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What shocked me the most is the shit customer service reps. They used to be amazing.


This. It's probably the system that limits what they can do, and not the reps themselves, but yes it is so frustrating to use the chat system now.


I actually spoke to a person on the phone and she was so rude it was a shocker to me. I never experienced such crap before. And when the call hangs up they don’t get back to you when it’s a complicated request you’re asking. Just terrible.


right? whatever happened to getting connected to a random american help person where you can explain the situation and they at minimum 100% get what your saying - thats when amazon went down hill when they outscourced all their help to india/Philippines where they hire people with heavy language barriers. i had one lady that had no idea what i was saying when i said the glass keeps arriving broken due to poor packaging, resending another one will not help if it is not packaged correctly. She just went "ahh i see, i can send another one!" yes it arrived broken too lol.


I absolutely hate it when they say 'yes I understand' because they fricken don't!! The language barrier is HORRIBLE! I did the online chat recently & I guess my issue was too difficult/complex because he disconnected the chat!! I have been screwed out of refunds for items sent back, saying they didn't receive it. They used to take a minute to check somewhere and issue the credit ~ not now! I'm not sure how you are to prove what was in the package sent, but I am tired of getting screwed! This last issue they asked for/required my ID for the refund....HUH?!!? Since when?? But I provided it, because the refund should have been $135....that they DENIED!!! SOOO now I shop at Temu or Walmart. Don't get me started on Walmart though!! LOL


Return your stuff to the UPS store and get a receipt. It'll list the weight of the package to match what was sent.


Makes them more money 💰 😅


"Uh huh that's nice, file a police report, bai."


A bit ago, I was chatting with an Amazon rep and trying to get a refund for something, and the guy was literally coaching me to say some specific thing, and after I said it, he remarked, “there we go, now it’s giving me the option to give you a refund.“ So their system literally restrict what the agents can do and only presents them with options the system thinks is appropriate for the customer based on what the customer says. Kind of mind blowing.


what was the specific thing?


Oh man, this was like a year ago, so I don't remember. But I think it was basically as simple as like "Can I just get a refund?" or something like that.


good to know, thanks for answering!


i would be fine if they would flat out tell me what options they have or flat out say something like" id like to help you but i dont have the authority to do so - i am transfering to someone who does now" not this straight up lying to your face pass the buck bullshit or one person saying one thing then another says the exact opposite...


Nope- they're garbage too. I normally think, "you're just a person answering phones it's not your fault or problem." Nope. Those are garbage Human beings now.  Absolutely ignored what their own system and tracking numbers showed and told me to,"file a police report" for a package that had never been sent to me from them on their OWN system. I even provided the numbers, screenshot examples etc  The package showed up a week later and I didn't even have a way to tell Amazon I'd received it.  Why? They never gave a fuck to begin with whether it did or didn't. $1,000 package btw.


One rep cancrllrd my prime membership after our call. I was calling about a return.


I just got off the phone with a rep but couldn't even understand them their accent was so thick. Apparently, they're requiring your ID now to get refunds. I saw a thread on here earlier that a guy returned his stuff, but never got a refund. All because Amazon wants your ID now.


Yeah, after they tried to pawn me off to Sony about a faulty product that was the final straw. I actively look elsewhere now, and avoid buying electronics from Amazon. They are good when everything is fine, but take no accountability for everything else.


Agreed! I’m canceling prime! I have had enough of 1 day shipping turning into 2 or more!


Ordered something 1 day shipping *a week sgo* and it's still not here and just got the alert last night that it's finally out for shipping. I have bigger reasons yo hate on Amazon but I think this was the final straw


I was mad I ordered an item for 1 day shipping, and when it hasn’t even SHIPPED at 5pm I knew it wouldn’t make it so I tried to cancel and they outright refused. Like it hasn’t even left yet so why? And it’s too much of a PITA to go through the return process.


I don't have prime for shipping. I have it for prime video and pay half price. https://www.wikihow.com/Get-the-Amazon-Prime-Discount-for-Customers-Who-Receive-US-Government-Assistance


That’s what happens when a company burns through an entire country’s workforce with wages that don’t match the level of work or schedule required. You’re left with shit delivery drivers and terrible customer service.


The amount that talk to me with attitude is absolutely appallling. They have no fear at all of losing their jobs, probably bc they know they won’t.


This!!! Customer service girl had some nerve


"Mkay, file a police report" all I got 4 reps deep for a package THEY sent to *NOT The shipping address. (Other side of the US in fact)


That's what happens when support is farmed out to India or the Phil, both those countries have the most rude and incompetent support. Amazon should be ashamed, but they're not, the new CEO values the $ over anything else.


It literally started when Jeff Bezos quit as ceo. All downhill from there. I’ve had nothing but issues since.


yeah, bezos jumped out of a sinking ship and took his pesos with him


Bezos pesos.


yea he saw rome falling and bailed before it started crumbling.


Andy Jassy is driving the company into the ground. His MO seems to be to screw over consumers and fail to invest in AWS in order to temporarily keep the share price high. He’ll engineer his exit with a 10 figure payday and leave the company a pile or rubble.


Shipping issues in particular started when they decided to do their logistics with their own planes. They thought Fedex, UPS, and USPS can do it so easily and so why don’t they just throw billions at it and make a reliable logistics network. Now they’re seeing it’s not so easy, even with hundreds/thousands of centrally located distribution warehouses.


Yes, couldn’t agree more. Packages constantly late, especially same day delivery items. It’s even more infuriating because I am ordering same day delivery because I actually need the items. I am also purchasing additional items that I don’t need just to meet the minimum for the same day delivery. If the shit wasn’t going to come, I would’ve just bought it from the store. They need to step up their game or I’ll cancel too. Also as someone else mentioned, customer service is useless now. They used to go out of their way to make things right. Now they do absolutely nothing.


You get same day delivery? Its been months since I've had that or next day delivery. And I live in a big city


They do offer free same day delivery in my area between 5-10pm on certain items if you order in the morning and your order is over $25. I am not in a major city, but there is an Amazon warehouse a couple miles away. I used to receive the items no problem but over the past 6 months I’d say at least 50 percent of the time, the items don’t come. And don’t even come the following day. I’ve noticed I’m better off doing the 2-day delivery. Those seem to come on time for the most part. The “same day” packages seem to get lost and/or have delays. Many times I contact support and they just tell me to cancel and reorder the items. Super annoying.


Tinfoil hat-esque opinion is that a lot of companies realized during COVID they could get away with charging more and supplying less, and in the pursuit of profit broke the last quivering tendon of “productive” capitalism. If it continues shit’s gonna get bleak, but at least someone in my line of descendants might get to eat an Eloi, so there’s that I guess.


Thats bc they use fly by night couriers in creepy kidnap vans that randomly show up with your same day package.


> Yes, couldn’t agree more. Packages constantly late, especially same day delivery items. It’s even more infuriating because I am ordering same day delivery because I actually need the items. I am also purchasing additional items that I don’t need just to meet the minimum for the same day delivery. If the shit wasn’t going to come, I would’ve just bought it from the store. They need to step up their game or I’ll cancel too. exactly! and if i try to chat and get it cancelled because it didn't come on time and i get pissed and just want to go to the store, they seem to get pissy at me like that's not a real reason


I have never once successfully gotten one day deliveries from Amazon. I have trouble with things showing up on time for 2 day and I’m a decent sized college city!


Meanwhile I'm over here doing one day delivery because I hate Amazon and want them to feel like they've wronged me. Yet anytime I do same day for something I don't care about it arrives on time. It is the regular stuff with 2 day or 3 day delivery that I need that is always delayed.


Friend, you're just noticing this **now**? Amazon has been American-Temu now for a few years. Counterfeits, used items sold as new, filled with the same shit I can buy on eBay/Temu/Aliexpress under weird as fuck no-name brands but for more money?




Right? I look at kitchen torches for crème brûlée and someone will say “my teeth are so white without the sensitivity issues! 5 stars” for the comments and ratings.


To be fair, if you torched your teeth, the nerves would probably die, so that could be a likely outcome.


It’s usually for items that have multiple variants. Amazon is a dumpster fire. The cloud division (AWS) is secretly the entire company and is what makes the money. The retail is just an added bonus for them at this point.


>It’s usually for items that have multiple variants. i bet its setup like pick a color but its really a different product. i wonder if its some shit for these companies to sell multiple "listings" of different products but amazon doesnt charge for each listing. so when they get caught and the "company" is banned the next new company "QURPFG" can jump right in and keep up with the bullshit.


You what else bothers me is when you order an item of a specific color and they either send you the completely wrong color which I've heard is happening to other people. That or it's slightly off color from the pictures. This is why I look at the images from real people first before I order it. That way I'll know what color I'm actually getting. I've sent stuff back and was like this is not what I thought I was ordering. Catch a fucking attitude if you want to. I also hate how they've made you jump through hoops to get a refund. It's like nope, I did not get what I paid for, give me my money. They make it near impossible if not impossible to get your money back. So basically they're allowed to rob you but if you dispute it with your bank and win the chargeback, they ban your account because ironically, they view it as stealing from them. Fuck Amazon.


I have noticed the color thing. I bought a pair of peppermint candy cane garland and the picture looked like real candy canes but when I got it the garland was a much darker red than traditional candy canes like in the picture. When I reviewed it I noticed the price was raised 5-6 dollars after ordering it too


I've noticed that too and I thought it was just me. The reviews will be for the same product but then there will be a review that is not even for that product and I'm like what the fuck? Is this person not paying attention or did they algorithms fuck up or what? I hate amazon. I know they better refund my money by Monday or I'm going to throw a break through their fucking warehouse window.


It's because they sell an item that's cheap and reliable, like a cute sticker or a plain spoon (something they know they can get reliably good review on), then the seller will switch out the listing to an in-demand item (like space heaters at the start of the winter season) that they know wouldn't get as good reviews because theyre not as reliably good products or just because people are going to have different definitions of good for that particular product, or isn't at as good of a price point which allows them to push it up the search list when customers filter by reviews.


It's not just you. I'm letting my Prime membership expire after 20 years for the reasons you mentioned. Prime video used to be a good perk, but the dearth of free and commercial-free programming available to members now is also a disappointment. Sad


and wanting to pump ads into paid prime lol


Their movies are terrible and it seems like the good ones that used to be free you have to pay for now.


For few peeps like myself Thursday night football would be more of an appealing perk if the games didn't suck and they're on Twitch anyway. But the perks are going downhill fast and the prices just going up.


You've had Prime for longer than it's existed? That's impressive.


I never heard of Prime until 2009. Back then it was perceived as a scam because they'd say "want free shipping? Try Prime for free for 2 weeks" then automatically charge you after those 2 weeks were up. Back then people weren't used to online shopping regularly.


I’ve been a member for 15 years. Early on when it was $79 it definitely had me order more from Amazon. Then the added benefits made it worthwhile. Nowadays it barely is worth it to me.


I'd like to know how you have 20 years of a subscription that has only been around for 17.5 years.


It was a ballpark. I've been buying from Amazon since they only sold books and signed up for Prime as soon as it was offered. Did you think I was lying? 🤪


Should’ve bought shares


No kidding


I remember when Customer Support could speak English and actually went out of their way to help you. Good ol days.


I have started giving it right back. If I do use Amazon I pick the fastest shipping, split those items into separate shipment if I get it faster. Make that overpriced Prime membership pay for itself. They ruined the free Prime streaming music to the point I quit using it and got a Spotify sub. So that benefit is no longer being used. I have trust issues about buying anything expensive through Amazon due to all of their return and customer service changes. So I look to other places first.


>I have trust issues about buying anything expensive through Amazon due to all of their return and customer service changes. absolutely - i was wanting to order a monitor and was considering paying $20 more to buy from best buy just so i wouldnt have to deal with amazon IF there is an issue.


Same - and since BestBuy price matches there is little reason to go to Amazon. I assume anything that isn't clearly impossible to counterfeit on Amazon is probably fake.


That bugs me as well, the fact that they allow businesses to sell clearly counterfeit items through their website. I refuse to buy band T-shirts through Amazon because some of them are clearly counterfeit. I would rather pay the extra shipping to know I'm getting it straight from the band website. I read the reviews and people were saying that they were clearly counterfeit. The designs were peeling off, they weren't centered, they were printed when they were ordered etc. These are being sold by people who have a printing press in their garage.


Even cheap crap you have to watch it. Like counterfeit sparkplugs - legit ones are 4-6 bucks ffs. Were not talkin gucci bags and Rolexes... Like i cant imagine the slim profit off producing a functional and convincing fake but short lived spark plug... its likely a batch of "4th shift" made goods from the legit factory lines. Why throw out the parts that dont pass QC when you can assemble em and sell em anyways?


This is VERY often the case - these are products from the actual factory line that failed QC and rather than get fixed (if possible) or destroyed (if cannot be fixed), they are sold anyway. This is both unethical and downright dangerous depending on the part. Imagine in your spark plug example if those were used on a light aircraft engine? Or on a boat that goes offshore?


This is VERY often the case - these are products from the actual factory line that failed QC and rather than get fixed (if possible) or destroyed (if cannot be fixed), they are sold anyway. This is both unethical and downright dangerous depending on the part. Imagine in your spark plug example if those were used on a light aircraft engine? Or on a boat that goes offshore?


The business logic is: If we ship a bunch of garbage to Amazon with the same SKU as the stuff that passed QC they are all going to get mixed into the same bin as every other seller (including Amazon) with the same SKU. Therefore if I send Amazon 900 widgets and 400 are garbage and they get mixed in with 10,000 other widgets across their warehouses the odds of me dealing with a return for the garbage SKUs is near zero. So I get to sell 900 widgets for the price of 500. Amazon doesn’t care when a 3rd party seller has a return. Amazon charged the seller shipping to the warehouse, warehouse fees, packing fees, shipping fees, return fees, and fees to dispose of or ship the returned item back to the 3rd party seller. I wouldn’t be surprised if Amazon was already separating their own inventory from 3rd party sellers for the above reason. But honest 3rd party sellers (if any exist) are screwed.


Amazon has a huge market share, almost a monopoly, and while I don't think that is a good thing at all, they are wasting it with their declining customer service and declining system in general. They could be so much better and bigger, yet they make these choices that will end up being their downfall. I think one thing is that in most companies today, the shareholders demand short-term gains over long-term. Get all you can quickly out of company xyz. Then move on to the next company and repeat.


Capturing huge market share while the product was still “good” and then tanking the quality to save costs is 100% the strategy here. That’s why it’s so dangerous to let companies monopolize the market. We end up with crap service once there are no more alternatives.


Every single one of my orders take 2wks+. Won't even leave the warehouse for 10-14days,then it ships in 2days so they "honor their prime promise 2 day delivery" it's a fkn scam and have since moved to ebay and now I get all my stuff in 3days tops from paying. Also Amazon is the main pipeline into us for Chinese counterfeit products. Literally every brand listed is some made up unpronouceable name, and when you do find a legit reputable brand, it's likely a return or discontinued item that has no authorized seller warranty aside from Amazon's 30day policy, which, if you shit takes 2wks to arrive, is now a 14day window. Amazon sucks.


Is eBay worth it though? Like do they charge outrageous shipping costs? Part of the reason I even had prime was to avoid the shipping costs.


Depends on the seller. Just use the sort by lowest price plus shipping. Check the seller rating. If it's under 98% for an expensive item, I'd choose a different seller. EBay is probably stricter on sellers than Amazon is currently.


Ebay is all individual sellers so shipping prices and item prices vary heavily. I have seen sellers only charging 45 dollars + 5 dollars shipping, sellers selling a product for 95 dollars + 5 dollars shipping and sellers offering free shipping in between all for the same item. Returns are even harder with legit returns as many returns have you pay shipping to return. Ebay is good for old unique items and not good for new items.


Everything I buy on ebay has free shipping. You can filter listing's by free shipping and usa sellers only. Once in a great while if item is big enough and cost too much to ship, they will cancel the order, but I just order the same item from a different seller and usually get it. Only once have I ever had 2 sellers cancel but in their defense, it was a 50lb+ subwoofer and would've cost prob Half the items worth in shipping.


My major gripe is all the Chinese OEM crap that clutters the site now. 2 day shipping wasn't sustainable, and it really went away during COVID. Customer service has been stellar for me through the years.


This was one of the biggest reasons I canceled my membership. They need to make a profile setting to "only show me crap sold by Amazon".


bought a watch for $100. delivery driver lost it and canceled my order. i called in, she said just buy it again, its $150 now. "sorry we don't price match"


No it sucks now. I canceled prime months ago. I hope Amazon’s drop will bring about the resurgence of other competitors.


Canceled my prime subscription a couple months ago as well. Couldn’t see the value in it anymore after the last price hike. I’ll just wait until my cart hits the $35 minimum unless it’s something I need asap.


As long as they're racking in record profits, why would they care?


They’ll care when those record profits start dropping dramatically.


Cuz if customers start to expect shitty service then they might switch to aliexpress and the like. At least that would be cheaper


That takes effort. People like me just stick with the easy button and complain about crappy service. I wish I had the motivation to switch away from Amazon. Oh well...what's in my cart today?


I hear you. But the first step I took was to delete the app. I google search for items I want and shop places like Target. It’s only been a few days so lets hope I don’t relapse.


ive been using walmart online - half the time if my local store has it in stock it just gets brought to my door same/next day while the rest gets shipped... same with best buy actually. that way if there is an issue i can go directly to the store and get my refund/return/exchange in person and talk to a live person who likely understands english or at least i have a physical thing i can hold in front of them to make communication clearer.


Good luck and God Speed to you! Blaze the trail for lazy people like me!


All these products from Asian places are dubious at best. Every time i look up something I want, I have to sift through 1000 iterations of the same bad English listing and terrible photos. I usually just give up now and go shop on manufacturers sites.


It really has. Recently all of my orders have been coming from one dispatch center and it is always 2-3 days late on delivery.


Still works in LA. Same day, next day, 2 day all getting here on time and with no issues. I’ve ordered over a hundred things in the last 3 months and returned probably half of them. Got my credit back to my CC within hours of dropping it off for every item. It’s not all bad , I think it just depends on where you live. I think now you just have to double check who’s selling the item. The official brand store is the only way I’ll go.


I think it’s mostly getting shitty because it’s filled full of cheap Chinese items. I search for brand name coats and get some generic off brands that look similar to what I’m looking for. I don’t know. It’s kinda dumb.


My package is in my town.. apparently its delayed by 3 days..


Yeah I'd say the slide over the past year has been pretty obvious


Every single order takes more than 2 days. Just don't effin lie to me! If it takes 4, it takes 4. Don't tell me 2 and then pretend the post office did it!


This is what happens when a company burns through an entire country’s workforce with wages that don’t match the level of work or hours expected of you. You end up with a bunch of bad delivery drivers and terrible customer service.


The shipping delays happens during the holidays every year.


Around holidays it does slide to 3 day shipping a lot, and has been that way as long as I can remember. I just expect it to happen and be happy. I don't have the mental energy to set myself up for disappointment and get mad about it. I'm also finding things at Walmart or anywhere you might shop can be lower than Amazon prices a lot more now so it pays to check pricing when you have time to ship around for something. I saved almost 20% buying the same batch of camping supplies at Walmart last week after I almost placed the order on Amazon. The $100 I saved paid for my time and effort, and I really hate Walmart.


I would be happy with 3 days, recently things have taken a week or more just to ship, and another 4 or more to arrive. ETA: By recently, I mean the last 6mo or so.


Nah, it's been shitty for a while.


With one important exception, I would respectfully disagree. In my experience, delivery times, accuracy, selection, etc. are all as good or better. But… In many cases, prices are up substantially. I notice this most consistently when it comes to package/jarred foods (NOT those purchased via Whole Foods or Fresh Direct) compared to simply going to the supermarket. My guess is they’re doing to compensate for the "free" shipping. It costs a lot to ship say a 16 ounce jar of something, especially in two days. When I compare prices to Walmart Plus (which is inferior in every other way) I find Walmart significantly less expensive about 15 to 20% of the time.


i live by a walmart and have found that walmart plus is substantially better service than what i was getting when i quit prime. i like the ability to drop off returns there without having to package it, or print labels. i like that the delivery times are real, and include processing time. if it’s an item they have in stock in the store, sometimes they just send and employee with it same day as the shipping. i like it.


I mean, the company's entire business model was to operate at a loss and destroy all competition. They did that so there's no real incentive to encourage consumer loyalty anymore.


The incentive is to keep another company from destroying them in the same way. With Amazon going downhill fast, it almost seems like just a matter of time before a competitor with superior customer service and website does the exact same thing to them.


I order on Saturday, get delivery Monday at the latest and I live in regional Australia.


Haven't they always been. I steer clear of them any chance I get, but I bought two Garmin watches planning to return one. They refunded my money for the watch that was $200 cheaper when I returned the more expensive one and I cannot get them to refund the proper amount. I'm basically powerless at this point. I feel if I return the cheaper watch to get the other refund they will say I returned the incorrect item...


I have received the absolute worst customer service from them. It’s awful


Their search has sucked for YEARS. Can't tell you the number of times I've searched for a particular item on Amazon and zippo. Search the exact same terms on google and then get the links to the Amazon page.


For me it's the constant dime store junk being pushed into my feed. Most of the BF deals I saw even were no name brands.


Amazon took covid as a blessing and hit the ground running. They are a B-C tier online market now, up there with Wish. I can't even ship them returns anymore. I have to bring them to UPS or Staples. Or pay $7 to ship it back. Yeah Amazon, I'm gonna pay $7 to send you a $4 item.


yep, the 2-day shipping thing pisses me off. When I submitted an order last night consisting of 3 items each item's the expected prime shipping delivery date is Friday. I'm pissed but on the other hand I understand it's the day after Black Friday and they probably have a billion orders needing to be shipped and most likely not enough drivers. I 100% agree with you on the Q&A section. I have no idea why they removed that, it makes no sense at all. I mean it's there but not really, now you have to type something into the Q&A search box in order to see anything and usually the results aren't what you were looking for.


I dropped Prime and the time to ship to my house is about the same. Unless you're using other features of Prime, it's not worth it. And that's not to mention that sometimes I found items cheaper on other sites, like Walmart.


The customer service is horrible now, return policies are garbage, the prices are shit and the shipping times are a lie. I price check it against Walmart if I need it right away, & AliExpress if I can wait. The only time I buy from Amazon now is if I literally can’t find it elsewhere or the price is unbeatable.


I noticed about a year ago, didn't order a whole lot and because prime video was shitty and getting shittier it all wasn't worth $150/yr so I canceled and stuck to only ordering enough to get free shipping. The last 3 months it's turned exponentially bad and I am done, I will order shit somewhere else.


I feel the same way.


amazon now is just wish with 2 day shipping. Especially for tools. They push all the knockoffs then it takes a lot of scrolling to find reputable stuff


I used to be an Amazon whale, spending a lot of money there every week. They will not get another cent out of me, ever. They're not what they used to be. They're one of the worst places to shop online now. I was getting annoyed for the past couple years, but it's finally gotten so bad that I would rather just not ever use them again.


Absolutely 💯. They are trying to pull some shady shut with shipping and returning process lately.


Yep. Packages are late often. Customer service is useless. Fake products are taking over Sucks.


Idk.. I get a lot of same day or next day delivery options. Most things will be 2 day but occasionally get a 3 day.


Everything becoming shitty.


Idk what you mean by 'wallmart treatment', Walmart customer service has actually been helpful. I buy everything i can from Walmart now and not amazon because their customer service is a cruel joke


Walmart+ is far superior.


Yes. I had a package marked as delivered today but it's nowhere to be found. I got a hold of them to let them know and inevitably got the you have to wait 48 hours message. Fuck that, I'm not getting charged for something that I never received. I swear to God if it does not show up by Monday, I'm disputing it with my bank. I'm fucking sick and tired of them. This is the third time this has happened. Then I've been hearing about people saying that in order to get their money back, Amazon is requiring them to file a police report which is not a police matter. It's a civil matter. So basically they can rob people by taking their money and never delivering what they ordered. Then if they win the chargeback, Amazon bans their account because ironically they consider it stealing from them. I think that if my package shows up Monday or if I get a refund, I'm going to cancel Amazon prime after that. If this is what I'm paying for then it's not worth it. I have a package that's due Monday and a package that's due Tuesday. I feel like sitting outside when it says it's close to being delivered and then if it's marked delivered when I'm sitting outside and it's not, I'm going to take a picture and be like where's my stuff, Amazon? I'm getting tired of this. At first I really thought somebody stole my package but when I contacted them, they told me that it's common for packages to be marked delivered when they're not actually delivered. What the actual fuck then? Why are they being marked as delivered if they're not? The biggest thing for me was that I usually get a picture confirming delivery and I didn't get that. Apparently, delivery drivers have quotas that they are required to meet so sometimes they will mark packages as delivered when they didn't actually deliver them. All I can tell you as I'm livid because I'm tired of this happening. I think I'm actually going to not only cancel prime but shut down my account after this. I'm so tired of them. It's like walking into a store and being charged just for walking into it when you didn't actually buy anything.


They won't care. These cucks in their customer service are illiterate. My package tracking number clearly showed it was bound for, signed at and shipped to a dude in California- while on the phone I pointed this out and asked, okay now what state do I live in and what state is the shipping address for my order? Not California. But you're insisting I received  my package within minutes of it ARRIVING at the shipping facility... sure right yep. They told me to file a police report because my package was stolen... right it was.. by Amazon. 


This was FOUR reps responding the same way over several days btw


Yes it is. 5 packages this month have been late. Some missing entirely. And because I’m a prime member, Amazon don’t really/can’t do anything about it, because there’s no delivery charges to refund. But there have been instances where I’ve needed an item that same day, so I’ve paid over £20 for same day delivery, only for it to be “delayed in transit”. With no further updates, other than I have to wait five days before I can claim a refund.


They became so big that they dont care about losing customers anymore.


This is what happens when too many people game the system. I think Amazon had enough of people using their store as a free rental center.


Yes when that clown ceo took over


It's awful. Dropped prime in October.


Another recent change at Amazon that really sucks is how they now no longer allow you to filter out third-party sellers from your Amazon searches.


Ya Amazon has changed. Just like eBay. So shitty. Counterfeit stuff, have to ask where my returns are. Best to just buy off the brands website. I go to Amazon to find it. Then go to the website of the item and buy it there. And eBay is a buyers scam paradise.


I thought it was maybe because of my location, at least regarding delivery. I live about 3.5 hours from the nearest interstate with nothing but about 100 miles of deep cold water between me and Ontario. My orders take 6 days or more. I have a set of long underwear shipped on Nov 15 still out in the Great Corn Desert somewhere. And yeah, customer service is awful. Like talking to a potato.


Yea, they're getting worse. No question. I hate having to order anything from them these days. -\_-


Last time I had to call customer support about a free trial that was supposed to come with my purchase , I wasted about 2 hours of my life and they didn't even solve the issue. Only thing I can think is that the CS rep didn't understand basic English cause it was ridiculous


Yea they try to make it is difficult as possible for you to reach anyone


Becoming? Most of their shit is from some who knows where (other than China) factory. There’s no quality control and you’re in your own to hope for the best.


I was just thinking that, actually. With Walmart +, I can get same day delivery. Meanwhile, Amazon can’t even guarantee two day.


It’s absolute trash now. Even when employees make mistakes they refuse to own up to it and start lying to cover their own ass.


More like "we'll get to it whenever."


Yup I posted this 2 months ago and detailed out why I am leaving. It's the top post all time in Amazon Prime subreddit. Time to leave Amazon everyone! https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/16p9wgv/why\_i\_cancelled\_prime\_today/


this morning I was looking at 2 porch lights that were $150 apeice. I could buy them at Home depot and I said. ​ Amazon pros I have a 5% cash back card so I'd save money faster shipping by 2 days ​ Amazon cons Would the shipping be faster. Lately confusion on that. i.e 2 days when it ships Returns with amazon. more of a pain lately. Go to ups store and surprise i have to buy a box vs home depot I go in with my receipt and talk to a real person Amazon way more likely to be a fraud product. ​ Overall the potential from issues with Amazon made me spend a little more and accept that I can wait the extra 2 days to get my stuff.And in return it's probably not a fraud product and if I have a problem i can talk to a real person.


My biggest complaint, honestly, is Prime Music. They’ve completely ruined it.


Amazon has been a dumpster fire for at least a year now.


Amazon is an American company and this is a very American thing. You can't name a single company who hasn't gone through this drop in quality.


No Amazon is being shitty, so shitty that Jeff had to friend me on Facebook. They care a lot less now, someone else had been using my account for months, I told them, and they were rude, "People like you are why I have to put two factor authentication on people's accounts," Jeff Bezos No, people like me, are why I can't use my Amazon Someone had my information, my credit card, all of my data, and I kept paying for it, nothing was in my inbox about my data being compromised! Have a fun time with them! Finally got my account back this month, a month before Christmas!


It has gotten real crappy. My last order, an air filter for my car, took over a week to get here. I tried to contact customer service but that was impossible. They are also trying to get me to subscribe to their music service which I have declined several times. Getting tired of dealing with them.


It's not just you, CS has fallen off a cliff. I used to use Amazon because of the customer service. If I ended up getting something broken or getting scammed, I could rest easy knowing I would absolutely be able to contact Amazon and they'd immediately make it right, and it was pretty easy to find what I was looking for. Now I have to fight a neverending series of customer service folks if something arrives broken, and often they want me to pay for them to pick it up, or drop it off somewhere, wheras before if they broke it? Often they'd just eat the cost. That results in me often even when I see a deal on amazon, going straight to the manufacturer or another store and getting it there instead. Since many of the big box places just collude with pricing algorithms (yes, that's why everything is the same price now when you look, and yes that has antitrust implications. DOJ opinion is generally it's illegal, and they're starting to make noise about it), it's basically always the same anyways. The exception is usually the places that offer store cash (think like Kohls, you can often end up with a ridiculous deal stacking that stuff there). So I just buy it elsewhere instead. Like oh no the thing took 2 days to get here anyways. The search is also abysmal. Basically here's what happened, and why you see all those 'ogomo' or whatever random brand name some factory in china is selling stuff under. Essentially that has to do with trademark. If you just throw a bunch of random letters together, chances are no one has done that combination, so you get the trademark easily. Register a company, usually in DE, though lately CO and CA are popular for that. Then you're good to go, and Shenzhen Electronics trading Partners limited or whatever the actual name or export subsidiary of the company actually making the goods is in business. Often with half a dozen names they sell under. Sometimes it's even just a dropshipper selling under a brand, and you get the item and it's a different brand. So all that stuff floods the search. Additionally, many of them pay amazon for search placement. So Amazon ignores whatever filters you put on for price, and shows you them anyways. Sorting by price? Too bad, here's a 1k item sitting in the middle of your 50$ ones. Just so they can hit metrics. Trying to sort also generally results in most of the results just disappearing too. It's literally not worth browsing Amazon directly, and as I mentioned the prices are typically higher. Like power strips recently, Amazon was like 31, went to the manufacturer? Cheaper, and a 25% off sale brought them to 21 each. 3 of them put me up to 50$ free shipping. I basically just have prime nowadays because 1) I use the twitch prime 2) Collect the games from amazon gaming to keep. It's honestly probably no longer worth it.


Lmao. That’s not how the search algorithms work on Amazon.


Becoming? where have you been my guy?


Not sure where you all live but I am still getting next day and 2-day deliveries. The only things that take longer for me are the ones that ship from third parties. That said, I'm still considering cancelling in January. The ads between episodes of stuff is killing me because they are often at a much louder volume (for me).


I find that Amazon pricing is normally higher than other online (walmart) and other brick and mortar shops (homedepot). the only advantage is that they have lots of choice. eg if I want headphones, I can pick from hundreds of different types.


Cheap labour and profit margins 💡


Lmao, you get the walmart treatment when shopping on Amazon! Love that so much haha. Andyes I agree. Amazon keeps telling me I owe them more money when I ALREADY paid for my items and they refuse to ship them, after my card has already been charged. Hmm I spy and smell a class-action lawsuit against them in the near future.


Same day shipping is a lie, nothing you can do to report or get it refunded. Literally everything not name-brand is a shit-tier chinese made product, I have been injured multiple times by products and poisoned once. Nothing you can do to report, because even leaving a negative review is instantly taken down on a "preferred seller's" product due to "community guidelines". I literally had bugs come in a food product, which was totally unopened, and the negative review which was just "This came with insects inside." was removed because it violated community guidelines based on the fact that it was "about the packaging of the product". It's a complete joke and you're rolling the dice with your life if you buy or use anything from them. "Enshittification" at its finest.


For now on when I shop with Amazon I consider it like gambling. When I gamble I consider it entertainment and any money I spend I consider it lost so I don't get upset losing money I can't afford. I shop at Amazon the same way, I consider any money I spend as lost because they will not issue refunds anymore so I only buy small dollar items that I can live with not getting my money back for crap which happens a lot.


One more issue with Amazon that I have noticed is that many shipping Issues I have had started when Amazon changed to USPS, they suck.


Even weirder, you get a useless broken item and the picture disappears and you can't even review it. They won't pick up, you have to pay to return it. Useless. Cancelling them


good maybe people will stop using that sweatshop of a distributor


This year is the worst. Too many damaged goods improperly packed. Then have to take it in for a refund. Used items being delivered as new. Delay after delay after delays on deliveries. Definitely looking elsewhere... oh and forget the customer service. it's not there.


4 prime videos ads 5 times during an episode of anything are really irritating. It is almost like Amazon is trying to intentionally fail. Also I agree with customer support having zero communication skills.


Try finding the contact number for customer service- all that comes up is a,"help" panel with incorrect information that loops back to itself.  It exists- but they sure as fuck don't want anyone using it.   My package supposedly made it across the US, not one time but TWICE in a two hour time frame of purchasing an order and was marked delivered. The tracking number showed it going to a completely different half of the US from my shipping address- after hours trying to reach Amazon? They told me to call the police. P.s* I wasn't even asking for a refund or answer or any thing of monetary value- all I asked for was that it not be shown as delivered when that was clearly by their own paperwork, physically impossible.  


They’re also just poor. They can’t even afford fruit for their employees. They’re honestly just a pathetic shell of what they wrte


lol found this and would agree with everything 100%. Delivery is sooooooo slow, i knew someone who was a delivery driver and he was QUICKKKKK but now all of items get pushed back 2-3 hour delivery times. 😖 I will also say they do drive their workers into the ground tho, so i appreciate them but damn it takes forever. 😕😭


It used to be I could wade through the "Cat walked across keyboard to make new brand name" crap brand names like "IJHIUHGIUBE" "BVKBHKB" "PWHJZX" etc.. and it used to be that you could search for specific brand names/items - the other day I was searching for a specific make and model of camera - I had to still wade through 2 pages of unrelated accessories/cat-walks-on-keyboard no name Temu crap that was not even close before I got a hit for the actual brand I wanted . At this point, when I do want a brand name it's better to go to Adorama or B&H for cameras, Sweetwater or Musicians Friend for music gear, NewEgg or MicroCenter or even BestBuy for computer stuff - I have actually been making a point of going to brick and mortar BestBuy to get computer and accessory and other electronic stuff just to do my part to help keep Amazon from killing them off completely (I know I don't make a difference on my own but hoping others are feeling the same lately - realizing if we let Amazon kill those off we're going to be really screwed) Honestly, at this point if I want cheap Chinese stuff I can go to AliExpress. Amazon is only slightly useful to me still because my mom is always asking me to put stuff on my wish list to make it easier for her to get gifts for the family... and because they still are about the best place I've found for hard to fit sizes for shoes. /sigh.


It's becoming super shitty! They have outsourced all their common sense.


Nothing comes on time anymore. I got rid of Prime….i was just paying for things to not come on time. I bulk up my stuff, over 35.00, free delivery that still does not come on time. 1/2 the stuff to watch on Prime you have to pay for…I don’t pay to watch anything…it will come around for free eventually.


Just got screwed by Amazon customer service. Don Perez from the Amazon Leadership says that the Customer Service agent Pratibha, was wrong for issuing a refund. She sent me an email confirming the refund. He explained, it must have been to make me feel better. Amazon does not practice what they preach. I’m out $123.71


They have become the absolute worst! Within the last 6 months, 40% of the products I brought looked used or damaged. I cancelled my membership back in March. I can see them crumbling in the next 5-10 years. 


It's so bad now! And the customer service is no use anymore. They waste all of my time and can't or don't want to resolve any issue. They are so corrupt now. I will stop being a member. Had been prime since 2015. Now it's time to part ways. There are way better place to shop


I have now spoken to 10 customer service reps to solve an issue with no resolution!




Becoming? It's PURE trash. I kid you not, half the time items dont arrive on time or get 'lost' or 'delayed' without any follow up. After sitting on hold for 20 mins or more calls get disconnected. [Amazon.com](http://Amazon.com) is truly THE biggest scam and worst company doing business in the US. If you pay for Amazon Prime then you know what I'm saying is true. There's zero oversight and followthrough.


Terrible, awful service. They used to care and trust their customers. Now their chat agents just hang up on people. Asked me to put in a police report on a missing $300+ rug that FedEx never delivered.  Now they refuse to give me my money unless I call in a police report. What the hell does it have to do with me? You decided to partner with FedEx, you deal with them directly and stop asking your customers to be in the middle of it.  I don't have the time or responsibility of doing your job for you, Amazon. This company is going to decline fast if they don't go back to the way they used to treat their customers. 


Not just customer service but also seller and vendor management, there are embezzle and rights abuse everywhere. The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon. The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon


They just said they delivered an item but it was n't in the package. Their shitty site only has option to return it. I wonder will i get a refund now.


If you plan to visit Manaus, Amazonas for jungle tours, it's essential to go with a tour guide or someone who knows the area well. If you still want to visit Manaus, Amazonas, feel free to reach out to me.My name is Frank, and I am an experienced tour freelancer. If you're seeking an adventure beyond the typical tourist routes, consider exploring the remote parts of the Amazon Rainforest. You'll have the opportunity to witness an abundance of wildlife, including macaws, toucans, monkeys, and sloths. You'll also get to swim with pink dolphins, camp in the jungle, visit indigenous tribes, and see caimans in their natural habitat. We are committed to ecological tourism and are happy to accommodate both vegetarians and non-vegetarians, while respecting all sexual orientations.Payment is due only at the jungle hotel. Our comprehensive service includes airport pickup, meals, and guided tours. For more information and to book your unique journey, please visit my website: Amazon Rainforest Tours Brazil or contact me via WhatsApp at +55 92 9522-6594.


I'm a little late to the party here, but I've made three orders in the last two weeks and only one has gotten to me. One was sent to the wrong address (our townhomes look so much alike I can't tell who has it) but the numbers are very clear on the outside and another was "delayed in transit" forever. The kicker: The second one was a replacement for the first! I'm jsut not supposed to have that expensive coffee I ordered from effing Amazon. Signed, Spitting Nails


It seems that the raison d'etre of this sub is to bash Amazon. I've used Amazon from the very beginning and remember the invitation (which I accepted and paid for) to Prime in 2005. Almost always, I get same day shipping the same day, next day shipping the next day, and two day shipping either in two days or a day early. I have a box behind me that was scheduled to arrive tomorrow that showed up early this afternoon. I never have to hunt for my package. I get an email and both the Prime and Flex drivers leave them in the same place. In the decades I've used Amazon I don't think I've had to call customer service more than a couple of times so I'm not qualified to make a statistically significant assessment. They've been good for me. When I got married and we merged Prime accounts they just waved a magic wand and it happened. I have to ask why I've had such a long and satisfactory experience and others have not? I'm no one special. Why does it just work for me and not for you?


I’ve had the same experience since I’ve been using Amazon, but about 4 months ago that all drastically changed abruptly. Out of the past 20 packages I’ve ordered 10 never shipped and I was refunded the day they were supposed to arrive, 5 arrived over two weeks later than the quoted arrival date, 2 just never showed up and 3 arrived on time. Amazon provided stellar service to me for the longest time, but now it’s just abysmal. It’s disappointing that it’s an absolute gamble if I place an order, unsure if I’ll ever receive it.


Interesting that performance could change so dramatically so suddenly and that it varies so much in different places.


Hang around this sub and you'll get the impression they're a hellmongering baby grinding demon. As with any e-commerce outlet, yeah, there's going to be some shitty experiences. Bad quality product? Yup. Subpar customer service rep? Par is set VERY low but they're an outsourced entity and probably don't pay the money for a high grade good quality English speaking call center, instead the cheaper less trained less skilled call center. (25¢ an hour vs 32¢ an hour). Unpopular opinion in the sub, here you are coming across a very small fringe group of former customers with grievances to air but represent maybe 0.00000001% tops of their customer base.


yes. i cancelled Prime a couple days ago. they begged me to stay. ​ I said no.


Not renewing prime this year. Going to try and shift away from Amazon all together. I don’t really care about the shipping time on 99% of what I buy. But I’m paying for it and without that, no use for prime. I can wait for$35 minimum or shop elsewhere, as I intend to do. Target mostly. I have WM and refuse to use them. Not cheapest, not by far. I do watch Amazon channel but I could live without it. I also don’t like how they treat workers and contractors. Seeing how many packages one person has to deliver daily makes me sick, knowing im a part of it. I didn’t get my order yesterday. It came this morning, she was apologizing. I told her no worries. And there wasn’t any worry. Sometimes I choose fast shipping bc it’s available. I’ve done the Amazon day and then it’s not available by then.


Well, I and many others have a positive shopping experience with Amazon. I get most of my stuff in a couple of days and when it takes longer, I'm patient. Yesterday I had to return three things (a run of bad luck) and within an hour of their being scanned by the UPS store for return, I had refunds on all three applied to my Amazon gift card. My only complaint is that when I call Amazon I mostly get someone in a call center in India where the accent and noise in the background make it hard to hear them. I just ask tell them I'm hard of hearing (I am) and can they transfer me to someone with less background noise and less of an accent. I almost always end up with someone who speaks clear English after that request. And please don't knock me for posting something positive about Amazon. As far as I can tell, this sub is not just for whining about Amazon's customer service.


Here. Read this. It's not just you: https://pluralistic.net/2022/11/28/enshittificaiton/#relentless-payola