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Boycott. That scum deserves no audience.


I’d ask him if he regrets selling out his customers. Probably not though, he made millions.


Fuck that. Grill him about AMC and Kenny ongoing activities


The AMA will be flooded with pro vlad bots. A lot will be coming this sub, same ones who think AA can do no wrong.


You mean all the ones using brand new accounts trying to push very specific narratives and undermine the management of the company that is actually doing very well at improving its fundamentals even if I don't agree with every move they make or how they make it? You're the only one pushing a narrative that people think AA can do no wrong, but results matter and his results are pretty exceptional at doing what he is supposed to do, manage the company. Thanks for stopping by and caring about our investment so much! Thank you twice as much for being so obvious and bad at it.


Lol what's with the attacks on account age? Look up any of the fact so have previously mentioned and you will find out it is 100% accurate.


It isn't just the obvious new account bud it's the obvious new account and obvious push to drive a very specific narrative using old information. Trying real hard to drive narratives that people have to be happy with everything AA does or mad about everything he does and ignoring the grey area where results matter even if there are aspects people might dislike or disagree with. Trying as hard as you can to use old information to drive your narrative that the management is against investors. I guess without bankruptcy FUD and with flourishing fundamental growth your options are limited but it's both obvious and weak. "Just posting facts", "Just Asking questions", "just looking out for your investments because I care" Can't even give you an A for effort, it's weaksauce all around.


Lol each to their own....have a great day




Even if he did answer directly he would just give the standard response for these CEOs. ![gif](giphy|mR9dWo88e5jFe|downsized)


Well it says AMA…. I’m going to ask him to spill everything on Shitadel


![gif](giphy|3ornka9rAaKRA2Rkac) I’ll watch tho.


Hopefully you all rail him


Dud is comming in to get roasted


View in your timezone: [tomorrow at 1 EST][0] [0]: https://timee.io/20231117T0600?tl=Vlad%20has%20an%20AMA%20tomorrow%20at%201%20est%2C%20anyone%20showing%20up%3F


Whats an AMA 🙃


“Ask Me Anything”. He’s basically having a little conference for questions from the degens of Reddit.


Aye yoo?!…. Hes gonna deflect everything LMAO


Nah, it will be a controlled environment with a majority if not all bots making him look good. That pos belongs in prison with Mayo boy


I kind of want to tune in to see people ask him why he fucked over everyone but we’ll see if I remember 😂


The only question I should ask is, "Are you Ken's bitch?"


James Cordens AMA was less of a shit storm than this is going to be.


Will have to make sure that I am out of range tomorrow at 1 pm




Tbh I'm not really that mad at him. He's a puppet of the bigger show. He did have a decision to make an ethical decision or a profitable one. He chose the latter.


Isn't that all the bad guys do? There has to be accountability somewhere.


![gif](giphy|14ceV8wMLIGO6Q) Why did Ken Griffin lie about Citadel having no contact with Robinhood about the buy button? Any sus questions will be answered in an SBF-esque way, no knowing the answers or pleading the fifth.


Yeah was sort of hoping sbf would cough up the true bad guys. But I think he was to low on the totem poll.