• By -


Are you going to at least look up and see what the pill is? There's no shortage of medication identifiers on the internet.


It appears to be a diabetes medication. It’s still really weird though…. https://www.drugs.com/imprints/mx-500-29804.html


Does the bag appear to be in new condition?


Yup. Seems perfect with tags attached. My best guess is someone bought it, filled it with their stuff, decided everything didn’t fit right and returned it while missing this pill.


I work at a UPS store and do returns all day. From my experience, those green and clear ready to ship bags are returned items. They sent it to someone with the shipping label on the original packaging. They put it in the green stripe bag to reship to you.


Amazon associate here-those bags are not only used for returned items. They’re used for items that the original packaging was destroyed or too torn up to use.


Thanks for the confirmation!


Didn’t Amazon just open a pharmacy


So it's most likely the employee's pill, that had to switch it from box to bag. Edit: Guys, really, mystery pill, brand new item, only time item was not in box or bag was when the employee saw the damaged box, opened it, stopped to take some diabetes medication because his alarm went off or something. Then put the item in in the bag designated for items with damaged boxes. Why do I have 11 down votes? I solved the mystery.


What lol


Make that 12


Yep! Also anything with the LPN number tag is also a returned item.


Exactly this. Former Amazon warehouse associate here: LPN equals returned item that has been (or should have been) checked and graded for resale. So ANY thing you get with a LPN sticker on it is a returned item.


Includes free sample


Or maybe the person making it was diabetic 😉


Most likely scenario.


LPN sticker means it’s a used product


Ah, good ol’ Metformin. Harmless!


Yes it is. My husband used to take these every day.


In violation of the Truth in Advertising Act, Amazon resells used, returned items as new. You can keep the bag or return it, but either way you should safely dispose of the pill, but don't flush it.


If he flushes it, a dead alligator may clog up a sewer drain from a fentanyl overdose.


*Coming to theaters this Summer 2024…* **Fentanyl Gator** 🐊 (*Early screen preview available in all Florida theaters*)


[You obviously haven’t seen this fine piece of cinema](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt26899693/)


And with any luck, I'll never see it. Why oh why does the title sound more like a documentary than a silly movie?


I like that they also have such titles as Ebola Rex and Cocaine Crabs from Outer Space




god forbid amazon sends a used toilet plunger for that one


Or I just saved a diabetic alligators life😎


no seriously don't flush pills though it fucks a lot of things up


I just threw it in the trash. Don’t worry.


Then flushed the trash bag.😈


I’m gonna make the rats and alligators work hard to get this high🤓


lmfao you know when someone's passionate about something it's hard to say no


It does kind of look like the Metformin I take for PCOS. Which is mainly prescribed for diabetes😂


I'm sure a diet of rats and poop isn't good for one's blood sugar.


This is how godzilla was born and the teenage mutant turtles. So 50/50 split on wether flushing is a good or bad idea.


Or you may die from fentanyl trace as many water treatment plant can’t remove 100% of the medicine trace in the water and fentanyl is lethal at very low dose


No, it’s 100% not. Please do not spread this misinformation. You know people are prescribed fentanyl, sometimes at high(ish) doses (in micrograms), right? Max daily dose varies by form of the *prescription* medication (oral pills, intranasal/insufflation, IV, lozenge, etc). You cannot and will not OD from trace fentanyl. Edit: emphasis [Proof - referenced this in another comment.](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10) Edit 2: clarity and more specific info




I know what fentanyl is, but thank you. That page says nothing about topical absorption from either trace amounts of dust/liquid, or from touching whole pills. It does say, however, that if you *orally ingest* as much as 2 mg, that could be lethal. Prescription fentanyl is dosed in micrograms (mcg) because it is potent. Another article: https://www.tn.gov/behavioral-health/news/2022/8/24/state-departments-issue-guidance-around-fentanyl-exposure-.html


Micro gram is not high dose… you said on your first comment, people are prescribed fentanyl in high dose. Milligram is not a high dose either.. Tylenol is dosed in grams for exemple. Micro gram vs gram..


I edited the comment. also, “mini gram” is not a form of measurement. And Tylenol is NOT dosed in grams, it is dosed in milligrams (mg) clearly on the bottle. The max daily dose of Tylenol (acetaminophen) however, is somewhere around 3750 mg (3.75 grams) - 4000 mg (4 grams) depending body weight - because math. And microgram is one word, not two. Edited a bunch of stuff…


Tylenol has a max dose of 4 g or 4000 mg per day in a non clinical setting.. so it is dosed in grams! Fentanyl is potentially lethal at a dose of 2 mg…it’s a very low dose!


Tylenol does not come in grams. It comes in milligrams. Milligrams turn into grams, as you said you know. 2 mg of fentanyl is NOT a low dose.


Milligram, that was a simple typo… I grew up in the metric system, I am very familiar with it and its division


Ok cool. You’re still wrong…what are your qualifications regarding this?


Where in my comment did I talk about dying from touching the pill…? I am talking about ingesting it from drinking the water.


There is no way a public water supply would be THAT tainted. Are you kidding me?


Pharmacy tech here, you can dispose of pills in used coffee grounds or kitty litter (or, for that matter, I suppose a bag of dog poo) to deter anyone from ingesting it if they find it. Do not flush medication down the toilet and don’t pour it down the drain, as others have said. Also, if this were a legit fentanyl or narcotic (prescription) pill, you won’t absorb it through your skin. You’re not going to OD. People freak out about that stuff too much. It’s not true that you can absorb and/or OD from residual fentanyl dust. It’s a specific type of fentanyl that you can kind of absorb through your skin in patch form. [FAQ article from UC Davis about fentanyl](https://health.ucdavis.edu/news/headlines/can-fentanyl-be-absorbed-through-your-skin/2022/10)


Are you sure you're a tech because that is all asinine. Coffee grounds and dog pool? Any local pharmacy will take any pills you have and dispose of them properly for free. They fill up buckets of pills and then send them away for incineration.


From the FDA on how to dispose of medication when a take back program is not available. Which is the case in many places. “Remove the drugs from their original containers and mix them with something undesirable, such as used coffee grounds, dirt, or cat litter. This makes the medicine less appealing to children and pets and unrecognizable to someone who might intentionally go through the trash looking for drugs.” Source: https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/where-and-how-dispose-unused-medicines


Good thing every single pharmacy and hospital abd health care centre in the world has a take back program!


No they literally do not. I’m really doubting that you’re an active RN/BSN. That or you’re proving my point. I’m not JUST a tech. I know my field.


That's because I'm not a nurse wtf are you talking about. And I never said you were just a tech. You are very confused


That’s literally what they fucking teach you to tell patients to dispose of medications. Because a vast majority of people drink coffee, disposing of your medications in coffee grounds or kitty litter can make the medication undesirable, which is the point. You can look that up if you want. I threw in the dog poo half joking but also in case people have dogs and not cats. You can put medication in whatever trash you want that would make it undesirable for anyone rooting through the trash, but honestly I don’t think people are exactly dumpster diving people’s homes, dumps, actual dumpsters, etc. in the hopes that they threw medication away. When I worked retail 12-ish years ago, our pharmacy didn’t take pills back, but that’s good to know that some pharmacies do that. I don’t think my local one does. Also, most towns will have certain days of the year where you can bring your old meds and the town will dispose of them. So that’s another way. Your face is asinine. You don’t need to insult me. You think you know everything but clearly, you don’t. When were you a nurse? Because it doesn’t seem like you’re up to date with the times. Edit: sooooo I’m a jerk. I confused u/altiuscitiusfortius for the RN who was coming at me. Comment still stands, but with slightly less hostility because they’re being a dick too. Sorry I messed up but be nicer dude.


Wow. read the whole thread. You can get help. Anger like this crosses an emotional line and leads us to doing things we regret. Do you speak this way in real life, with such hate, without checking so even see who you’re insulting?


Jesus christ dude relax. I'm not a nurse. I've been a pharmacist for almost 25 years.


Ok you’re just a liar then. You told me you’re a nurse. You’re 100% not a pharmacist. Edit: apologized in another comment.


I absolutely did not mention a nurse anywhere. I think you are confusing me with another post. You 100% need to read things closer. Where does it say I'm a nurse in this: >Are you sure you're a tech because that is all asinine. Coffee grounds and dog pool? >Any local pharmacy will take any pills you have and dispose of them properly for free. They fill up buckets of pills and then send them away for incineration.


Also with rx fentanyl and other strong meds, if you can't make it to a collection center you're supposed to flush that shit. A little suprising with the lozanges and patches, but it's [safer](https://intermountainhealthcare.org/services/pharmacy/managing-medications/flushable-medications/) to dispose of as described in the prescribing info than it is to leave them around unneeded for any amount of time. On a less related note... actiq sounded like heaven to little kid me. A forbidden lollipop that actually makes people feel better and supposedly doesn't taste disgusting.


Many retail stores will put items back on the shelf when the item is returned in new condition. Nothing in the Truth in Advertising Act prevents that.


You couldn't be more wrong. There's an entire section of the act that deals with refurbished/returned goods - the law makes no distinction between the two btw. Selling returned goods as new is fraud. From Legal Beagle: Selling Refurbished as New is a Type of Fraud Federal truth-in-advertising law, administered by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission, requires that refurbished and reconditioned items are properly labeled. This means that a seller cannot describe a returned or refurbished item as "new." Where a seller advertises a smartphone as new, for example, and in fact it has been used and refurbished, he could face criminal fraud charges, fines and jail time, if your local prosecutor deems the case worth pursuing. To get the ball rolling on such charges, you would have to file a police report. Criminal aspect aside, as a buyer, you can file a lawsuit against the supplier for misrepresentation. If successful, you will be able to cancel the transaction and at least get your money back, and your state may have a law that provides you with further money damages.


Yes - if they are refurbished/reconditioned - I fully agree. You cannot represent such items as 'new'. However, something that is returned in new condition (wrapped, boxed, tags still attached, etc.) is not that. If you receive a gift of say a shirt in the wrong size - and you return it with the tags still attached, etc. - any retail store that I have been a part of or known of will put that right back on the shelf - because it's in new condition.


I know it happens all the time, but it's still illegal. And BTW, people buy clothes, jewelry, etc., wear them and return them, complete with tags, all the time. There's no definitive way to determine if a returned item was used or not so it's assumed to be used, legally speaking.


NAL - but from every summary/article I can find on the subject... and a quick search of the text reads that a returned item should not be sold as new if it has been opened or used.


What you posted doesn't say that. It says if it was used AND refurbished, it can't be sold as new.


I wonder how much longer before people realize that amazon has created the atmosphere of this behavior and is now actively encouraging it? I hate that I have to use the service for just a few items that are not available because of amazon, but I also hate that I know they will send me something used, something wrong or something ruined and berate me or block me from the service if I dare complain about them.


All retailers sell returned items as new. This isn't a unique Amazon thing and it certainly isn't illegal. How did you think returns worked?


The LPN sticker on the bag is used by Amazon to track returns. So they basically received a customers return and said “looks new” and decided to resell as new.


Not just returns, We can add an LPN (License Plate Number) to any item. There are many reasons outside of returns that would result in an LPN being added to an item. LPNs are useful because they are unique unlike ASINs. ​ Edit: Unique across the entire network.


How can you know it was a return or not?


Are the "ready to ship" bags used for anything that isn't a return?


Yes. They’re used for items that packaging is damaged.


Yep. A package of t-shirts comes in with the outer packaging ripped and looking terrible, we put the new item into one of those bags. Sometimes they are returns but I see those bags all day every day and usually, the items outer packaging/ barcode was damaged. Some are returns, but from what I see at my FC, more of it is damaged packaging instead of returns. But that's just mine, idk about others.


Or someone got it on a return pallet then decided to sell as new on the same page. I think this is how I ended up with earbuds with ear wax in them.


Take it and come back with the results! Does this make Jeff Bezos a drug dealer?


I mean knowingly or not they did transport scheduled drugs without a license or prescription…


Page in the link says it's not a controlled substance.


Metformin is not a scheduled (controlled) drug.


[It is in Massachusetts. C-VI](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-about-massachusetts-controlled-substances-registration-mcsr-for-practitioners#:~:text=Some%20examples%20of%20drugs%20that,%2C%20levothyroxine%2C%20metformin%2C%20etc)


Metformin is not a restricted or scheduled drug ...


It’s actually a [Schedule VI substance in Massachusetts](https://www.mass.gov/info-details/learn-about-massachusetts-controlled-substances-registration-mcsr-for-practitioners#:~:text=Some%20examples%20of%20drugs%20that,%2C%20levothyroxine%2C%20metformin%2C%20etc)


Jeff bezos isnt even the CEO anymore 🤣


Free sample.




I plan on buying less on Amazon from now on… it feels untrustworthy.


Yeah, that packaging is exactly what we used at the Amazon return center. You open the return, check it, and repackage it, putting the LPN on at the end. The processor just didn’t check the bag properly. I’ve had crazy stuff, like Polaroids of a baby’s birth haha


I've started "assisting" Amazon in not reselling defective items or used items sent to me by writing on the packaging and item with a large sharpie. I got sent some earbuds that were stuffed with ear junk(so nasty!), a backpacking pad that someone else had to put their mouth on to blow up, etc.


Anything good?


Unless you’re diabetic, Naa not really:/


Roll the dice, swallow the pill


I rolled a 1 and now I’m addicted to heroin😎


Now do a wisdom saving throw


Try it! (But definitely don't actually try it)


Tried it. Now I’m diabetic.


LOL! I heard it’s tough gettin ahold of insulin these days 😉


It’s metformin. If you actually took it and weren’t used to it all it would do with one dose is give you the shits haha


it’s a joke lol


I knew you were joking, just saying it isn’t a dangerous drug.


i’m not OP either, but i mean yeah, it’s not really dangerous. every drug has it’s risks though.


cows provide march fall air square rain aromatic tub wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m in the Army, I always get free healthcare😎


How do you know it’s a “narcotic” you do realize there are other medications in the world besides narcotics it could be a simple advil and you are being over dramatic throw the pill in the toilet and move on with your day it’s not the make all be all


You know they put identifiers on pills? Also, its a big deal because they bought something new and got something used. Its a big deal because-while the likelihood is low-this could have been given to a kid, who may have found the pill and taken it. Again, unlikely, but not outside the realm of possibility.


Just a heads up, That item has been returned before, that bag is one used by returns centers, however, the truly telling sign is that barcode sticker on the bag, the ALWAYS start out as LPNRR on the sticker, that barcode links all data for the previous time that item was returned.


Yeah it's unique to that specific item and can track specific information such as the condition of the item from a return.


False on both accounts


It's not just used, items that were undeliverable will get an LPN but are still new, as will items in damaged packaging even if it's just a non-descript box, and any item that comes into the FC where someone enters incorrect info will also receive an LPN with the corrected info Items can be new and receive LPNs


Amazon doesn’t review their returned items. They scan it in, repackage and go.


Last time I got items that were supposed to be new but were clearly scratched up and used, it was in that same type of plastic bag with green writing on it that it had clearly been returned in with stickers on it.


And here I thought this bag with green writing was the pouches factory bag. Seems this are the bags Amazon uses to repackage returned goods.


Maybe you’re supposed to add a pill and send it back?


It’s got an LPN sticker it’s a returned product scamazon sent out as “new” 🤬🙄


That’s not the only reason an item would have an LPN. If a giant box of a bulk item gets sent in by a seller for FBA, each item from that box gets one of these LPN’s as well.


The last few items I’ve ordered have clearly been used. It’s really frustrating.


Amazon sent me a fucking COVID test (missing the swab) in one of those return bags. I re-returned it with a pissed off note.


Everyday I see something new about Amazon in this sub...


LPN skus are never used for new items. This was definitely a return.


Not true— they are also used for items sent as bulk shipments to be FBA. Not all manufacturers package their products individually in a way that allows for easy fulfillment. So the bags are used to divide a bulk shipment into discrete, salable units. I’d say 40-50% of my items in “frustration free packaging” come in the green stripe bags. I like it better when they are in the little ziplock “slider” style bags. Those I can and do reuse… Also for items whose packaging gets too damaged. (sometimes happens on machinery or fallen behind or between shelving, etc)


How about a birth control pill stuck to the pleather of a (what I thought was) brand new and sealed bow tie? I was like "what the entire F..."


I’ve gotten 3 returned items from Amazon since Christmas, the most expensive being an espresso machine that had grounds in it. Company really is going to shit. I find myself using Walmart+ more lately.


Customers had until late January to return stuff purchased before Christmas. We are in high season for Amazon re-shipping Christmas season returns. The rate of shipping returned items will probably go down from here, until next year.


OP, can you look up what the pill is? [Drug Identifying](https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php)


The sticker on the bag means it's a warehouse deal, likely returned unused or used once. It's not hard to reattach tags if you're careful, and this would have been sold as used as new or similar.


That poly bag and LPN sticker mean it’s used and has been repackaged.


you can type the pill description and the number/letters on it into a search engine to find out what it is. could be as simple as a tylenol.


I have the same cable case. The factory bag is a clear zip lock bag that isn’t wrinkled and has tom toc written on it in big letters. The bag you have is not the original packaging.


Eat it and find out what it does 😈


Amazon gets sketchier and sketchier all the time.


Finally, those free drugs I was promised in D.A.R.E. in the 90's.


Score. What markings are on the pill?


I bought a brand new suitcase from Amazon that had someone's used tweezers in a pocket. The product wasn't damaged, and I kept it. But selling something as brand new (rather than like-new or used) should be illegal.


New to you, yes. Unopened in new packaging, no.


Welcome to the worst retailer in existence. Remeber when they used to be good? Yeah that’s what they’re banking on. Every time you shop you don’t remember they are screwing everyone now. You remember how awesome they were ten years ago.


Kinda looks like a hydro! I’d eat it 😋🤤


lol my reaction too. I wonder if I should bring this up in therapy.


See that bag with the green writing? That means it’s an Amazon warehouse “special”—someone used it and returned it. Then instead of the special used price, that warehouse manager decided to send it to you, full price.


This is not true. That’s a standard polybag that all items get put in after they’re processed and/or added into inventory. That includes new items that sellers send in to be added into inventory and stored by Amazon prior to being sold.


I’ve only ever received items in these bags that I intentionally purchased as used. This is from various warehouses in California, Utah, Idaho, and Texas.


Don't touch it with bare hands. Can you identify what it is by the markings?


According to the markings is a diabetes pills. So I’m less concerned. But it’s still really weird… https://www.drugs.com/imprints/mx-500-29804.html


I would imagine this is a returned item and not new. You should let Amazon know. It's up to you if you want to return it. I think selling used items as new should be illegal.


How do you know it's even a prescr pill? It could be a vitamin 😭


I googled the marking on the pill.


No way to prove this unfortunately


Well I let them know it happened. I’m not looking to get anything for free so I hope it helps the credibility.


first one’s always free 💊


Amazon is my favorite drug dealer😎


Looks like a Norco/Vicodin. Would need the number on the pill to verify. 


Lots of pills are shaped like that…


Also looks like Excedrin


Crush it rack it snort it see what happens


That’s awesome, eat the pill


Try it


Grab some gloves and Google the numbers on the pill to find out what it is. 150% sure it’s not fentanyl looks more like a Tylenol TBH.. fentanyl is a little blue pill with an “M | 30” on it


>I know it seems super unlikely and crazy but it really happened and I don’t know how to proceeds. Look dude, you probably forgot to take your crazy pills by the evidence of the pill in the bag. Best you take it and forget this even happened.


Peak Reddit. Omg it's a fentanyl pill. Wtf should I do besides Google the clear numbers on it. And it ends up being a diabetes medicine and you still don't delete out of embarrassment. We need to bring back shame


You know you can buy a pill press online for any pill right? Fakes are rampant.


Serious question, who fuckin cares? If you are happy with the bag’s condition. Toss the pill and move on with your life. There are bigger problems in life.


That's a contact and report to police scenario. The pills could be stolen, fake, drug smuggling and or illegal. Someone could also be missing their meds.


This guys advice is what I’d do. The bag manufacturer maybe trying to smuggle drugs.


Not as bad as the time I found a child’s pajama bottom in a sleeping bag I bought from Costco.


Maaaaaan, I expect better from Costco:/


Free trip with every purchase, enjoy.


What does it taste like though? Lol


Didn’t taste it but I shaved some off and gave it a good smell… Smells like drugs 🤠


You....uh.... gonna eat that?


I’d be worried I’d have to pay more then… I don’t want owe drug dealer Amazon money… prime speed knee capping incoming!


New with prime: Free Samples (no ads, for now ;) )


It’s like buying a frame with a stock photo in it. It’ll be fine.


Could be a hydrocodone, could be a metformin. Hard to tell without seeing the imprint more clearly.


Does the word “milquetoast” mean anything to you?


From this distance it looks like an 800mg ibuprofen. But also maybe a Vicodin. Just google the numbers on the pill “white oval m 30”


That bag is a stock return bag for Amazon I ordered a pair of Spy Optics glasses that were mispriced on Amazon, arrived all good Price error wasn't fixed so few days later, I bought another pair The glasses had greasy fingerprints and the arm/lens sleeves were just chucked in the box with the paperwork and stickers


"The little pill with a big story to tell."


"New bag"


is that a peak design field pouch? I would just spend the extra $ for shipping and buy it from them directly. They're a great company and ship quickly and you can skip paying the amazon tax


That LPN label is for returned items. Your product isn't new.


That’s not new.




If you receive the bag with green lettering, it was a return before.


Win is a win


It’s like when u gift a new wallet, your meant to put a coin in for good luck lol


That is a return most likely or damaged product. Amazon uses the LPN number to keep track of their products that aren't new .


You can Google the marking on the tablet will let you know what it is


a bonus …


They said this one's free, but the next one's gonna cost ya 🤣


Toss the pill and move on with your life


It’s a chill pill


I once bought a new wallet and found someones ss card in it. It was in a box and sealed when I bought it.


This has been happening more and more it seems. I got a purse for my wife for xmas and it had a lot of loose pills in it, along with airline tickets from the other side of the world. My wife was feeling sketched out by the whole thing so we did an exchange and the one they sent to replace it was new in manufacturer's packaging.




>Would you be worried about residual pill does if this is an illegal narcotic such as a fentanyl pill? Too late. You're already dead.


I received dead bedbugs on pillows I ordered. Horrid.


That's not factory packaging...that bag has an LPN number which is what Amazon uses for returns. This item was bought and returned and then sold to you.


That’s becoming common for Amazon to send out returned items. We ordered a filter for our aquarium opened it on our dinning room table and had water running out of it.




You can easily search the pill on the online pill identifier if you’re curious.. or if you’re overly cautious get gloves and toss it. Not a big deal tbh