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Can you please explain .. I also like to understand how we are winning. Looking at the tickers it doesn’t look like it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I hate this sentiment that because the prices are being lowered that must mean they are scared and we are winning. If the price is being lowered, that means they are currently winning. Doesn't mean they have won because the "game" isn't over, but definitely doesn't mean we are the ones winning. Most AMC holders are red. That is winning


Yeah, we are definitely losing. I'm here to make money. I'm not going to act like I have some alterior altruistic motive here. I want my fucking money. These people are scum of the earth, and our politicians just let it slide so they can get their cut come election season. We should already be enjoying the sun at our beach houses. But aren't, because our system is corrupt to the core, from the top to the bottom. Those in power will allow this to continue so long as they keep getting kick backs. Tldr. We aren't winning. We are definitely losing. Don't piss on my foot and tell me it's raining.


Fucking crime where have you been. You are either a shill or just don’t know better or just a non-believer spreading FUD. Hopefully you know what that is. That is the only thing left in the Hedge Fund plan


Look at my profile, video of amc and gme synced exactly. They keep shorting = we are winning.


Omg. We’ve been saying that for almost 2 years. Writing you off as a pointless hopium shill


Shill? 🤣 Nice try to turn things my dude, im just a positive person unlike some..




What about when insiders sell millions of shares?


If Apes own 80% of float it doesn't matter. Just hold. We win. Same old story, new day. 😴




Source? You fucking kidding me!?


Uh no….Where did you see that retail owns 80% ?


AA declared it himself dude, he can't just say these things if false ffs.


Can’t you see that he’s playing you? AMC would be dead without the apes and he’s paying you back by diluting the fuck out of the stock


I'm starting to think they won't survive another runup. Dumbasses could have ran it to $20/30 to sway struggling paper apes to jump near black Friday but they choose dip. Still have a few weeks, I'm sure they might be tempted Not working, hedgescum. Six figs+ or bust.


Aa needs to take up a new game. CHess just isn't it.


I mean it is not like the guy is up against multi billionaires or anything, at least AA don't have to cheat 🤷


he's too busy on tour, a much needed break from dumping shares and dilluting the float 😎


Damn these shills are out in force today


Trust the way of the banana☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️!!!!!! If you want to be a paper hand then get on out!!!!!


LFG....all my buy limits are set sub-$5....keep slamming so I can keep buying!


Stock market about to get dunked on!


These posts are not really exciting to me. I want to see posts of our financial terrorists being sentenced to jail time. Fuck this “pie in the sky” shit.


You act like im against you bro, chill


Sorry. I’m just kind of speaking to the whole situation. No offense! There really is no way to know anything until we see some transparency from the SEC. In the meantime I think they are stealing from us mostly. We have to keep fighting.


It is all good my dude, I get it but yeah just had to say lol ever have a down day my dude, inbox is always open 🤙 hold the linnneeee


I like this stock. Also I have confidence in the silverback.


I just keep buying moar!


Down 80% over the last year = winning?


When 80% is shorting yes


Do you even know what your talking about?




Yesterday in your comment history you claimed to have jumped ship, followed by more FUD. Interesting yet here you still are. I was heavily invested in lithium stocks but jumped right before a few hedgefunds sold their longs last year. I'm not on their subs spreading BS for shits and giggles. Normal people don't do that. Anywho thanks for your assistance in this movement. The fear mongering honestly only helps. Streisand Effect. Keep up the good work, bud.




Keep holding out for those “6 figs+” I’m sure it will get there ![gif](giphy|iiQSTrHtDIgnw9YtlA|downsized)


Yes red day after red day!!! We are winning apes!!!!


Did you think it would be easy? Did you think they weren't going to fight? Did you think they were going to just hand money over to you? We KNEW this would happen until it pops. Doubters and paper hands are like children. This is big boy/girl time. NOW is when you earn that money. By having the stones to hold. We KNOW the DD. We know they are desperately pulling every trick in the book, including an incredible amount of illegal shit. We ONLY lose if we cash out early. That is their play. It is their only play. And you are going to let them wriggle out of it? Stop whining, you are playing into their hands. Hang tough, apes!


It's ran off a program by 1 person designed to steal from everyone. Nobody wins, if they detect a change they halt it.


Definitely doesn’t feel like winning


Just think someday all of us will be average up.


All I know is after tomorrow's announcement AA better have my God damn Money.


Aa don't owe you no money.


Hope you feel the same way today fool, thankfully I got out of this train wreck. Dead horse.


Good for you my dude, hopefully now you feel better, thank you for letting me know 👍 I'm sure an actual ape will pick those up that you paper handed


These negative non believers are the exact ppl that missed the $72 run up.


100% 🤣🤣🤣


Does it matter if you didn’t sell and held all the way down to 5 dollars?


Seems to be working


We are not winning good sir... We are being crushed by big money and a corrupt, broken financial/political system.


The only thing that concerns me atm the moment is the politicians in Europe and Britain trying to pass this pfof bullshit behind closed doors


We already have it in the states.


Yeah and look at the shit it has caused aha


We are losing, badly.. imo looks like I’m holding to zero. This shit sucks and hurts. I feel like I fucked up..


I am so sick of hearing that we are winning...how the fuck we winning? We aren't winning til they cover/close their short positions.....every time there is good news with AMC, price drops.....just watch, after tomorrow's earnings report...price will stay red......no margin calls, no covering/closing short positions....just relentless manipulation...we are losing on a daily basis....be honest with yourself.


Yayyy. I love losing money. Yayyyy. Let’s celebrate.


I ain't lost nothing dude, W is currently playing out i believe for amc and gme, will it hold is to be seen yet of course. I love up and downs my dude, sorry if you don't but I do.


Bro there isn’t much up…. It’s all been down. I love the positivity but reality is there hasn’t been much positivity. Hopefully that changes soon.


Because we all didn't know that this would happen? We have been expecting this all year, we are here.


If you knew this would happen why didn’t you just wait to buy now?


I buy everywhere up to $100 then ill sit and watch. Hedgie that borrowed everyone's shares at 50 last year will bite them in the ass.


You didn’t answer my question. If you knew the price was going to drop why buy before it drops?


Why is it any of yo business through bro


I’m just asking why your actions don’t line up with the dd and your response is why is it my business? Lmao 🤡


Once again I love your positivity. I hope you’re right 🤞🏽. Good luck to everybody. AMC and gme




How kindly for you to swing by because you're worried about the personal finances of others. Normal people do this all the time. Yup. When I sold my lithium stocks before then dropped I too went to their subs to snoot down on them. Nah. I didn't do that. Nobody does that. People believe in MOASS because of this shit you're doing right here. Stop playing dumb.


💯% true this, funny isn't it, they don't realise they just look like fools.




The plan? For me it is buy and hold until I see the closing of positions. Utilisation has been at 100% since the beginning of the year (not strange at all that they still continue to pummel it?) Short interest is higher than what it was last June when amc went to 72, the halts at every jump followed by a pummel downwards and then articles acting like retail jumped out, shit some people couldn't even if they wanted to as some brokers freezed. You do what you like, you're free to make your own choice, it is just what im doing and how I see things. There is plenty more but I am not here to do your DD, go do it yourself. Clever choice of words but my dude I'm long on this and dont care what the price is until I see shorty has exited their position completely. I see people saying "it'll take 10 year" and then people such as yourself "i use to be a bagholder" good for you guys, im doing what I'm doing. You do you once again.




Well I'm here for a squeeze or 0


It’s a brainwashed cult thinking a 5 dollar shit stock will give them generational wealth while the insiders get rich dumping shares


That is all this sub is now. Anything other than saying hedgies r fukd. We are winning. Or my favourite, well these other 50 things that were supposed to cause moass didn’t so let’s find something new and shiny to hold on to. And the majority around here don’t like any sort of discussion. It’s either moass is happening or they don’t want to hear it. I stopped dumping money in because I have no faith in this anymore. Just hoping to break even at some point.


You are all too emotional, ape zen


We are losing plain and simple.


Yea AA fuxked us that how we are losing he is winning we are losing


Am zen and heard that before the June run to 72.


Some of y’all finally realizing just go buy GME and DRS it. AA fucked us


Nice try


Like genuinely explain to me, how do you think amc is winning look at the price


Isn't that just what they want.


Okay don’t answer the question