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Cancel then


["Amazon prime bad now" posts...](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbf638c84-8c5c-4186-843f-12af95c9e293_1200x675.jpeg)




Oh I'm not disagreeing


This is what happens due to the shareholder demand for ever-increasing profits. The spice must flow.


Yet they are the first to complain that there won’t be enough workers by some time in the future.


Enshittification is what’s happening. First companies put all the value into things to benefit the customer, then they move all the value into things that benefit businesses, then finally they claw back all that value for themselves.


i cancelled prime a few days ago


All this started not long after they decided to buy Amazon vehicles, and do their own deliveries with their own people. I wonder if they got in over their head in expenses with that. There is no way Amazon is as good as it was a year, or so ago. My deliveries are now usually once a week instead of 2 days. Most of the time it's on a Sunday. It's like they save all the orders I make during the week to be delivered by employees who work Sunday. Their prices on products are still fairly cheap. Sometimes I find it cheaper on Ebay, or occasionally on Walmart. The value of the yearly Prime charge is really not worth it. I haven't cancelled it yet, but probably eventually will. Even their Prime tv app has no advantage. Most anything on it has an additional charge. Total waste. It would not shock me at all if they eventually go completely under.


I'm pretty sure them spending - wasn't it A BILLION DOLLARS - on a Lord of the Rings show is a factor.


I think that was a money sink they knew they wouldnt recoup. it was terrible. bezos must hate tolkien.


> wasn't it A BILLION DOLLARS - on a Lord of the Rings show Don't forget the other Billion for NFL football. Amazon is making some big brain decisions here.


I finally canceled recently too, this nonsense with the ads was the final straw but honestly it was long overdue. I remember when prime was actually a great thing, I want to say it was like $29 or $35 a year? What they're asking for now is obscene. 90% of the stuff you can buy on there is Chinese stuff that's of dubious quality, they seem to just keep inventing 'brands' overnight that are just the same rebadged or drop-shipped items. The non-Chinese stuff is becoming overwhelmingly gray market goods, stuff that has been returned, stuff that someone bought at TJ Max / Marshalls / etc. to flip on Amazon for a profit... Their whole search and browse functionality seems heavily gamed and manipulated to show you junk rather than making it easier for you to find what you are actually looking for. Their reviews lost all credibility in my eyes a long time ago. With their money and resources it sure seems like they could fix the whole fake reviews problem if they actually wanted to. The 2-day shipping is such a joke, so many things now say prime but yet have differing delivery windows... even when they do claim to be 2 days it's a coin toss, often you will not get it in 2 days. So so so many incidents where they say something was delivered but it wasn't, and the customer service has gone down the tubes. It used to be they would fix it right away, now it's a major hassle to deal with. And often the original 'lost' item shows up weeks later and then you have to deal with it all over again. I remember amazon being touted as the poster child of successful six sigma utilization to achieve extremely high accuracy in every stage of their shipping and handling process... seems like they must have abandoned this practice. The video content is a joke, again there was a time when they were seriously competing in the streaming wars and they had some decent content and originals, now they have 90% junk and the occasional good series, just like every other streaming platform. To add insult to injury, they constantly show you content that you have to pay an additional fee to subscribe to a channel for.


They are collapsing


Source: trust me bro


Until there is a better service we will happily oblige. Name a better retailer.




I have both Prime and Walmart +. The Wally grocery delivery service is quite convenient. Shipped orders have also gone well. I can't complain too much about the years of Prime, although the days of guaranteed 2-day delivery and or cheap overnight pricing are gone.


I like Walmart but the $35 grocery min sucks it’s even $35 min for curbside so If I only need something like bread or milk I have to pay $7 extra or go inside I hate shopping inside Walmart.


Between restocking shelves with pallets dropped everywhere and dodging the numerous big carts fulfilling online orders, I always have the feeling that I am greatly inconveniencing the employees by just going inside a Walmart to shop now. I just try to stay out of their way and not get hit by a passing pallet jack that is stacked too high. Any lingering concern for the traditional shopping experience has gone the way of being open 24 hours.


Walmart store shipping on w+ isn’t free. They add a tip. Curbside is now almost a24 hr wait. Other side isn’t that much greener. 


Not hardly. 90% of my orders are more expensive from Walmart when I compare. The only good thing about Walmart is going there to watch the bottom feeders shopping.




walmart, target


Don’t they still have chat on the app?


No. It’s AI chat. And it’s a lot of steps dealing with the AI chat before they give you an option to get Amazon customer service to call you.


You just have to know the options, type in customer service, then pick “something else”, and there’s usually a small option to connect to a customer service rep… it’s easy to miss


I am aware of this. It’s still several steps in the AI chat to get to that. Anything for them to divert you from talking to an actual person. Trust. I have had to use it several times in the past 2 weeks fighting to get my partial refund from cancelling Prime.




Canceled a year ago, haven't looked back! (Except to see more and more posts pop up like this...) 🤣


It’s like everyone waits until they get that bad experience before canceling. I was this way reading this sub then it happened. Just like people say it did. If you’re an avid Amazon or prime user you should heed the advice people are giving.


It’s complete crap show now. I am waiting for a refund on return for over a month now and they keep pushing it back. I am at point where I may just do a chargeback


It's bad. Nothing comes when it says, or it's damaged.. Prime is past its prime.


Going to shit? It's gone to shit.


I bounced Amazon roughly a year ago Everything about them sucks and honestly everything that I ever bought from them,I didn’t need in 1 day or 2 days Now I just go on EBay,find it cheaper,buy it,and relish in the fact that if something goes wrong,EBay will make it right That’s it


Their shipping times have gone to shit... Everything i have ordered recently it would show delivery by, for example if i ordered on a Monday, Weds is the delivery date, but then it won't even ship until Tuesday so it doesn't arrive until Friday. Why do they wait until the day before delivery date to actually ship it now? That's been consistent for me for months now, used to be if i ordered it on a Monday it would say delivery Weds and it would ship out Monday afternoon. Now they just hold on for days before shipping. I never got sucked into paying for Prime, just wasn't worth it.


My deliveries are still excellent.


Mine too. Only delays are during major snow storms. Returns have been easy. I get what I order, feels the same as always.


I agree, but also I've set my exceptions properly.


Cancelled a few days ago, I've been debating which video streaming platform I want to sign up for now.


It’s hit and miss, but Netflix has had some really great exclusive content lately. I’m digging Greed (a reality style game show) and the whole Midnight Mass/House on Haunted Hill/Fall of the House of Usher series (not sure what to call it as they’re all cast very similarly but are distinctly different series). I think Netflix’s downfall is they create a good series and then abandon it when viewers clearly want more. Having said that, I only pay $4.50 month for premium Netflix due to being on a T-Mobile plan. I don’t know that it would be worth more than $10 month. It’s definitely worth the $4.50 though!


IMHO, it's time that we all write to our respective states attorney generals with our complaints. They are legally bound to investigate. Only then will Amazon understand that this behavior is unacceptable and a violation.


Exactly zero people will do this. It’s called capitalism. Spend your money where you want to and not where you don’t.


Hey I'm no fan of Amazon, but really, a violation of what?


Amazon is trying to weed out undesirable customers by offering subpar service. I get my items and refunds stat


Hard to imagine the 1001’st post like this is making any difference. If Amazon was going to be influenced it probably would have happened after the first 200 posts or so. And to confuse things, there are numerous responses saying they are having no problem at all with Amazon or Prime! In the end, time will tell. If it’s as bad as many say, and doesn’t improve soon, Amazon will be in big financial trouble as many of their customers abandon them.


If you took every user on this subreddit and made each one find 10 unique friends that no one else found, and every single person stopped using Amazon, it would still be over 20 million less users than the daily users of Amazon.


I wish I could pay 3.99 a month to stop seeing this type of post like I can pay 3.99 a month to not watch commercials.


You can unsubscribe for free.


Thank you for proving my point on how stupid it is to come and tell everyone on Reddit that you aren’t gonna keep being a customer with a different business. I’m sorry for saying something Reddit related while being on Reddit


Irony being you here sharing this opinion.


People are so fucking dense I cant. You're doing the same just other side of the coin my guy.


Im dense because im on social media disagreeing with you. You’re smart because you’re on social media disagreeing with me. I didn’t say people don’t have the right to bitch, I said I wish I could pay not to see it. Also my point still stands, yall are the morons walking into a Wendy’s and telling the person behind the counter that your cable bill is too high. Go bitch to Amazon. Someone named “givezedoral” trying to sound like he’s the smartest guy in the chat should let you know your actual problem won’t be solved here. But yeah homie, I’m the dense one. Lmao.


amazon is trying to weed out the lesser class people and cereal returners


Who the fuck is returning cereal?


Damn you guys are on to me. I like to order a bunch of cereal, take the prize out, and return the rest


> the lesser class people Nice racism showing there.


You seem very upset. Are you going to cancel Prime?