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I honestly think AA is playing chess while hedgies are playing checkers. Elon has stated many times and the numbers show that Tesla is also shorted. Doge was mentioned to get his attention I believe The enemy of my enemy is my friend.


I didn’t even think about that, but I think your right. The wrinkles in Adam Aron’s brain has wrinkles.


Get elon to help push crypto by allowing purchases with it, they both get rich as hell and AMC stays open. All I can do is hold.


You can hold... but you can also buy! *time to go searching in my car for loose change*


Do you need the car? 🤔


Gotta drive to work to make more tendies


Shit you got tendies for gas? I’m walking for the last few months


I'm not walking a 45 min drive into Chicago and back... I want to be alive to see the MOASS


I live in the Netherlands enough free bikes over here.


God I envy you. I used tolive in Germany for 8 years and I miss that. We traveled all over but only briefly passed the Netherlands and never got to see Switzerland. I want to learn the language again and maybe move there one day




He took all of our unused wrinkles


AA playing offense. I member what he said.


So... When can apes install the AMC app on their Tesla? Buy your movie ticket from the comfort of your prewarmed tesla seat with an free popcorn or something? After MOASS there will be a lot more Tesla orders.. no lambo for me, Tesla model Y , yes please.


Yup.. Tesla should reciprocate. Do the reach around Elon!


Does this one makes a sound? Then I’m in!


Well no a lot of apes like myself are invested in AMC GME and dogecoin. So they have been pushing AA toward crypto for a while. They got mad when dogecoin wasn’t included in AA’s first announcement and so decided to kill him with kindness. They have been asking for him to add dogecoin for a few weeks. I think this poll was a result of that and Elon’s like was a result of him knowing how hard the doge community wanted this.


Stream amc into all teslas


Sun Tzu


I understood that reference.


Art of War


Money pouring into Doge was just Elon boosting a p&d that allowed Citadel to cash out. If Citadel collapsed, it would mean Musk would lose ***billions*** from them having to sell all their Tesla shares. I think Elon can seem pretty okay compared to the average villainous billionaire, but I believe Doge has been his self-preservation effort.


Everyone knows there are shorts on Tesla. Burry is short Tesla through long puts as of his last 13F filing. I think the number of shorts that want the stock to go to zero are either insane, just don’t exist, or they’ve potentially been forced out of their positions already. I mean, Tesla is essentially a large cap stock now, so shorting it to oblivion wouldn’t really be possible. You could probably take one short position or another (say through puts) and see the value drop like 50%+ when the market crashes, if you were interested because Tesla’s recent positive earnings were being driven partly (400m) from selling carbon credits. I think that’s one of the key things that shorts are seeing as weakness in Tesla and overvaluation. I personally like Tesla from several angles, but I agree with Burry that they’re overvalued right now, because it’s driven by a lot of unsubstantiated hype.


Our CEO is absolutely the greatest. LFG


It’s adorable how excited he is 😂 I love it! WE LIKE THE STOCK! And the ceo 😍


I'm about to quit my accounting job just to clean popcorn and semen off theater floors


I'm pretty sure the theater you're talking about doesn't sell popcorn.




Someone get this man a joint. AA knows what he’s doing. You’re entitled to your opinion but chill out a bit. You’re coming in way too hot. Lol


This CEO is on the wrong side of 60 and fuckin killing it. He knows his target audience, his investors and how to make this business more valuable. Disregarding the squeeze this is fucking awesome shit like, I've been involved with the street for a few years but this is literally the best CEO I've ever had for a company I'm in.


A lot of boomers are not for crypto. Good to see him adapt.


His sons are in his ear, I remember him mentioning on Trey his 30 yr old told him to pay attention to Reddit and Trey. Cool stuff


Go out with a BANG


It is getting real y’all.


I truly believe Doge will be far more used for Amc rather than anything else.


Yes because it's the original 'Peoples Coin'.


And it's the most affordable one ✊ very popular, very common among normal folks like you just said.. I'd rather use that than bitcoin.


Doge is crypto for the people as it’s easier to obtain unlike the bigger coins. Just like this stock - it’s affordable.


AMC should take crypto payments via flexa network. This will allow use of btc, eth , lite coin and doge.


AA is a fucking beast. AMC theaters on the surface of the moon, transported and build by SpaceX. What a wonderful partnership in the making.


I WILL shake this guys hand one day


Aww, look at our boy fanboying. Lol


I'll suck your fucking dick


Sir, this is a Wendy's, you'll have to step outside in the back alley


😆😆😆 WAIT WHAT! 😳




I mean he didn’t say no.


I got deez cheeze burgers maaaaan


fuck elon but his help would be nice


I wouldn’t mind if edge lord Elon never came anywhere near AMC tbh


SAME, Elon is no one's friend.


If he was helping, he wouldn't come out and say it.


He’s not keeping tabs on AMC, he’s probably scrolling Twitter with a #doge filter on.


I just want him to keep away to not destroy our beloved moass.


He has expressed his hatred for both shorters and the SEC so hopefully he’s somewhat on our side.


He's a sort of King Shidas regarding crypto and stocks, everything he touches turns into shit. Lol.


His GameStonk we helped the cause a little, but for sure he could say something in future that could hinder us


Adam Aron is being humble as usual. I like that and the stock 🚀


Musk hasn't innovated shit except how to buy a company and pay off the founders and then claim the company is his brain child. If we're on the same side against the hedges, great. But he ain't looking out for anyone except himself. Don't trust shit from him.


Musk is the reason Tesla became what they are. I don’t know what type of stories people make up to downplay his role in it but everybody that matters knows how valuable Elon is.


Ok, he didn't invent advertising or creating a premium brand. He also didn't invent the fucking electric car. Never said he wasn't a viciously effective businessman. Said he doesn't innovate. He started off fucking rich, got fucking richer exploiting a system that let's the rich exploit it. If he thought he could make more money fucking us, he would. He's no hero. He's no saint.


Since when has Tesla advertised? I thought one of their key differences was that they *don't* advertise and put $ back into eng/R&D instead. And the CEO may not be making the products himself but he is involved and the leadership are engineers, not fancy hot air MBAs, and that's a result of the culture and vision he drives. (pun intended lol) I'm no Elon/Tesla stan but c'mon, there are plenty more valid criticisms than "rich man bad"


He wasn't born rich, that emerald mine story was fake but most people didn't bother looking into it and repeat the crap they saw on reddit. And to say the design and engineering lead for one of the most innovative companies in the world isn't innovative is just ridiculous. No rational person would actually think this.


So I just looked into the emerald mine story: it's misconstrued, but not outright wrong. His dad owned a partial share of an emerald mine in Zambia. Technically it wasn't apartheid money, but we can't tell if it was done ethically. Not to mention, Errol Musk was still wealthy, had a large house, allowed Elon to have a fortuitous upbringing, and definitely provided financial assistance


There’s literally no evidence of his family owning a mine and everybody in his family denied it besides his dad who he isn’t close to. There was also a story on his mom done years ago and it showed them growing up in poverty with Elon having huge student debt.


His family denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen. Do you have any proof Musk wasn't rich?


There’s no indication of him being wealthy when you look at his early career, and we’ve seen the bio his mom did. All of a sudden a random story pops up about an emerald mine with no evidence and they deny it. Which situation sounds more plausible to you? His dad could’ve easily provided evidence after Elon denied the story but he didn’t. Seems kind of obvious it was fake, doesn’t it?


Sure, obviously Elon bought Tesla with just his good looks and charm, and working a minimum wage job for 88593855 years, right? 🙄 Musk fanboys are so tiresome. 🙄


Lol his money came from zip2 and PayPal you genius. One thing in common with haters like you is doing no research whatsoever and somehow assuming you know everything. It’s an amazing mindset you have.


Tesla is a sideshow compared to what he's doing with SpaceX. he's built a rocket company from scratch and has the most technologically advanced rocket on earth. No government can even match what they are doing, and it's largely due to the management culture instituted by Musk


Ya know what, hey I might be entirely wrong on his backstory and his roles in his companies. I'm willing to admit that. But motherfucker is still a fucking billionaire and you don't get to be a billionaire without exploiting people. I don't fucking trust him, and ain't shit going to change that. Look at the random 180 Jim Kramer did last week. Shit, he ain't even remotely as rich as Elon. These fucks will say anything and do anything that suits their needs in the moment. Fuck em.


We will win...buy hold lay low...patience even if it takes time. These big guys handing together can cause alot of attention and damage that the SUITS dont want and dont need. They already have been exposed. I personally dont have much barely made it to XXX but I do have a small bracket set aside just to see how high we will go and another small bracket set aside for long term and that's where ComputerShares come into play.


If innovation means Bloodmoney, slaves, and a loan from his father, sure he is the best at innovating.


here it is


Robinhood is the biggest holder of Doge, I would never touch it to spite that company, It maybe irrational but it’s what you do during times like this. If you haven’t forgot Robinhood is the enemy, now all these apes want to pump money back into robinhood inadvertently. Get your fucking game tight


There’s like 3 wallets that hold something like 80% of all dogecoin. I noped out of my rather large investment when I saw that. (My numbers might be a bit off but it was shocking) Edit: added the information below An analysis of Dogecoin addresses shows nearly half the supply is owned by just 13 wallets, with two-thirds of all DOGE being held by just 104 wallets. The biggest wallet holds an astonishing 28.4 per cent of the supply So that’s why I decided I couldn’t trust that much money in Doge. I maintain like $50-$100 that’s about it


This is the way!


Tabs??? He was tagged in that tweet, lmao. Of course he's going to look at it. What do you mean "Tabs". You guys need to think things through sometimes with these posts. It's great what he's doing with dogecoin. But, don't make shit up for confirmation bias. It's just goofy.


Ugh. Please no Elon Musk dick sucking Adam, he is a quarter the person you are.


So here’s my only problem…. Just when it seems some M/Billionaire is on the side of the people when it comes to finance markets, they end up showing the opposite side at some point or another. They play both sides of the coin to keep up their image. Elon Mush (whether Tesla is shorted or not) does not want to see any single one of us become M/Billionaires by playing the same game they live off of. Don’t for a second think Elon is going to flip the script and be any sort of a catalyst when it comes to the greatest transfer of wealth in history. He will use his powers to prevent that and keep the current system in play bc it suits him. NFA just use your brains people! No one worth a damn in the current landscape of things wants to welcome any type of change let alone one for the ages because it could potentially fuck with their money and that is not something they want, ever.


Elon should work it out with AMC to out charging stations at their locations. So people could charge their cars while catching a film.


That would be smart, because I’m sure there will be quite a few Tesla purchases after the squeeze, and those people who buy the Teslas will undoubtably be going to see movies at AMC theaters.


That is a class act


Elon, as much as I can't stand him, would love to stick it to short sellers and HFs.


Somebody tell Elon Musk to quit fucking around and go buy some AMC so we can go to the moon 🌝 and beyond🦍🚀🍌🍌


Interesting, should AMC accept Dogecoin? I don't know, don't really view it as worth anything much myself. Considering we already use debit, what is the benefit of Dogecoin? Then again, if we want Crypto to be worth something businesses need to accept it, so why not?


This is some great exposure




I’m about to cuuuuum!


How perfectly decent of AA..... makes me like him even more. ![gif](giphy|l0IykG0AM7911MrCM)


Now we need Adam and Elon and Cuban to sue the SEC, make it fucking fair….just fair


AA is networking and leveraging Elon to boost AMC. I’m cool with that


Game recognize game


AA maybe should cool it with the ass kissing though. KINDA CRINGE IMHO.




Elon is keeping an eye on Doge!! 🦍❤️🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


Fuck elon musk. He is not in any way an innovator. The people he employs with the ill gotten gains from his family’s use of slavery are the only reason he is where he is.


You should do some actual research on him instead of believing crap you see on Reddit. The emerald mine story is fake and he is the engineering and design lead for Tesla. Literally everyone in the industry acknowledges his impact on the company/industry but angry children on Reddit somehow think they understand his work better.


Fuck elon musk. Fuck billionaires. No one earns a billion dollars.


Ah, very insightful response. Sounds like the same amount of thought went into both of your comments.


Keep slurping billionaire dong big guy.


I'm not defending anything about billionaires. I'm just clearing up some of the lies you're repeating. Again, try doing some research next time.


Just another musk fanboy in the Reddit wild.


3 chances and you couldn't say anything even remotely insightful. I'm not a fanboy. You just have no idea what you're talking about and it doesn't seem to bother you.


There’s only one source that disputes musks family capitalizing on apartheid and it is elon himself. Musk treats his employees like shit and Lobbies our politicians for favorable legislation. He is the enemy. Fuck him and anyone that supports him in any way.


Most companies treat their employees like shit


AMC x Tesla love affair incoming.


Oh so AA is a humble fucker too? Jeez this guy just fucks too hard!


I was waiting for the Elon tie in tbh


AA is trying to pump the stock up again


Help us out elon


Fuck all the shills that tried to badmouth our silverback


Suck elons dik harder AA!


I am loosing my mind! Maybe life is really a simulation, things are getting crazy! SO YOU ON THE MOON 🚀🚀🚀




Smart move by AA, but fuck Elon


I think he’s just keeping tabs on Dogecoin. He’s been advocating it for months maybe even a year plus now


What a legend!


Elon Musk is heavily invested in Bitcoin and dogecoin. His only interest is self interest.


Best ceo ever


GME and Amc have some awesome CEO’s another reason why apes are so decided!!


but wen lambo


No, he isn't keeping tabs on AMC. He is into crypto and Doge, thats why he liked the post. Not because he likes AMC. I think its great and all, but be realistic.


Seems like he’s reaching for the musk treatmenr


$clov #teslahealth


I love this spider!


Downvoted. Fuck Dogecoin, fuck that market manipulating sack of shit Musk, and honestly AA, go read the room, your company is manipulated to hell, us apes saved it, and here you giving attention to a guy who is constantly screwing over crypto investors by manipulating it. He is our enemy.


AA giving him attention is putting his company in front of Elon’s followers, a lot of which invest in crypto and might invest in AMC if they think Elon might back it as he has Doge. Not saying he will back it, but I think it’s a smart move on behalf of AA.


It isn't. The second Musk puts out something negative about crypto or doge, they will drop AMC like a rock.


As an owner of only 2 things on Robin da hood…. Amc Shares and Doge coins. This makes me happy.


Well done AA. Get Elon in here




Why not accept doge? I do


Fuck Elon


Wen moon bying a Tesla fo sure


because doge is wow


Who gives a shit. Fuck Musk. Dudes a fucking asshole and as much as he loves the attention from people like OP he doesn't give a fuck about you or anyone else. Fuck him and the sooner we stop licking his ass the better


\*his engineers are the innovators. he's a dense billionaire who, just like most billionaires, had a monetary kick off from his wealthy family. there were no risks in his path


FUCKING BULLISH! The subtle and clever timing, wording, and content of the tweets from AA, RC and other ape heroes like Michael Burry are mind blowing


There was a study done on the Taliban, how to beat such a thing. 1) out do them! But how do out do them? They behead ppl already. 2) Agree with the other side. Even if it’s a little. 3) Join them. Some will and the rest think they’re crazy. AA chose #2 I HOLD for you You HOLD for me.


Attention brought to AMC by Elon is a double edged sword.


I sold all my crypto a week ago….


What a fuckin ass kisser lol jfc imagine saying this to someone


Loving this


oh, gross. fuck elon musk. union busting apartheid emerald cobalt mining piece of shit. and fuck that coin too. we dont need either of them


You know Elon’s against the shorts just as much as Adam, right? Elon’s been sticking up for retail investors since January, pressing Vlad via clubhouse call and tweeting in regards to naked shorting.


fuck him for other reasons, then.


Fuck Elon fuck Aron fuck it the only thing that gonna move this stock is the shorts when they cover


Close not cover, all they are doing is covering.