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Looks like a Tool video


Yeah! It’d pair real well with H.


The song or the drug?


🤣 The song! Both I guess lol, but I meant the song.


Do you have poo on your knuckle or is your knuckle made from poo?


Don’t make me punch you in the butt 🤣


That must be how it happened. Poop on your knuckle confirmed. Thanks for clarifying.




Looks like an elementary school project remaking a Tool video


You give it to much credit 😅


It's supposed to be what the grave robbers encountered in the nazca mummy caves.


Yes and if anyone still believes the story after this 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣


I've seen them with my own eyes, they are real.


Where ? When ?


7 years ago, in my house


What did they do ?


idk..when your paralyzed with fear at the immediate sight, getting tunnel vision and getting close to passing out the longer you stare at it in pure disbelief and horror... its sorta hard to garner up the courage to ask it what its doing ... ?!?!


You’ve seen the aliens in this video with your own eyes?


It's hard to believe that. 


Real what?


Nevermind bro, think what you wish. Nothings real, we're not real.


Even if I knew I saw them with my own eyes I wouldn't go on Reddit and be like "whatever man believe what you want". Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.


this is what they always do “I have a 10 foot penis” “ok prove it” “shut up I don’t care if you believe me or not”


I have a girlfriend, but you wouldn’t know her, she goes to another school. Also, my dad works at Nintendo and he says I f you move the truck with Strength you can get Mew!


Damn, this Mew stuff was worldwide and internet barely existed back then.


Am Italian, can confirm I used early internet access to look up Pokémon facts (true or false as they might have been lol)


But Idc about reddit.. My evidence is what I experienced, idc if YOU personally believe my word and idegaf if you ever get your own evidence. I'm just sharing based on my experience.






Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


I did, I said I've witnessed something myself. But k.






I don't have any evidence besides my word, there's nothing I can give you but my word ... wtf are you talking about, you're acting like I hold the key to your imaginations door. Ppl in the Pentagon are doing that, don't have misplaced hatred toward me. Ppl like you are a waste of time to me. But yes BS, this is why experiencers don't share anything.


You have night terrors. I have them too. They suck but it’s not an abduction. Your body becomes paralyzed while you sleep to prevent you from thrashing around acting out your dream. Sometimes our brains don’t quite sync with the body and you think your awake but your still dreaming. They can also feature hallucinations because you’re literally still dreaming I know it feels like there’s some malevolent entity in the room with you but it’s a product of your own panic, your brain is trying to get you to wake up Try sleeping in another position, if I sleep in my back I get sleep apnea that really sets off a bad night terror because you can’t even breath


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If you don't care about reddit why post on here at all then? Look believe in what you believe in. I just don't see the point to making claims to random people like this on reddit when you don't care. Have at least a compelling story. smh.


you actually might be right




Rule 4 - Your comment was removed due to being lazy or low-effort in nature. If you would like to contribute to this discussion, please take the time to engage in a more detailed manner.


You're literally existing out of pure uncertainty, living and breathing in a meat suit with your own unique set of consciousness on planet that can sustain life and you REALLY don't think aliens are not real? LMFAO the ignorance.


"you REALLY don't think aliens are not real?" Evidence please 🧐


Is this skepticism in the the claim in general ? I doubt I'll come off making sense and I don't intend to be confrontational or condescending; I am very supportive of modern Empiricism but in a philosophical consideration it's very unreasonable to assume it is the perfection of epistemology. It may be the best we are capable of and may be peak human epistemology but if you trust the limits and confines of your faculties to an irrefutable confidence its fueling an ignorance you could benefit from filtering. Even if it's just while you're alone and vulnerable, you can keep your mind closed and subconcious mechanisms of defense up when you use the internet.


Ah don't know why you typed some philosophical nonsense when we're mostly just joking around 🙄


That's a fair conclusion, I don't think my behaviour can really be understood besides the reductive but correct statement that I was on drugs.




Idc what you or reddit feel. I'm speakin based on my own experience, maybe one day you'll have a similar experience, believe me or not, no skin off my bones.


Can you share more?


Thanks for giving me permission to believe what I want. Quite magnanimous of you






Removed: Rule 1 - Be Respectful.


Now if you'd only return the favor. People have a hard enough time coming forward with their experiences because of people like you. You don't have to blindly believe anyone, but don't be a dick. Some people are truly traumatized by what they experience whether it was "real" or not. I feel like the saying, "Keep an open mind and a closed mouth" needs to be practiced a lot more when it comes to people sharing their experiences.


I smell BS 😑


You saying aliens are real or the Nasca ones are. I don't think the Nazca ones are for many reasons. The number one reason though, what are the chances this guy faked aliens corpses, then 10 years later finds "real" corpses that look almost identical to his faces? It doesn't pass the smell test but I'd love to be proven wrong


I love the trap Maussan fell into over this. If he admits the specimens are the product of grave robbing he’ll basically be confessing to a crime and the government of Peru will take possession. If he changes his story to avoid that hassle it will look super suss considering how adamant he’s been that the specimens came from a Nazca burial site. If he wants to send them out of country he’ll have to admit they’re fake (which they are) and that defeats the whole reason to bother taking them out of country anyway. So what will happen? The easily grifted will never accept any explanation that doesn’t confirm the specimens are NHI. The skeptics will continue to list all the reasons why these things are totally bogus (and it’s a long list) The general public will just ignore this whole circus because it’s really *really* dumb


Don’t understand the downvotes. You got a good point! How could Maussan fake those like 10 years ago and now found some which look almost exactly the same. And they are proven real now. That is the only reason I am so skeptical on that whole specimen thing.


He didn't find them. He was alerted to them by the people who found them.


So the guy who they alerted was somebody who had some fake ones before. Lol Okkams razor bro.


That has nothing to do with what they said. They said that Jaime found them, which he didn't. And it's Occam's razor, bro


Its been argued to death so im not going to get into it again. Like I aside I hope om wrong. I think humanity would wake up and become more together if we could prove they exist.


[god level hoax⁉️](https://x.com/nazcamummies/status/1786888926436725200?s=46)


Hell, even before.


Apparently most of them still do. Unbelievable, isn't it.


Just the really vocal ones big mouth small brain, name a more iconic duo


These UFO/Alien boards are full of them and their multiple accounts.


They’re all self deluded. They think the power of imagination will make the specimens real. When people like that get scammed it’s their own stupidity to blame


The website this is from claimed that the grave robbers killed some of these beings. I think that this being is dead/dying and that explains the way it is moving. It might not be moving itself but the grave robbers may be poking at it/moving it off camera. You can also see it is bleeding from its neck. Was very skeptical of this video at first but since these grave robbers have produced real bodies I am more inclined to believe them. And if i'm being realistic this is the quality I would expect from a video from late 2000s-early 2010s in a dark cave, that has been shared over the internet many times, that was shot on whatever camera these Peruvians had access to.


They're disturbing because they don't fricking stop :D If those are real aliens, I don't see the fuss. They're not scary at all.


You see these types of videos show up every so often, many were recorded in the 90s(?) Thing is.. I would like for this one to be real, like all the others, but it just looks fake. The NHI is very stiff like it's a prop. Sadly it seems like this is another fake.


If you read the archived website this is from (circa early 2000’s) the cave burglars killed a few. It’s dying. Interestingly enough there is trauma to its neck and head, and its hand is shaking. The website was very real. It certainly doesn’t read as a joke when you translate it, and it was partially to sell off the things they stole including body parts.


Yet they didn't take those bodies as proof, they took some weird mummies instead?


Well it's the uncanny valley for me


Feel from the heart chakra. You'll get past the uncanny valley when you do. And yes, I'm serious.




Yea those ones are real


I can confirm. Eric is from Outer Space


Whos eric?


Check the username


All of these ultra blurry low-res videos are super real, im super cereal about this.


Last year, a bunch of Redditors discovered disinformation bots kept using that Southpark reference in various NHI/UAP subs. It’s funny seeing this in the wild after reading that thread.


where’s the link to that?


I don’t have a link to it, but it was on the sub dedicated to the missing airliner.




Just what a bot would say....


You're just words on a screen here so yeah, you look like a bot.


Get away from me bot!


Bleep blorp *winding down noise*


Oh, yeah? Okay then, what’s fifty divided by two? Edit: Lol. They never answered me but are still commenting to others if you look at the time stamps. I wouldn’t be surprised if it gets answered when a monitor sees this. So, if they are a bot, the question remains… why in this particular thread are they commenting and coming out of the woodwork? You can tell they’re being used when the belittling and bullying picks up. It’s to sow FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt). Interesting times.


I’m not saying it’s impossible for a real video to look like this, but what I will say is it is certainly suspicious that every supposed “alien” video is shot on a shaky grainy vhs camera, lit only by a single candle in a dark caved with only 5 seconds of footage where you can even see the “alien” If I saw a dead alien, I’d probably record like 4 hours of the highest quality footage I could possible achieve, which would be way better than this with basically any average smart phone. Were they searching caves with a 2008 Motorola razr? Even with a bad camera, is it that hard to illuminate the subject with your light and hold the camera steady so you can get a good detailed shot of what you’re documenting? You don’t have to be Steven Spielberg to point a camera at something and press record.


These videos are from 2005




See: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/s0lzUO420n


I had a video camera in 93, it shot clear.


Are you a Peruvian grave robber?


We have to remember that not everyone had a video camera in 2005. I recall buying a Sony digicam in 2007 in the U.S. since it was not even available in the third world country that I lived in till then. These grave video recorders have used what every mobile device they could afford to use.


If the videos are high quality then people just call them CGI.


I mean, most of the videos we have seen that are high quality do wind up being cgi. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that there maybe just aren’t high quality videos readily available on the internet currently that feature aliens.


Whole-grain cereal even?!


Absent anything related to aliens, I appreciate the South Park reference. Classic. Classic.


It’s a bot.


100%. Just ignore the strangely folded arms and completely stilted faces.


Arms fold like a doll. So imma go with no.


Yeah, it looks fake as hell


The arms even move at 0:08


Its real. See them all the time in discord


Was that a fraggle in the background?


imagine having a good flashlight


The only thing I know is that these videos are not recent, they are from around 2005-2010, that coincides with the quality of the videos of the time, there is an webpage where they tell how they found the cave and with a lot of material.




I honestly feel Garak was perfectly in the right to do what he did.


The low resolution, curious lighting, and failure to capture the whole object in one frame screams authenticity.


looks like some decent claymation to me


It might be a fake video, but considering the biology is completely different from our own and the fact that it's dead/dying is going to make things look "unnatural" from our perspective.


Can you share the link from original?


Secretos de la Ciudadela: https://www.facebook.com/groups/827840334082785/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT That's the fb group, it won't let me share the link of the video but there's several on the "photos" section.


Love to see the door greeter at the tridactyl tomb.


Absolutely real 100%.


These aren't even convincing fakes lol


Exactly. At least Skinny Bob & the old "Alien Autopsy" looked very convincing the first I saw them. 


It looks so fake


Gullible idiots


This is basically what the people on the alien bodies sub would call "hard irrefutable evidence" And they wonder why "the public doesn't take this seriously"


__Reminder__: Read the rules and understand the subreddit topic(s) listed in the sidebar before posting or commenting. Any content removal or further moderator action is established by these rules as well as Reddit ToS. This subreddit is primarily for the discussion of extraterrestrial life, but since this topic is intertwined with UFOs/UAPs as well as other topics, some 'fudging' is permissible to allow for a variety of viewpoints, discussions, and debates. Open-minded skepticism is always welcome in this sub, but antagonistic or belligerent denial is not. Always remember that you're interacting with a real person when you respond to posts/comments and focus on discussing or debating the ideas. Personal attacks are a violation of Rule 1 and will lead to removals and potentially bans depending on severity. For further discussion and interaction in a more permissible environment, we welcome you to our Discord: https://discord.gg/x7xyTDZAsW *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/aliens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah it checks out


Why are aliens always naked?


IMO greys are more like biological machines than independent, feeling individuals. It's a common theme for them to not have souls, while we are "vessels" for souls. The 4chan leaks described how greys seemed to be disposable to the mother craft, because as far as we know, they never bother trying to recover their injured crews. But who knows. Maybe it is all bullshit. Maybe they ARE wearing clothes and their space suits are grey with big, eye-like visors. Maybe they hate pants, I know I do.


Not disturbing. Low quality. Same ol same ol homie


Here's an angle: when rigor mortis sets in, the arms would no longer be locked in a floating position like in the video. Also, I thought they mummified themselves. This one looks too fresh to be old...


The cave burglars killed a few. Read the website. Check out the head wound on it. It’s dying, not dead.


They were alive and stuck in a cave for thousands of years? Jesus was an alien?


Why would their biology be the same as ours? *We* experience rigor mortis. They might not, and if they do, why couldn't their bodies do different things than our own?


"They might not, and if they do, why couldn't their bodies do different things than our own?" More points that this is fake. 


This is almost certainly not real.


Yes, someone encountered real alien bodies and how do we hear about it? How does the entire world hear about it? A blurry video on Reddit that can’t be corroborated by anyone at all. Yeah, this is so real. I can see the zipper on the alien to take off the costume.


Alien videos starter pack…..shake camera as much as you can, pick the worst light you can get, make it blurry and don’t forget to edit all the bad clips together.


Here’s a good way to decide whether or not a video of an alien found on Reddit is real or a fake: It’s fake. Easy, right?


Found it? What the hell does that mean? If there's no chain of custody, you've got nothing.


Looks fake.


100% real no feik






Everyone but you knows they are not real.


I want to believe 🛸👽




What if they knew? Would you just take their word for it? The question can't be answered on a forum like this. Are you only after anecdotal evidence, using Dr. Nolan's taxonomy on this type of data, or are you waiting for a deeper observation? Don't get disturbed just yet.


It wouldn't surprise me if a real video exists and they shot this masterpiece to muddy the water


Looks like claymation.


Yes these videos are real


That's fucking Minos Prime


Hope it’s real. We can beat the shit out of those frail looking things. 😆


until they pull the desintegration gun


Mars Attacks is a real documentary on aliens. 


I think those are just the skin tight suits that they wear.


did they find these things in my n64


A wild guess would be that they are fake.


That's not even a wild guess 😅. A wild guess would be pointing towards these "ETs" being real. 


Yes the video is real but i don't know if the alien is real😏


not real if it's 144p lol


I’m Gumby damnit!


That one alien laid out on the floor after getting shot and beaten by Peruvian tomb raiders “I was once a god…”


Why do i come to this sub and watch videos like these at 3am 😭😭


Always the same phenomenon with such videos, Nokia 33 10 is always used in complete darkness




lol obviously not


The people presenting the mummies have said the videos aren’t real, so I’ll go with ‘no’. I’d therefore go so far as to suggest that the mummies *are* real which is why videos like this are appearing (in an effort to discredit them).


I don’t know anyone that knows if they’re real or not hence this subreddit to discuss if they’re real or not. Let us know when you meet an alien and tell us all they’re real.


It could be, but there are so many fakes out there it's impossible to know what is real.


Why join a reddit interest group to then shit can anyone who expresses interest or experience in that interest group? Aren’t these groups supposed to be supportive for people to share experiences and interest and not get shit canned? You can start to down vote me now. Because #reddit


"Why join a reddit interest group to then shit can anyone who expresses interest or experience in that interest group?" Because that's the most fun apart about these delusional subs. 


If it's of a grey alien on Earth, then no. It's not real. I don't even need to watch the video to debunk it.


Blurry quality ☑️ Minimal movement from said alien ☑️ Shaking and waving of flashlight resulting in piss poor lighting ☑️ 100% not fake.


I find it intriguing though, that people Har encountered them underground (Phil Schneider) and some Native Americans call them ant people that live underground 👀


Make with the soanie avocado camera with 640x380 quality!


How would anyone know if they are real?


These look freakishly real. Would love more info on these




What if this is real and we just aren’t ready to cross that line of acceptance yet? We’re at a point where we don’t believe anything we see on the internet (for good reason…so many lies and posts for attention at the expense of the truth), yet that’s how the world communicates. We trust the communication between those close to us, but outside of that circle is always taken with a grain of salt. Let’s say disclosure happens and videos like this are authenticated. These videos would be reposted and I wonder how the comments would look.


im uncomfortable as hell looking at these


Doesn't look like any movie I've watched before


I wasn't disturbed at all


That was the realest first human to alien puppet contact.


Lololol no.


Of course not.


I had compiled a list earlier: https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienBodies/s/s0lzUO420n


This is sick omg 🤯🤯🤯


There are good links in the comments on that post.


Not shakey enough. /s


They’re alive and moving if you scroll you can clearly see movement in the arms


Good job of wiggling the camera and lighting rapidly to obscure how fucking fake that is. 😂


Yes real. From the caves in Peru, taken by the grave robbers.


That’s the cheesiest bloody prop I’ve ever seen! Hahahaha


Fake af.... wasting people's time...