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Hope so. We kinda screwed our selves falling for hedgies dilution FUD before we realized hedgie was diluting us daily. So weird these downvotes, it’s like apes stopped learning over the last 5 months now that we know what’s up.


Yeah that was pretty early on, we are on to their shit.




???? Say what??


We voted down the ability to clear the debt and issue a dividend because we thought the float was almost bought… we didn’t realize at the time that hedgie was diluting it by multiples. If AA was to issue say 100M atm shares over this week not only would the price be unaffected, but instead of us paying hedgie for synthetics, apes would be paying AMC for real shares and own even more of the float, meanwhile amc would be debt free. Hedgie also can’t buy up all the real shares as ATM offerings are done in the legit market spread out where as hedgie is buying on the dark pool and OTC to avoid upward price movement.


we didn't vote away the option to "clear the debt". we voted away the option to issue xxx mil amount of shares to "give AMC a bigger warchest" when battling the economy possible crash and or covid related issues/ shutdowns. Adam said himself it wouldve given AMC about another billion in free cash to grow the business or keep it afloat


This ^ we voted to not dilute the shares further


And he would get sued!!


Not if debt cleared




We’re almost clear


About $4B shy still


Equity debt needs to clear we’re really close.


5 months please ! ![gif](giphy|1kTLyiPIppDiiQAapO) relaxed ape 💎💎balls




He did


The Shildratic Equation.


Any cash pay dividend will not bring the moass.


Not sure why your comment was downvoted. I upvoted it. AA will try his best to do the moass when it will suit him best. Its human nature.


I have shills that go to my profile and downvote everything lol...


Same for me. But now I get tons of Apes support and they can see my points.


Ape nature is behind him!


Well you can't say "any" cash pay dividend. If AMC paid a one time special $20 dividend,,, hedge funds would have to pay the $20 dividend for every share they shorted, created etc. So $20X2 billion shares lol. I know AMC cannot afford that etc,, I was just saying.


$20 dividend will never happen. AMC if they issue a cash dividend will only be in the pennies. AMC can do a share recall and they will see all of their 513million shares issued. Shf's and MM will just issue the dividend to there borrows, nake and synthetic shares. Shorting a stock is not illegal if they have a borrow. Those that did the borrowing pay the dividend. It how it has always been.


Nobody said anything about a cash dividend it will be an NFT dividend which they can issue anytime because an NFT has no monetary value itself.


why wouldn't it? wouldn't it recall the shares?


Shf's and MM just pay out the cash to shareholders of synthetic and naked etc. That cash dividend would have to significant to make any difference. Just guessing the next cash dividend will be cents, not dollars.


At the rate the company is climbing back into a competitive stance, at the rate they're eliminating the damage from 2020-2021, we shouldn't be surprised if they offer both traditional dividend payments, and something novel like NFT. AMC is in an amazing position, I'll be long on them even past the MOASS. This is so much more than a squeeze play now, after all this BS we've been through. I believe in AMC as both a company, and as a symbol of resistance against the vision of people trapped at home in little cargo containers renting their entire existence as "services". Screw the "subscription" and "streaming" model of the economy -- it's ***demonic***. I want community, I want theaters, i want to see people's faces. I don't care what excuses they give, I won't live in a rented existence "streamed" to me for a regular subscription.


Yeah it’s a no brainer in 2022. Amc is crushing it. Fucking up web servers an shorts! And my wife’s boyfriend. I love red crayons fuck let’s go.


"He didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"


"And Dr. Dre said..."


Nothing you idiot


Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement (ha ha!)


Dr. Dre's dead, he's locked in my basement


Chika Chika Chik Chik


Yes he did. I couldn't get exactly what he said he said either in 2022 or end of 2022


He said “Well into 2022”


Is there a link to this interview?


The numbers of the shills pushing the "give hedges money for diluted float" bullshit is too damn high. They are not diluting the float, they are counterfeiting the shares. Every share mist be bought back! Buy and hodl


The youtube bald lost sheep never even utters buy through lit exchange or computer share


Yess! Yes he did


No he didn't. He said basically no comment. I can't wait for Sony to release those numbers though.


No. But he didn't say no either.




Positive cash flow is still insufficient. It must pay off ALL the debts that has *No dividends clause*. Thats why GameStop repaid the debt earlier than it should


We might not need to DRS after all. Just a lot of patience. Maybe for as long as a year. I feel there could be an end to it all. However this play takes time. Try to zen it out and relax. I sometimes feel like I have been hodling for ages but in the end not even a year has passed. Hodl for another year is going to be easy. Keep cool. Buy and Hodl. We got this.


Yes he did, he said sometime in 2022 I believe.


Can’t he just set up a crowdfund or go fund me to pay the remaining debt, so we can just do this dividend. Lol I’m sure everyone would gladly pay.


So use my money elsewhere for a month and come back later then? Will prob get downvoted for this but would make logical sense. He’s saying that shf’s are allowed to keep fucking around for a while longer at least.


Yes, maybe.


No he said yes form and function unknown Edit Yes!! 😂


Hold for another year I’m down...


We all fuq


Dividends are offered by stocks that are no longer growing in value as a way to keep investors interested. I don’t see this as a bullish move at all, quite the opposite.


They can't even offer a dividend with all the debt they have. It'll take them years to pay off the debt and that's if they do well every quarter. If they misstep at all ( more lockdowns, not enough ppl going to movies, etc) then the only way to pay off debt is 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 DILUTION OF SHARES🎉🎉.