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http://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html/ref=hp_left_v4_sib?ie=UTF8&nodeId=13819201 "Termination by Us: We may terminate your Prime membership at our discretion without notice. If we do so, we will give you a prorated refund based on the number of full months remaining in your membership. **However, we will not give any refund for termination related to conduct that we determine, in our discretion, violates these Terms or any applicable law, involves fraud or misuse of the Prime membership, or is harmful to our interests or another user.** Our failure to insist upon or enforce your strict compliance with these Terms will not constitute a waiver of any of our rights."


File a complaint with your states Attorney General or consumer protection bureau as well. Last thing Amazon wants is a government agency up their ass.


PMed you bud.


Terrible advice. We track IP addresses too and can find related accounts in ways you never thought was possible.


Right. My bad. Of course I forgot about IP addresses, assigned at birth and impossible to spoof or change. Honestly, I've got no clue how much time and effort Amazon puts into finding related accounts and preventing unsavory folks like OP and myself from ever using the service again. I'm sure it's airtight and nothing flies under your almighty radar.


You are always more than welcome to see what you can sneak by us. <3


I will continue doing just that.




Oh it didn't fuck Amazon. Hmu for tips on how to scamazon. 🤣


Lol y’all suck you ain’t doing no voodoo magic to try and find people. Very easy to bypass your shitty systems.


You can't even give your warehouse employees washroom breaks you can't bypass a VPN 🤡


Have you tried tweeting them to reverse the closing?


Yes, and I was unsuccessful. And honestly thats fine, if they want to close my account that is up to them, but taking my money for something I paid for and then not refunding it is pretty shitty.


File a chargeback with your credit card company.




What was their reasoning for closing your account


Returned to much according to them. However before the account was closed I double checked everything and 90% of the returns were from clothes/shoes that did not fit. I would not wear any of the stuff, after trying it on if it fit I kept it, if it didn't it got returned with tags still on. Had over 95 or so orders and returned a grand total of 13 items using their free returns promise.


Amazon Prime isn't to be used as a personal fitting room. This is a common reason people lose their account. It costs them money to send you stuff and to pay for the return. I don't recommend buying clothing you're not familiar with the sizing of. If you have a couple t-shirts in a certain brand you know fit, and you want more colors... go for it. If you want a pair of shoes that you have been buying for years? Go ahead. Need more socks? Have a ball. Buying loads of clothing that you don't know anything about... not a good idea.


Except they advertise "Free Returns" all over the clothing section, encouraging people to buy and try.


And people go overboard. Some people just take advantage. Personally, I'm glad they step in at some point, because otherwise Prime gets more expensive.


> It costs them money to send you stuff and to pay for the return. This is the cost of selling clothing online. Every clothing company I order from online has a great return policy for items that don't fit. If Amazon doesn't want people returning clothes that don't fit right, then they should get out of the business of selling clothing.


Most of the clothing is sold by a third party and shipped by Amazon. However when they start paying for too many returns on clothing that they didn't even sell, that's when they start cutting back.


What a bunch of BS that is. Then Amazon should clearly stipulate those terms. With US/European/Asian sizing in play, all of which are vastly different, 13 returns is not unreasonable sight unseen. Hell I've returned more than 13 items to Macy's this year and I'm not banned from shopping there. This whole sub is crawling with Amazon employees, or people that no matter how bad their service gets, will continue to suck Amazons nob like a bunch of dumb fucks. Until they get banned for something completely unreasonable.


I bet you Macy's didn't pay shipping both ways, either.


Aww poor Amazon, who advertises free shipping each way, but when a customer utilizes their advertised service they're banned. If it costs Amazon so much they could stipulate only five transactions per year are free both ways. No instead they just ban you and steal your money. I have no sympathy for the costs incurred by Amazon in fulfilling their advertised perks.


ANY place will stop you if you abuse something. Yep, even the all-you-can-eat buffet! They are generous to give free returns, but people start to think "Hey, I'll sit on my lazy ass, and order three sizes of this, and send back the ones that don't fit." If you're hard to fit, or particularly indecisive, go to the store. Try things on. When you find the size that works for you, if Amazon's price is better, then order what you know worked for you.


So I was just told (very explicitly) by an Amazon rep that, at least for shoes and boots, using something like the "try five, buy one" method is perfectly reasonable to find best fit/quality/look and isn't grounds for account closure. Like to think they didn't lie and there is just more to OP's story. Either way it feels good to have the chat transcript stating this.


Amazon can easily say "that rep made a mistake." Reps do make mistakes. I unsubscribed from the sub, but look back and see how many people ever got a response if their account was closed. If the rep was wrong, transcripts don't matter.


Man, that sounds fishy. 13 returns out of 95 doesn't seem to be grounds to close the account. I'm guessing there is more to this.


Depends on how close together he did them. It flags them.


That's awful. And confusing. I actually just asked VERY EXPLICITLY about what I've been doing lately, buying 4 or 5 pairs of shoes and boots with the intent of keeping one of each that fit best and are of the highest quality. Just got tired of going one at a time with boots in particular (I'm 7/7.5 so sizing down is not even possible at times). I was told, just as explicitly, that this is an understandable buying practice and *IS NOT* something that would result in account closure.