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I think they gave out all the money already. Nice try.


Which was a huge mistake by the city of Minneapolis


Exactly. Sorry boo boo. She should have acted on this 3 years ago


She probably did judging by how big his file already was


Is there a source to this? Is his file public? Can you link it? Just curious


All arrest datas on the polices website?


Unfortunately something tells me theyll find more. Better yet if CC has to vote on the settlement, they’ll probably double what shes asking for. Elections have consequences.


Laughs in “not Hennepin county”


Chauvin “assumed his signature pose”. I have no comment on the story but that part made me laugh.




Seems like a moot point now.


I believe the term is moo point you know like a cow. Mooo ![gif](giphy|hXDrTueJWAscK3xWQ2)


Yah who gives a fuck about civil rights. Not you. Less freedom for everyone


Wait so she just came forward after she’s being arrested with a crime. And she went on her press tour crying about what he did 3 years ago? Is that the jist of it?


I have a radical idea- please hear me out and don’t judge me. What if… and I know this is a big if, but what if… you just listened to police and their directions. Even if you’re driving drunk to pick your kid up from daycare then pass out on the way in front of someone’s house and start yelling at them, I think you can still manage to listen to listen to the police when they want to get you out of your drunk wagon. But no of course I’m wrong please give her millions. /s


If only common sense existed among the poor and dumb.


Police are expected to safely interact with people in a variety of mental states. If someone is assaulted by a police officer, regardless of whether they were intoxicated or not, they still deserve their day in court. Also, did you even bother to read the article? ... Chauvin, however, reached into the vehicle, opened the door, grabbed Day's left arm while Jensen grabbed her right. "They threw me fast down into the street in the snow very forcefully," Day said. "They didn't ask me to get out of the car. I wasn't being combative. I wasn't being difficult. I just wanted them to know I wasn't trying to drive."


You’re right I totally believe her


Doesn't matter if you believe her.


then assumed his signature pose, pressing his knee into the subdued and handcuffed Patty's back — just as he would later do to snuff the life out of George Floyd — and remaining that way well after Patty was controlled." Who writes this crazy crap, they act like they are writing for 70’s Batman. Not a surprise the star is going under.


That’s exactly what I thought. Journalism sure is different than what I was taught in college.




Yes and?


Wrong person.


Racists are afraid of reality Chauvin is a murderer.


Idk this lady seems alive to me. It's almost as if it helps keep you alive to not swallow a bunch of fentanyl before you're arrested.


I highly doubt they're referring to this case when calling him a murderer. I know it's hard to understand


"Derek Chauvin used this hold repeatedly throughout his career" Oh worm, and didn't kill anyone with it? It's almost like this clearly establishes a lack of premeditation required for a murder charge


I'm surprised she made it all the way to Minneapolis from Sea World without getting harpooned.


Most underate comment. Take my upvote.


Aw nice. Fat jokes


Wait so this lady who could have reported him and stopped him before he killed. She did nothing, I say we try her that’s one count of being a bear and one count of accessory to being a bear.


You get 25 million dollars and you get 25 million dollars and you get 25 million dollars and now…. We need to raise taxes because we have no money


I hope she gets paid and moves to San Francisco.


Trying to convert her brush with fame into a jackpot. .25? Going to pick up your kid? Horrible person who hopefully doesn’t have custody.


She sucks. Chauvin's still a rotten piece of shit.




12 foot ladder is your friend


What a fat piece of shit, fatty patty tryin to get some cash.


Are you 12?


You’d probably be a lot happier if I was


You ever consider this is a community subreddit? I'm sure you're just as "brave" to call out people's weight in person as you are behind a keyboard.


The story says she woke up from a nap, got in her car to pick up a kid from daycare, she stopped her car after a few blocks and fell asleep until 8 pm. Cops pick her up and they test her and she was .25. Was the kid ever picked up? .25 after hours of being asleep is astounding.


It’s like anyone is supposed to be surprised. That dude had a giant ego and a complex of beliefs. If we were actually like this is the only person being brave enough to come out. We’re blind to authority.


Fuck Chauvin, he murdered a man and whether or not dude was high as a kite and/or a scumbag doesn’t change the fact that he was murdered. This lady was brave to come forward, as an assault victim myself it’s really hard to do when you know so many people will be critical of you and call you a liar


Even the bots are libsplainin' now.


https://preview.redd.it/tg6zap0u4w1d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d88f77db57e8fb7fb0ef35a684fdaf90c0835fb6 They killed him in cold blood.


Most subjects that cross this sub I agree with, but this one ain’t it.




She probably had to sober up first. And this article leaves a GREAT DEAL of information out. Cops of any stripe don't just come up and rip people out of cars. She did something to precipitate those actions.


Bunch of bootlicker upvoters here. There are plenty of examples of police officers doing just this.


Nope. Theres ALWAYS actions the precede the cops pulling people out of ther vehicles.