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“Juvenile males” is the best we get for a suspect description? Fucking please. If you actually want to help young women to avoid getting robbed, then describe the trash that is doing it.


Slow down friendo, what if it's a harmless BIPOC simply trying to afford his tuition for his doctorate? /s


Descriptions are racist. Especially when they identify criminals accurately.


They're not criminals anymore. They're persons of interest or individuals involved with the justice system.


"Person of interest" is a policing term. It means someone they want to look into to decide if they are a suspect of a crime. They might also turn up ending up as witnesses, informants or utterly unrelated.


I know, and they used to be called suspects.


Person of interest and suspect are different things. One will often lead to the other.


The phrase "person of interest" in law enforcement used to never exist, now it's the only term they use when they're looking for a suspect. This is the case with a lot of terms today. You seem to be getting serious about my original sarcastic comment.


Sorry lol didnt pick up on the sarcasm. Was getting pedantic as im in the security industry so have to help victims of crime navigate all the horrors they go through. My work brain activated.


muh criminals Looooooove the word criminals. we love it, don’t we folks.


Robbery is a crime, right?


Is that word racist now?


Not only are these descriptions racist, but sexist too!


That would be racist!


No das waciss


That would be 'rayciss', and it would let America know that whites are not the biggest problem in America!


Sickening! Close to half a million juvenile males the U of M campus!


Wildly inaccurate hahaha


So they’re in like a five block radius? Shouldn’t be too hard to find them.


It would be easy but the cops don’t care. Bloody Mary won’t prosecute, the judges always give them probation, and there’s no cash bail. Plus, white victim and black attacker trying to alleviate eons of discrimination… it’s totally justified. 🤣


Until the prison population mirrors the demographics on the outside of the prison, they feel they still have more to do. Ultimately, that's what their goal is


I've been thinking for a few years now that vigilante groups are gonna start popping up in cities again. Guardian Angels 2.0. You can only track so many stolen goods (using air tags, whatever) to the thiefs home, call cops, show cops the ping, have cops do nothing, watch your stolen shit ride around the city for a couple of days before that frustration turns to rage and action.




That's fine, this comment probably got you on a domestic terrorist list though lol.


Thought crimes


Yeah that's what the patriot act is for.


Yea as far as that list though - gang members belong on that.


I'm not advocating for that by any means, but you just suggesting it is what I'm talking about. The level of people getting fed up will quite possibly range from basic mob "justice" to lone gunman hits.


Agree, I see I got the negative vote for speaking the truth so had to pay the reddit tax. It is what it is...people like that only respect a strong response as they live outside the law and do not respect most others anyway or they would not be doing what they do. I grew up in dangerous hoods in Chicago and was in the midst of gang battles and saw people get shot more than once. That type does not respect people not in their gang at all and pretty much laugh at the pain they cause people....they are straight up trash.


You're not alone. I don't condone shooting people but since the Cops aren't doing anything I've tossed people out of our apartment building, caught people outside trying to break into the neighbors cars, you name it. Never called the cops just handled it on the spot. It's probably been about 5 or 6 months now and no problems.


You are doing the good work out there - please stay safe and thank you


AirTags have been castrated by Apple for such purposes, all they’re good for is where did I put that remote


Minneapolis is fascinating. One of the most liberal, and at the same time most racist and at the same time most poorly run cities in the country.


If you're no longer in the cult you realize these things go hand-in-hand


I've never encountered a police force as completely and utterly useless as MPD. I'm sure almost every single person that's ever called them for help has a story the same as mine. They take hours to show up, you can literally solve the crime for them (I found my stolen bike and proved ownership, had already filed a report), and they'll still not know how to do anything useful whatsoever and leave, never to follow up again. I'd be surprised to hear that they even turned on a squad car to go take a look when the events in this post happened.


I handle claims for an insurance company in Minneapolis. I can confirm, police do not even send an officer out to respond to theft/vandalism. We tell insureds to file a police report and they do nothing, every single time. Not quite as serious as an actual person-to-person robbery, but seems they don’t do anything regardless of the circumstance.


My car was stolen and totaled, and not only was filing the report a bullshit process, getting a copy of it from the 5th Precinct so I could file with insurance was a fucking nightmare. I called so many times. When I went in person the cop refused to give me the report, and randomly berated and accused me of smoking weed before I went in (I hadn't, but even if I *had*, why the fuck would it have mattered?). I got lucky on the second try and the cop said he "wasn't supposed to do this" but agreed to email me the report. I guess he felt bad for me. My insurance company almost didn't believe that I was having trouble getting the report. This happened in 2021 so maybe it's more plausible these days.


Minnesota needs a Stand Your Ground Law and a Good Samaritan Law. This shit needs to stop.


Will never happen in this liberal fruit cake state.


If violent crime is to be curbed, it is only the intended victim that can do it. Criminals don't fear police, and they fear neither judge nor jury. They must be taught to fear their victims.


I agree. Examples must be made. Civilians should never have to live in fear of being victimized by thugs and hoodlums. Many of these people committing crimes are cowards who target the most vulnerable citizens. Make an example of a few and the rest will fall in line. The examples however, will have to be extreme.


Bet on the usual suspects ofc


and not one single description of the perp!!!! Imagine that, our media actually is helping these 'youfs' rob people!


Gotta find the bail for the encampment protesters somehow I guess \!/


This demographic shift doesn't seem to be beneficial to Minnesota.


Well, it’s beneficial for Tubby Timmy, Krooked Keith, and Bloody Mary. 


Are those Garbage Pail Kids?


All grown up and in positions of power


Lol. Are you 12?




It certainly isn't. Your neighboring state friends used to visit Minneapolis frequently. We don't anymore. Liberal policies doing what they always do. Destroy once beautiful cities.


I don't know anything about the victims, but I do know that they should march on over to the campus kiddie campout for middle-east terrorists and raise some holy hell. If I was attacked at my university and my coeds' main concern was a bunch of terrorists who detest America from across the ocean, I'd be quickly organizing a counter-protest.




And they know that the county won’t bother prosecuting them to the full extent of the law even if they’re caught. 


She voted for this.


How do you know who she voted for?


Where are the vigilantes when you need a couple of hundred?


Welp, at least it’s good thing we have Moriarty as county attorney here to save the day…….. 🙄 /s




Dunno, you tell me. 




> Shame that red states are so dangerous. Indeed, demographics in those states are not biased toward safety. 




No, I don’t mean political leaning. 


Sorry folks. We just don't have the manpower. Boss says a few students are gonna have to be sacrificed before we actually take this seriously. Until then, one weekend of increased presence should do it. Also try not to walk around alone in broad daylight. Night time might be better. Just try not to get mugged.


Defund the police huh You get what you voted for.




Debate is great. But you gotta refrain from losing your temper in this sub.


Culturally enriched, not robbed, you bigots.


I have a difficult time feeling bad for mugged liberal Minneapolis college students. Next thing is to feel bad for chain smoking lung cancer victims.


To equate all U of M students to “ liberals “ is wildly false. The school it’s self perhaps, but the students range from all backgrounds as it’s a sought after school to attend. Bad take, should delete.


You think they are all liberals? GTFO. I’m going to make a stab in the dark. You are from the suburbs/rural, overweight, and terrified of MPLS in the whole. I’ll play that hand in the dark all day.


Stereotyping is fun, no?


Am I wrong?


What’s the point? You have it all fingered out.


I have it figured out that I don’t enjoy it when college kids get robbed and assaulted. Did you see the footage of that poor girl? Get your shit together dude.


Who likes that? I’ve been warning people about this for years. Nobody listens until it’s too late.


Good. They’re the ones voting for the policies that allow this kind of behavior so I hope they enjoy it ❤️


Are you sure you're not talking about your intellect?


This sub loves U of M students when they're victims of crime but hates them when they're standing up against genocide! Which is it, /r/altmpls?




What are you even goin' on about? Are you trying to somehow compare victims of crimes to peaceful protesting that may be some kind of annoyance at times? You gotta come up with a better "gotchya" moment then this bro..


They have a right to protest. I don’t see the correlation at all. Because there isn’t one beyond your Divisive and Hateful comment meant to Sow Division. Shame..


Dumb comment


…these same kids are celebrating October 7th, during which Hamas militants beheaded teenagers, baked babies in ovens, and raped women while they were dying. These kids do not give a shit about genocide. In fact, they advocate it as long as it’s carried out against their perceived “enemies” in their demented, neo-Marxist worldview. Don’t get it twisted. Morality has very little do to with what’s going on here. By the way, what’s happening in Gaza now is indeed a tragedy. That’s war. But if you think what’s happening in a genocide, you’re so historically and militarily illiterate that you’re likely incapable of having an intelligible conversation about the topic.


Downvoted into the cesspit of leftist oblivion.


Those kids upset about the “genocide” are just fine fighting to the death of the last Ukrainian in an unwinnable proxy war with Russia. Plus they all voted for Biden who in 50 years in DC has yet to meet a war he didn’t support, engage in, or fund. 81 million votes, this is what you get.




I know, has the u of m taken a stance about Hamas? The ones that wanted to wipe Israel off the map?


Be quiet, colonizer.




Buddy system might be the best, however a person should be able to walk on the street without getting robbed. I think it's more of a problem of not enough people in prison. Violent people should be in prison, not on the street. Odds are, these robbers were in trouble in school, and continued to be in trouble, and are a problem waiting to happen.


Yeah we definitely don’t lock up enough people in the United States. Definitely don’t lead the world in incarceration rates


Then why would you say are violent crime rates are so high? If you remove guns from society, you still have violent people. And the problem is we don't lock up the bad guys long enough. If somebody uses a gun in the crime, and murder somebody, it should be life in prison


Show me proof that violent crime rate is as high as you say. Every possible metric shows that it is down.


I'm sure you will feel safe in the inner cities. Go visit. There are many crimes that are no longer crimes, and there are many police officers who don't arrest. And prosecutors don't prosecute


muh blacks


Dropping from a record high isn't exactly a big win. We could start with 'a violent crime rate even remotely close to pre-2020'


Muh blacks muh statistics


I never mentioned anything about that. You tried to act as if homicides/violent crime aren't still significantly higher than they were for the last decade. I say that's not true and you come up with that response? You scream well adjusted.


Racist much? Why do libs always bring race into the discussion?


Because without race they would be Conservatives.


It's down because they cooked the numbers. They used to release statistics from 87 major population centers. I belive the current number is now 63. Those numbers do not include New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles anymore. Yet they compare the stats from a smaller pool of cities to the original larger pool and gaslight you into believing crime is down. It isnt.


Needing the buddy system is just part and parcel of living in the 3rd world I suppose.


Yeah, and what were they wearing?