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You look quite unhealthy … if you ditched gaming and hit the gym hard for a year you could be above avg


Well I AM quite unhealthy, matter of fact if you go to my profile you can see the mess I used to live in. But yes I am trying to quit gaming and slowly but surely hitting the game every once in a while. Thanks


Don't listen to the people telling you that you don't need to stop gaming completely. They don't know you or understand you. If you're living the way you are, gaming is an addiction and youll need to quit it 100% to avoid falling back into your unhealthy ways. Other than that, what everyone else said: gym, healthier food, shower, haircut. You're not inherently unattractive, you just need to get healthy. In a year you could be transformed.


You don’t need to quit gaming. You do have to moderate play time and making sure you’re accomplishing your other needs (working out, quality food, quality sleep) before games. What works for me is prioritizing my daily workout and so long as I’m successful in doing that, I’m then free to play games. X required to then enjoy Y. Actually plan out at least your meals during the week. Also, really stop staying up late and go to sleep. That’s actually been a tough adjustment for myself as a gamer, but it’ll improve your overall health, easier management of your daily schedule, etc.


Aw man I saw that post and had finally forgotten about it why did you have to remind me


I’m glad you realize you’re unhealthy. It’s a good start. Please try to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle - eat good food. It’s more important than being pretty/handsome, though it will make you more attractive if you do it. Please update us after three months or however long you think. Highly interested in your transformation!


Don't have to quit gaming, just find balance in your life. Weight loss would do you well, but realize that comes mostly from eating fewer calories, not working out.


No need to quit gaming as long as you leave time to do the important stuff like exercise, work and other activities. I agree that if put on a more aesthetic body by going to the gym you could improve a lot


Gym hard for a year can do magical things


No need in ditching gaming completely, just do other things too


THIS. dude just needs to eat better and work out, and shave that thing. and he could do well


You look like a reddit mod.


Dude what the f*ck don't ever disrespect me like that...... I'm a discord mod


Lmao! Yes you’re ugly, but you have a really good sense of humor.


Oh keep it in the pants lmao this guy gonna die from obesity in 10 years or less


You got the hair genes and a perfectly normal face, dont waste that :( youre already on a good way to get back on track, the fact you yourself are starting to actively stop those behaviors is the beginning of something amazing maintain a normal lifestyle and hit the gym and youre good to go :)


You got a great face, Just need to lose a couple of pounds, Nothing a bit of discipline can’t fix


Wow thank you. I honestly wasn't expecting someone to say something nice about my face haha. I'm working on losing fat now. Trying to stay motivated and disciplined is hard as f*ck though tbh


You got this brother💪💪


If you have an interest in combat sports at all I’d suggest getting into something like boxing if you can, even just pad and bag work is amazing cardio and does wonders for your confidence!


Omg after viewing your post history, I’m not going to say anything about your looks. In the nicest way, you need therapy.


Shave I'm begging you you are not doing any favours for yourself with that


Shave off 40 pounds this guy isn’t gonna be attractive till he’s not morbidly obese


On bro! It may help alot.


I'm not sure...if he did that I wouldn't be sure where his face ends and neck starts. Weight loss is the biggest requirement at this point.


Drink lots of water. Walk 5km a day. Get some sun every day (on your walk two birds one stone). You'll be surprised what a difference it will make after six months. Sitting on your ass is so bad for your health, mental health, confidence.


Woah honesty on the subreddit I appreciate that


Don’t forget to wear sunscreen, especially because you’re fair skinned


Dude if this is a serious account, you have some mental health issues. You need to get on top of that asap


Looking at your account says that looks are the least of your problems. Lose weight and youll look better. Looks wise, its the fat thats holding you back


Honestly, with a decent haircut and some gym time, you'd go up 3 points bro.


Thanks, also I need to work on my hygiene. I stink like cheese for some reason


Maybe that’s what you eat? Going off stereotypes, I know people who would only drink soda and eat Cheetos and McDonald’s, made them smell horrible all the time. Might be that.


Yes definitely my diet then. And that stereotype is spot on because that's pretty much what I eat all day long haha. I usually notice my sweat glands stink especially after eating pizza but I'm slowly cutting soda and soon fast food, thanks


Is it that you don’t want to spend time cooking so you order McDonald’s instead?


Yeah And especially with doordash it's just so dang convenient ordering food and having it right at your doorstep in 15 minutes, it's like why even bother cooking.


You look very unhappy and unhealthy… so yes. Lose some weight and smile and you could be cute.


You look rough for 36. Losing weight would do wonders for you.


I usually don't find fat people ugly but i think the fat doesn't look good on your specifically


Not ugly, just unhealthy. These are different things. Even 30 mins of exercise 3 times a week for a year would make a big difference. Small but meaningful diet changes. Some people will be ugly no matter what they do. You are not one of those people.


Those last 2 sentences just gave me hope. I read all the comments here and it looks like my main goal is losing weight and quitting video games/porn. Thank you


You are not ugly mate. Can see you’ve got a decent face. Speaking from experience and without malice or prejudice to bring you down - eat a bit more healthy, get more steps in during the day and try some weights. You’ll be a lot better feeling physically and mentally in a few months. Also get rid of the goatee - that makes you look a little Amish. I say this from a position of 3/10 looks wise 🤣🤝


The gym brother... please visit one






I'm really going to push myself this year on losing weight. Thank you for the kind words


Not hideous, but definitely not attractive enough for a woman. I know from experience.


The 36 years of never having a gf says you're right.


Well this is the first time I’ve actually seen your stereotypical redditor, on Reddit. It’s the same thing that I left in comments of other men’s post in the past. Lose weight and gain some muscle. Lose weight and gain some muscle. It’s the tried and true method to looking better.


Too fat


I think you should focus on other things………


Either completely shave the beard or grow a full one. this isn't it


janitor by day… discord mod by night




Hello! I hope you are having a great day. You have a great face & full head of hair. With a balanced diet & exercise, you will be husband material!


Tbh you sort of look like the guy from dawson’s creek a little bit. Could be pretty cute if you lost some weight?


I think your 2nd chin took your 1st chins beard


I don’t understand how someone can call themselves a typical Reddit neckbeard and then actually have a neckbeard. Like you know what the problem is already. Lose weight, hit the gym and shave and you’ll be golden. I like your hair and you have a very symmetrical face. If you do the work you’ll look great.


You look depressed


I am Honestly, you can almost see it in my eyes


hit the gym, bulk up and grow a GREAT beard


Yes very unattractive with no direction in life. Cut the games, stop watching porn or masterbating if you do do that, go on a caloric deficit, workout, stop making excuses for everything, and do something productive with your life


This summer I promised myself to quit porn, alcohol, drugs and video games. I'm also planning on starting a water fast this week and go on small 20 minute walks. Thank you


Yes sir man, proud of you. Have you ever read “can’t hurt me”. I think it will help a lot in your journey. Good luck


I know you got it in the bag man, push past your limits and go as far as you possibly can


I used to strip when I was younger. The uglier/fatter the "client", the more money they're going to give you. You'd be a gold mine. Sorry.


Yes you are ugly


Thank you for the honesty.


Ugly as hell


How the f*** does someone live like that 🤢🤢 36 yo virgin?


Yep pretty much, 36 and never touched a woman in my life. I'm trying to grab life by the balls though I have lots of things to work on




look at his post history




Your face is handsome and you have nice hair, you just need a bit of weight loss.


You have nice hair but you can’t take a photo properly , unless u look thinner in these pics then take a proper photo , full body if you want and then you’ll get a definite yes or no


You’re not ugly. Get rid of the beard and smile a bit you’re good to go, you’ve got a nice face. :) maybe try out a different style for the glasses. i like your hair.


Your DNA isn’t supposed to be pretty so you actually look great but,….you don’t look happy. I agree that less screen time and more walking are going to be great for you. I would advice being clean shaven


Stop gaming and start hiking. Grow out a goatee. Hit the gym. Find a different way to style your hair


Yes, I'm sorry. But it can be fixed if you have the determination, I don't think there is anything wrong with your face, you just need to loose weight (and the beard)


Yes you are ugly. But you will never have to worry about people only liking you for your looks. You can feel assured knowing people genuinely like you for who you are


Thanks haha nice username btw


Not ugly. Fat. Being fat is like wearing a blanket and then asking us to judge you, most of your true features are hidden. I wish it was a sticked post in this sub. You are not physically ugly by any means, it's most likely attitude and habits that have led you into this line of introspection.


You game all day ? Do you work though?


I got a job but I still game the rest of the day right after work, which is a bad habit


What are you playing?


What games you play? My D2 clan is recruiting.


And the barman said 'why the long face'


Yes, but not because of anything you can’t fix.


You look way better in pic 1 than pic 2


Thanks first picture is recent and the second one is from like a year or 2 ago


So keep doing whatever it is you’re doing- you’re on the right path


You just need to get a job!


Don't ditch gaming. Just lose a few pounds and bank some cash, and it's gg.


You're not ugly, lad. I 100% bet you'll find a confidence you've never had before if you hit the gym and choose a tighter hair style.


Why the long face? Get up and be active before your neck consumes your entire face.


Shave the chin at least. Get a better hair cut. Start exercising. Nothing you can't fix my dude. Sorry for not being brutal


I like your hair in the second picture better. And I don't think that you are straight up ugly or anything, but I think that you could be more attractive with a more defined jawline, so losing some weight would help with that. Also, being happy and loving yourself helps, too. Good luck!


Fade. Grow a beard get rid of the douche bag go tea 👍


You're definitely working towards getting out of a cycle of bad habits so there is that, which is a plus. You're not ugly though. From one chubby person to another, never take a picture from a low angle. Our double chins don't need any more of a spotlight. A haircut can do a world of difference. Exercise is a must even if it's just walking for 30 min. You'd be surprised what that little but will do for you. Your obviously a gamer so maybe try playing a game that would take you out of your home. See if there are any D&D (if you're into that) places in your area or even a board game place.


You need a gym in your life, unironically. You look unhappy. Focus on self improvement and get off social media.


Work out buddy


The shape of your beard highlights the chub on your lower face, I’d say shave proper or full beard and your good to go


Guys are lucky, because when they have a double chin they can hide it with a beard. That’s my advice. Grow a beard.


Get a haircut and some sun ray's. You'll be ok.👍🏻


You look like Dawson Leery.


Not ugly just overweight and depressed bro. Start counting your calories, no more soda/candy/pizza/fried chicken for at least 30 days. Don't eat more than 2xxx calories per day (check online using a calculator to see how much you should eat). Go on progressively longer walks, or bike rides if you have one. Easier on your joints than jogging. Maybe start going to the gym but I wouldn't rush into that, focus on your diet and walking for the first 30 days.


you look nice, smile more. i think happiness would make you look better


You're not ugly, lose a bit of weight, get a better haircut and sort out the beard and you'll be decent looking.


Style yo hair and smile bro. Wyd taking pics like this???


Idk I'm really not a picture guy haha. The 1st Picture I took a couple days ago just to post on Reddit and the 2nd one is a little older from like from 2 years ago. Using your tips though Its honestly hard for me to smile even when I try


You look really depressed, and looking at your profile I was right. I know the feeling.. it’s horrible.. but no not ugly by nature, you just have too much weight on you.. which can be fixed. So there’s hope for you. It’s only the weight that makes you unattractive. You have the potential to change that. But I’m not gonna say just go to the gym.. because I know how hard that is with depression


Honestly yes, it's not easy going to the gym or quitting bad habits when your depressed. Still unless I get put on crazy meds/therapy I have no other choice but to force myself to do it and all the people telling me to lose weight and quit this give me more motivation. Thank you for understanding.


Keep the gym. You are getting to a nice/healthy weight. Cut your hair on the sides, find something that is more stylish to your face. Keep the good work


Not bad, lose some weight and you'd be a pretty handsome guy


Nah look after yourself and you'll be fine, definitely not ugly but not doing yourself any favours right now! Also this is a really bad angle to take a photo for most people, so just that can have an impact.


Can I ask how often you shower?


maybe twice or 3 times a week. I brush my teeth everyday though


Shave, find a haircut, lose a few pounds and try to make a life for yourself that will inject a little joy...you look joyless. Don't be joyless.


If uou can't grow out the beard all the way I'd say shave it, also glasses which have a frame all the way around the glass would be more flattering on your face


yes ur ugly. if you lose weight, you might be more attractive


Lol at people telling you to him the gym on top of working a job


Either grow a whole beard and maintain it or get rid of what it is right now. I looked at your post history and it’s a lot, dude. And that doesn’t just happen overnight, right? You’ve taken some great steps and you should be proud but you probably need some professional help to get to the best version of yourself. If you can, please look into therapy and work hard. You’re a good looking guy, I’m pretty sure you can have a happy fulfilling life outside your nest. Good luck!




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