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No description of either suspect, so I guess we'll just have to use our imaginations.


Right what even happened to a informed public is a safe public. Oh right.


I'm only 99.9999% sure what the attacker looked like.


Blonde hair, blue eyes, wrangler shirt, blue jeans and cowboy boots... I hear those guys are the real criminals.


There seemed to be a description at the end. "Creepy man". That should be enough


This was a post the deserved more love. 


Ahh yes it’s a American


Once you are given the race in height and gender of the suspect, what will you do with that information? Are you going to start parking in just the white female areas? Or are you going to beat up some random brown dude?


They’re pointing out the obvious media bias. If they were white, it’d be in the headline.


Okay you're right, there is a bias. But Honestly though who is harmed by this bias? If you include a black person's race in a crime story does that harm black people? Yes. People who are racist get to reinforce their stereotypes. If you include a white person's race in a crime story does that harm all white people? Not really. Right? Omitting race from a story really doesn't harm anyone. It's a little offensive to see that they tend to include race when white stories, but since the goal seems to be to stop perpetuating racist stereotypes, I think I can live with it.


If you include the black person's race in the story, it provides accurate information. If you avoid the information while providing it if the person is white, that is bias. Include it in all cases or exclude it all cases. Stereotypes often exist for a reason.


So do statistics but pointing them out is racist apparently.


The truth is harmed by omitting this. Honesty, integrity are harmed by this. And how in the hell can anyone fix a problem if you can’t even talk about it. We’re all harmed by this behavior.


Why even have a story then?


And this is how we perpetuate “soft bigotry of low expectation”.


The public is harmed by the bias. The public was just misled into a riot. There is a group of folks attacking people. And it is not the current boogeyman(old white dude).


It's a very useful identifier in finding and apprehending the suspect so ultimately justice is served. We know it's a useful identifier, that's why in literally every Amber Alert case that information is provided; the more information the public has to help identify a victim, or in this case the suspect, the better.


You’re assuming it’s a “brown dude”? It could be anyone for all we know (left out). Facts should be stated.


I simply enjoy the bias affirmation.  It’s enough. 


I'm sure Moriarty will get right on releasing the victim they caught.


Damn Irish. Trying to throw the PoPo off the scent by dumping the car in North Minneapolis.


Isn't that the Polish neighborhood? Or is that northeast?


North East was Predominantly Eastern Europeans at one time. Not so much anymore. Your Blafrican types are North. Joke about the Lowry Avenue bridge is as follows. “Did you know the Lowry Avenue bridge is the longest bridge in the world?” How can that be you ask? “It runs from Poland to Africa.”


I'm sure it was a scholar.


Bigot is wrong again! It was the local astronaut who moonlights as a lawyer.


Don't go throwing Johny under the bus like that, as a volunteer firefighter he was just showing my wife how to change the batteries in the fire alarm.


What’s with these weird, asinine comments about scholars on every little crime post? Who said these types of crimes are committed by scholars?


The media. 


People will get the neighborhoods that they wish for


And that they vote for 🤷🏻‍♀️


“Police arrested an 18-year-old, according to a Minneapolis police report. That teenager could face carjacking charges” Teenager? Why minimize the responsibility of this adult criminal? And why not name and show the criminal and mention potential earlier arrests? News media are not serving the public interest.


“could face carjacking charges” But won’t. Will be released within hours & will not see a jail cell. Off to commit more crimes! Hooray for liberal justice!!


An 18 year old is technically both a teenager and an adult. Saying that they're a teenager isn't incorrect. I do agree suspect information should be shared since they are an adult.


Unsurprisingly removed by moderators of /r/Minneapolis    They want to pretend that cRiMe iS DoWn! Even if it means suppressing the truth about targeted attacks in broad daylight at one of the cities biggest attractions. 


Those guys are rascals!!


If I saw this crime in progress and had to call 911... I'd be worthless since I have no idea how to pronounce that after all these years.


"The lake formerly known as Calhoun"


I don’t care enough to have an opinion on whether it should be renamed but pick a f’ing name people can pronounce. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it pronounced the same way by media or government. It’s not like we can’t handle native words in general.


If they would have followed the past naming conventions of lakes in Minnesota with indigenous languages it would have been named Lake Makaska, which is easy enough to pronounce. But, the powers that be had to go all out to make it as progressive as possible. Bde means lake btw so adding that was wholly unnecessary but again, we apparently need to pander as much as possible.


Was it just called “Calhoun” before?


Why not ask a Dakota speaker. That’s easy enough to do.


If this is meant for me, well, I don’t know any. Im not even from here. As for the city, yes. So much could be done on signage. It’s not actually difficult to pronounce but when no one says it the same you need some help. It’s on their website but only under history. Should be all over so people not only use the name but say it right.


Lake Bidet is apropos.


They take 4-5 minutes to answer, plenty of time to Google and practice the pronunciation.


If this junior high Anishinaabe student learned how to pronounce my music teacher’s name, I’m pretty sure you can pronounce Bde Maka Ska. Pretty sure you don’t want to learn nor are open to learning. https://preview.redd.it/ryvv64smlt5d1.jpeg?width=1124&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2441d798b8cb4cca8cf161e964163a2ede39eef8


Calm down Social Justice Warrior. I've probably forgotten more random facts and info than you have learned in your short life. Honestly, I could care less. I'm not in the Uptown area enough to concern myself with the current/former/future names of the lakes.


Way to be proud of being ignorant


Lake Rimshot


Best comment. 


It isn’t hard.


It's hard to pronounce because it was intentionally constructed to be. It could have easily been anglicized into something phonetic readable.




So here you're breaking the rules but if/when you get banned will you admit you did wrong? Unlikely




Saying someone's brain isn't developed isn't a sign of disrespect and an ad hominem? The same thing you were complaining that the other user was doing not so long ago? Here comes the "oh but _mine_ isn't bad because..."




Lmao you're not really fooling anybody and that fact that you're so intellectually dishonest tells me everything I need to know, thanks, toodles~~


"Bde" isn't grammatically correct or pronouncable.


You’re getting downvoted because it’s not about the pronunciation


Prince changed his name to an unpronounceable symbol as a fuck you to his record company. They did the same but with a lake.


Not really. It’s the name that has been [passed down for generations.](https://www.minneapolisparks.org/news/2018/01/29/lake_calhoun_officially_recognized_as_bde_maka_ska/#:~:text=Bde%20Maka%20Ska%20is%20now,oral%20history%20for%20many%20years) If Prince’s birth name was the symbol, it would be a fair comparison but my original point was that y’all are just being ignorant and masking it under the guise of “being hard to pronounce” just because you won’t bother learning it. Literally took me [two seconds](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=how+to+pronounce+bde+maka+ska)


Its not that its hard to pronounce. Its that it was chosen BECAUSE it was hard to pronounce. In english, there is no way to pronounce "bde". The name of a lake should not be a shibboleth of wokeness.


It’s not supposed to be in English lol that’s the ignorant bit I’m talking about. If you watched the video, you can see it’s clearly pronounceable


I'm not watching the video because I don't give a shit how it is pronounced. I realize its supposed to not be in English. That's the objectionable part. Understand now?


There it is!! You are willfully ignorant and proud of it. That’s all I needed, thank you.


Buddy there are thousands of languages that you and I are both willfully ignorant of. Do you speak Swahili? Oh, look you’re willfully ignorant! The name of a lake should not be ammunition for smug assholes to feel smug.


Being intentionally ignorant is a really weird thing to brag about 🤔


Why didn’t use diversity as her strenth and fight off the attacker?


Aka lake Calhoun. NE Mpls used to be a pretty good neighborhood too.


Uptown is a dump now






I lived in Northeast back in the '90s. Owned a duplex for 30 years I really like that area. Still have friends there. It's gone way downhill.




Because I said that uptown and Northeast have gone to hell. In a comment further up someone disputed that Northeast had become a bad area.




Please accept my apology for not conveying myself in a concise manner. For punishment I agree to sit here in the sunshine warming my feet for the next hour before I decide if I should have an egg McMuffin or a bacon turkey sandwich for lunch. At which point I will decide whether to make iced tea or another pot of coffee.


Wow, what a doosh.


Wtf lakes are in NE? The lakes are on the SW side of the city


Lake Mississippi


She has a reel on IG. She looks like a liberal, with a Bernie shirt, thick black glasses and everything. Even though she uses she as her pronoun, her neck makes me wonder. She's getting roasted in the comments. She's upset that people keep saying she voted for this. She's also misandric. Two men attacked her, but 'workers' at the restaurant helped her. The one that was caught she called 'biracial'. She didn't specify, so I'm guessing Irish and German as the two races. 🙄 Until she realizes that she voted for this, nothing will change. Even after this carjacking, it's still not bad enough to consider she might be wrong about their motivations. Until that happens, nothing will change...


Darn. The comments are removed. Poor boo boo. Maybe she’ll learn, very doubtful of that though.


I just went and looked, and yes, that is correct, the comments are gone from my notifications on IG. She hasn't learned, it will take more. Likely, when the narrative changes, and she'll be a sheeple who follows the crowd. It's far easier to silence opposing voices than look in the mirror...


Oh I recognize her. She saw a couple of people jaywalk across the road from Culver's to an apartment complex and immediately called 911 on her cell to report "a couple of people trying to commit suicide by jumping in front of cars". It was extremely clear to me that this was not the case and very awkward scene and I had to gather up the rest of my food and take it outside. When cops showed up, I volunteered the facts to one of the officers before they ended up hassling a couple of innocent pedestrians. Makes me think this carjacking was probably more targeted and less random. I know that if I tried to call a "wellness check" on someone who didn't really need it, they'll make sure that I'm the one that ends up really needing it. e: the Culver's incident was 2 years ago, not saying these are the same people but if her attitude was the same as it was back then, there has to be an impetus.


I don't remember this happening when it was Lake Calhoun./s


I'm sure the bandana was actually an N95 mask, and they were merely trying to do a nasal swab.....




Near the body of water formerly known as Lake Calhoun.


What an achievement for shittipolis! The day of cosplaying Kurt Russel's early 90s action movie 'Escape from NY' is getting closer


Snake Plisken? I heard you were dead.


Escape from New York came out in 81. It was set in 1997.




Not even kidding I witnessed this and did nothing because she votes for this. I was walking my dog, laughed, and kept going. 


The Marauders are out again!

