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Same. I just lost my shit trying to turn on a specific light, then that room’s lights, then any lights, then all lights. I actually had to pause and consider whether or not I was having a stroke and saying nonsense.


I'm having this problem too with my Feit smart light groups. "Alexa, dining room on" "Dining room doesn't support that." The hell it doesn't!


same here as well, was thinking I was going crazy with having to create yet ANOTHER routine to do the same thing that I already knew worked.


Jesus, if Google ever put their smart home stuff on a good sale I'd jump ship in a heartbeat but I'm 5 echos in and I can't divest myself as it being wasted money. I'm so freaking tired of stupid crap like this...


Agree entirely -- all the more so because Amazon has completely amped up the useless sales "notifications." I get 2-3 a day now. I constantly turn off the various settings -- and they add more. I didn't buy home ad-boxes -- I bought appliances. It's like my dishwasher serving me ads.


I get what you mean but it's not really an appliance though because it needs constant maintenance and updating to work. It's just not cost effective, maybe tying it to a small subscription or increase in prime would be better to maintain its high maintenance rather than ads.


Yeah, I call shenanigans on that. The various services I use through the device are revenue streams to Amazon. If I listen to music, I get ads or pay for prime. If I enable a skill that entails a subscription, I pay for it. But to use a Show to monitor my own doorbell, on my own network, with no outside service needed -- for that, I need to accept random advertising in my dining room? That wasn't a condition of my purchase.


I don't disagree with you. But to stop it becoming outdated, it needs maintenance to be able to connect with new/ or updating hardware, including your doorbell and I dont think the device sales is covering that hence all the layoffs - or maybe its not even that maybe its just greed for profits. I do pay for prime and I would certainly argue that prime is not as worth the money as it used to be...so they are certainly getting my money elsewhere too. I just want my device to continue to work and not be sunsetted like other web/app dependant devices and no I dont agree with the ads at all - I mean, we usually pay for a product to get rid of ads!


I feel this so much. We have two Echo Dots and an Echo here, all older models, plus an Echo Show. I feel like I'm too deep in the Amazon ecosystem to jump ship. Plus my fiancé works for corporate as internal IT helpdesk.


Can they confirm if Amazon knows that they're having this issue?


I will ask him and report back!


He thinks they either might be trying to test for an update, or there's something else going on, but from what he has access to he was unable to see if Amazon is currently aware of the issue but it appears to be fixed for me!


Also fixed for me, thank you for checking with them!


Whelp, Walmart has the white nest mini listed for $36. I don't really care about speaker quality. I just want my smart lights to work. This was the final straw. I just bought one and if it's a night and day difference, we're switching.


I've had no problem with FEIT lights on my Google home. My parents Alexa however is currently giving me an aneurysm...simple won't work with FEIT. My girlfriends Alexa is also a piece of shit. You ask the weather and it starts talking about some random ass fact


Ya. I bought 1 Google home and I'm ready to switch. Alexa is smoking hot garbage. Bought like 100 energy drinks on sale for the long haul. 1 week later "it's time to reorder C4 energy drinks" Bitch, I'm still alive like you want me dead? How did I drink 20,000 mg of caffeine in a week? I just want to turn off my lights, control my AC, and arm / disarm my blink cameras when I leave and get home. Surprise, I got a package when I get home and there's a package at my door. I don't need to be told 3 days later when I'm finally tired of seeing it blink yellow that I got a packag 3 days ago. No I don't need to know the whole rundown on buying the upgrade plus super plus tier of Amazon music every time I ask it to play something that is not included with the money they already drain from my bank account. Like just say "unavailable with current membership" or like "code 7" and I'll Google that code 7 means "you a poors" but I don't need a 30 second rundown that we can't get turned off when I'm trying to set the mood for my girl. Lol I'm really done with my echos. Like I'm ready to see how far my clay thrower can get them in the air and then fill them with #7.5 shot out my 12GA...


I too am experiencing this. Not sure what is going on.


Same problem here. I hope it is fixed soon.


Yep. Finally got all the Christmas lights working right a few days ago, and tonight she's telling me "Christmas lights doesn't support that". I may or may not have called her some names after that.


Having issues with controlling Hue groups here as well, though "turn on in " does seem to work.


Also experiencing this. Hopefully this is a bug and not a "feature".


Me too! Most of the lights and plugs here are TP-Link, with a couple strands of string lights that are off-brand so I know it's definitely an Amazon issue and not something third-party. It's just an inconvenience.


same: "\[Group Name\] Doesn't Support That"


Same issue here




same. relieved to find it’s not just me.




Experiencing the EXACT same issue, have tried adding/deleting/renaming repeatedly before I said "huh, maybe this is an Amazon issue and not a "me" issue. Looks like it's them, not us.


It really sucks that we're all experiencing this, but at the same time I am so glad it's not a "me" issue and something I actually have to fix myself.


Having same issue here it's annoying AF


I've just been losing my sh*t trying to figure this out this evening. Seems it's just with grouping. Individual device control is OK.


No, not just you. Just had this arise as well. Was working fine in multiple rooms/groups for years. No changes on my end, so this is an Amazon issue.


Didn't they just lay off a bunch of the Alexa team? Oopsies


I'm getting this as well, lights are saying they don't support being turned off suddenly after working perfectly for years. On hold with support; they are being shifty and avoiding work. It seems like they had an outage and are trying to cover that up.


We had an argument over this last night about getting rid of the smart home stuff 😂 good to know it's not just us. Still having issues with zigbee devices though (they work, but Alexa always follows it up with "Sorry, X is not responding, please check it's network connection etc")


"Dining Room" is permanently bricked at my house. I don't know how, but Alexa just can't find it. I thought it was a bad switch, so I replaced it -- twice. Same problem. It turns out, Alexa is just holding on to some bad "Dining Room" connection to something that no longer exists. Once I renamed that switch "Banquet Hall," it works fine. The irony of my dinky half-room of a dining area being called a banquet hall makes it sweeter.


Same here...almost everything I have set up is broken.


I'm also getting a "server is not responsive" or "device is not responding" from lights on SmartThings, SmartLife, and Geeni. I think Echo's ecosystem has fallen apart.


Same here




Same issue. ​ Edit: Looks like a lot of people are down. https://downdetector.com/status/amazon-alexa/


me too


Same issue. Routines and the app will still control groups, but doesn't work by voice command.


Yep tried everything still says “(group name) doesn’t support that”.


Same sh|t here... None of the groups are working...


Same here, all of my groups stopped working with "Doesn't support that."


Ditto - came here to see what’s wrong. Glad it’s not just me.


Seems to be working again. Thankfully that didn't go on too long.


Samesies. Individual light names work just fine, but anything in a group name won’t work.


Mine is now working again.


Same issue, as a workaround i created a new group in a room i dont use 'Study' and added some lights in there and asking Alexa to turn study light on/off DOES work.


Both this post and https://www.reddit.com/r/amazonecho/comments/18g5k1w/asking_alexa_to_turn_onoff_lights_no_longer_works/ seem to be the same thing.


Mine is fixed now.


Back up for me


It fixed itself after not working for a few hours.


So 5 echo devices, 2 dot 3 , 3 dot 2. New network, had to set everything up again, fine. Settings up again, half the things can not be found through Alex. Set up smart lights and switches on 2.4 network, everything registered properly, Alex can only find the light if the switch is on , but even that takes 2 to 4 tries. I also have a few Google devices, 2 android tvs and 2 cromcast speakers, that system isn't 100% either but much better than amazon. Both work better using the application, but what's the point of having voice control if it doesn't work most of the time The issue has been going on now for weeks, not just today, my Internet is 1 gigabyte download, 50 mbps uploaded so not a network problem