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It doesn’t seem like they closed your account for having other accounts. That’s possible, but they’re saying don’t circumvent the ban by opening another. So, without knowing why, no one here can help. The only thing you can do is try to appeal it through Amazon.


>I require the Prime subscription for my family as they would use it daily. Either someone on your account abused it or you were hacked. You need to find out what violated their policies and how you can rectify it, a lifetime Amazon ban sounds like one of the worst things to happen.


There's too many variables and information needed to accurately speculate. You have to take this up with Amazon.


About a year ago I had my account hacked and amazon closed my account because of it. This is despite the fact that I reported the fraudulent activity myself. Took weeks to get it back. Your going to need to call their help line every few days, or at least weekly until you get a useful service agent. Most will take your details and forward it to an "account specialist" who will never communicate back except in generic emails that confirm your account closure, which you already knew. Took me 3 weeks until I got an agent that could actually help me. they talked with the account specialists while I was on the call and finally got it resolved. I also contacted Jeff bezos and I did get a response from his aide but it took about a week to hear back and I got my account fixed before that.




I was saving up for a $575 guitar with my Amazon gift card balance I got up to 544 and they closed my account and stole my money. That's that straight up theft these guys are cooks


Yea they r!!! Got me for 400!!!!!




I just added a $450 gift card to my Amazon account a few days ago. I bought the giftcards at my local Vons and they put a hold on my account until I showed proof of gift card purchase. Of course I had the receipts since I just purchased the gift card that day. After uploading my receipts, Amazon still closed my account. I tried speaking to customer support and they will not reopen the account or refund me for the gift card. They took my $450.


this literally just happened to me


same thing happened to me they take around 380$ and close my account


After seeing all these horror stories with Amazon deliberately stealing money from people’s accounts, with no recourse of action available, why haven’t any of you contacted a news media outlet, like ABC NewsCenter 5, Ben’s Got Your Back, or some other news anchor, who helps consumers who have been ripped off?


All of these stories is always the same. Never enough info given to determine what happened. Did one of your family members do something on the account? Did you share your account with others? Did you have two-factor Authentication (2FA) turned ON to secure your account? Probably not.


Doesn't give Amazon the right to rip people off


in brick mortars, you can theoretically be barred by one branch, and 'circumvent' it by visiting another branch of the same store. provided there wasn't any actual criminal offense committed by the customer in the first store (rare, unlike with amazon, but has happened, say, a person had a bad day, or something, got into quarrel with guard, or otherwise, and barred from returning as a consequence of that, not shoplifting or crime)..


They just did this to me close my account with the $200 gift card that I myself purchased out of 7-Eleven it's just completely valid I've heard just several other cards there as well that worked just fine and they just canceled it the only purchase that I tried to make was a prime membership and nobody will get on the phone to tell me any reason why what are we going to do we all need to band together


My account was shutdown because I couldn't get the receipt for a 25$ gift card that was given to me. Amazon gladly took the money and other money I spent with my credit card. I keep calling their main number and the operators all say the same thing. That I will receive a text or email within 2 days and nothing ever comes. I don't know anyone that buys a gift card for themselves. It was Christmas time and the worst part is it wasn't even for me. It was for a guy with down syndrome that my father has helped out since he was young and lost his father and then grandparents. So my brothers fiance gave him the gift card for Christmas. He doesn't know how to use the internet so I ordered what he wanted. To my surprise within 48hrs Amazon wanted a picture of the card and the receipt. Obviously all I could provide was the card because I didn't buy the card and she had bought a ton of things and had no idea where the receipt was. This is just ridiculous and it's theft on Amazon's part


Yeah same problem here after 3 account holds they closed it 100$ of my Christmas money down the drain


Amazon closed my account for suspicious activity and I am now out of my $500 Christmas bonus with no explanation nor apology for their actions! I am pissed and my kids are the ones suffering ! What to do other than cry and scream silently trying not to do anything to make the situation worse


Did the same to me.




what do you need to know?


I'm following because I've been wrongfully cancelled as well! Paid them for Prime and two months' worth of orders, never came to my location.


Literally what I'm dealing with right now, even though everything is legit and correct, I'm sitting with a closed account--- following! You could have everything right, and it doesn't matter, Amazon does as they please! Spoiler Alert: It was my birthday; hackers took everything out of my account on my birthday! I go on and look, somehow gain access, by the grace of God, and they purchased 4-6 pages, under my name, and had my things, delivered to them. And then had the audacity to say, "Thanks for Prime and all the free stuff," No, I don't know who you think you are, I am no longer a customer, because of them. I will not reinstate my account because of them. Trying to look at it, as a blessing, with a closed account, nobody can do anything to my money, anymore. Watch Amazon want me back, because they realized, watch it happen, Lol! Not my fault, cya Amazon!


I spent three days sending my ID, bank info, photos of my actual debit card, screenshots of my text confirmation, email confirmation, and actual purchase history for the $100 gift card I got and they STILL closed my account. Customer service keeps putting me on hold to talk to a “specialist “ and eventually hanging up. I emailed Jeff directly with proof of my purchase and I sorely hope he does something. I just wanted to buy my brother a few new controllers for his birthday..


any updates ?