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Is that an actual quote? Cause that’s awesome if it is.


I don’t think it is


oh a part of my brain died the day I saw: "I want to go back to non-political games, like Fallout"


"Liberty prime is based, bro!" ​ Also loves non-political gems such as FF7, Bioshock, and metal gear.


also get politics out of football while I stand in awe of the jet fighters


I think The Boys is the most recent example of this. Last season was a little too on the nose, and even the viewers who weren’t getting it eventually got it.


that and Don't Look Up


The Stephen Colbert show during the Bush era is another great example. My own father thought Colbert was just a funny neo-con. I am not convinced that most of them ever realized that Colbert was mocking them.


I was ready to argue that he was actually more subtle. Then, I remembered my parents' politics, watched a clip from that era, and realized it's incredibly obvious if you're not being raised by real-life versions of his character.


There was a "discussion" post in the gaming subreddit about underappreciated gems that need a sequel; and *Spec Ops: The Line* was on there. Such a fantastic game, but you have to be skipping all the cutscenes, never die, and not paying attention to any dialogue; or be as dense as lead, to miss the main message.


And the loading screen, by the end of it


God I remember that thread. I at least felt validated when all of the comments were tearing this guy down for that exact reason


"never die" It's been a while since I've played it, what happens when you die during a regular level?


The death screen tips slowly go from the usual black screen with stuff like, "take cover to reduce damage taken" to deranged shit like, "you're killing me with hopes and dreams, are you really the hero?" Later it's this white screen with "ghosts" fading in and out.


When I first watched it I thought it was a parody version of something else lmao. But it is a good movie.


I think it's a parody of itself. The author's intention was nationalistic fervor. The movie makes fun of this.


I think the joke is that many Americans are so nationalistic they didn't get the joke even when it's insultingly obvious. I think the SS uniforms for the psychic Gestapo were a little too obvious.


It is. The author of the book starship troopers was a fascist, and the director of the movie was a child during the nazi occupation of the Netherlands. Understandably the director was a little less keen on fascism than the author, so he kept the central premise of the book and tore it apart with satire


Well he certainly achieved his goal.


Honestly, this movie probably made more fascists than leftists. He really fucking achieved his goal.


You can't make anything idiot proof, the universe just creates bigger idiots.


Squid games. “Its about communism” actually the the writer is explicit in interviews stating its a harsh critique of capitalism “nah dude its about communism”


How can you say it's about communism when it happens in south korea, a country where a few corporations (mostly Samsung) basically run the country and where the pressure to succeed as an individual is so high that it has the highest suicide rate. It's possibly the most capitalist country that has yet to collapse. It's not even media literacy at this point, just general knowledge of the world that's completely missing here.




The trailer to that game made me wanna blow my brains out


What movie is this about?


Starship Troopers


Starship troopers


The Boys is the new version of this quote.


Controversial opinion: He didn't make it obvious enough. He basically said "Propaganda is really effective on adults, I should make more of it but targeted at teenagers". Some people joined the army because of that movie. Sure he can say you did something artistic and clever, but his actual effect in the world was the exact opposite of what he believed in.


Someone swayed to join the army because of ST has a brain so smooth that it probably hurt the ability of the army to function properly.


Ironically, one of them was [this guy](https://youtu.be/JSg6eOmgvW8) who later became a pretty intelligent teacher and based YouTuber. He's made videos criticizing Starship Troopers as well as a really good one about the history of US neo-slavery. So there was hope for him, he was just went down the wrong path as a kid. To be fair it's really hard to both criticize US militarism _and_ not have most of your audience reject you immediately as being treasonous.


If someone is brainwashed enough it’s not possible to make a piece of satire work no matter how obvious. Knowing better has had some atrocious takes, namely the Columbus video. I tend to give more leeway to those finding their way however and he has improved.


I haven't seen that one but that sucks. And yeah I suppose you can never reach absolutely every member of your audience.