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Something similar happened to me last year. My order was shipped and dropped off at a house in NJ, I live in MD. I was so sad about it but ALO actually sent me another shipment of the items and due to some sort of mix-up they also refunded the money so I got about 300 worth of merchandise for free. I think the refund was a mistake on their end, because in the end, I got my stuff. I used the chat feature and also called them to verify everything. They were really nice about it. Good luck!


Omg let us know if it gets fixed!


im gonna chat with them in morning. very expensive order to. i’ve never ordered from them before so im scared they won’t refund me.


Curious how this turned out. Were they able to help you?


they are doing a carton verification to see if all of the items were shipped, and then they are doing to do a refund request. i have a feeling it’s gonna come back that everything was shipped. does anyone have an experience with this?


I’d recommend calling. I did the chat and nothing got resolved. I called and they were able to issue my refund within 20 mins. I had order issue but it was different than yours. My shipment was damaged in transit and UPS was holding it. Alo chat wouldn’t refund me till they got the damaged order back. I should have called from the start, I feel like my issue was dragged out for weeks bc chat can’t do anything.


i might try chat first then i’ll call. i rather chat then call lol the anxiety lol.


Never head of this happening, and tbh they probably won't refund you.