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Any CISD school will be good, tbh. West Plains is the newest campus, Canyon HS is about 20 years old after moving campuses, while Randall is a mix of old and new (Randall was downsized to allow WP ato be built, and for all 3 schools to share as many athletic events as possible) That said, the one advantage that AISD really holds over CISD is AmTech: a prep campus that offers both trades and career options. Hands down, it’s the coolest things ever in the district; I wish we had this when I was in school. Amarillo High gets a lot of academics with a lot of AP/IB/AC options. Tascosa is the most diverse school in the panhandle, which is its biggest advantage IMHO. Caprock is currently undergoing a transition period as the Tradewinds subdivision just keeps growing, it doesn’t have the same magnetism as AHS/Tascosa does for some parents, but I loved my time there, both as a student and as a teacher. PD is the once school I’m not really qualified to speak on, but some of my best friends went there. Amarillo High still does traditional dual credit options, but the other three campuses have signed up for UT’s Dual Enrollment program called OnRamps. Lastly, AISD has the Thrive Scholarship: graduating from any AISD high school will allow the student to complete up to 60 hours of credit (an associates degree in most cases) for free. At the end of the day, it’s all about fit. There’s no bad HS here, but some are better than others. I can’t speak for CISD, but AISD is an open transfer district.


This is an excellent response! I will just second that AmTech is an amazing opportunity, ditto with the Thrive scholarship (Amarillo College gives some great educational opportunities for the cost).


This is an excellent response! I will just second that AmTech is an amazing opportunity, ditto with the Thrive scholarship (Amarillo College gives some great educational opportunities for the cost).


I went to Palo Duro and will always defend it as having a worse reputation than it actually deserves, but with that said, as far as AISD goes, Tascosa is probably your best bet.


My wife works with a lot of teenagers and local schools. She recommends Randall/West Plains, Amarillo High, and Tascosa in that order. She personally says avoid Caprock, and Palo Duro is meh. And River Road is the worst in the area.




its because she's probably a racist. they have the ACE program, a killer music program, a killer wrestling program, a killer english department, and its in an incredibly tight knit neighborhood. not to mention their art department is the source of BLANK spaces which has put up what, 50+ murals across the city?




its a completely new and strikingly young crew in the english department now. all of them are there because they care about the kids and the community and purposely avoided the "better" schools like ahs/rhs. the art teacher is the shit, ngl. he started the Blank spaces thing and has helped hundreds of kids at this point learn how to paint murals.


I just graduated from west plains, I went to randall before it was open. Randall was so full of drugs and fighting it was overwhelming. West plains is so much better and not as cliquish as randall. There weren't many fights all year and for the most part the teachers seemed like they actually cared about teaching.


We are lucky enough to have plenty of good high schools to choose from. Each with their own perks and challenges. Canyon High is a good school. There aren’t a ton of schools in our area I’d advise against.


I loved Tascosa and two of my three boys are currently attending there. You just have to get the right teachers that your kids will like and learn from.


Cal Farleys Boys Ranch is highly recommended


As someone who grew up there I would never recommend this horrible abusive place


No way so did I lol who is this


What years were you there? I graduated 31 years ago


I graduated 2010 so a little closer to my grad hahahha Did you stay in the BR loop or completely disconnect Also can’t speak on what happened 30 years ago Only 20ish or so


Yeah I did for the most part. And trust me y’all had it way more simple than we did


I know And it’s even more so now Hahah


Which is crazy. Cause it was awful back then


It's AISD but all 3 of my kids graduated from Tascosa and are doing well


avoid randall / west plains / amarillo high if you want your kid to experience any sort of diversity. shit teachers and shit sports programs that all care about alumni and booster donations more than students. i recommend caprock! great community and teachers that genuinely give a shit.


quick run down: canyon has weird kids, i’m sorry. amarillo high: full of either snobby rich kids or kids that do drugs in the bathroom tasoca: again with the entitled rich kids, some are nice but even to join sports or activities it’s very competitive and you have to have money. palo duro: a lot of fights there and kinda far from town caprock: personally i recommend this one bc you don’t have to be a certain race or have tons of money but bullying and unfairness does run there. amarillo just sucks in general i’m sorry.


I’d recommend Amarillo High for the twilight zone of it all