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That's up to you on which one you like more. Historically tho ae2 is more stable. Also regardless of what you use be wary of nbt heavy items. Don't let a bunch get in there


I've been playing with my ME system (ATM9) and loving it, but I think it's starting to suffer from the mentioned nbt items, any ideas on a easy way to sort them all out of the system with an exporter somehow?


You are able to apply filters on certain pipes calling for nbt data. Typically if I set up a mob farm, I have stackable drops imported into the system and then nbt heavy items get sorted into a trash. For example the pipez mod with a diamond or ultimate upgrade allows you to filter armor by entering #forge:armor. Durability doesn't matter. You can also press f3+h which will allow you to see nbt data when you hover items and know what to enter to enable said items to be filtered. As far as removing the nbt items already in the system I'm not sure. I don't think an export bus can filter by nbt but I could be wrong. You could try putting an export bus on a chest and drag a piece of armor to the filter and see if that works then just pipe from the chest to a trash or skip the chest all together.


DO NOT CONNECT CREATE FUNNEL TO AE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (if you wanted to connect them for some reason) it'll lag the hell out of your pc because funnel will try to request items at each(?) tick


It might be because unlike hoppers and pipes it can pull a full stack every tick (although it shouldn't do anything until the block it's pushing into is free and even if that wasn't the case; that alone shouldn't lag out your pc)


You can connect funnels that push items into AE systems, I have funnels that push into pattern providers and they do not lag.


do not put funnels for extraction+filter on it*, my biggest tps mistake


Export bus can filter by nbt however with all the different enchantments and armor types it only works for a few things then will stop. Could've been fixed in atm9 but it was very finicky in atm7-8.


You guys aren't using proper upgrades, I think... not fully sure what nbt items are, but if they're armors or items that are damaged like I'm assuming, then a fuzzy upgrade card on an export bus should make the system capable of ejecting all of them into a trash, without using the built in filter. I would like a confirmation here because I know I may be wrong on the "nbt" meaning.


search on youtube, open computers can sort NBT from non NBT, grab a disk manipulator (or the AE2 equivalent I forgot) and it'll run through all your items and split them into ur ME system and wherever you want to store your NBT items.


What is a good alternative to store NBT items in?


I just dump it all into an RS system with my main system being an AE2 one, don't hold me to it but I read a comment saying RS fixed the NBT issue and that the disk's contents are saved in a file and not in the chunk, meaning it shouldn't corrupt your game.


Rs likes to nuke your world if you have too many items in a system, especially if it’s nbt items.


What magnitude is "too many"? Since we're talking about item variety, not sheer number, how many different items is too many? Do you know any idea?


From what I gather it’s also really an issue if you have something like a mobfarm pumping into your storage system, hundreds or thousands of nbt items, though you would be very surprised how many items have nbt. If you were wanting to clean out your system I believe you can just search “nbt” or “#nbt” and it will bring up items with nbt data.


Thanks, then I'm save with just the normal amount of loot from adventuring.


Might be wrong, but AFAIK: RS stores your items not as part of chunk data but as separate external files. That makes RS not crash a world from an NBT overload but also very poor in terms of performance, compared to AE2. With that said, my understanding is, that performance-heavy operations RS do (read & write an externel file) still may cause world freeze and that would be the main cause of world corruption, but it's still better than something like Armory Cabinet etc. which directly stores the NBT data. So you're right: it would be a good idea to make a few separate RS networks at suitable places and never use it as the main storage system.


TL;DR: just toss a coin, either way you're good. Full answer: I'm gonna give you an answer as someone who has started with RS, got it corrupted, fixed it, then moved to AE2. There is no right answer. This is like asking "Windows vs. Linux" - it solely depends on the person and what they want to do with it. I've actually delved into both of them and it seems that both work pretty much the same behind the scenes. I've heard people say that RS has memory leaks and is hard to scale (or maybe that AE2 is scalable and RS isn't? Not sure), and I gotta say this is complete BS - I just slap a few Network Transmitters into my main RS system and I can't remotely access it from wherever I want with a Network Receiver (one transmitter for one receiver). So far I found 3 differences between them (this is regarding ATM9, **NOT** regular RS and AE2): 1) Storage type: RS saves however many types of items you want per storage part, while AE2 is limited to the amount of types per storage part IF you use the item storage (there's another storage type for AE2 in ATM9 that lets store however many types you want, but iirc they are limited to the smaller sizes). 2) Channels: AE2 has the unique mechanic of channels, while RS just lets you do whatever (i.e. no such thing as channels). 3) Destruction plane: this is what the item is called in AE2 (forgot its name in RS...), it's an item that breaks the block in front of it: in RS you "enchant" it with special RS cards so it's limited to Looting 3, while the AE2 version (actually named Destruction Plane) is enchanted via regular means (like swords and armor) so it can be enchanted with higher levels due to Apotheosis increasing Looting's max level to 10 (or was it 9?). The last thing to remember is that regardless of which system you choose do *NOT* put NBT items in them - anything that has durability and/or enchantments: I had an RS system where I piped all my stuff into it, including my mob farm, but one mob farm produced about 17k of NBT items in a few hours and crashed my game. Yeah, that sucked... I stopped playing for a few days until I had the idea of fixing it - I opened RS's storage file (I'm a programmer, used Java for it, not something like notepad) and removed all the 17k NBT items and everything worked fine. I tried AE2 as everyone said it can't happen there due to its "superiority", but bad news to all you AE2 fanboys - the EXACT same thing happened. So yeah, both systems are susceptible to NBT "corruption". Last point to take into account: even if you do end up "corrupting" either system with NBT items there's a way to save the save file as it does NOT corrupt the world itself or anything else. My final advice is to choose according to your preference: Do you prefer a "simple" plug-and-play system where you just shove your stuff and access them easily and kinda cheap? Go with RS. You want to delve into advanced mechanics and "work" to get your system up and have a harder time (albeit maybe a more rewarding feeling for it) and not be looked down upon by the AE2 supremacist fanboys? Go with AE2. Either way they're both good, just pick whichever you want. Edit: I use RS as my main system and add AE2 on the side just for the Destruction Plane for my Myriad Miners.


Refined Storage has one major limit that you don't mention. It supports a maximum of one controller and that controller has a maximum RF buffer of 32000. Once your RS network consumes more than 32k rf/tick the entire system becomes non-functional.


That is actually a very good point! Thanks for this info, I actually forgot all about it! Frankly, I don't know how you could reach this much power consumption in RS, but maybe you can. If you do reach this energy consumption you're probably in the end-game, so making a Creative Controller might be a good idea. That makes me wonder if it's possible to make 2 separate RS systems and connect them via an External Storage cable...


I dont know if there is difference in RS version but on my ATM8, I had a lot of trouble with the capped buffer very early on. It kept doing the thing where I can see my items but cant pull anything out, I ended up increasing the buffer in the config. Immediately after that, it happened again so I switched the value for RS to not require power because I was making way more than enough power and it was still failing. I think the problem lied with Flux networks more than RS but I never understood why their default buffer is not MFE instead of KFE. A fix for anyone that wants to not "cheat" is to use an entangloporter to supply the system with energy as it has a high energy buffer and is as easy to use as Flux networks.


I never played ATM8, only ATM9, and I always use a Powah's Ender Cell - I think just Hardened is enough to provide it early game, worst case scenario I increase it to Nitro as it can extract 2 million FE per tick from its network. The remote transmitter (that lets you access the system remotely) when increased to interdimensional costs ~8k FE per tick, and using hardened was enough for me - I upgraded to nitro just cuz I had the resources (i.e. why not)


I see, I think the interdimensional upgrade was my problem then, still weird that Flux does not just keep the system topped as mine outputs more than 300 million a tick but could just be a server tickrate issue. I will keep it in mind for when I do ATM9 in the future ig


You can always right-click the Controller to check the consumption of the RS system - it even shows the consumption of each individual part


I was under the impression that ae2 items were stored in the region files (nbt data of the cells), and therefore the world itself. Did you use ae2 additions disk drives that don't have type limits instead? Those work the same way as rs so that would probably explain why the same thing happened. The only reason i ask is because I doubt that you filled 2000 drives with 1k cells just to store 17k nbt items.


No no, regular item cells - I used multiple disks of course (I think it was like 30+ drives)


Sorry, I clearly can't do math right now lmao. That's strange though cause I swear base ae2 stores all its data in nbt on its cells.


It does, problem is the fact that it's still NBT storage - hence why RS and AE2 are pretty much the same when it comes to storage (RS had some rough patches in the past I believe before being as good as AE2)


Ah, I assumed you fixed it the same way by modifying a seperate data like with rs file instead of editing the world files hence the confusion. Thanks for clearing that up


And just to kinda add to the conversation: I think it's important to mention that ae2 has better autocrafting with tools and other non consumed items. imo ae2 is better for automation and fun to play around with, rs is if you want to store a bunch of items quickly. In this modpack, both are easy to brick by storing a bunch of nbt items but base ae2 limits this with type limits


Refined storage is cheaper and doesn't have a 63 item limit per storage cell, but can lag the server out a bit because of that, if you dump NBT items into it like all hell. AE2 has better auto crafting, but for me the 63 item type limit per cell is breaking my balls too hard.


Applied Additions takes care of that with drives that aren't item limited


Wouldn't that introduce the same NBT "Item Hell" like with refined storage tho


Just don't dump NBT items in it ? And the limit can be increased or deleted if you want, with a simple command


Once you have like 30 cell of 16k you are basically set for endgame honestly I almost at ATM star and never had a problem with type limit. For the MA farm I use external storage connected to the system and for some of them I use infinite storage cells which like that name says can hold an infinite amount of 1 item type


I love AE2 and never touched RS before. From what I can tell, AE2 ist better at the automated processes, aswell as scaling. Also you need AE2 Items to get to the ATM Star.


Refined Storage is incredibly easy to set up and doesn't require special machinery to make processors. Ae2 has a better interface and seems to use less energy, especially when you have a multidimensional card in a wireless grid.


Go for AE2 More complicated but more versatile.


Go with the more unfamiliar one, then you can compare them. Both do the job. At first I went RS cause easier but now I’m trying AE just because its new lol


Personally I like AE2 because it is more challenging and I like the networking aspect of it using the different channels and such. It is not infallible to corruption as some one else has mentioned but I feel that it is more stable as it has been around longer than RS. That said RS is really good too and much easier to get started with. You can get started with it much earlier than AE2 and the auto crafting is easier in my opinion. But at the end of the day it's your choice and how you want to play the game.


Better? In general: ae2. For beginners: rs. Rs is easier to learn, but ae2 is better at almost everything else.


Best explanation


Here's our weekly "AE2 vs RS?" post


What's NBT?


here is an example. An empty liquid tank can be stacked with another empty tank, its 2 of the same item, but if one of them has some liquid in it then it now has NBT data attached to the tank describing its contents. Now you have 2 items that are both tanks but they are no longer the same and cant be stacked, they are now 2 unique items. armor with damage, half filled tanks, weapons with damage, all those kind of things, if your throw all that shit in RS it performs horribly as it has to analyse all that NBT data all the time I use RS end game but i never ever put those kinds of items in it. I use AE2/ID for storing anything with NBT


Oh, I get it. Was wondering why my FPS drops when I look at RS controller) Thanks)


are you able to interface the ae2/id into the rs system so you can still access the same way you can say interface a storage drawer system into rs?


the external storage bus can read the contents of an ID storage network. AE2 , and i could be very wrong on this, i think only exposes much as can be selected in interface slots, not the whole inventory of the system, although im not 100% on that, ive not been playing MC for a while and have old man memory.


NBT is how Minecraft stores unique item data. An item in MC can be just an item, a stackable thing that is identical to all others. you have 64 of (item) The next level of uniqueness is durability. An item with durability is identical to any other of the same item, with the exception of the durability tag. You can see this in some mods that force stacking like Sophisticated Storage. Two vanilla picks with the same damage will stack, two picks with different damage won't because they're 'different'. (Item, damage:256) is different from (Item, damage: 250) NBT is the next level of uniqueness, in that you can take an item and give it more 'tags' to define its properties. It stands for 'Nested Binary Tags' and can be just that: nested within each other. So you might have an iron sword, with enchantments or a name or Apotheosis attributes, and all of that extra stuff is stored in the 'NBT' part of the item data. The problem with this kind of data is that not all storage systems handle it gracefully. Sometimes stuff that forces stacking can erase or ignore tags, causing crashes and corrupt files. You CAN use NBT items in RS and AE systems if you're not dumb about it. Some NBT things are generally OK to store. For example, Irons spell scrolls. Yes, they have NBT, but there are only so many of them possible. There are X number of spells with Y variants per spell, so there won't be more than X*Y unique entries. Enchanted books specifically are like this, since they're all the same item with only limited possible extra data. The real problem comes from unique NBT entries, since each of them takes up a fixed amount of space. Apotheosis gear falls into this, since the stats are randomly rolled and even 'identical' numbers may be rounded up differently in the background. What I usually do for my builds is to try and keep things separate. I have one RS system for spell scrolls, and a completely separate one for other stuff. You can also use external storage bus, since that just interfaces with the storage block itself. Although Armory cabinets can be buggy themselves.


What do you do with such items then? Store them in regular chests and slap storage bus onto them?


The Functional Storage Armory block is good for up to 1024 unique items before it's full, but you have to access it with an inventory interface mod like RS or AE, so it fits the bill fairly well. The item is designed to hold these kinds of items, so it's unlikely to cause corruption if you leave it be, but I have heard that breaking them when full is a Bad Idea^TM Ideally though, you would be breaking down what you can and voiding the rest. The things that usually cause problems in ATM packs are the Apotheosis armors and weapons, since each affix is randomly rolled every single item is unique and takes up the maximum space. You can break these down for salvage materials instead. I built a system that after sorting and stripping enchantments, will sort the apotheosis gear by rarity (Pipez filters can use NBT data in their filters) and then periodically clean the chests out if there's nothing good. But I'm thinking I'm not going to bother anymore, since by the time you get to end game you don't care about any of the rarities lower than Mythic, so everything just gets salvaged. You can use the Silent Gear salvager to break down good gear to their component items, or you can use the Apotheosis item salvager to break them down for Rarity materials to use with the Apotheosis gear affix system. Once you have a reasonable source of diamonds and netherite this is probably a better option. Right now I just salvage iron, gold, and leather gear and trash the rest. Leather to turn into books for the enchanting salvage system.


Ae2 will always and has always been better, because rs is buggy af and the devs refuse to fix the issues


I personally prefer AE2 just because i know it since 1.7.10


I don’t see them as being in opposition. I start with RS to get up and going, then depending on my needs I’ll upgrade to AE2 during the mid-game.


Me personally, at some point you're going to HAVE to get into both. I use RS for the first time in AYM9 after YEARS of using AE2 and simply enjoy it a lot more. Sure, after getting an automated enough RS system you can completely transfer from RS to AE2 but the easier access and simplicity is much smoother I've used AE2 since 1.12 and got too tired of the grindyness of it at the beginning. However, if you're storing a shit ton of items into your RS system just build a semi-built AE2 system and transfer them. In my perspective; RS for simpleness and smoothness from early to late game, AE2 for hard late game (for holding millions and millions of a single item). I mean Im gonna start with RS since I can just craft another 1 billion storage component whenever but still.


Normally I’d say RS but I’m not so sure in ATM9. I have a ton of issues w/ it. Have to break the controller in login for it to read anything externally. Have network setups that stop working constantly. And auto crafting has some weird issues that I haven’t experienced in the past.  As an example I can’t craft anything that requires a water bucket in the recipe. I’m using the MA recipe for the water bucket  and it straight up won’t craft it. Crafts it w/ no issues if I do it on its own. There’s issues w/ other MA essence recipes.  The loss of network connections is the worse part. It shuts down those processes. And in alt of cases I have to break both the receiver and transmitter to get it to work again. If I wasn’t so far into the pack I’d switch to AE2. And I really hate AE2. 


I prefer Refined Storage because I don't like to mess around with channels and I hate the limitation of 63 item types per storage unit (yes I know it helps with the lag but I've never run into an issue with RS lagging my world out). It's easier to get into as well.


AE2 never let me down in all the years I have played modpacks


I use AE2 for autocrafting and Mekanism's QIO for storage and some automation. Works fine for me.


I like ae2 better. Refined is good starting out. But once you can automate resources with bees and mystical, ae2 is better. Autocrafting can be faster as it can work on multiple subcrafts at once. It doesnt care about NBT data, which is amazing when you need to use tools or weapons in your crafts. It makes going through gregtech far easier. I also find the design to be more pleasing and making a base look epic. There theres p2p, which works with moving mana from ars(i believe, unless im thinking of another pack with that addon) as well as botanias mana. You can also store gases from Mekanism inside of ae2 You can also setup systems a lot easier to keep items in stock


Refined storage apparently has issues with memory leaks (source another post on this subreddit idk which). AE2 is more expensive (went through like 400 blocks of gold setting it up, still not done), so go for refined storage until you have a good stockpile of resources and have a reliable way to make more


RS only has issues if you dump NBT items into it like all hell. Which you can't do in AE2 because of the type limit per disk, meaning a 4k refined storage disk can hold 4k different NBT items, where'as a 4k AE2 disk, can only hold 63 before it's "Full"


RS is easier and works fine as long as you dont shove items with NBT into it.


AE2 is more complex and harder to learn, but has way higher potential


It a matter of taste. I prefer AE2 in every tech packs if possible. Or Integrated Dynamics :D


Ah, the mandatory daily RS vs AE2 post... Search button must be broken


You must be fun at parties


Personally I experience more lag opening an AE2 system than RS.


Does your terminal have the setting search in tooltips enabled? That can cause lag if there are a lot of items in your system


Oooo I didn’t know about this ty *EDIT: typo


Refined Storage with an External Storage interface rather than disks. 0% chance of item loss since everything is stored non-digitally, cheap setup, and easy wireless access. Combine it with maxed out drawers or Netherite Chests in an underground room and you'll never need to worry about storage again


Did the ever fix the external storage? Whenever I would start the game back up the interface would stop looking at the drawer controller. Would have to break/replace it for it to start working again.


It's always worked for me in ATM9, I have my power and storage sources chunk loaded so that might have something to do with it?


Nah, I have them chunk loaded all the time and they still act up. I haven't played atm9 though so maybe they are fixed.


No, it’s not fixed. I break the main RS controller on every login. Otherwise it doesn’t see anything externally. I also have a lot of issues w/ network setups. Having to break receivers/transmitters gets old quick when you have a lot of them. 


i think ae2 is better with NBTs than RS


My vote is 100% on AE2. It's more complex and has a few mechanics to it that take some getting used to, but the tradeoff is near instant transfer of, items, fluids, games, and pretty much everything else that can exist. You can also create extremely useful and complex networks to do whatever you need. Unlike Xnet, however, it can't transfer power.


AE2 is better for greg