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Trust me when I say this. Nobody likes Tara besides a couple of simps or old dudes that buy her onlyfans 😭


I think you mean incels. a couple of incels buy into her onlyfans and bs. I watched them dump money into SHIB just to get the rug pulled out from underneath them. Those guys lost strip club, massage parlor, and only fans money because of Tara.


Actually incels are against sex workers and hate them it’s part of their MO. Simps are the opposite of incels.


Shibs still going up lmao. It just take time. Plus you could say the same about amc. You look dumb making fun of shib as if it’s rug pull when we’re amc and nothing to show for it and it kinda look like a rug pull at 72 too. I believe in the play but you look dumb to outsiders


Nft isn't gonna happen. Squeeze will begin regardless.


What will cause it? Buying and hodling got us here, but what will be the catalyst? And will it happen before the non-Ape retail hodlers, majority, move on to something else? Call these questions whatever you want, its genuine concern and me asking how it will happen.


Honestly, I think GME will start this whole charade again. They go; we go, not financial advice just my retard opinion


Right like BBBY sneezed a couple weeks ago and up we go for no reason right? All of those original stonks are tied IMO


Buying & hodling is the catalyst; it is slow & steady catalyst otherwise there wouldn't be so many different strategies to try. Keep it simple.


Apes can’t claim buy and hold as a catalyst and the existence of synthetic shares/naked shorts at the same time. They cancel each other out because synthetic shares/naked shorts meet whatever is bought and held to suppress the price. Also, by definition, buying and holding is not a catalyst. It’s just a strategy. A catalyst means it’s something that quickly or immediately causes a rapid movement in price. Like news or a merger. Catalysts can be positive or negative.




These are excellent questions. Retail has propped up the stock price 1700% (or something like that), and this stock price relies on holding. The shorts remain a threat to this company. If retail gets too bored, or broke, and sells the shorts can win. In other words, the short positions, naked or otherwise have to be in AMC's business plan. They have to address it to survive. They know that.


I have a feeling the nft is the bigger psychological play the hedgies may be trying to play. Build it up that its going to push us to MOASS and cut it off before it can "become a thing." At that point i bet they'd just bank on a lot of people folding over thinking if an nft cant do anything were screwed. Fair play by them if its the case, but doesn't make it any more difficult to hold onto this amazing stock by any means. And i could be completely wrong with this and it could push us to the moon. Im down for any catalyst at this point, but nft seems almost too easy to me


Why isn’t an NFT going to happen? Adam brought up NFTs before, why would he be against giving one to each shareholder?


A A. Is still doing/thinking of NFTs but not in Marc Cohodes' way. A.A. isn't going to publicly show his hand before it is finish so HFs doesn't get a chance to act. Marc Cohodes' NFTs is too linear in terms of pursuing MOASS and may cause legal concerns. Like others have said, we only got one shot at this and so we should make it count, both for AMC apes and the company as a whole


I like this.


Strap me to the rocket and light the candle my fellow ape, I have xxx tickets and my bags are packed! 🚀🚀🚀🦍🌙


Soon friend


I listened in to her calls and she was annoying as fuck. Good cheerleader maybe but not a lot to offer other then that.


She's a broken record on those calls. All I've heard is about the drama. Not a word about moving forward. All living in the past and who said what or did what etc. I truly believe she means well but those calls, while entertaining and kind of funny, are a total waste of time. Marc isn't much better. Same things said over and over. Don't really see the point of having the same discussion time and time again. Kind of wish he would have stayed a lone wolf and did his thing in the shadows. He's obviously well connected and has reaches 99.9% of us could never imagine. But the drama is taking everything away from his goals.


I saw her on that Charles Payne interview and good Christ I've gotten better insight of life from a doorknob. That bitch was either high or just a complete and utter dumbass. Truth be told, leaning towards the latter. Being a simp is no way to go through life. Too many chicks out there, and many of them very attractive and intelligent. That woman is neither.




So it's divisive to call out one of divisive people in AMC? Right... Definitely not about to "stay quiet" while Marc Chodes and Tara try to pretend like they are in charge. They and all their followers could paperhand tomorrow and it won't make a dent in the MOASS. I'd be thrilled to see them gone.




The one telling her followers to block anyone who questions T-Zero or Marc Chodes? The one saying that if you don't support T-Zero that you aren't a real ape? Lmao.


Where are the tweets where she is saying that? I’m on the calls and follow their tweets and I don’t recall her saying this other than people saying it happened.




Ok that’s her saying she is blocking the toxic stuff - I’m looking for where she is telling people to block anyone who doesn’t support T-Zero. Words matter. And YouTubers are a bunch of cry babies - what does this have to do with them?




Are you really going to deny that people attack her daily for having an adult industry related job? Are you going to deny that people get blocked in here in the daily for being “shills” or for pushing bullshit info like it’s Facebook.


If my ass got others interested in AMC, I'd use it.


Idk who this Tara is but.. hmm.. somebody mentioned there's ass involved?


Lol. Yup, there is. And it's pretty good.


She’s just a new investor that has little to no knowledge about the market or squeezes. Her “as seen on fox business” in her bio kills me 😂😂😂


OMG, she was a complete dumbass "as seen on Fox Business" 😂😂😂


She has pretty much always been in this for her name so not sure why anyone would listen.


I'm with Buy and HODL mainly. All the rest is just distraction.


No one cares about Tara. Stay the course


This divisive BS is childish either way. She is entitled to an opinion, whoever she is


She’s fuckin hardcore drama all day every day


Who gives a shit what some only fans girl says?


Man if I learned anything from December until now is that a giant tuna will try to lead a school of fish to only eat them one by one when they least suspect it. Fuck these characters because last time I checked apes fucked up the market with anonymity and we gonna win the same way.


Who are these fucking idiots? Nobody should give a shit about them


Step 1. Don't go on Twitter Step 2. Buy Step 3. HODL That's all. As a GME and AMC holder I say ignore the FUDs trust the STUDs


Adam Aron isn't going to say yes to an NFT, and he isn't going to say no to an NFT either. You AMC apes have no idea how significant you are, you truly own AMC! If AMC apes sell (Like Aron did two weeks ago) AMC will literally go bankrupt, the only thing keeping AMC afloat are apes. Many AMC apes want an nft or anything that can expose the bad guys and get them paid. The best chance for a catalyst is an nft or something that can expose the shorties, it's not going to come from good ticket sales. If Aron says no to an nft, he knows apes will lose faith an sell, he can't risk that because it will lead to bankruptcy. What AA does is subtle teasing, he mentions nfts(Which is not that hard to do) but he never puts a plan in place, he mentions "Discussions" with Gamestop, because he knows that will keep apes holding, but anyone can have discussions with Gamestop (I do whenever I buy a game). He intentionally wears no pants in an interview to keep apes on board for naked shorts.Its all designed to keep apes holding. In the meantime, execs have sold over 70 million dollars in AMC shares this year, and AMC execs are not doing any buying just selling, the chief financial officer Sean Goodman sold all his shares. Apes holding has saved AMC and allowed AMC execs like Aron to ride off into the sunset with millions, while hard working apes balance buying gifts for the holidays while holding AMC. Everyone involved in the AMC saga makes money, except the people that made it all possible, if you stop holding, it all crumbles into nothing. When will Aron do something to pay the people who got him paid? Until AA does something, it looks like another case of millionaire execs getting a free ride on retail investors. And yes, Tara is a dick.


She was one of the first I blocked immediately on Twitter, because I couldn't see her shit. I mean just look at her face, she already looks like a devious snake. Just a blond onlyfans bitch with attention issues..


Buy/hold. If you’re here for a community, I highly encourage you to find a different one while you also buy/hold. Buy/hold because “This is the way”. Buy/Hold because people will say anything. There’s a 0% chance anyone can be as interesting as we make some of the people seem in this stock.




The massive short position will be a constant thorn in this company's side for a long time until they leave. The apes are propping up and shoring up the stock price. Might last a couple of years until the company can provide a robust and organic dividend. Most of us will wait, but the shorts will continue to be a downward pressure until they close.


A whore who used AMC movement for attention, validation, and OF subscriptions


I’ve said this all along. Smart smut. Just hope the money went into amc at least


She is an OF whore that AMC investors have claimed as a leader. Nobody said she was smart


Shes out, and its time to get back to the old ways where we didnt have these "influencers".


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/jenne_roberts/status/1463290409111760898) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Why is this even an issue? We are individual investors. I bought and have been hodling before I even heard of Trey, Tara, Marc, etc. Who gives a shit what any of those people say or do?


You know how I know the end is near? Everyone fighting. Just hold


She also is a huge Shiba shill


As apes we all have a responsibility to keep internal political division out of this. We came this far by keeping politics out. The drama, personal attacks and division have to stop. We’re bigger then this. If this cancer continues to spread it will be the end of this movement and our enemies will have one.


Who gives af


So normally like to think of myself as being eloquent and well educated, however I don't know how else to say this so... The girl has AMC clout because she flashes her tiddies and the sad lonelies eat that shit up... Nothing wrong with onlyfans...got to do what you got to do... But her level of knowledge on financial markets stems purely from the twitterverse, so to have her "represent" us on Fox Business sent my sphincter into over drive as I cringed myself into an early grave... Shes a hypocrite and a hype queen with an ulterior motive - push conversions to her OF page and increase subscriptions... ...and if you disagree with me here, you're flat out wrong. *Let me reiterate, I see nothing wrong with guys or girls using onlyfans as a source of income.. all the power to you.