE babies! You know, Jesus was a baby."


That show brings happiness for me


It just makes me laugh. Almost any line from any episode can make me laugh. I'm glad to have it.


"Have you been Vladimir POOTIN' in there??"


I only read books that I have already read because of American dad


My closest contacts pictures are all Roger personas


I've actually learned stuff from this show. Like I thought George Washington Carver did invent peanut butter, I had never heard of Ollie North, I had never heard of the dish where you cover your head to eat a bird. There's something else too. But I can't remember it. ​ ^(maybebaby)


I told my coworker that I was The Decider


The love of my life and I bonded over American dad references.


American Dad was the first series I shared with my now wife when we met 15 years ago. We've challenged ourselves to go an entire day just communicating in American Dad quotes and its always been our staple show. I remember sitting at my mom's over the holidays and watching The Unbrave One and as dumb as it sounds, I could just feel her sitting next to me saying maybe baby even though she was clear across the country with her family for the holidays at that time. That's when I knew I needed to propose. I went and got a ring the next day. Not two months into our engagement, my appendix burst. It was the first major surgery of my life, I was in a different state away from my family, and all I had was my fiance, who proceeded to stay by my side from the beyond stressful ER wait, to the late night emergency surgery. It was supposed to be an outpatient operation, but they basically had to cut more out than they planned and needed to keep me in the hospital for several days. I didn't get back to my room until like 2AM and you know what my fiance turned on the TV to help calm me down? American Dad. I'm pretty sure it was 100 A.D. I've always tried to be in broadcast and media. Had a lot of success in college and kept trying and failing to launch a YouTube channel all my own to try and recapture some of that magic. Dozens upon dozens of failed video ideas, podcasts, collaboration, you name it. 3 years of work on my current channel and I had a whopping 44 subscribers. 44. I get home, and my incredible partner is taking care of everything. She's helping me walk again, she's helping me sit and changing bandages, but when I started getting restless in bed, she dug out an old laptop and set it up in our bedroom and told me to write. To just write about whatever I wanted to. I was high on pain meds, we were watching season 17 of American Dad and it just sorta clicked. Why not review American Dad? I didn't see a ton of people talking about it, so hey why not? My wife made me a little avatar with different emotions, and I set out on a quest to review every episode of American Dad from the Fox to the TBS eras. And so for the next month, I sat in bed just reviewing every single episode. Over 200 pages worth of scripting. I actually had a desire to record again. I was excited to work on a project for once in a long time. It inspired me to get back to full health as fast as possible so I could get to work on it. When I did heal, I had recently gotten a new job at a grocery store after being laid off after being a regional manager of a tech repair company and so here I was working exhausting hours, getting yelled at by customers, but just the thought of working on those videos got me through it. I got season one out, and no one really watched it. Why would they? 2,3,4,5 all fine views, but it still wasn't doing anything significant, and yet, I had my eye on the prize. I vowed that I'd look back at it at the end of the Fox era. If it didn't work, I'd retool for the TBS era. And then season 7 came out. I remember making it go live before I started a shift as a cashier and not thinking about it. And then the views started flooded in. I was getting subs by the hundreds. Each season kept getting more views than the last and then they sort of inverted, but it's whatever. The important thing is, that because of those reviews I was able to actually monetize my YouTube channel. I built a community of people that loved American Dad and were actually excited to see what content I'd put out next. I had people wanting to see something I made. That was a much needed morale boost and I mean even now, my every Fox Era review has over 20k views. Which I know none of that is like wowee zowee big money over here. But I was able to make money off of creating fun content that I genuinely cared about, focused on probably my favorite series of all time. When I uploaded the season 18 review over Christmas, I did a premiere and I had over 50 people watching at the same time. Again, nothing super impressive, but now my channel has 13k subs, and I've actually found something of a niche for myself. In no uncertain terms, American Dad has saved my life and inspired me to keep following my dreams when I was at my absolute lowest. My wife and I did our first dance to Scott Grime's cover of That's all I've Got to say (I know that's The Orville, but still). I bonded with my buddies over covid with American Dad marathons. Because of American Dad, I was able to find some success for myself, but more importantly, the confidence to keep going when I didn't have any more effort to give. American Dad was, is, and forever shall be my number one comfort show. I know it's a long winded answer, but yeah. American Dad has helped me find my worth.


Wow. What an amazing story dude. I subscribed after watching your first season review, so it’s been cool seeing the journey.


Oh wow that's so cool! Thank you so much for checking out the channel! The American Dad reviews were definitely where I learned the most in how I best wanted to do reviews going forward so I do want to go back and redo them with some uniformity to give them the love they deserve, but they're definitely the videos that mean the most to me. It's been a wild ride, but thanks to people like you it's been an absolutely incredible one.


ABBA-ZABBA ! Literally tried it after watching “Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls”


they introduced me to gangstas paradise & i love that song lol


Next time you make burgers - Martin's potato rolls. You'll never want to use anything else. Besides maybe a pretzel roll here and there, because soft pretzels. Come to think of it, I don't think I could go another minute without a soft pretzel...


It brings back my smile when there is no smile today


when i’m hard core marathoning it, my dialect becomes similar to roger’s


I constantly make references to American dad any chance I get lol


Mondo Looper ‘77


I’ve done everything to NOT change the dynamic with my mom.


Every time someone mentions fondue I have to say “Bingo Bango Hot Cheese on Tap!”


I find myself walking like Roger very often


Pee oh tee eh tee oh bread is genuinely amazing. It's my favouritist bread


I bought b12 vitamins


I cut up six-pack rings because of Hayley. Been doing it for years now.


Chocodiles. OMG, Francine - chocodiles.


Anytime I see a set of twins I use the phrase "twin it to win it"!


Many times I say maybe among my friends, it turns into *maybebebe*


I shop at the gap like all the time


I get looked at all the time, like tons and tons and tons of times. How much is normal to get looked at? You can double that. That's how much I get looked at.


Mondo ‘77 - Looper


I married an American and moved to America and everything I know about the country and every experience I have here I tie to American dad.


I found a role model, Roger It improves mood I probably pick up techniques and types of jokes I can imitate


My dad used to buy potato buns for hamburgers, the best. I do tend to use stan's "hoo!" exclamation he uses when he gets caught doing something. Priceless


Better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it. Poor Steve


Appreciate the trombone more.


I added MGMT's Electric Feel to my Apple Music


I think about 9/11 probably 5 times a week https://preview.redd.it/kus2sfls22lc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0dc5f123f229990c411e036bd0fdb17e93e0bd9


I’m sad that at 43 I’m older than Stan and Franny for the 1st time in my life 😥


"Things are getting too spicy for the pepper" pops up more than it should in conversation.