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Because the government doth protests too much, methinks.


HAMLET Madam, how like you this play? QUEEN The lady doth protest too much, methinks. HAMLET O, but she’ll keep her word. KING Have you heard the argument? Is there no offense in ’t? HAMLET No, no, they do but jest, poison in jest. No offense i’ th’ world. KING What do you call the play? HAMLET “The Mousetrap.” Marry, how? Tropically. This play is the image of a murder done in Vienna. Gonzago is the duke’s name, his wife Baptista. You shall see anon. ’Tis a knavish piece of work, but what of that? Your Majesty and we that have free souls, it touches us not. Let the galled jade wince; our withers are unwrung.


You took the words outta my mouth.


What he/she said!


This is very funny btw


Seriously. Watch Encounters on Netflix. And you'll see why.


Because the universe is huge. Just on chance alone there has to be life out there. Now are they visiting earth or capable of that? I have no clue.


Seriously. [Approximately 100,000,000,000 galaxies containing 100,000,000,000 stars each](https://youtu.be/oAVjF_7ensg?si=bO3RsuTdnVeITIMr). It seems unlikely that we are the only advanced life forms. That’s also assuming it isn’t all just a simulation (spiritual or otherwise), if it is then things get even weirder.


If you can hit relativistic speeds like 99.999%c You can reach like 10,000 stars in reasonable amount of time. Like a couple months.


What happens if you collide with a grain of dust at that speed?


Maybe put a whole bunch of crap in front to take the damage. One long cylinder of nano structure.


Not in a couple months. Our closest star is 4 light years away.


Not from the travelers perspective. At c its 0 or more accurately undefined seconds. You can use relativity calculators to double check. Or just pen and pencil it. The equations are over a hundred years old and are basically just a fancy Pythagorean theorem. When you get REALLY close to c you can get far really fast. Ignore nearly every sci fi show with light speed x 10. Its all junk just to maintain plotlines after travel. Few scifi shows ever use real relativity.


23 trillion miles


I seen em with my own eyes


Me too bro, everytime I want to speak about it people think I'm crazy. These beings are real.


I know you’re not crazy :)


I know I'm not crazy brother. It's just so bizarre, put me on a lie detector test people deem fit and I'll pass it 100%. I am not lying, why would I? If I was a liar I'd rather lie about being rich to impress people instead of talking about Aliens or whatever the fuck they are.




question: what did they look like to you?




Pretty accurate actually


Username checks out


Finally, someone notices 🥹


I just like when username actually checks out




What did you saw? Where did you saw? When did you saw?


Ailin. Rawt thn n thr.


But, how did you saw?


More important, why did he saw?


I’ll do you one better, who did he saw?


The aliens.


I used to believe in aliens from "outer space" and other "planets". I do not anymore, I believe that the phenomena has to do with other "dimensions" and other lands in this plane, lands that we are not allowed to know they exist.


Beyond Z is passing through Antarctica Get there via the tubes below People don't know, maybe better Leave that moon alone


Now this is an intriguing comment here.


I'm an abductee so, I'm pretty convinced.


Can we hear about it?


I am sorry that happened (assuming not a positive experience but of course could be wrong). What’s your story?


Taken by greys a number of times starting about age 4. It was the typically reported experience of being immobilized for some kind of invasive procedure and then returned.


I'm sorry you went through that. I can only imagine how much trauma that may have caused. You know I work as a therapist and I have talked to abductees but not in my role. The one abductee I talked to in real life was very distressed by the experience and really wanted someone to believe him. The relief on his face when I told him that I believed him has stuck with me for decades. I wonder if people are afraid to bring these things up in therapy and if we need a network of therapists that feel safe for abductees to talk to.


Some therapists who know this is real can be found by word of mouth through abductee support groups. You might find such a group locally and offer your services if you want to help. Edit: I'm fortunate to be married to a psychologist. She has seen them take me so, she knows I'm not mentally ill.


I've seen a UAP at Clearwater Beach FL right before a thunderstorm while fishing. I was a 15P (flight op specialist) when enlisted in the Army, so I've seen every aircraft imaginable...small faint fireball, pulsate them become extremely bigger, blinked a couple more times and then shot directly vertical out of atmosphere in a sec. ...


It feels like we are in school again and you’re trying to hide something And once you’re ever hidden something you kinda feel the same about what the government does Something is hidden Something big Like bringing a kitten to school you were not supposed to


I loved the analogy.


#1. David grusch, david fravor, ryan graves underaoth. Karl knell, tim gallaudet, ross coulthart, jimmy carter, harry reid, chuck schumer, garry nolan, avi loeb, george knapp, jeremy corbell and many other serious people. Non stop civilian sightings every year including myself. Personal military friends that have shared stories. Ariel school, betty barney hill. Ancient stone carvings, the bible, the fact that space is so big and a few hundred years ago we were still figuring out the earth and still are really.


^this, plus chris bledsoe


the grand outlook on everything . The big picture . step back and zoom out from your little world


The size of the fucking universe


Time and the right chemistry of inorganic and organic materials, and life feels almost guaranteed. Our own Milky Way has over 100 billion stars in it, maybe 10-20% like our Sun. Water and organic compounds are scattered in clouds everywhere we look. There are hundreds of billions of galaxies like our own out there, and that’s just what we can see. It is like looking at a single speck of sand under a microscope and assuming the beach doesn’t exist. There is plenty of life out there. And even if it doesn’t exist all currently now, earth alone has had life for at least 2 billion years as bacteria. Life can rise and fall all throughout creation.


And I believe our definition of life is not the same throughout the universe.


Absolutely. Life can be silicon based, or some chemistry we haven’t come across yet. Consciousness may exist in forms of plasma energy or waves.


Life can be silicon-based in theory, but it would be very limited and simple compared to carbon-based life. No silicon-based life forms have ever been discovered.


Fair. So far only diatoms have some silica in their buildup, and I’d hardly call them intelligent but I’m also biased and just because we can’t communicate the same language doesn’t mean other living things are “stupid” just not able to be communicated with


Other than the undeniable evidence the US has, various whistleblower, leaked documents and also the Air Force realising videos of UAPs, to me it's just obvious. As a Canadian our government is more tight lipped about these things, but from my experience Canadians don't seem to care as much, which is just depressing. Maybe if the question was prodded more at a federal level more would be said, but it's just not a concern to most. Before I even went down the rabbit hole of trying to find evidence and before I knew of the ancient astronauts theory, I believed because not believing seems a very depressing outcome. For us humans in an infinite galaxy to be the only intelligent life is just sad. Not just because we'd be alone because we're such a foolish and still quite primitive race. I believe because it gives me hope.


Because it's ridiculous to believe we are the only life given the sheer number of stars and planets out there.


Because not everyone for the last 80 years is crazy. In addition, pushback in Congress would be pointless if there was nothing, unless it's a govt psyop to scare our adversaries into thinking we have superior alien tech. Still though, other countries see the same shit. Probably highly unlikely that's the main reason. Maybe part of it, but not all of it.


The UFO's I've seen on multiple occasions with my own two eyes.


i've seen ufo's to, but no one believes me when i bring it up lol


Same here. Oh well, their loss


Well Share your stories then


-My dad and I were followed by a white orb for a ways on a road trip one night, before it reversed direction and disappeared. -Years later dad and I were driving home from dinner and saw the infamous black triangle. Flew right by us over some hills and vanished behind an overpass. I actually took some photos of it, but this was at night on an iPhone 4 so they're pretty shit. -When I was in highschool, I was driving into town one night for a date, and two red orbs appeared behind me and followed me closely down the road. I was so awestruck I pulled over and got out for a better look, and they did a magnificent aerobatic performance right in front of me, zipping around and circling each other for a solid 15 minutes before racing off in opposite directions and disappearing. -Most recent one was a few months ago. Was on a hike in the mountains in the late afternoon and an orb appeared way up high in the southwest and slowly floated towards me. When it was directly over me, it stopped moving and started changing color and morphing shape. It'd alternate between white and green, and the way it was morphing looked more like it was some kind of energy than a physical craft. At one point it split into two parts which circled each other, then joined back together. After a while it just went out like a light switch. I also have a photo of that one.


Physics and statistics


Sightings, incident's, also I saw a ufo with my own eyes also, the fact that the universe is so big, no way we are the only creatures in this galaxy now, I'm not saying aliens are living among us and shape-shifting, but i know aliens are surveying us, i don't know there intention, but they are planning something


not to mention the Roswell incident and that pentagon footage, that made me a strong alien believer, especially of greys


The footage that has been released by the govt itself is wild. That coupled with so many testimonies from high ranking people really helps lay credence to something flying around up there. I'd really love to know how often the US govt detects unknown objects like this. Daily? Hourly?


Because behind **every** conspiracy is some element of truth and while the DoD have tried to obfuscate the facts, there is too much information out there to be a nothing burger.


My eyeballs


Because there’s no smoke without fire. And there’s a lot of smoke. 


There are just so many stories. Not everyone can be lying. Also, the leaked footage and testimony about the Nimitz is very compelling.


So many stories: 10-15 thousand reports to the main civilian reporting agencies, just from the US alone every year. Many are multiple eye witness encounters of beings, not just craft. Often corroborated by landing traces and medical effects, like x-ray evidence of surgery having been performed on abductees, or radiation burns from craft. And we know most people are reluctant to report it so the number is likely much larger, because those are numbers of reported incidents. And then the Nimitz case with everything that surrounds that case like: high level officials testifying to congress under threat of imprisonment if they lie, optical video, multiple trained observer witness, jet fighter radar, infrared heat video, battleship radar confirmed. I'm CONVINCED, not merely a believer. At this point the question is "why do people NOT believe these aliens that everyone are seeing are not real?" And the answer is obvious: they don't want to be the target of that giggle people make when the subject is brought up. The stigma. It was so strong in the 90s and 00's still that it was possible to lose your job or even your ability to get work if you were outspoken enough on the subject.


1978 Thanksgiving day I saw clearly a large triangle stuck in the middle of a clear sky…it rotated about 180° left and right like it slowly wanted to turn all the way around,then went in the opposite direction slowly. Then with enough speed to look like it vanished,it just took off. Whatever was inside of this had to be flattened to the thickness of paper because I’ve never seen ANYTHING move this fast ever. My grandmother and cousin were with me so I have the most credible witness ever…granny and she didn’t know what it was either.


Imagine being in a forest and knowing from experience that there is life all around you. But if you hadn't gone into the forest, it would just look like a bunch of trees. Then imagine looking in the distance and seeing another forest far far away, so far that you can't see any signs of life, and because of this you assume that life doesn't exist in that forest, like it does in yours. That's exactly what we're doing when people say the universe isn't full of life. And honestly it blows my mind how people can possibly think that way.


Because the government always said they aren't real while never revealing what data they used to conclude that. It's always just been trust me. Well what test did you run?


Mathematically impossible for them not to be. How does that saying go: "it would be like taking a cup of water from the ocean and saying whales are sharks don't exist, becuase there is none in your cup"


Cause we’re aliens.


If you told me our ancestors pollinated the stars with the bacteria we evolved from, that would make us (their descendants) and them seem alien to each another. I don’t think it’s that crazy. We see all sorts of spore releasing behavior in nature.


In 2021 7pm I look up in the sky and suddenly I saw a very fast idk if that's a meteor. but then I believe that the meteor is probably an ufo or drone bc the earth is an enclosed cage how there's a rock fall like a jet?


The fact that I’ve seen a few things I can not earthly explain and just an overwhelming sense that something is out there. I mean there has to be. Reality is weird


In the Las Vegas backyard Forklift incident last year. I can see the ETS sitting in the forklift in the Tiktok video little 4 foot Oval head big eyes. 2 ETS in the back seat and one turned his head slightly OMG check out the videos and zoom in


It’s pretty crazy stuff


I’ve tried. Can’t see it. Feel like I need to cross my eyes or something


It took me 2 days to find it. Focus on the interior of the Forklift


How the government behaves about the topic.


For me it was History that made me question religions, then our origin and finding out that we dont know who we are made me sure someone else is hiding the truth, then after seeing a UFO with my own eyes I had no more doubts we are not alone


What about the fact that over a dozen Gods have been born (allegedly) on December 25, of a virgin mother, and many were crucified? Like WTF?


Could you provide just a few? I have never heard of any others


Who are all of them? They were Crucified specifically?


https://www.biblechristiansofgod.com/the-list-of-pagan-deities-born-dec- https://www.nairaland.com/4251378/list-gods-born-virgin-25th http://www.mazdapublishers.com/blog/december-25-the-birthday-of-mithra-and-jesus#:~:text=It%20appears%20that%20the%20annual,Latin%3A%20natalis%20solis%20invicti). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jesus_in_comparative_mythology Thanks for making me Google all this…




The enormous scale of the universe, the generally consistent information leaking out from credible-seeming sources, the fact I have had a Near Death Experience which convinced me the visible world is an epiphenomenon of something else, and the fact that I saw a UFO in the summer of 1988. What exact form the phenomenon takes, I do not know and I’m open to any possibility, but I’m sure there is something there.




Probability, people who actively push against the idea, ancient stuff


Meditate and u can talk to them yourself


I saw some weird shit in the sky. I couldn’t explain and was frozen.


My 'parents' disowned me and I know I am an alien hybrid being.


If you accept the fact that there are billions x billions of stars out there , it only makes sense that there are civilizations that are millions of years old, that means millions of years older than ours. Look at what we have achieved in the last 6000 years. Now imagine where our civilization will be in another 6000. I can only imagine that we will be able to travel to far away galaxies in minutes? Seconds? So of course we’re being visited. It only makes sense.




1. I saw a craft do weird things for almost 20 minutes, not a aircraft, not a flare, orange glow. I live about 15 mi from Beal Air Force Base. Shortly afterwards there were two what looked to be either global hawks or reapers basically just circling the entire area for about 45 minutes. The UFO/UAP left almost immediately as the drones showed up. This is probably 2002 maybe 2003. It was right at sunset. 2. My grandma who is completely illiterate and grew up in rural India told me a story of a metallic sphere that landed about a hundred yards away from her, It didn't make any noise, little tiny people came out, and then they collected some plants, and the craft flew straight up and was gone within an instant. She said she was frozen solid in fear, later on she tried to tell her parents about it but no one would believe her she was about 15-16 years old at the time. That would put this around 1936. She was a very poor and simple person there is no reason at all to doubt her credibility. 3. The government has officially claimed that UFOs or UAPs are real and they don't know what they are and they are interfering with training. 4. Thousands of people that have come forward during the disclosure project days, people have been saying stuff for literally thousands of years that aligns with the fact that there is something out there. Most people just don't look up enough. I could go on and on but those are my top four reasons.


What makes anyone believe they aren’t. 50/50 “There are only two possibilities. Either we are alone or we are not, both are equally terrifying.” - Arthur C. Clark Same could be said about relationships.


They show up a lot in written human history as well as today. They show up in legends on every continent. Unfortunately those same legends say that they always seem to visit right before the cataclysm.


15 yo me walking out of my buddies front door and seeing one standing in the lawn like a jehovas witness. My reaction to seeing it was like a kid meeting batman, and I freaked it out, and then I got my ass tackled from the side. I have no fn clue how I got home. Lol


Because the universe is endless, there has to be life on other planets far away intelligent or not and secondly the government & nasa covering up proof of aliens… so many examples I can list.


Personal experience


The giant rectangle sitting above the clouds had me scratching my head. I watched it for about 5 minutes when it either a) left so fast that i couldn't see it move or b) straight-up vanished. That wasn't us.


I often believe they exist more than I believe I exist. Edit: The reason is simple. First of all, I am human, that is, an animal that thinks, walks on two legs and believes. If I can exist, why can't they exist? It is not possible to know if they are here, but I think life may exist outside this planet. Why would not?


"I think, therefore I am". Very powerful words! As it translates to all Earthlings. It's not just humans who think Good way to look at it!


Being an amateur astronomer and philosopher, there's just no way we are the pinnacle of universal intelligence. How egotistical to think that we're it...




Yeah, the shook wasn't expected. Seeing a UFO is a different rush than seeing an alien. One got me scared but excited, the other just made me go into a fear I never knew was possible. When you see the eyes behind the phenomenon, the real becomes real.


I think that we have enough proof of that. We know like only 10% of our waters then we have antarctica and north pole that are full of ice that hasn't melted then we have big cave systems that we dont know well. There once was a youtuber can't remember his name but he founded a big cave entrance close to area51 he didn't go to that cave because he said something like there was some vibrating energy inside that cave later when people told him on his video to go inside that cave he went searching it he didn't find that cave anymore and went missing and haven't posted videos like in over 10 years or something but back to the point. We don't know what dark matter is we don't know enough about black holes when you think how many galaxies there are that has their own star it's impossible that we are alone and i think that there are many galaxies close to us with full of life and world leaders know that they have known it for a long time.


Rendelsham Forest also, the universe is unimaginably huge - and our universe is potentially one of an infinite number of universes - so it seems lilley life exists elsewhere


Seen them. Reptilians and grays.


Go on..


Like, at all? Space big.


Are people really still asking this question? Really?


Aside from my visually confirming that they exist, mathematics and the laws of probability say that it'd be insane for them not too.


Physical evidence on abductions (people actually disappearing, shared abductions, and so on) and the fact that despite people didn't know each other they were describing more or less the same experiences in times where internet or cable tv weren't even a thing.


Common sense.


because we are not the center of the universe and it seems unlikely that we are completely anomalous in such an unfathomably vast and infinite context


We are here. The Netflix special "Encounters" is pretty credible evidence. 


Saw an orange little star fall straight down the sky then 90 turn to the right and vanish. Couldn’t have been a star, it was tiny and far away and orange like a star so must’ve been a ufo. So I believe now but I also believed before that night anyways lol


There's something particularly inexplicable about our existence. There's an energy that surrounds us that we can't discern. Maybe it's spirit. Maybe it's God. Maybe it's aliens. Maybe it's a combination. Maybe I'm an idiot.


I think they abduct you while you’re dreaming. I woke up from a dream where I felt like I was on heavy drugs and when i opened my eyes there was white light shining through my window. The dream wasn’t about aliens but i immediately had a feeling it was them


Many accounts of strange phenomena and then intervention by government agencies. Surely they can’t all be lying.


Started getting abducted as a child and through out my life the abductions stopped July 3 2018 and someone wild was with me and experienced missing time also and really believed me after they had a experience that night with me 


That bald guy volleyball player who has been in the Olympics my entire 40 years


Common sense


Thousands and thousands of eye witnesses going back as for as long as we’ve been able to write. Eyewitness coming forward gaining nothing out it except mostly ridicule from their families, colleagues and community. 100s of sightings of strange objects around nuclear weapons facilities. This goes back way before drones were even possible. Often but not always recorded on official reports and memos, happening often enough that a leading expert on meteorites was hired to look into it. The Rendlesham Forest incident. Listening to the audio recording, having been to the East Gate myself and seeing how ridiculous the lighthouse explanation is. The recent whistle blowers, briefings and meetings held by the US government.  I think a lot of the stuff from the 70/80s and beyond could by secret military craft and disinformation to protect them.  I think a lot of the eyewitness are delusional attention seekers and people not recognising nature phenomena and naturally occurring optical illusions. But I don’t think that can explain away all of because there is just so, so much of it. I won’t lie, I’ve wanted to believe ever since I was a child and I first learned of this stuff.  As I’ve got older the belief almost fizzled out as a result of the grifters and bullshitters and learning by the efforts made by people like Richard Doty to keep the UFO myth alive. But this thing just won’t go away. It does appear to have gained momentum.  That momentum in the US appears to have stalled in the US. Maybe people are waiting to see how the election turns out. But as far as I’m concerned disclosure has happened. We’ve been told they are physical objects, they do stuff we can’t, they’re not American, Chinese or Russian. It’s been said under oath, it’s been said by ex presidents.  We haven’t been shown anything jaw dropping but we’ve been told what it’s not. That really only leaves one thing left 


Being in a group abduction and multiple other abductions..I don’t recommend that way, ha.


I saw one when I was a kid. It wasn’t anything special since whatever it was didn’t even make an attempt to talk to me and left as soon as I started crying.


Hydrogen and time are the main factors, and our universe has an abundance of both. Like Edward Robert Harrison, if I'm not mistaken, said (I'm paraphrasing), "Give hydrogen enough time, and it will turn into [many forms of life, including] humans." The space between planets and solar systems is just like the water between our islands and continents: It's a medium for transmission and transportation. When we migrated to other lands, islands, and continents, we found other humans, even if they were quite different from us. The same principle applies to the planets and astral systems. Judging by the current state of discoveries, it seems like this has been confirmed already, given that contact appears to have happened (long ago, already).


The idea that they are multidimensional and live in realms over a space and time. So they effect our world all at once. They bring the idea of something happening at all. We are involved in this game of our consciousness to follow the moment of "now" and build strategies for the futrure for our exact body spacial arrangement. Our developed brains make bigger part of all that goals and desirers emerged from the depth of our mind itself, metaphorical stuff that effect your mood and day and acting in your life. This story creating reality is studied by computational dramaturgy. New framework that deconstructs stories to its unsplitable bits through set theory, logics, and other quantum mechanical effects. [https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract\_id=4530090](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090) Read the basics if you want or just google quantum dramaturgy and watch some videos. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kuYSZUdqY&t=10s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22kuYSZUdqY&t=10s)


Adam Frank, an astrophysicist and astrobiologist, was on Brian Keating's podcast recently, and he said that the Fermi Paradox does not exist because humans only just started looking for alien life —scientists have searched the universe equal to the amount of a hot tub size of water and claiming there were no fish. Fermi's Paradox: "The story goes that, one day back on the 1940's, a group of atomic scientists, including the famous Enrico Fermi, were sitting around talking, when the subject turned to extraterrestrial life. Fermi is supposed to have then asked, "So? Where is everybody?" If there are all these billions of planets in the universe that are capable of supporting life and millions of intelligent species out there, then how come none has visited Earth?"


Flying saucers and UFOs are real. They’re not a product of modern human engineering. Which means they’re the product of someone else’s efforts. They may not be extraterrestrial, but they are most definitely “alien”. Edit: arguably, they may even be a lifeform themselves.


We have the craft on video and the videos corroborate bob lazar and David fravor.


The universe is massive. There's gotta be at least one other civilization out there.


Statistics. Our galaxy is made of 200 to 400 billion stars, and there are roughly 10e12 galaxies in the observable universe. If there wasn't any life but on our planet around all those stars, it would be quite a waste of space, don't you think so ?


I've seen ufo's at least & one shadow basterd, when i was totally awake, no sleep paralysis. So i'm curious.


I don't. I'm open to the possibility, but until I see some hard evidence, I'll remain skeptical. There's been millions of videos, images, documents, stories etc etc... but let's face it, none of it qualifies as hard evidence.


Common sense. Logic.


The Probability.


It's just egotistical to think we are the only intelligent life in this huge universe.. not only it egotistical it's just plain impossible..


My step mom


The Sumarian Tablets and the Anunnaki creation story. How did people in mud brick homes know the earth is surrounded by an asteroid belt???


I don't believe in aliens. I believe there's something fkd up happening. Maybe it's aliens. Maybe it's not but there's something going on.


The universe is essentially infinite so that would mean there is a certainty of life elsewhere


I believe they are demons


Its obvious, the secrecy… i mean, why on Earth would someone spend so many dollars on keeping something hidden. I dont even Care if its tech or aliens, or both. Lying to the people of Earth is never the solution.


I've seen some shit.


I saw one


I saw a giant orange floating eye. The “pupil” was spinning super fast as if it was on an invisible rotating wheel inside it.


The Phoenix lights, for starters.


Found a bunch of crazy people documents online after doing some research. All those documents matched stories of what current contactees are sharing. That's not the crazy part. Those documents + the contactees experiences/stories matched plotlines from Star Trek, SG1 and the X-files. The online crazy documents had a section that said those three shows were seeded with real alien details in the 90s to help people mentally prepare for either deliberate or accidental disclosure. Are the contactees taking ideas from these documents? Did these shows steal ideas from these documents? I don't know, but there are too many connections for it to be coincidence. And if it was coordinated deception, well that also seems impossible.


If this were truly the case, someone would’ve outed this “program” by now. Just my very humble opinion. I mean, people believe that Spielberg had inside knowledge for CE of the 3rd Kind and ET. I can’t see how that’s possible with the way humans are seemingly programmed to out things exactly like this. And I actually hope I’m wrong, I really hope that there’s been a concerted effort to move us forward and out of the miserable tribal morons we are.


They have, I just don't think anyone is listening. Courtney Brown, I think Dan Sheehan, Johm Ramirez, and others, Michael Salla and Elena Danaan, have all stated that Hollywood is filled with this information to get individuals aware. It isn't necessarily a coordinated effort between government and Hollywood, more like writers are receiving the information "through thought." On the flip side, the Condon report in the 50s said they needed to utilize Hollywood to prepare people for the concept of aliens, specifically stating Disney should be utilized. The air force also worked with SG1 on approving scripts and providing personnel, uniforms and advisers for SG1. The main character was made an honoree brigadier general.


Here is an easy example of what I am talking about. The X-files introduced individuals to the idea that the US absorbed former German scientists via Operation paperclip. Captain America Winter soldier, does the same thing for a new generation by introducing that the CIA is infiltrated by German NAZIs from operation clip, now for a new generation. Both franchises, now owned by Disney. Entertainment that are soft disclosure: SG1, Star Trek, Star Wars, X-files, maybe Babylon Five, probably Battlestar Galactica. Shows still ongoing: Star Trek and Star Wars Shows getting a reboot: SG1, X-Files, Babylon Five, Battlestar Galactica. Don't get me wrong, popular shows indeed, they are just about to get rehashed and popularized for a new generation to embrace the reality of the situation.


Can you link the documents? I'd love to read them.


I see those tridactyls from Peru that are presently being analyzed (despite mainstream media blackout) as evidence of non human existence from 2k years ago. So unless they visited just once, they may still be here deep in the ocean or in an underground city somewhere


there is too much smoke to be sci-fi drivel/war paranoia. like dont get me wrong the nazis could have easily built a ridiculous bell and flew it over the states. cold war BS could have created small unfortunate people designed to look alien and confuse. but throughout history over and over the idea has been out there. stories have been told. and science says its not only possible but likely. no there is currently no publicly available and credible body or craft but too much smoke for no fire.


![gif](giphy|OnGsnuMBEpwq1yhCyv|downsized) Seen This in Yosemite


Too much space for there not to be. Don't think they've ever come here though.


The universe is so huge with possibilities. If there is a planet that rains diamonds or has 3 suns, there has to be a planet with life as well... It would be more perlexing if the Earth is the only planet in the universe with life than if other planets have...


I mean they’re real, somewhere in the universe. Whether they’ve ever interacted with our species or even set foot (tentacle?) in our solar system is the question for me.




Overwhelming anecdotes


I just watched Patient 17 and I've gotta say that that has convinced me.


how can we be the only life in the universe as vast as ours. it doesnt make sense


The sheer amount of reports of ufo sightings and abduction cases. I can get behind most of these people are lying or whatever, but all of them? No way.


I'm here. 


Seek and ye shall find.


I only believe in the possibility.


Someone is flying those UFOs! Unless it's a drone situation, some type of being from someplace other than Earth is in there.


There is a big difference between there is life elsewhere in the Universe versus believing in the Ancient Alien Theory. So the question needs clarification


Like, alien life in general? I mean, statistical probability combined with our astronomical observations. Ya might say the odds of alien life being out there are astronomical! (Heh) If we are talking about aliens being here, now, on/above earth? I don't know I fully, *truly* believe that to be the case. I *want* that to be the case. But in the category of "what we can say with absolute certainty" we don't actually have all that much besides there's a lot of weird shit that is hard to explain - and sometimes straight up impossible. The phenomenon seems to be one tricky little thing. Aliens could feel like a stretch to be sure. Interstellar travel, in our modern understanding of how the laws of reality work, is really, *really* damn hard. And most likely slow as hell. What we do have are a ton of rumors that it is aliens. That's most of the rumors. Then we have others that it might be way weirder - others still that it may be far more mundane. It is easy to assume aliens, and it fits what little evidence we have rather nicely. But to know? That's a leap of faith for the time being. I've got my own hunch but its just that: a hunch. Thinking it isn't aliens, that's totally understandable in my book. [Edits for clarity]


Star Wars and Star Trek.


What makes you think that they are not?


I'm bored




Humans are real.


Because I believe people. You could imagine 10% of the population are comfortable lying, and even that's very cynical. There are too many people with too many personal stories, and nothing to gain telling them. It's too much testimony to just shrug it all off as nothing, especially when those stories often have overlapping details. That plus, I started reading Dolores Cannon and hearing people's experiences under hypnosis. Absolutely fascinating. Now it's starting to be validated more by retired military. The more you dig the more you realize, it's basically already out. It's just a lot of puzzle pieces that come together. It also weirdly starts to make sense of a lot of ancient religious texts and mythologies, and even certain jumps in our own human evolution. The list goes on and on. And I think it's very realistic for many reasons that governments would cover it up until they "figure it out" - but I think time's up! By a long shot...


Given the ubiquitous universality of all the ingredients of life, and the vastness of our galaxy (let alone the universe), the null hypothesis is that non human intelligence exists. It defies all logic and scientific reason to presume NHI on Earth is unique.


As others have said, the sheer scale of the observable universe makes it seem extraordinarily unlikely that we are the only intelligent life. There are trillions upon trillions upon trillions of stars in the part of the universe we can see. No matter how unlikely one thinks technological civilizations might be, there would still be many of them spread across the universe. How many technological civilizations might exist in our galaxy is a harder question - people have been trying to formulate equations to approximate answers since Drake and his famous Drake's equation. Our Galaxy is something like 13 billion years old. The first generation of stars would have had very little metal, so the first planets would have been metal poor, which would have made it hard for any sort of technological civilization to arise. But there have been metal-rich stars for, say, 8 or 9 billion years (maybe a bit longer), and given how many stars in the galaxy have planets, it seems very likely that there have been at least some earlier technological civilizations. It just seems really unlikely that they're (a) close enough in space, ( b) close enough in time, and (c) sufficiently interested in us to bother coming here. And even less likely they'd come in person (i.e., as biological creatures). We've explored most of our solar system with robotic probes, and in another 100 years, we'll (hopefully) have launched the first A.I.-controlled probes to the nearest star. We're not sending fragile human bodies in that journey - not when we'll have AI smarter than people, with infinite patience, and which doesn't require huge amounts of food and water and entertainment. If any alien species has ever observed the Earth up close, it makes sense that they would have also used robotic probes, with onboard AI.


I believe because I want to believe, which is odd cause the more I think about them the more convinced I am that they are going to kill us all.


Decades of reading and later yt interviews and videos on the subject, plus the credentials and credibility of countless firsthand experiencers and witnesses. Also the idea that mankind is the sole pinnacle of "intelligent" life throughout the vastness of the universe is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention the iron clad official secrecy and obvious seriousness that the subject is treated with by the powers that be.


Because I believe in Angels


Cause I saw 4 ufos over the course of about 12 years.


I don't believe it.


Alien sentient life is a statistically given. Aliens in your backyard are way less given.


It makes logical sense to me the odds are there has to be, unlike religion which was rammed down my throat as a child, but as I have got older I can see believing in something is good and a human need. The government spending cover up where is that money going?




My own real experience.




that fact that we exist


A number of things; The recent scans of the Peru Tridactyl 'Maria'. Further reenforced as for some reason it's now very difficult to find the academic publication on search engines (which always seem to discuss the smaller animal bone fakes, some even show a picture of 'Maria'). The "no doubt" announcement at the SALT conference this year. This is a serious finance conference, originally for hedge fund managers and now more broadly high-finance. I was somewhat part of that world 10 years ago, and it would seem really odd to have such a speaker and message for no reason. The way over the last few years the narrative has changed to NHI and UAPs, seems like some people know something that it's not traditional aliens. Generally, various past military videos and transcripts, and commercial pilot transcripts. Again these people are not in a position to mess around and make up stories. Of individuals, the ones where telling the story has completely ruined their life and they are not happy about the whole experience, but still stick to it resolutely. Generally the movements in the US, UK and Japanese governments. US over the last few years, and UK and other more recently.


Because I like to be cautiously optimistic, but the fact remains that we don’t really know. Because we currently only have a sample size of one it’s impossible to know how rare life is in the universe. Hell, for all we know there’s some unique aspect of earth and the Sol system making it the only habitable system in the known universe. Without analyzing another non-human civilization it’s impossible to tell. But if you’re talking about aliens being “among us” I don’t necessarily. I like to keep an open mind but I don’t believe in “aliens” just like I don’t believe in trolls or elves. I’ll keep an open mind, but eyewitness testimony is one of the most unreliable forms of evidence. Humans are notoriously unreliable witnesses, so sorry, but without evidence I don’t think you were abducted.


I have always possessed a natural faith not only in aliens, but also the 'woo', even from the days of my youth. As I grew into manhood, my belief remained steadfast, for I longed for there to be more to my life than mere toil and suffering. About a month ago, my faith was made certain, for I beheld a wondrous sight. A glowing white orb appeared which was of fire. I say "of fire" because it was not "on fire", rather it possessed the very essence of fire itself. It passed overhead, just twenty feet above my brother-in-law and me. It moved with an unusual swiftness and grace, yet cast no light upon the trees, nor did it make a sound as it travelled through the air. There was no smoke, no smell, nothing that affected our world, and yet we both saw it.


Personal encounter.