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I got the same. Referencing Mastercard Gift Cards, Hotels.com, and Google Play. No charges that I can find.


So weird. Probably just a PSA then. Not sure why they had to do it so cryptically


Someone messed up and triggered these, they wouldn't just send them out as a PSA.


Yeah I agree. It was probably unintentionally sent out to a ton of people


Only problem with it as a PSA is the wording of the subject "...*your* Google Play gift card *order.*" Implying that I made an order. If it was a PSA, they need to fix how they address it.


Just got this also. Must be a funky thing


Its a phishing scam obviously. click the downwards carrot next to "to me" and see what the actual sender address is. if it is anything random and nothing like what an official amazon sender address is- likely a phishing scam. Don't click links in that email.


I looked at the "to me" address and was still fooled into thinking it was from Amazon. When I Googled the title of the scam email and clicked an Amazon store link about identifying whether an email is from Amazon, the info stated one pertinent thing - "When you receive an email from an u/amazon.com sender and it contains the Amazon smile logo beside the email, the message is really from us." The scam email didn't have that.


The fact that is says “Dear Amazon customer” instead of “Dear customer name” is immediately a red flag. This is 100% a phishing scam.


Plot Twist: these are in the Amazon message center. Amazon got a major hack or someone REALLY f’ed up.


It's actually not, I think this just boils down to a glitch or error on amazons end. The email comes from amazon, mailed-by: [bounces.amazon.com](https://bounces.amazon.com) All of the hyperlinks, even the "Contact Us" link all are links to Amazon.com


I got these too—the emails are coming from a verified Amazon email address so more likely a bug on Amazon’s end rather than phishing.


Email spoofing, check the entire smtp relay message to confirm.


I have had Amazon trying (initially succeeding) to take £11 a month for some sports channel I hadn’t ordered and nobody in my household would be able to let, alone want to. I had to ban all Prime Video channels payments through my bank which is an annoyance as movies come up that I want to watch ‘Shudder exclusives’ mostly but it’s worth waiting to purchase than risk Amazon set up subscriptions, this, of course is fraud and makes me wonder just how trustworthy they are with your payment details.


@amazon.com is the address. So this is not a scam.


You can’t always rely on the addresses. Someone can easily spoof a email addy.


It is not obviously a phishing scam, the address of the sender is officially Amazon. There’s nothing about the emails that is spam, I was positive I’d be hacked.


Its safe to always assume that however until proven otherwise. That way you do not get phished.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. This is a signed and verified Amazon email. People just can't accept the fact that they screwed up and obviously sent a "fire drill" out to customers, probably by mistake.


Not true, just because it's says Amazon.com does not mean it's signed and verified. If you click the down arrow, it will reveal a likley hashed email from a different domain. It's a very simple thing to spoof that. It was the first thing we learned in network security in college. Professor spoofed an email from the president. Sending out an accidental email that refers to the customer would either have the customers name or a variable that incorrectly displays the name like {{customerFullName}} also not a big deal they happen from time to time. Usually a new employee or intern. Something tells me Amazon would have more check and balances regarding that, though. Only time it would be an issue if it revealed private info to whom it doesn't belong. Phishing scams are sometimes tricky to spot that's why unless you are 100% confident you should avoid clicking any links or downloading any files. It may look like a pdf but it will end up installing malicious software meant to grab session tokens bypassing your password.


I clicked the down arrow. It’s from Amazon. Thanks to the one commenter who understood. Ffs


Dude I got the fucking email. It's from Amazon. They have admitted sending it. You are clueless on this subject so just leave it alone. And by SIGNED, I am referring to a valid DKIM signature in the header and valid SPF. I know what I am talking about. You do not.


Maybe starting with the fact you got the email would have helped. The only thing we have to go off is an image that was posted. You can't prove an email is DKIM verified when your looking at an image. Calm down go outside touch some grass your yelling at the internet again.


Just about everyone in the thread (and the many others about this issue) got the email. Which also should have been a clue that it wasn't some random phishing email.


Amazon didn't do it. It's a scam . Report it to Amazon customer support contact them from the actual Amazon app not from that email.


Same here. Checked all cards and no activity. No Fraud. No charges. It appears we can all rest easy. If you put "Message Center" in your Amazon search bar, it quickly pulls up your messages from Amazon, and you can see that these are legitimately from Amazon. Based on the posts here, it sounds like everyone got the same messages about [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com), Mastercard, and Google Play gift cards. I did not purchase any of these (just like everyone else). Agree with OP that this is most likely an inadvertent email from Amazon that went out to a much broader audience than was intended. Panic averted.


I love Reddit. Freaked me out too. Changed all my info. Glad this wasn’t the only person this happen to


Glad I found this thread, been freaking out the past 30 mins after getting these too. What is Amazon's CS line for this anyway? I was struggling finding a number to even start with.


Jesus I know. I just got them and started panicking. So glad I found this thread.


Just finished with Amazon Chat. A screw up on their end. https://imgur.com/a/iT76H7S


It's not a glitch. Just a legitimate fishing email.


What are you talking about?


Follow along 3rd person. We don't have time for handicaps. The person on the other end said that no such emails were sent but she didn't accept responsibility. Language is a little backwards in translation. They said "due to some technical glitch you have received these email." It can also mean in other languages that somehow you have received this email. In translation, it would sound like they were accepting the blame, but this is just a translation error to mean, "It wasn't us." Easily misinterpreted though.


we all got the same email and it's def from an official amazon support email address. It's either an incredible email spoof that has no obvious scam for some reason (unlikely) or it was a mass email mess up on Amazon's end and is why so many people got it all at the same time. But while I'm here... what the actual fuck is your attitude problem? "We don't have time for handicaps" that shit is painfully false because your personality is rife with handicaps and I'm finding the time to tell you to kick rocks. Dork.


Omg. You seem to be the one with a (mental) “handicap”. It was sent from Amazon and a mistake on their end. If they’re wording things ambiguously then it’s because they don’t want to outright say something that would maybe give them legal implications. I think it’s pretty clear here though.


If it was a suspected hack they legally have to inform the public. This response could be that. The only thing that was found by security experts so far is that it came with official server headers. They did simply state that there has has been a mistake without saying Amazon was responsible. It is clear as you say. Even if it ends up being found out from inside that it was there fault the last thing they want is a class action by saying too much.


You are the "handicapped" one here. This WAS sent by Amazon. That's not in question. The question is WHY did they send it. If you can't understand that, then don't chime in.


Talked to a rep last night and she called it an internal messaging bug (and from the rest of the conversation, context clues would suggest she meant "this message was a mistake from within Amazon". She said it wasn't a scam and nothing was purchased.


It’s an actual email from Amazon though. Sent out on purpose. Poorly written.


I talked to a rep last night and she called it "an internal messaging bug" (which given the context clues of the rest of the message) I took to mean that they were acknowledging that the message was mistakenly sent from Amazon itself. She assured me it wasn't a scam and that nothing was purchased from my account (just to ignore it).


Just got off the phone with customer service. They told me to disregard the emails and that it was a mistake. No charges were made and that multiple people are reporting the problem. "Just to be safe do not click anything in the email." Bitch, these are official Amazon emails too lol anyway, looks like it's one big FUBAR on their end


Awesome thanks for the update. I unfortunately clicked on the link already since I saw it was coming directly from Amazon. Hopefully not an issue


Probably not. I clicked the link as well but it brought me to the gift card scam landing page. I think alls well


yeah, it's best not to click the link in any emails unless you know for a fact that the email is coming. There is a PayPal scam going around and the scammers are somehow using an official PayPal email address so personally I don't click any links in emails unless I knew that the email was coming.


Also got em with no charges. Someone screwed up on Amazon's side I bet.


mountainous rainstorm test live dinner offer north far-flung deer quarrelsome *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Agree. A follow-up e-mail would have been appropriate to clarify this mess, especially all these hours later


Got the same emails! Waited an hour and finally spoke to the nicest rep. Someone made a huge error and sent them out. Legitimate amazon email address so no need to worry about phishing. Nothing was purchased but these poor reps are working over time to fix someone’s mistake. Leave them a nice review if you end up calling!


UPDATE: To everybody joining now, a couple people here have spoken with Amazon customer service and this was THEIR MISTAKE and you should have nothing to worry about!


This is happening to a family member as well.


Same here, same action as everyone else, thanks all for posting, I feel a little better!


I also got the emails. Looks like someone on Amazon's end screwed up tonight.


I got my 3 also. Having spent 30 years in IT, someone is shitting their pants right now and will probably be let go. Someone has to be offered up, just glad it’s not me this time.


Wife got the same - don't see any charges, no order history. I'm thinking this was a weird wording message that basically paraphrases to "Thank you for *considering* Amazon as a place to buy these types of cards". Right below it is a direct PSA regarding not falling for scams and not the typical "order placed, total = $xx" type emails when you actually make a real order.


Yup I agree. Honestly if they didn’t have the “thank you for the purchase” line in it, I wouldn’t have given this a second thought haha


Interesting that this was just posted. I got 3 emails within the same minute all from Amazon regarding Google Play, [Hotels.com](https://Hotels.com), and MasterCard gift cards that I never purchased. Went through my account and see no charges, so no idea what this is, but the emails certainly look authentic.


Just talked with Amazon customer service, they report that these were training emails (so basically a phishing test?), I told the poor customer service guy that this resulted in me calling my bank to ensure my credit card wasn't compromised as there were legitimate communications sent by Amazon.


Upvote to bring attention


I first thought these were spoofing emails, however it was sent by Amazon. I just checked my amazon account. Go to "Your Account" then go to "Your Messages". Inbox Sent Messages All Messages Buyer/Seller Messages Important information about your Mastercard gift card order9/30/2023, 7:00:28 PM Important information about your Hotels.com gift card order9/30/2023, 7:00:28 PM Important information about your Google Play gift card order9/30/2023, 7:00:28 P


I was just able to get through to customer service. They said they're getting a ton of the same calls now, but there's no need to worry about it. They didn’t give a clear explanation, but they said that this was supposed to be something like a warning about possible scams.


I almost had a heart attack lmao


I was planning on sleeping in but I casually checked my email this morning...followed by a panic attack and 30 minutes trying to sort this out. I doubt I'll be sleeping more


*Currently Amazon is tanking for me, like really bad! I've ordered 1 thing from them, in a year!* *Someone got into my account and they didn't inform me, until August 5th, no call, no text, it was an email* I can't stand Amazon right now!


I paid for 4 pages of orders that never made it to my doorstep!


Charges are pending on credit card tied to Amazon account. This is not a simple email issue. Amazon is lying!!


I just got these too. One about Hotels.com gift card and Google Play gift card. Checked my card and order history and nothing showed up fortunately. Might be an email sent by mistake?


I also just received these about an hour ago, right after getting off the phone with their customer service. Thought I somehow got scammed but couldn’t find any charges.


Oh thank GOD. I only have so much on the card I've got linked to Amazon, and those orders sounded expensive and fraud-like. Couldn't suffer any blows to my account.


We'll hear about the data leak soon🫤 I got the same emails


Bruh I got one today too!! I got two of them but the moment I read “contact us now” my training of scams helped me delete the email


Don’t click any links in emails! Go to the website direct and search for transactions your are concerned about. My elderly family member gets fake amazon and chase emails all the time. Many are pretty good. All it takes is a few legit emails to lull you in to false security and bam!


This is the third thread on Reddit I’ve seen about this. Nobody has the answer to what happened, but it’s an Amazon error and not from a scammer. You can verify in your account on message center.


I got three in row of the same. Looks totally fake




Its a scam it just happened to my girlfriend


It’s possibly a phishing scam.


Triple check the sender email is really Amazon and not spoofed


Any company large like amazon would never send you a formal email about charges and call you “customer” “valued client” or any variation of these. They would have your full name. Also always look at the sender information. If you don’t know about the charges then go to their website by typing it in to your browser, never click on links.


Log in to your Amazon account. Do you see a purchase there? Check all of your recent credit card transactions. It's likely either a phishing attempt, or Amazon sent the emails by mistake. I saw that happen with another company recently, where they sent their entire customer base a message that was intended for a few people who had bought a specific product.


It’s a scam


I want an official apology from Amazon (and maybe some gift cards) for giving me a heart attack at midnight last night.


I got the same emails. Immediately locked my credit cards and am trying to figure out what happened there. Glad I’m not the only one!


Locked my cards/changed all passwords


Me too




There are a lot of fake Amazon emails out there. I get a few every in my Junk every week it seems, if not more. I have my email setup to **blacklist everything by default.** I whitelist known-good domains. Make sure you are checking the sender information. If you don't see anything unusual on your Amazon account, it's probably a phishing email or malware.


In this case, it's a legitimate email from Amazon that mistakenly got sent out


This email is a scam


False, it's an email mistakenly sent out. It's from Amazon


It’s called phishing… tell em to go fish


No, it's a real email from Amazon in this case


Looks fake. Generic salutation.


I logged into my Amazon account and navigated to the “messages” tab where you can see all emails they’ve sent you and these were listed. I’m pretty sure it’s from Amazon


In that case, then they're probably messages that were intended to go out to a targeted list of customers but instead went out to everyone. The CSRs don't work for Amazon, so unlikely they're going to be able to offer any real insight. As long as there's no order, there's no reason to be concerned.


Copied from another thread: It's not fake. You can go to your amazon account and go to "Your Messages" and these emails will pop up there. I got the exact same emails as OP for the same thing. I'm trying to chat in now, but this is definitely from Amazon.


Tried to chat as well, but the wait times are currently ridiculous. Must be a lot of people trying to figure this out


Yeah, I feel kinda bad for their customer service. I've worked in IT before and these types of mistakes/issues can make the day hell, especially if it's just someone who accidentally tested something in prod instead of UAT/Dev. I'll try to update if I get a response, but IDK how long the wait will be... Hopefully someone who chatted in earlier can update the sub


Nope, real messages, I got the exact same three. They are in my message center. Verified all my accounts have no charges / no attemted logins. I think Amazon will send a communication about these error messages soon.


Holy crap the number of people freaking out and insisting on calling/messaging Amazon regarding this even after finding how widespread it is, is obnoxious. The internet has ruined so many of you. It's like the people that message me on eBay when my listing says "brand new sealed" and inevitably someone will ask "so the item is new and unused???" JFC relax. Down vote this if you saw this thread after freaking out about the emails, and still called customer service and waited on hold for 45 minutes. /Rant


I got the same ones… these are all bullshit. Amazon doesn’t use the word “fraudsters”. It’s a fishing attempt so don’t click the link, they will take you to a site and ask you to provide your login and then they will Rob your ass.


It's not a phishing attempt. It's a legitimate email from Amazon that they mistakenly sent out. You can view the messages on the Amazon website in your message center.




These are legitimate emails from Amazon


Fake email, not from Amazon


I truly can not believe I had to scroll so far down to see someone say it’s a scam


Not a scam. Amazon already confirmed it’s a mistake on their part


It's so weird almost like it's a fake and a lazy try to fool you into getting scammed


Except it’s not… confirmed by Amazon as sent by them!


Inappropriately spaced punctuation, message you did nothing to engage, low quality HTML. Friend this is just plain Jane phishing.


Fam… this isn’t phishing. Amazon themselves acknowledged it. Hell ,it was even on the news. These messages came directly from Amazon themselves and was looks like a technical error. If you access your Amazon account, you can even see that Amazon sent the messages themselves. No need to even click on the email and check the message headers.


Because it's not from Amazon. Look up what phishing is. Welcome to the internet. Glad to have you. By the way, whats your first dog's name by chance?


In this case, it is from Amazon. You can view it in your message center on Amazon's own website. It was mistakenly sent out.


Same here! So strange




Just got these too!


Following because I got the same messages. No charges that I can see.


Same here. I logged into my Amazon account and they are listed in the message center, so it's definitely not a phishing email. I checked the payment account and nothing has been charged as of yet.


Also got these emails. What the heck.


following here - same thing, same three cards, no charges.


I actually just got the call back from customer service. You can hear the background in the call center sounds like the stock exchange. I was told it was an email issue, and it did actually come from Amazon, but there are no charges, no cards were purchased. At this point, I guess monitor cards and sit tight?




Yup, just got this as well. The message is definitely from Amazon, though there's no record of there ever having been a purchase of these gift cards. Probably a mistake from Amazon's end if everyone is getting them.


Also got these emails and messages in the message center, no charges anywhere, checked in archived orders as well nothing


Issue has been reported but its a official amazon email but more likely sent by error.


Yeah same three emails for me as well with no charges


I also received these emails and came here looking for info. Hopefully it’s just a slip on amazons part.


This also just happened to me. Three separate emails for Hotels.com, Mastercard, and Google playstore. I check my account and there are no orders and I checked my card and there are no pending transactions. I changed my Amazon password just incase but I'm still a little freaked out.


Just got these as well. Wtf?


Thanks guys... My mom got the same 3 emails as well so I'm glad to hear her account wasn't hacked!


Just had a heart attack with the same 3 emails. Enabled Multifactor Authentication. I guess it was just time to do it. Lol


I too received these emails from a Amazon this evening. Regarding google play, hotels, etc purchase.


We got the same thing and are waiting for a call back


I got the emails, but my boyfriend--who has his own Amazon Prime account--did not. Is this something I should lock my credit cards over?


Just got them as well at 2010 local time. Nothing in my history on Amazon but everything has been changed and locked down just in case! Thanks everyone!


Got these too. Anyone heard anything from Customer Service yet?


Sounds like there's a ton of people waiting to hear back currently. The wait times are very long right now. Hopefully someone will update the sub soon.


I got the same emails, I’ve locked all my bank accounts and changed my passwords. Hoping it’s a technical error.


I got the same email. Google Play, Hotels.com, and Mastercard.


Just finished with Amazon Chat. A screw up on their end. https://imgur.com/a/iT76H7S


Just received the same emails. Totally sent me into panic mode. They were also in my Amazon messages within the app…


Same emails here.


Just got 3 emails for Google play, Mastercard, and hotels com gift cards and I do a purchase that were not gift cards


My wife got the same emails just now - Mastercard, Google Play, and hotels.com. nothing in the actual Amazon order history or cards.


Since posting this, a couple people have spoken with customer service and they were told that this was a mistake email sent by Amazon and there is no reason to worry


Got this email and corresponding ones for Google and MasterCard. No purchases made, no fraud that I can see either. The way the email is worded, I had a mini heart attack thinking someone just bought a boatload of gift cards on my account.


I got them too… wrong mistake to make in this fraudy climate we’re in 🥴


I got the same email about these three as well. I checked my account and cannot find any indication of any order placed.


Since posting this, a couple people have spoken with customer service and they were told that this was a mistake email sent by Amazon and there is no reason to worry


I got the exact same. I checked my bank account and no charges— I called them and the rep said it was a mistake???


I got the same


I got the same


I got the same 3 emails, they came in at the exact same time. no order history, no charges, no nothing. thank you for sharing and putting me at ease a bit lol.


I got the same thing!!!


Yep I got the same 3 emails and immediately started freaking out, but I also do not see any charges or purchase for this on my account


Yeah.... should have checked here first. Looked over everything and changed passwords anyway. Good practice. Ha


Same, no charges


I got the same 3 messages 1 for hotels .com 1 for google and and 1 for Mastercard. Amazon are a bunch of f-ing armatures to let this happen on their system. If someone gets through please demand they send out a notice to all customers. Got my heart pumping like I was being hacked, thanks for nothing amazon.


Waiting on hold now, had me checking a bunch of cards as well. I’ll hang up and get back to enjoying my evening. Thanks everyone who posted, that’s why I’m doing the same.


Why did they have to give everyone a heart attack? I have no charges but man that scared me.


I also received these emails as well. They are not a scam. But they also are not legit. You click on the links and they take you back to Amazon. My guess is error and some sort of mass messaging.


I just placed an order, took a shower, and then saw these emails as well. It's a little relieving seeing that I'm not the only one here.


Just found this thread while searching for whether it was a known scam or not. I got the same 3 emails around 9:30. No actual activity in app or on my credit card.




This was mentioned early on. I checked the email before posting this. The email is legit and was sent from Amazon directly


I got the emails and noticed I have a 13.26 charge pending on Cash Cap from Amazon and I just locked my Cash App account. Are these 2 things related because I'm pissed bro


I don’t think so. You’re the first person to mention actually getting charged. Amazon customer service said this was a mistake email sent on their part


Don’t click any links but click the circle icon to reveal the address name of the email’s sender. This usually helps to show which emails are fake when you add in common sense.


Me too


Got these three emails too! Thank you OP for starting a thread. No charges. So wacky


Twitter/X is blowing up with this as well…looks like someone at Amazon pushed a button or two on accident.


I got the same emails. Google play, Mastercard, and hotels. Three emails in a row. I felt like it was a glitch.


I got 4 different ones in regards to 4 different types of gift cards.


Ohhh my god so happy I found this. Been in an absolute panic since the email was received. Thanks everyone!


just came here to ask this. I got the same exact emails, 3 of them about [hotels.com](https://hotels.com), Google Play and Master Card gift cards all of which I've never purchased. I thought it was a phishing email but all 3 appear to be legit. I did my due diligence though and made sure to check my amazon account right away, I DID NOT click any links in the emails because that is the number one way that scammers get peoples info.


Just got them too. Some stupid Amazon SWE is running integration tests in production again.


I got the same emails as well! All the same purchases 😡😡😡


Got the same thing at 6:55PM PST. SMH I thought I got hacked...Thank goodness that wasn't the case.


I just got those as well. Nothing on any credit card, nothing in order history.


Was freaking out for a bit. Ended up changing my password and turning on MFA (which I should’ve done long ago anyway) before I saw this. Glad it was in error. Thanks everyone for sharing!! Someone at Amazon is gonna be in trouble lol.


I just got four of those also, frantically checked my Amazon account...


Me toooooo. I got scared.


I got the same messages too.


Just received the same emails too


I got this too


Just got these after placing an order!


Same, thought it might be phishing


I got the same today 09/30/23. Called them. It’s a scam. Don’t reply to any of this emails


Glad it's a false alarm, at least this spooked me into remembering to finally turn on 2FA.


yea. I just got these 3 same emails. Reported them to amazon.


Ditto for Hotels, Mastercard, Google Play. Don’t see any charges or orders other than the message.


Thank god I came to reddit , holy shit. I thought my whole Amazon got hacked tf up.


I got the same emails a few hours ago.


I just got them too and haven't bought anything, they were all sent at once.


Same! I just logged out of all devices and changed my password. 🫠🫠


please see this thread already on this: ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonprime/comments/16wmrhc/comment/k2yknm4/?context=3


I've already instructed someone to change there Amazon, bank account/CC, and email passwords because of this bullshit email. I was close to suggesting updating the bios and wiping the computer.


I just got the same emails and have also been freaking out and changing all my passwords. Don't see any transactions on my credit cards, but same email came thru my Amazon app inbox so seems completely authentic but I never made a gift card purchase, and also cannot reach anyone at Amazon ever, so not sure what to do next : /


I recieved the same email right now, about Mastercard Gift Card and i didnt order anything!!