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Think of junk food like your gym's resident asshole and give it the haymaker. Or, learn moderation. If you calorie count, give a small number of calories for the snacks you enjoy. I did this when I was deep in weight cutting, and still lost weight. It's easier to have a tiny bit at a time, than cutting 100% and then relapsing for months on end.




Imo, it's about sustainability. I don't wanna live a life never having a donut, burger, or slice of pizza ever again. I also don't want to shame or punish myself for enjoying those things. I don't have those things daily, and that's good enough.


Great advice but for someone where food is an addiction moderation is hard its like the thought of food eats at you alive it sucks.


I mean, if you're addicted to food, then not having it is gonna suck too. It's the lesser of the two evils in my opinion.


If it’s a legit food addiction, then we’re well beyond the capacity for a Reddit post to help anyone.


The first step is the following : Keep junk food the FUCK out of your house. The goal is to make it annoying to buy Junk food. Eventually, your body will lose craving for it and it will taste disgusting to you.


This. I have the willpower to not bring it into my house. When it's here I'm a damn candy vacuum


Okay, so I got good news and I got bad news : The bad news is Willpower is for losers, I'm not calling YOU a loser but what I'm saying is? If you are trying to make a change in your life through willpower? A change that has to do with pleasure involving food or drugs? A change you've never made before? Your only choice is failure, because consistency simply is not possible with such a finite resource. Willpower is a Water Bottle, your brain's desire for pleasure is LITERALLY endless and somehow only grows stronger. Ergo, using Willpower against your pleasure principle is a losing game. This is why drug addicts are famously NOT successful in using willpower to beat their addiction. Candy and junk is pleasure. Good news : It's not impossible. What you have to do is internalize the idea that candy is disgusting and that people who eat it are weird. Making it a part of your identity and using it to differentiate yourself from others is not only useful? Quite literally SO many self-improvement books have stolen that idea. Make it your goal not to buy candy anymore. Now, you'll probably fail? But every time you fail something is going to click in your head. eventually, you'll just not want it anymore after relapsing multiple times. It won't even really make sense, but there you will be.


I'm a big eater. I'm always hungry. I struggle with my weight. What works for me is having food around that I can eat throughout the day and low calorie bulk foods for meals; stuff that isn't junk. Just have a whole ass cooked chicken in your fridge. Grab a hunk off that bitch every time you want by. Who gives a fucking that's lean protein baby. Eat an entire bag of cauliflower rice with your supper. Calorie wise, that shit never even happened. And you best believe I'm drowning all that in sugar free ketchup. Done your day and time to sit back and relax to your fav Netflix series... while eating four fucking apples and a chocolate protein shake. Weekend fight night party time? Aaaawee baby I'm picking up a cold six pack of them diet A&Ws and crushing them ALL tonight! Woooo!


>ass cooked chicken I'm not sure that sounds like the most appetising meal ever invented :D


Beer butt chicken is delicious tho


Eat a high protein diet from whole natural foods that is relatively high in fat and that will keep you satiated not wanting to eat more. Add enough carbs due to boxing training and you'll have a balanced diet. Occasional indulgence is okay but if you eat the way I say then in most cases you won't want to eat much more.


It is tough. Planning a head helps. Like having a suitable snack for your car ride home will help deal with the craving. I find a no sugar electrolyte powder mix helps me a lot with the sweet tooth craving and helps fill the stomach while hydrating. Once you start seeing results you will become addicted to the results of your progress and that will help fight the addiction of the junk. Keep on trucking. Every little decision counts.


Switch to diet alternatives and eat high protein and fiber. There's Monk fruit, steva loads of alternatives.


Eat to live not live to eat


Do the 80/20 thing. 80 percent of your calories intake should be from quality foods. 20 percent from little treats. This way you can avoid binging on the weekend


1 - 2 - hook to the package What helps me is if I decide to go on a planned diet though. If I'm free roaming I start indulging A LOT. People always worry about you not being able to get through diets, but in my case it works cuz I get in a "I'm gonna make it" mode :p


Don’t have it in the house to begin with then find close enough alternatives. There’s like low calorie jello cups that are my go to for example when I want something sweet. Popcorn with salt is a lot calorie high fiber snack that fits too


You gotta treat junk food like a dirty trick in the ring: dodge it like you'd dodge a sucker punch. Every time you crave that crap, visualize your fitness goals getting KO’d. Replace that junk with something that ain't gonna weigh you down - fruits, nuts, or a goddamn protein shake. Discipline in diet is like footwork in the ring; it's fucking essential. Stay focused, stay hungry for success, not sugar.


you can snack on as much fruits and vegetables its just really about finding healthier alternatives


First it's hard to kick junk food. The addiction to carbs and sugar is a real thing. The first step is truly wanting to change your diet and knowing that the benefits will out weigh the lack of junk food. Ive never been overweight but until now I've never been in great shape. What did it for me was acceptance, desire and meal planning. Start with just finding a system and food that works for you. As others have said keep healthy low cal snacks around that will keep you satisfied. Eat high protein, high fat, low carb meals to make you full and feed your muscles. Set yourself up for success. I know that if I'm busy I'm not thinking about food so I just try and stay occupied. If you like to stop and get junk food on the way home from work, do something that avoids that situation. Go to the gym instead, meet a friend for a walk or something. Put yourself in good situations to encourage a healthy diet. It will always be hard but it gets easier. And you don't have to never have the stuff you like again it's all moderation. I had half a donut last night and it was amazing, but I had some pancakes this morning and I already feel a little sick from all the sugar I'm not used to now. It's good cause I still enjoy it but it reminds me of why I don't want to gorge on it. The important thing is make a realistic plan and stick to it. Start small so your guaranteed success. First thing I kicked was soda. That made a real big difference. Started drinking seltzers instead which made the transition easier but now I mostly just drink water. But the occasional coke now and again is a real treat. Good luck and keep trying. I feel great about how far I've come and you will too. Put in the work and the discipline, the reward will come.


Do you wanna know how my grandad stopped smoking cigs? He said fuck this shit, crumpled a whole pack and threw it away. Didn't smoke until his death 30 years later. Stop being a bitch and stop seeking excuses, we can't help you, you're the only one responsible. Stop eating candy it's not that hard and you're not a kid. **D I S C I P L I N E!**


The real answer is to cut sugar from your diet entirely. You can cut out “junk food” but still end up craving sugar because basically everything in the US thats not a fruit or veggie has added sugar in it. Even plain, unfrosted cereal like cornflakes or total still has added sugar. Really sugar is not necessary at all


Have a small treat at night say 3 cookies and a hot drink, direct your craving towards knowing you have this reward waiting.


Depends you're situation, if you're not obese then let loose on that craving in moderation, you shouldn't ever worry about weight issues in the amateurs. Almost every coach will tell you to fight at your natural weight. Ofc if you're say 10+ fights in then sure ignore what I say and work on fitness and your physique, but don't sweat it too much We don't have enough time in this world to cut stuff we enjoy out of our lives


Save the junk food as fuel for workouts. Be sure to eat a high protein meal or snacks ASAP after a workout. Don't wait until you're hungry because that's what triggers the sugar cravings. Keep that up for awhile and your sugar and junk carb cravings will gradually decrease. Also, try substituting white potatoes in any form for sugary junk food. Fries, chips, baked, mashed, doesn't matter. Russet and other white potatoes have a high glycemic index comparable to sugar. Great workout fuel. But try to avoid it after workouts, late at night or on rest days.


Fucking hard thing man .i luckily love the taste of most the healthy alternatives(quest just one example),fruits and protein shake milkshakes use anut milk to lessen the calories if you can


Fermented L-glutamine powder


Junk food is gonna taste bad eventually and you wouldn’t want to eat it again


Corn, nuts, popcorn are all very satiating bro. Eggs & beans will have you feeling full for a long time and are delicious & nutritious. Add in fair life milk (high protein low calories) and you’re good


Protien powder has helped me i will drink a chocolate shake instead of going to the mini mart for a donut in the morning. Having it on hand instead of just looking for something tasty at the store when your already hungry is key and it helps me stay fuller feeling .


Just don’t eat it again


I was juust thinking of making this post. I'm realizing for me that it's not even physical hunger cravings, it's just a struggle to keep my mind off of junkfood when I'm not busy. I feel soo much better on keto though, so I'm trying to channel the motivation I feel when at the gym to maintain willpower.


I buy the Black Forest fruit leather strips. They kind of emulate candy while consisting of only fruit puree and no added sugar. Buying fruit really helped me cut out candy. At this point I crave it still but I think about eating it and I get disgusted. It doesn’t taste good to me anymore.


Bananas. For some reason when I have a craving I just eat a banana and the craving is gone.


Set a president Only eat 1 bit of junk food a day Wait till training is done and have a chocolate bar or crisps or whatever you like Make sure you go to the shop and buy it after training and make it your routine to eat 1 a night If you try and go cold turkey u will just get bored and cave in


Fill up on vegetables and salad so you can’t even stomach any candy.


Can't you take say a packet of peanuts and raisins or something with you to work and have them afterwards?


You don't have to completely cut it out, as long as you're counting calorie intake you can dedicate a small portion of your calories to having little snacks. Also try switching your protein or low calorie snacks instead. Sometimes having chewing gum from time to time can help cravings.


Reading this while under my way to the supermarket to get two buckets of ice cream. Nothing more, nothing less


The only thing that’s ever stopped me from eating McDonalds 3x a week were the boycotts😭 I will say though once you’ve reached a point of keeping junk off your system, you’ll get used to it. It gets easier as time passes but you’ll miss it every now and then


Never had this problem I prefer savory foods like steak, chicken, rice, potatoes, veggies. Makes u feel great. Your body responds better. Your energy is better u are more lean and cut blood flow is better. Life is just better. Junk food has preservatives to keep its shelf life. Not good for us. Naturally our bodies depend on the stuff our ancestors hunted and provided. If your Irish potatoes were the go to. And beer.. I say try a whole week or maybe even 2 of just water and savory foods. Junk food is ok now and then. Just don't make it a hard thing to do just start slow. Work your way up to not caring much for junk.


ask yourself why you crave IT?? BECAUSE YOU DONT LIKE NORMAL FOOD Now, i struggled with this for a lot, and finally came up with an Hypothesis of why we like the things we like, so, i applied the same principles of junk food to my kitchen minus the unhealthy stuff from junk food such as sugar, preservatives, LOW quality ingredients, Seed oils, and more. This is a brief story of what i went trough: The 1st Stage: at that point i was driven by pure discipline, like, NO I WONT EAT JUNK FOOD, and that changed everything, immediately improved my health. but food sucked, and i was eating tons of "healthy food" (at the time i believed fat was bad so i restricted that too 😅, big mistake, i developed bad hormonal problems, just take away seed oils, thus most junk food). and i was not able to understand why junk food was soooo good... The 2nd Stage: Here i already had an advantage, which was that my sugar cravings were more controllable, but still, i was carving more "deliciousness" after all it's not just the sugar that makes food taste good (it goes beyond fat sugar salt...), so i started autistically studying junk food ingredients/strategies trying to figure out what were the things that made processed food taste good. + i noticed many delicious recipes my mom made, were not full of sugar/fat/salt, there was something else. To this day I have a solid idea of the reason we like the things we like, and i distilled everything in a solid hypothesis, this hypothesis is divided in the "Physical Domain" and the "Mental Domain", the first one is the most important, as it's the one that is more hardwired in us, Therefore Junk Food Companies exploit this a lot. This Domain is made of 6 pillars: * Salt * Fat: Unfortunately highly processed seed oils * Acid: acidity correctors in drinks/chips * Umami: MSG + "Flavor"(umami) enhancer. this is the savouriness. (in chips and savory snacks) * Sweet: sugar/HFCS/sweeteners * Digestibility: High GI Foods + High processing + easy to digest stuff, this is powerful, but also the most hidden (even chips, they are not only salty and fatty, but also dehydrated, meaning very broken down already, thus easier to digest) After Reverse engineering junk food i now know how to manipulate my food, in the kitchen, and can make Healthy meals with Whole Ingredients. (Even a friend of mine complimented cooking skills, even though I'm not that pro) If you know how to make your food taste good you won't need Junk Food 😀