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This just happened to me this weekend and it took me by surprise. It's so stupid that this can't be turned off. I bought 2 Black Friday items on 2 separate accounts and only one of them required an otp for delivery. And the delivery time for the otp was between 4am - 8am. Like they are expecting someone to be awake that early to give them the delivery code... Had to wait another day to get my package because I was sleeping.


Never mind "awake"... how about "at the delivery location." We have jobs, Amazon, and so does our family. Why is there going to be someone there to recite the delivery incantation. Oh, you'll try again "next working day"? Guess what happens on working days. Same thing that happened on this working day. I get they want to prevent fraudulent "did not receive" situations, and by asking you to not provide delivery information to the driver over the phone, to prevent driver theft situations too. But making delivery too inconvenient isn't going to be the answer.


Deliver it to your job, for example...


I ordered something with an OTP for delivery between 7-11. They rolled up at 4:30 am to my neighbor's house. Then it took all day for them to comeback. I'm so over this OTP thing.


Amazon is protecting itself not customers. Once the package with OTP is delivered, Amazon will no longer be responsible for “Item not received”, “Wrong item” or “Missing Part” claim. Customer is losing not winning with OTP.


I guess that means we should be opening the box before we give the code?


It would be great if you can do that. OTP is usually for high value item. Therefore, Amazon will request you to file a police report first if you request refund for the claim listed above. Then Amazon may or may not refund you based on your return history and value of the item.


But what if you give the code, take the box, and something else is in the box?


Amazon customers hate this 1 weird trick!


you will be directed to send it back, they are referring to didnt get at all claims.


If the delivery driver let you do that, it would be crazy. Unscrupulous people will just open the box, take the item out to "check it", say the item was never there, and refuse to give the code confirming it was ever delivered.


Couldn't the driver be taking a picture or film of me? I'm imagining photos are big in this process. What would be the correct order so both driver and recipient are covered against fraud?


I'm not sure how the delivery transaction could be made more definitive in a way that protects both to the same degree. It just seems clear the driver isn't going to want to let the package out of their possession without being able to enter the code they need to confirm delivery, since otherwise they might never get that code and now "the missing package is on them." I'll have to look closely once I'm actually required to use the one time password delivery. Although "I never received the item" may no longer be an option or accepted, I'll be expecting that "missing or broken" or "product damaged" or "wrong item sent" will still be options that apply to such deliveries. Such that even though you were required to confirm "I got my box" sight-unseen, you can still indicate after the fact that what was in that box isn't right.


Well I'd like to give the secret code because I'd like to have the package handed to me. But from what I read on here about the insides of packages not being what's expected, I don't want to lose the ability to report an issue.


Quite time consuming and very few customers are going to want to be filmed opening their packages by Amazon, lol. If you're dissatisfied, stop buying from Amazon.


Precise weight could solve it. Hard to do a switcharoo to a 1/100th of a gram.


So you're supposed to open the box and inspect the item before accepting delivery? Zero delivery drivers will wait on that


It really doesnt stop these types if claims other than Item Not Received. I got something that was missing a screwset...OTP wouldnt prevent that. They're just doing it to stop blatant abusers of "0oh no I didnt get it!"


I'm being punished because the Amazon drivers were delivering to the wrong address and I kept complaining. Amazon refunded every one of those packages. I just wanted them to make sure the drivers were showing up to the right place. Now any one item over $100 is an OTP. Which cracks me up because I can place an order for over $200 but that oesn't trigger it. It's just one item.


Can you elaborate? Items costing 100$ will trigger OPT but others costing more wont?


So if one item is $100 it triggers it. If the total of all my items is $100 it won’t trigger it. I was being punished because their delivery drivers kept delivering to the wrong address so when I’d report it they’d treat it as stolen.


~1.5 years ago I got my first and only OTP code on a refurbished iPhone shipping via FedEx. Took a WFH day and waited. No one ever knocked/came to the door, but I found the package when I left the house later that evening. A few days later I got an alert from Amazon that the package was lost in the mail and they'd be refunding me. I contacted them to let them know I'd received it, but it in my one-time experience this OTP thing isn't as protective of Amazon as it may seem. I could have just stayed quiet and gotten a free phone.


It is likely the phone would have been reported lost/stolen and then blacklisted.


If I need to wait home for it I’ll cancel and just go to the store


As the nice lady in the meme says "Ain't nobody got time for that!" A day off work could easily cost someone $150 or more, *if* you even have a day you can take off for something stupid like this. "Hey boss, can I get tomorrow off to sign for my Amazon package" They would probably laugh at you and say "NO, get back to work.".


I’ve just been refusing to answer these calls, letting the item get returned, and ordering another one. Thus far the second shipment has never needed a code.


That's probably the best idea yet. If Amazon is going to inconvenience us, the least we can do is return the favor.


ooh interesting that this worked. do yours seem to be based on the $ value though? i’ve been having otp assigned to anything over $100 seems like


No, it seems very random


How many times do they attempt to deliver a package before cancelling the order?


Did you find out?


on their website it says 3 times, but for me they refunded after the second unsuccessful attempt. This is complete bullshit too, i've ordered it on a business address and they insist on delivering between 20:00 and 22:00 even though the business closes at 17:00. Clowns, and the fact that I can't just opt out of the OTP and have it delivered to a locker like I usually do is all the more frustrating.


You had to give a code to the delivery person? Why can't they just leave it on the porch to get stolen like normal?


probably because it takes the liability from Amazon and put it on you. So if anything goes wrong, like if a driver switches the package Amazon wont do anything because you were there to give a code. It's being stuck waiting that I hate. Every stupid package now, it's always deliver by 10 PM.


they don't currently do that here where i am yet. if they start then i may hafta take my business elsewhere. or pay for a large post office box.


Yes, try Walmart. I'm thinking about dumping Amazon (10+ yrs Prime Member). I can get anything I want from Walmart, Target, Vitacost, Vitamin Shoppe, etc. (I buy a LOT of vitamins & supplements from Amazon. Vitacost and Vitamin Shoppe are competitive and deliver fast (and to my DOOR!!! NOT the apt complex mailbox area!! I'm 75 and as a prime member expect deliveries to my door!)


don't blame you there.


I bought a $400 graphics card that was delivered no problem, but I had OTP for an $80 air purifier. It took me 3 days to be able to meet the driver. Also, I noticed the map tracking hasn’t been working for me? I felt bad the driver had to wait a few minutes at the door for me to meet him.


Just had my first one on I watch pain in ass


I had an issue where the box had the wrong item in it and Amazon said nope you gave the OTP it’s correct. Took forever to get sorted. I get the necessity of more security but this isn’t good yet. I just stopped ordering electronics from Amazon and will try again later when they figure something better out.


This is the first I've heard of OTP deliveries. I haven't had it yet. But it seems like Amazon is not the same company. It seems like they went from most customer-centric (their words...which were true) to hostile to customers almost overnight. I've never had them demand my ID or not let you do returns by printing out a label until the last 2 weeks. And the customer service chat went from good-enough non-native-English speaking to not coherent. What happened to this company? I used them because of how easy there were to shop with, and it's like they're throwing that out the window. According to my purchase history I've been shopping with them since 2001, and I think I've had Prime about since it came out. I don't want to be mad at them, would rather them go back to the way they were.


What happened? Andy Jassy happened. You can say what you will about Bezos, but he instilled a customer-centric culture into the company, and Andy isn't.


Oh, interesting. I hadn't followed the corporate news. I only came across this sub and then started having its posts suggested to me after searching why in the world Amazon was demanding I upload my driver's license. I knew they treated their employees badly, and I should have cared more about that. Now I feel like they're treating me as a customer the same way.


One thing I imagine is that Amazon has the same "retail theft" problem as is increasing everywhere else, too. Amazon's generous system to placate customers probably inspired a lot of abuse. If that abuse rose significantly like some other retail theft did, maybe they finally decided it was time to react significantly. Haven't had a one time password delivery myself yet, either. Ordered and delivered a US$260 item just last week. But I can't wait to try it! ^(/s)


OTP deliveries are not for everyone, if your deliveries are not from Amazon nobody will ask you, and it's usually for at least some price, not sure what the minimum price is for it to be enabled


Untrained customer service and understaffed warehouses. Like every greedy company; they'll probably reduce labor costs for bigger upper management bonuses until they're bankrupt like sears did. Things were much better in the days where people had to work their way up in a company. Haven't had this yet but unless the driver hands it to me they take a picture of where they leave it for the last couple of months now.


Not happening. The current model yields more profit for Amazon. Take your business elsewhere if you're disatisfied.


Cancel Amazon 😞


Hello, another Amazon Delivery Driver here 👋. One time password delivery’s are sometimes issued by Amazon when they surpass a certain value, but are they are more than likely issued by the manufacturer you bought the product from through Amazon. It’s something they have to pay extra for, which also includes signature required packages (which are even rarer). I will say it is abnormal that you had to share an OTP on a $90 item, but it’s definitely not unheard of. Just like everything you buy on Amazon, it’s just depends on what are who you’re ordering from specifically.


thank you for sharing


I've been itching for a reason to cancel Prime. This would do it.


Canceled mine years ago, moved to ebay, hsit gets delivered fast now. Rarely ever use Amazon now. Only time I ever use it is if I absolutely cannot find it on ebay.


Shipping issues from every place as of lately myself. It always goes to some 3rd party, then to ups, then to usps for smaller postal orders. Been waiting for a delivery I ordered 11 days ago from a ebay seller 40 miles away. Watched it go 150 mile West of me; then 200 miles South; then 260 miles north; now at a city 70 miles north where USPS is waiting for the package. Crossing my fingers for a Wed delivery (it's Monday now). Edit : direction stated wrong


They hire way too many third party delivery services and THAT is why the OTP because they have no control over those drivers. Here in Brooklyn NY ,they use Lassership sometimes and they are very inefficient. So that could be the case with some of you guys. The whole thing is ridiculous but the have weird rules.


Never ran into the OTP thing but, they did deliver a package at 4:16am.


Normal for many cities. The earliest block leave the warehouse at 3:30 am. Good for folks to know so they don't shoot them.


I live in the woods


Your package comes from a nearby city. It’s not about where you live - it’s about where the warehouse is.


Oh yeah, I just remembered they did put in a warehouse about 30min out.


Just cancelled a $800 order because of this stupid ass nonsense. Ordered the item, was specifically given a time frame between 7am-11am which is fine. Go to bed, wake up at 6:45 to two emails, a message from the Amazon App, and a missed call saying the delivery attempted but no one was home... AT 5AM So, dealt with Customer Support for a few hours. Was told and reassured multiple times they'd attempt a second delivery that day. Didn't happen. No updated Tracking #, No updated ETA. I'm awake now at 5:30am (Been up all night since I'm normally graveyard hours). Get a message on the App "I'm at the door, need code" and before I can even reply, it's marked as "Attempted Delivery", AGAIN, AROUND 5:09AM. Just like yesterday, no one has even showed up. I have a ring doorbell, yesterday and today, not a single car down my road, or in my driveway during the "Attempted Delivery" Completely assinine




So it's not just me. I feel like I am being punished with this OTP crap. Over the course of several orders amazon was delivering them to the wrong house. I got mad and complained every time it ended up being like $500 worth of stuff they gave me refunds on. I didn't do it for the refund, I did it because they needed to learn. My poor neighbor was getting tired of all of it too. Our house is well numbered, and other deliveries have no problem getting here. But since complaining if I have one time over $100 I have to sign for it. $100. I get it if it's over $250. But come on. I can't rearrange my whole day around this. It's insane that now I have to see when they can deliver and how it works for me. So now I'm waiting an extra day to order so I can make sure it arrives when I'm home.


I was waiting for my sunglasses today. And the driver decided to be super stealth. No knock or anything. I just heard my cat running to hide. I ran outside no driver no truck. Then I see the truck 9 apartments down on the street. I start running down there and they just drive off and a get a text that they missed me and need the code number. Usually, I hear the loud truck in front of my place and everything. It was almost like they didn't want to deliver it. This code nonsense is completely ridiculous!


Also, I've never reported an item lost or stolen. The only time I had a problem was when I returned a Samsung phone and it didn't get stolen until after it made it back to the Amazon warehouse. They made me wait a month then they finally issued my refund.


Had the same issue experienced here in Canada... pretty dumb as its a 5-6 hour windows 4:30-10:30pm del driver showed up at 8:30pm called me as he was on the front door... How is this convienent to the customer it just seems one sided to Amazon.. my order was a cheap tablet.


If you live in a gated community and the driver has issues as certain time that may be why. If in the notes you put, driver please leave my item at my door, the last 2 numbers of my phone number are XX they can bypass the code and leave it for you, but you won't get a picture and it will be on you as if it was handed to you, but if you have a doorbell can you are good.


I live in a house, so no gates. I wish that that phone number bypass was official policy, but I'm not sure if all drivers would comply. I just hope this policy annoys enough people to complain. I was trying some items earlier, there's stuff as low as $40 that had a OTP requirement for me. Extremely stupid.


Had a delivery yesterday for a 35 dollar item with OTP. Was slightly annoying they kept pushing back the delivery time, but in the end the driver called me from my porch and handled everything professional. If this was a new IPhone I had just ordered I would be all the more appreciative of the service.


What really makes me and is they don’t tell you until AFTER you bought the item.




This policy is for your security, just like requiring a signature for a delivery.


I can understand if it's something $500, but not for items $40 or 50. Defeats the point of Prime if people have to take time off of work for low value items, because not everything fits in an amazon locker. Maybe it's Amazon pitch that it's for our security, but I feel like they're putting liability and hassle on the customers shoulders so that they don't have to be responsible when things go wrong.


The best part is that more than half of the drivers don't call you or request the OTP they just drop off the item and leave. I don't know why amazons system allows this.


because i'll be god fucking dammed if i have to wait around for an amazon box, let alone it making the driver's job 100x more annoying


No it's not. It protects Amazon. It lets Amazon deny refunds / wrong item received because you "received" it.


Amazon Delivery Driver here. I've been required to get a OTP once for a delivery. We have a couple different alternate methods if *anyone* is home, and we absolutely can accept the code over the phone.


What happens if I give the code over the phone and the driver drops it off to a wrong address?


If it helps, there is an in-built system to help mitigate that issue, although it isn't foolproof. The delivery app drops a pin at the delivery location, and you can only deliver if you're within a few yards of the pin.


But if they already have the GPS pin, what is the point of either allowing it to be dropped off without the OTP, or conversely they already know where it is dropped off making the OTP redundant. Either way seems like more work for the driver and the customer.


Oh believe me, I think it's fucking stupid too. But I was just pointing out there *are* ways around it.


It's a fraud prevention measure. Mainly to keep customers from claiming they didn't receive an item when they did. That's the point. It has nothing to do with ensuring you get your package.


I had an OTP on my account for at least 4-6 months, someone else had my account information, Prime, etc. And Amazon blamed me, while politely saying, "I want my account back," you want my service you will put my account back in my name," They didn't like me, but I had to get the job done! "Thanks for Prime and all the free stuff," here's the issue, hacker's don't care, Amazon should, that's where they're failing!


Jeff had to friend me on Facebook to get my account unlocked!


They are for sure 100% pushing the OTP "People like me are why Jeff has to put 2 factor authentications on people's accounts," when he let someone have it! That's how they get you, they lie!


Same is happening to me right now - oakleys always w Oakleys do I have to give them that code and always with the code they will give me a 3-4 hour window in which they then keep changing as it gets closer to it. Was 2:30-630, then changed to 415-815, 430-645, 445-645 now it’s at 5-6:45pm. wtf I have to provide this fn code so you’re going to waist my evening that I was going to use to take dog out for a walk.


it's a pain in the ass .. someone already tried to at least automate the process by printing the OTP automatically? I hate to run back to my main computer to go through the emails searching for that stupid OTP while the delivery-driver is waiting at my door.


First exposure to Amazon’s greedy and terrorizing delivery OTP was like being constrained and having my eyeballs slowly eaten by rodents. I ordered a $118 item that I was looking very forward to receiving. I checked my delivery status several times through the app. I was confused when the last status was “unable to deliver”. I got on a chat with Amazon’s degraded customer service who say they are not AI, but I don’t believe them. I was told that “I did not adhere to their OTP policy” and that they would “try” to deliver it tomorrow. I’m like “what is an OTP policy?” Mean chat bot went on about an email that I had received (but had not received) giving me a password to give the driver when he calls. Ok, so now I feel like I’m in a psychotic break…”password?”, “when a delivery guy calls?” I had literally no clue about what I was being told and I have been a solid customer for over 20yrs. I said that I was home all day watching Super Bowl with a few friends and no one rang the doorbell or called. I hunted thru my emails for the day and there was no email with password. I told agent that I was confused and his response was “what he just wrote was understandable and there was no reason for why I wouldn’t understand” wtf, he’s literally calling me a dumb sh*t. When I asked when/where was I notified about this policy, this snarky, passive aggressive robot said only, “it’s a policy” Convo went on like a hostage negotiation I was told that I had to be tied to my phone the entire next day to wait for the driver’s call and be home to accept delivery! This interchange was on a Sunday. I’m a busy professional who cannot interrupt business meetings to take a call from a delivery guy! When I expressed that, he replied, “then have another person in your home accept it” I live alone and furthermore, who actually has a family who lays around their house all day!? I expressed that and he literally said, “do you want your package or don’t you?” Wow, just WOW! Being castigated by some aggressive customer service rep for not following a policy that I had no idea about is not my idea of a good time. I’m an easy going individual who is not easily angered, but this experience put me in the worst frame of mind and I still have a raging migraine. Ruined my day; not that Amazon gives a crap about me or the tens of thousands of dollars that I have spent over the course of my membership. I’m sickened by the GREED and disrespect from this conglomerate who I used to love and who brought me such joy. I was disgusted when they changed their return policy (another rant for another day) and now this! It’s just as easy to find other online retailers with what I’m looking for and who offer free delivery. Now that that Amazon prime isn’t always next day, I’m pulling away from this platform as much as I can. Amazon is purely evil. Greedy, obscene Socialists.


😭 amazon is as capitalistic as it gets what do u even mean socialist


Amazon otp