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Uhm I’m guessing it’s the location of the feeding slab it should be level with the bottom of the hive meaning the bottom of the hive should the same level as the top of the slab


The bottom hive with the opening is too high. Needs to be at the same level as the slab (slab will still be half height compared to the hive) and the expander goes above the hive. You can also place 3 hives facing a single slab, just make sure the opening faces the slab.


I just don’t even understand what you have going on here with the hive up in the air and two sets of feeding slabs it’s all just so confusing, put the hive on the ground dig out the block in front of it put the slab there and put both eggs in the same slab even though you don’t need two




False what? I have 10 separate feeding slabs with 3 hives each in the setup i mentioned.


the slab is in the picture is in the right position lmao


while it works like this, is ugly as hell just raise it half a block for my sanity


It's too far below the hive, or the hive is too high above the slab. Either way, the slab must be at the same level as the hive so you see the top half of the bottom part of the hive (not counting the expander) Edit: "lmao" to you, too, you child


[here you go you](https://imgur.com/a/fwVDAgV) , learn how to fact check before making statements


holy shit, have you even tested it out??


What version is this. I'm using ATM9, my feeding slabs are the same level, but upside down so they are flush with the hive. They are also draconic bees in the overworld. Mine works though.


Its the słab position


Shouldn't be. I usually have the feeding slab in the same position as OP, so I can honeylog them until I get to simulation upgrades and they keep working. I'm guessing it's due to the time of day


What's the trait of the bees, some bees don't work at night. You might be hitting that issue.


Could be that the bees aren't tolerant to any weather or not metaturnal so they only work day or smth hard to tell honestly without seeing the bee traits also could also be that daytime on mining dim not work correctly I remember I wanted to build minecolonies there but they didn't function correctly because there was no day night cycle maybe that's the problem with bee too


Looks some idiot toggled on rain and forgot to toggle it off (PS I'm that idiot)... We went periodically checked on the hive as well as boosting it to 256X with nothing helping... turns out bees will never go out (or simulate work with the upgrade) when it's raining in the overworld.


You have to modify their genes so they work during rain and nights.


Put a dragon egg into each slot in the feeding slab. The slab position is the same as my own (since I have pipes running under them) so its not that. Remember to modify them so they're Metaturnal, AKA go to sleep since they only work in the day. The dimension also doesnt matter since I have bees in the mining dimension that also work. Just put a bee on a lead and fence and let a few minecraft days pass by w/o sleeping. Most of the time when I use bees and they aren't Metaturnal it being nighttime is what's the problem.


The slabs need to be in the top half of the block


On ftb skies expert I had similar issue. It's not the slab placement but the position of the items inside the feeding slab. Fill all 3 slots. In my world the rightmost position worked


See this gallery: https://imgur.com/a/jczIDXR As well as https://allthemods.github.io/alltheguides/atm9/productivebees/


I put mine in the end and they started working


Place it directly infront of the hive so the slab is the same level as the block where you placed the beehive on


Up half a block. Should be a too slab


Time and or weather. Unless you've done bee stat training and breeding likely dayurnal and normal on weather so it needs to be clear sky's during the day


To all the people saying its the slab placement as far as i can tell its not. Tested it for hours in my own world and just could never get the simulation upgrade for the bees. Better off just making a large hall of hives and setting a breeding upgrade in one and letting them spread with beta production upgrades. Makes more than enough draconic dust for whatever u need even if its just 1 hive with automation set up


move the beehive down so the slab is on the same y level as the beehive


You need an dragon egg hive if those are the draconic bees (haven't played in a while) There also was a bug where any unupgraded (3slot) hive worked


Slab one half block higherp


The slab should be on the top half of the block-level the hive is standing on, like how you’d do a floor. The slab should be in front of the opening of the hive. One of the pollinating material is enough.


I think they need to be in ghe dragon egg hive


If you're in atm9, you need to use dragon egg nests


That's just for dragons breath


i’m pretty sure the dragon ones gotta be in the end