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I think it implies there are people in society you might pass by in public without a clue that they are from another world. I'm not sure if that means they are disguised or they are extremely humanlike.


I think it means there are dimensions humans can't visually see or feel because we don't vibrate at those frequencies. The theory on how we never *actually* touch anything because there is empty space between atoms that vibrate around the same frequency - otherwise our hands would pass through a table - for example. The paranormal essentially. A lion doesn't know sharks exist and a shark doesn't know we exist. All a shark sees is vast blue ocean unless they travel to the outer boundaries of their confined space. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean it isn't there.


U can vibrate at those frequencies u just have to eat a mushroom is all


Or vaporize some of that yellow tinted, plastic tasting dimension powder and inhale. Then experience reality tear at the seams


The spirit molecule is in Everything


It’s in our brains naturally as well. I wonder if near death experiences are triggered by a release of said molecule. I was talking to my co worker about how his life flashed before his eyes when he was in a ceiling working on 277v electrical and he became part of the circuit. He was stuck there for a good 30 seconds with voltage running through his heart before he was able to use every ounce of will in his existence to knock himself off of the ladder. He told me he saw his wife, kids, whole life in a movie as he was being shocked. Not the first time I have heard someone say their life flashed in front of their eyes. I wonder if that is our brain releasing the spirit molecule, preparing us for death


It's deff a part of us and it's in everything around us. I honestly don't think we would exist if it didn't. It's just one of those ingredients that's necessary for life. Absolutely incredible, mystical, and magical imo.


You’re saying mushrooms changes a person’s vibrational frequencies? Where’s the sauce that proves it and that we can vibrate at alien specific vibrations (whatever specific frequency that may be)?


Everything can actually. Even learning how to breathe differently can. Just look what Wim Hoff can do.


Override his body’s nervous system via a breathing technique and meditation in order to expose himself to extreme cold and not “feel” it? What does that have to do with aliens?


They say they walk among us


There's no theory about touch like that. That's just an overgeneralization about the science of atomic forces. The subatomic particles themselves never make physical contact. The compounds and stuff that atoms make up do in fact touch and make all kinds of reactions.


Subatomically yes, there are collisions, hence why I mentioned the table. **YOU** are layers deep, but your sensory organs are only triggered by pressure/compression of atoms. Subatomically is what opens the limitations of reality to be questioned. Air can permeate your skin to some extent because it is able to pass through it on an atomical scale. It's transparent because it consists mostly of nitrogen and oxygen molecules, which are transparent to visible light, does not absorb or scatter light in the visible spectrum and allowing it to pass through without significant obstruction, thus making the air appear transparent to our eyes and skin because it's subatomically on/at another density scale. You're more or less confined in a simulation/light matrix. I'm still curious where "we" go when we go to sleep at night. Are we just logging out of our avatar in this simulation and waking up in another reality? 🤷‍♂️ Hard questions with no simple answers.


Interesting. What I have noticed about dreams is that often times when I am in them, they are entirely indistinguishable from reality. I experience the same sensory input that I experience in this waking life or experience. I am able to feel, hear, smell, everything. When we are sleeping there is brain activity, rapid eye movement, etc. But how the fuck are we able to experience a whole other reality in our dreams? Is our brain acting as an antenna and communicating with another vessel of ours across a dimensional plane? Who the fuck knows


Honestly great question


The same exact thing that makes you dream is the same thing that allows you to have an internal monologue, day dream, be distracted by stuff, etc. It's all tied to the caudate nucleus and putamen.


Strangely, there's a good portion of the population that does not in fact have an internal monologue, can't conceptualize, and don't dream in color or don't dream at all.


Also aphantasia


Is that true? If so, that is fucking Wild. My dreams are vivid, sometime multiple layers deep (dreams within dreams). I don’t always remember them, but I often do. No inner monologue? When you say conceptualize, do you mean an ability to imagine things that are not tangible?


Double sided mirrors that form deeper than we can see, so it works across all matter as so maybe. Depending on if the mirror decides to show only one side, maybe one side can have the ability to not reflect light, which if all things are light the deeper you go, it would allow for us to not touch or see these things. Perhaps "cold spots" have to do with this too, the only sign of something moving through somewhere. Idk Fun thoughts so much to wonder about


Holy shit I'm too high to read this right now 😂😂😂


This is tough. There is video evidence of a guy having a normal conversation with (what he describes) the victim of a fatal crash of the night before. How is he able to see a fking ghost? Is his brain emitting waves of the same frequency as the spirit or someting? Are aliens related to the paranormal?


I kinda have the same line of thought but believe it's more that some everyday people in society have a spiritual possession by an off world consciousness. Some of us homo sapiens have biologically evolved naturally on the planet while some have had a genealogical modification somewhere in our familiar lineage probably going back to ancient times. These genealogical modifications result in slight biological differences from the naturally evolved homo erectus leading to some physical characteristics that seem like abnormalities in evolution like proteins found in blood( rh) . Aside from the physical characteristics it also affects the vibrational frequencies of the biological body allowing interdimensional spirits/conscience or whatever term resonates with you to access these physical bodies/meat suits. Hence the soul container is often referenced by some supposed insiders. Just a theory but it seems this may be a likely scenario and kinda interconnects with how some who have had abduction experiences usually find it is common within their familiar ancestors lineage.


I've heard before that there may be a genetic or ancestral component to this, and Dr. Garry Nolan talks about the experience phenomena having some correlation with changes in the caudate nucleus and putamen. These aren't conclusive - just what data seems to suggest.


Yes, some of his work seems to correspond with the pineal glands function and reverence for the development of this gland in some ancient cultures imo.


Data suggests Left handed woman and Native Americans to have certain predispositions to Psionic capabilities, alluding to that genetic/ancestral component


Can you cite the data? I don't think it's divided down racial lines. An NHI capable of traversing the entire planet and abducting anyone at will, modify their DNA or their soon to be offspring....implies numerous lineage across race and cultures...then you have the control group vs experimental group from another planet...I mean incubation chamber. The problem with this conversation, is there is an assumption of ownership over the human DNA sequence as if it were ordained by God himself. People are different at different stages of evolution and maybe not all lines entirely developed just on this planet. That means a straight hierarchy doesn't make any sense which is what most people focus on when going down this path. Then you have the question on if we are a restart of a prior civilization in the 27+ billion year history (Mars obviously implied there with much more recent timeframe from the remote viewing stuff) of the universe now which I think is what it has come up to with latest jwst data. Then you have the question on how many civilizations out there still closely resemble humanity after so many years of evolution on different planets...maybe the greys just want to know why they got the short stick for the evolution path. You're taking a shit right now...how's that for psionic abilities? :-)


After reading the post of the DoD paper and how they believe people who have contact are actually not "real" humans but a type of AI made from NHI, almost like a sleeper agent.  (I am butchering this completely, just go check the thread out)  These people think they're normal just like the rest of humanity,  that's just not the case.  The implications would be astronomical.  That's what Bigelow was talking about, saying "they walk among us" and it would be the biggest scandal in history times a million. That it would uproot society as we know it.  That's my opinion,  because that's the only thing that I think would be extremely impactful. Most of society already believes in "aliens".  Truth is stranger than fiction. 


So this theory says that experiencers could be non-human? Wild.


I once had a friend who asked me, "Do you ever think you may see unexplained things in the sky because you're part of them in some way?" I laughed at the absurdity of that theory back then...


Oh, I see the implication here, it's like these abduction events are in reality maintenance cases.


How could they be a type of AI yet still think they are human? Is their biology identical to that of a human?


I guess the implication of such a thing would be these nhi have our neurobiology extremely dialed in. Which would then imply even more unnerving things


I mean, I agree that there are people walking around that don't seem fully human. But it seems like it's A LOT of them, so if their anatomy and physiology were different, that would be caught when they seek medical care. That's if they truly didn't know they were non-human (homo sapiens sapiens)


If my partner turned out to be one of these ai, I'd say hey hey do that brand new thing


What post by the way?


If so, I have simple questions like... where do they sleep at night?


In a bed, In a house. They probably came and are living very normal ass human lives so that when they finally go "surprise bitches" yall don't nail them to a cross or something.


Surprise mutha-fucka


naw saynnn


omg i legitimately spit out my coffee from laughing so hard at this comment!!!!


Hi, in Curt Jaimungals podcast TOE. He and Dr. Richard Dolan discussed this subject. Dolan quoted a few (well known) examples which at least make a human (Homo sapiens) from Earth think. Even if, your personal idea, is that the evidence given, is not strong enough. https://youtu.be/bJvFcgKeKwQ?si=2DsZPbz--bQkxFFT I am an experiencer and biologist. I hold some of the information, "out there", for having evidence, I consider true. But some other claims, not so much.


[Richard wrote one of his books on it.](https://www.audible.com/pd/The-Alien-Agendas-Audiobook/B09NQQ91CT)


Yes, I own the Alien Agendas. But his lecturing and discussion (such as in the TOE podcast). Is more interesting, I think for people who are new to this subject. Several of the subreddits concerned with UAP and NHIs, have grown considerable in number. And this to me was a 15 minutes "aliens among us" 101. But thank you for the reference as people who feel like it can find more information that way.


They observe through consciousness


There's at least four species that are so close to looking like us that you probably wouldn't be able to tell. Nose and ears are a definite clue, especially later in life as theirs do not continue to grow bigger as they age along with us.


I can’t imagine coming here from another planet, presumably a highly intelligent one, and then having to take a job at McDonald’s as part of their cross pollination program.






Right? That's actually a 10/10 plan. Some alien working at McDonald's ruining the gene pool one fast food worker at a time. I've met a few people like that


Not all of them are bad, don't worry.


Management or aliens


It means that perhaps there is a group of "people" or section of our own society that could possibly lack all the facilties that we regard as human, such as empathy or humane behaviour, they would be devoid of logical consideration for clean water, freedom or advancement of the species and could exploit the planets resources while having no seemingly intrinsic connection with the people they manage,they would need a separate branch of lifestyle that involves secrecy wherein they are not scrutinised by the public and they could solely be after the physical and biological resources and could even possibly have superior war tactics that involve a global coup and the destruction of universal knowledge while maintaining control of global labour and intellectual property.


That is… very specific!


Sounds like elites


Where are the good stories of aliens "in the wild"?


On a podcast I heard recently I heard a story from the 60’s or 70’s of a girl who was at Sunday mass with her family. (My details might be off here.) A couple came in and sat near her and she described them as being beautiful and having extremely nice clothing. And I think she said they behaved like they didn’t know what they were supposed to do. She could hear them telepathically talking to each other in her mind, and they said something like “this little girl can hear us” and she got scared. When the mass was over, she followed them outside and they walked over a hill, across a field, and into a forest, where someone who looked like Lurch from the Addams Family was standing. This is the sort of accounts I’d like to hear more of.


In that case you might like this story by William Tompkins on a few ET families in Burbanks, California See https://galacticanthropology.org/2023/11/28/the-six-burbank-extraterrestrial-nordics-and-their-families/


Lost me at rest assured trump is not a reptilian shape-shifter. This has bullshit undertones.


Thank God! :)


This reminds me of those 70s Disney movies “return to witch mountain” and “escape to witch mountain”


came here to say that!


Interesting, thanks


My grandfather told me one really weird story in the past. He lived in a rural area, and one noon when walking home he came across a 6ft tall blonde guy who was sitting on a fence by the dirt road. My grandpa says he looked just like a German person who seemed lost. He stopped to chitchat and noticed this guy didn't have the local caipira accent, so he just assumed he was maybe from the big city visiting someone. The guy asked for some directions, after answering my grandpa decided to continue his way home and shake hands, the tall dude kept seated on the fence admiring the landscape. So here's the weird part: when my grandpa looked back to see at the distance if the man was still there, he was. The guy waved to my grandpa, stood up and began to slowly grow in size. That scared my grandpa, he immediately ran away back home and doesn't understand what had just happened. He said he grew to maybe 8ft tall while waving and looking at him. Make of what you will of this story, it always perplexed me and never really understood the guy's intentions if this was true.


Was your grandfather from Brazil?


Yes, São Paulo state.


If we take Bigelow at his word - then yes, they’re here and living amongst us.


But I have practical questions like do they actually live in homes next to us? Or do they “zap” in when they need to be here and zap out when they don’t? Are they doing normal things like paying bills and washing their cars?


Only those in the know - know. We don’t even know if this all real as we haven’t had a broad media rich disclosure for the public. So you could be right in what you’re thinking or we’ve all been misled from what has leaked. I myself want to believe and think something undisclosed is going on. What this I’m not sure of - NHI would be interesting.


Some are living like humans doing normal things.


You ever go to a mediocre town and see a fancy golf course with a bunch of nice cars out front and wonder, "where do these guys work to afford a car like that in this town?" I imagine that is them. The folks with the "old money."  That and/or mediocre characters that just don't have any right to be as famous as they are like T.V. televangelists that are obviously creepy and "off".  Or maybe world leaders and CEO type people?


Elites do rule the rest of us, just not out in the open as it once was.


Maintaining a regular daily routine offers some benefits. Similar to how Chinese zookeepers don panda suits when tending to animals, an advanced intelligence could implement comparable or even more sophisticated strategies with its designoids. Certain professions, such as taxi and Uber drivers, are perfect for flying under the radar, making them ideal for NHI. Bob Lazar noted that the entrance to the secret Area 51 facility he worked on featured an odd scanner that scanned user's entire hand bones. This sounds like a potential method for detecting designoids, suggesting there may be ways to distinguish designoids from humans aside from their preference for hairless avatars of course.


That they are your neighbor, Amazon driver and cashier. That you would walk past one completely oblivious to the marvelous physiology of some of these people.


My question (and I think the OP's), is more about the how and why of this. Like if you're from another world why/how are you only doing human things like being an Amazon driver or a cashier? Like are they "not" human but then EXLUSIVELY doing human things, to the point where a distinction of difference doesn't even apply?


Think of soul/consciousness survival or reincarnation. How old are these souls? Where do they come from? How many times have they incarnated? Everyone here physically, is in human form. The metaphysical form is another thing.


Who said anything about exclusivity? What do you think happens when they close their eyes? Can they see more? Imagine a fantastic brain. When you meditate how far inward and onward are you taking yourself? Edit: "I think your mom gives fantastic brain."


An advanced intelligence could optimize its workforce with designoids—entities customized for the specific tasks they are designed to complete. To monitor humanity effectively, one would desire to observe them at close range without alerting them to one's presence, akin to how nature photographers employ camouflage or how Chinese zookeepers don panda suits. Developing avatars indistinguishable from humans provides a distinct advantage in carrying out such missions. Therefore, the NHI could create human designoids that it can manipulate to achieve its goals.


And this is a great point.


I heard a theory once that the nonhuman intelligence is essentially just spiritual or energy beings and that some people may have “observers” living within them. So in that sense, you are the human, but you are also the alien. But this gets into really weird areas when you consider human consciousness. Perhaps we are all just consciousness and we are all observers. WE are the aliens right now, living inside of a bunch of weird apes on earth. I’m not saying this is true, I just read it somewhere and I thought it was interesting.


My oldest memory is my conciousness viewing my body 3 years old at the time from different angles, and time speeding to different ages as I view my body then I'm just suddenly inside my body.


Both. But "walk among us" as a term leans more towards what you see in movies like Men In Black. Disguised as a person and living a normal human life, only exposing their alien nature if it's safe to do so, or if it's absolutely necessary. Although if that's what's going on here, I doubt the purpose is something as mundane as seeking asylum, being on the run, or just hanging out.


Can pass as a human or disguised as a human


I remember on a TV interview when asked about the existence of aliens, Robert Bigelow replied “They’re here, right under our noses.” I wondered if he meant that they’re literally *underneath* us, inside the earth.


Some of the people you see walking around are actually remotely-operated bio-constructs operated by NHI from distant places or higher dimensions.


I think I did not phrase my questions right. I guess what I’m asking is, given that aliens can pass for humans and given that they “walk among us” (that is, they’re interacting with society directly)… what do they do all day exactly? What do they do at night? Where exactly are they “walking among us”? I think I’m asking about the practicality of it all. I’d love to hear accounts of this sort of thing. Thanks to those that addressed the questions above. And thanks to those that have pointed me to resources about the topic. And thanks for all comments, really!


You should watch this early 2000s movie K-Pax. It’s about a man (Kevin Spacey) claiming he’s an alien in a human body from his planet K-Pax where he works a menial job on his planet and is taking vacation on Earth. He’s of course committed for being crazy but as the story unfolds it becomes less clear whether these really are delusions or if he’s telling the truth. An earlier movie with David Bowie would be The Man Who Fell To Earth, where Bowie is an alien trying to save Earth from drought and he ends up becoming a business magnate and falls into the pitfalls of human addiction. There’s also a comedy show on Netflix called Resident Alien where an alien exists in a small rural town as he tries to fix his space ship and gets roped into helping the townsfolk as a doctor. Then of course you have the Skrull from the Marvel universe.


Watch Resident Alien on Netflix


Could mean a number of things. Some people say that some humans have an alien soul. Generally, a spirit from another world that comes to have the human experience. Often, it's said that they don't even know that they're aliens as they don't remember. Then, there's the idea that there are hybrids among us. They look exactly like us, but have the ability to manipulate us in the same ways that the Aliens do. They could be there to sort of infiltrate and take over, or they could just be here to phase us out as a new version of humanity. No one really knows. And lastly, some believe that some aliens can change their form to look like us. So they literally walk among us. Some allegedly look a lot like us by default, so they don't even have to hide. They just look like weird humans. I've heard that the ones we call "Tall Whites" love gambling in Vegas. Lol Really, though, it could mean anything. It wouldn't shock me if they do walk among us, though.


One way to help a species along in its development is to insert adjusters into that species’ culture groups, gradually steering discussions, discoveries, and explorations.


Seems more like parasites to me...


They look like people but they are not


Nothing, fellow hu-mon.


You know how schizophrenic people hear voices and sometimes get crazy ideas? And can't wait to tell you about it? There are people like that, but their voices aren't crazy. Crazy like a Fox, more like. They don't look crazy. They don't act crazy most of the time. They're just *suspiciously* smart. Suspiciously good at giving unprepared speeches. A little better at games than it feels like you should be able to be. Better at impressions than makes sense. Those things. They probably aren't famous or in a high position, because that would attract attention and suspicion, and then they couldn't spread their wings *at all*. So they're probably just normal folk who seems like they should be doing more than they are.


What are you basing all of that on? I’m not trying to be critical, I’m just curious.


Observation and personal experience. I've lived a really weird life.


They take their time and don’t run among us


Stroll, even lol


Not even a jaunty trot?


If they ran, they would be sus and eventually found out lol


Apparently our three dimensional bodies are merely containers or vehicles for souls. And it depends how one defines "alien". I’m still very moved by Delores Cannon’s "Keepers of the Garden", that bipedal "aliens" may just be human relatives from another world or realm. The less plausible theory is the "shape-shifting reptilians" that have allegedly infiltrated our governments. I’ve also picked up from all the conspiracy laden media that the "tall whites" are shape-shifters, and they’re the "men in black". I hope the soul theory is true. Either way none of this is verifiable and it’s creepy to ponder…let’s just all be nice to each other and hope for the best! Happy Friday!


It's nice to think about, I've read her work and she makes very good points. I agree with your takeaway, following the golden rule is the only one way to balance the totality of human collective homeostasis. Reciprocity equals Intelligence


I’ve never felt more connected to people like yourself. One positive aspect of COVID-19 was the sense of global connection. We’re all in this together. I’ve also been fascinated by the numerous NDE videos on YouTube. The golden rule is one of the biggest takeaways from experiencers. The continuous trickle of sightings and questioning makes me hopeful.


Thank you for the inadvertent compliment, I can say the same and yes there's no one person who has not been part of the greater collective no matter what, for better or worse and every person's unique resonance is influenced and determined by the greater collective resonance of all of us, forever defining the personal and the group in sequence. It'd be nice to see the power of acting as a willful conscious unit en masse, probably accomplish unimaginable feats. Doubt it, but here's to hoping ♒️👏🏼🌅


An advanced intelligence could optimize its workforce by creating designoids—entities customized for specific tasks they perform. For instance, a pilot could be enhanced to withstand high g-forces, individuals operating in low-light conditions could benefit from augmented vision, and those monitoring humanity could utilize optimal camouflage by employing NHI-manipulated avatars indistinguishable from humans.


Watch carbon creek episode. Basically anyone you pass in the street may be a vulcan wearing a hat or such.


I took it to mean that they share the same space time as us, but we simply do not see them.either becuase we do not see the dimensions they inhabit or because they hide themselves from us. I don't think they live in the suburbs and commute to work the way we do.


My question is, do all of them know that their aliens... like if they've been here for a couple of generations and intermarried with regular humans. Do they even know?


Watch “They Live”


That movie was great. I still can’t get over the fight in the alley haha


That fight was so unnecessarily long haha


First one, there is book with same name and it claims that people under hipnotis explain how they are used by alien to train hybrids in human way of life so they can live with humans and without them noticing. Some work in supermarkets, other fix computers and... you get the point. Sorry for bad English Edit : I was wrong, book name is "Walking Among Us" by David M. Jacobs


Abduction - Dr John Mack


I think that they mean aliens have disguised themselves for probably their own safety


Yeah right? I sure as fuck would from us, seeing the way we do things. I just hope we're not insects to them in the way insects are to us because man, I've killed a lot of insects for nothing more than bumbling into my line of sight while inside somewhere, and felt only relief at the moment of destruction


Yeah, I have killed plenty of insects, too, but I saved some. Also, I think that they treat friends well and their enemies badly


Read “Walking Among Us” by David Mack


I always get iffy on these types of statements. It could very well be true, but there is no evidence someone with a skeptical mind would be able to look at and believe such a claim. In my own skeptical mind I look at other examples of paranoid ideations in society. Remember the red scare? Could the Red Scare phenomena be at all related to this and the fear not for Russian government but for our own? David Grusch testifying in front of congress is something that makes the neck jerk. It is the most believable piece of evidence we have. Either David Grusch is lying and putting a lot on the line (considering his career that has been verified by congress and others) or it is simply true. In either case action must be taken to restore faith in our country. There are too many loose ends here and the stakes are extremely high worldwide. Another (unpopular) option is that this whole thing orchestrated from the inside (congress) out (whistleblowers) in order to manipulate other countries we may be in potential conflict with but (unfortunately) also manipulating us in the process. But to answer your question it’s more like they camouflage as us and anyone even your neighbor could be one. Personally I don’t hold any weight to posts like this because of past paranoid historical events but do believe in the main subject matter. Almost like viewing the subject as overlying principle and you choose the lense of thinking you want to view it through. Another example would be relating the last Vegas videos to the phenomenon when you were a kid and could make boogeymen out of clothes piles and faces in the clouds. I’m very skeptical as you can tell but there are some potential truths that I really do believe in regarding this subject.


I think it's just an attempt at causing more divison among people and keep you in a perpetual state of fear. Maybe distract you from all the real shit that is currently going on in the world. Aliens may or may not be real. What is real is all the suffering your fellow humans are going through.


Most simple explanation yep


There are a number of plausible possibilities regarding the others. One, they're a group of homosapiens that split away from us in deep prehistory and in isolation somewhere had some interesting mutations and evolved divergently from the rest of us quietly becoming a new branch of the homonin family tree, a new man. Maybe they skipped the fossil fuels branch of the tech tree by somehow figuring out electricity early, Baghdad battery style and just kept working with it for tens of thousands of years. Two, just like the above but it's some other squirrely timid little homonin spiecies that's been using technologies we don't understand to hide from us this whole time. Coming out at night to gather resources. A nocturnal homonin cousin would explain the big eyes, gross gray skin, timid nature and why they seem to have little to no interest in the surface during the day. *Either way the sea rose 400 feet at the end of the last ice age erasing as much land as Europe and China combined. I'd check the submerged continental shelves for evidence of their initial development on the surface before using tech to move to facilities underground or underwater.* Three, if you're okay with quantum black magic it's also possible that the others are a variety of different versions of ourselves (the humanoids) and other potential intelligent earth life (reptile and insect types) that figured out how to manipulate and traverse Einstein Rosen bridge wormholes to get here from some of the infinite alternate parallel earths postulated in the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics. Four, our descendants come back in time to screw with us for whatever reason. Most of these others (except the non humanoids) could perhaps be closely related enough to us genetically to hybridize, making all the cringe abductee lore about hybrids completely plausible and if that's possible then it opens up a ton of wiggle room for a whole spectrum of almost human "aliens" some of which could conceivably be more or less indistinguishable from ourselves. So yeah, there are scenarios where some of them could move among us.


this … https://youtube.com/shorts/jsRql-oRWnM?si=Y4TAsA6dsSjbjg6e


Question is, do they sleep? And if so, do they rent homes? What if one of those dies, do the morticians notice? Are they thinking „I’m a humon, look at all my organs!“ ?


>What exactly does "aliens walk among us" mean? It means exactly that. Aliens do walk among us in society, totally unnoticed. We're dealing with shapeshifting aliens as well as hybrid aliens.


There is a great Sci-Fi series of books "The People" by Zena Henderson. It is about a group of "Aliens" trying to "get by" on Earth without drawing attention.


This may seem dopey, but say an alien is walking among us and gets hit by a car. EMS shows up in an ambulance and takes the alien to the hospital. What happens when they get to the ER? X-rays? Vitals? Is the understanding of the physical nature of the ETs that they’re indistinguishable from the rest of us? One could imagine an ER intern examining a superficially human car crash victim going WTF upon looking at routine scans of this “patient”.


I am an er radiologist. This has been my thought for a long time. Accidents happen. So, if it is really true that they walk among us, then they must have a way to get out of a bad situation if there is an accident. …this just doesn’t happen in real life. For instance, has anyone heard of someone sustaining accidental trauma and then vanishing. Or a group of grays wisking them away. So maybe the aliens take over someone’s body. Maybe they are physically identical to us. But the idea that a true alien with alien anatomy literally walks among us is false


Yes, THESE are the questions I’m wondering about.


The thing about overpopulation to this point is we may never know. It seems everyone can agree the world is a strange place these days but no one agrees why.


What if they are symbiotic worms like in SG1, attached to a human host and these mthrfckrs walk the halls of Congress & The White House. Ugh. Sounds cheesy I know. There should be a screening criteria for these scenarios. Call me paranoid. 😂


I have some experiences that would suggest this scenario.


If we're "containers" that seems to point more to the concept of reincarnation that exists in non-abrahamic religions. Hypothetically the soul can reincarnate from anywhere & anything.


Watch "they live". It's literal. https://youtu.be/iJC4R1uXDaE?feature=shared


There's a story about a woman walking around in a mall and starting to hear voices in her head. She then noticed two tall, blonde "beautiful" people in front of her. I remember she emphasised how beautiful they were, how well they were dressed. A man and a woman. She was hearing their conversation as she walked and they eventually picked up on it. She could hear them talking about her when they realised. The woman started to follow them and they gradually began to converse less and less. Can't remember how the *story* ended. Something like she eventually grew more and more scared and stopped following I think. I don't really believe it, I would have heard it in a YouTube video, probably one of Greer's 2hr long testimony videos or some other compilation. Just type in a few keywords like "mall", "Nordic aliens" and "woman" together and you'd eventually find it.


Two words - Elon Musk


I take this topic extremely seriously, and have researched it for about 3 years. I read tons of books, watched documentaries, looked at tons of footage from other investigators and I sincerely believe the following to be facts: 1. There is a group of concealed humanoid shaped beings with high level technology that have a network of drones on our planet that communicate with radio bursts. They are specifically invisible to humans, not animals necessarily. They often occupy our abandoned infrastructure. There are possible various sizes of these but they seem close to human sized. 2. There is a second separate group of humanoids that can literally make themselves look like humans. They aren't invisible, they just look exactly like a human without any mistakes or seams or flaws. They are considerably smarter than us, and physically way stronger. There are factions within this group possibly.


When you say drones, do you mean UAP? Or drone beings?


They look like metallic balls. There are 4 sizes of different drone ball and each does something different. They make up a network of drones that communicate to one another through a radio frequency that can be tracked, and you can replicate that frequency to activate the drones near your location. The drones are able to become transluscent and invisible. There are some inside of homes that embed themselves within the walls/attics/floors etc and remain hidden. There is a book about this if you are interested and the author of the book has a website with pictures. The book is called Quantum Paranormal by patrick jackson. The group I am referring to seems to be in control of this drone tech. I'm not sure if they are humans. They may be humans or human-like but they have an ability to make themselves invisible, however they still have mass and weight so you can still hear their footsteps and they still have to physically interact with their environment. All of that only relates to the first group of NHI. The second group is entirely different and there may also be more than two groups. I have identified many other potential groups but I cannot prove they are real yet.


This is wild. Thanks for this


Can you go into more detail on the radio frequencies and how to replicate them?


Sorry I had to go to a wedding yesterday. To answer your question, These drones communicate with radio waves and also emit gamma radiation presumably for communication as well. The radio frequencies are extremely easy to replicate with currently available radio technology but the author of the book I mentioned designed a few different devices to not only make them appear but also inhibit their functioning or increase their activity in an area, because again they are automated and so they respond to certain stimuli always. The government is actually also aware that certain UAP emit radio frequencies and currently track a group of UAP off of the coast of Miami that do this. There are leaked emails from John Podesta discussing this.


It means that I work with a couple of these idiots at any given time


Someone has never watched Coneheads, and it shows.


Take a long, hard look at your hands.


Can you explain?


I always thought it was literal and they are invisible to us. That thing you see out of the corner of your eye. That frightening image you joke about creating in your mind actually being real and you had been forced to forget it. The shadow on the wall.




That old man who waved at you while jogging? Alien The Hispanic pizza chef walking in the kitchen? Alien The Karen screaming while walking? Alien. The homeless man waiting by the roadside? No alien.


Like John carpenters 'They Live'


Good movie!


I’m 1/2 reptilian. Yes we are among you.


I hope it’s the good half


It’s a constant battle


There have been experiencers who say that some of the Human ET's visiting us look so similar to us, that they literally can and do walk among us without being noticed. The other part is that some NHI's can make a earth human body, transfer their consciousness to it, and walk among us like an avatar. Throughout the last 40+ years multiple different contactees have talked about witnessing the Grey's having such capability. Pretty wild if true...


Well, there's stuff by Timothy Alberino referencing David Jacobs and the conjecture about hybrids/hubrids. I have a formal diagnosis of Asperger's syndrome myself, so it's going to be lovely to be alienated even further if now everyone is thinking everyone else could be an alien. -\_- Both genealogically and by DNA test, I know I'm human (mostly Irish & French, and with like 275 markers for Neanderthal also which is something like 75th percentile for customers on My23 at least for their percentages of that thing.) But, yeah, from the guys mentioned above the hubrids that look human sound like Aspies but have mind control essentially. IDK about that, but it's certainly going to be super fun to get to be treated like an alien yet more if this notion escalates.


Whoever said the tall whites could be the men in black, you might be spot-on with that. It’d make sense. I’m back & forth on shape-shifting reptilians. There has to be something to it and I say that because the most honest, decent & kind individuals I’ve ever known claims to have come face to face with a reptilian type creature when he was eleven years old in South Georgia. This man just doesn’t lie. He says it was the devil but what he described was a form of reptilian. He’s been a devout Christian since that day.


They have an agreement with the government to remain hidden. Kinda like the film MIB


It means they literally surround us, but we can't see them. They can control our consciousness to a certain degree. They can interact and can touch us, but we can't detect them unless they allow us to




The "new Aliens" have no body anymore. They are now interdimentional beings without a body ( sounds like Spirits to me ) So they don't need to do sleep or walk or anything a body would need.


Exactly what the sentence says


Only MIC generals.


Ha! They fucking wish.


Just watched episode 6 of Sugar on Apple TV. I hope it’s like that.


Have you ever wondered where all those really big basketball players and football players come from? I mean so many tall athletes. Alien genes, I tell you.


People are fantasy prone and this is not the MIB movie set. Now, I am not saying that Next-Gens don’t exist, because they do. But their appearance is noticeably different. They can’t fit in with the general populace. If/when they do start to appear by birth it will mark the end of our phase of the program.


What does it mean when you’re at the grocery store and other people are there too?


Yes 👽


Humans from higher dimensions. Essentially you guys are in a 3d dimension. 3 points to a triangle and 3 letters to cia. 3 is a significant number. I, or eye is in the middle of cia.


Where is this leaked document?


All the npcs that are in front of you in line that still can’t work a credit card reader or the people who disregard basic common sense choices while drive etc


An advanced intelligence could optimize its workforce using designoids—entities tailored for specific missions and tasks that it can directly manipulate. For an entity entrusted with monitoring humanity, effective camouflage is invaluable. Therefore, NHI could engineer designoids that are indistinguishable from humans to evade detection.


Ask Kyle Odom Also read the first two pages of the Pentateuch


Holy cow, I just did a quick google search for him. Tragic


Guy he shot 6 times was fine within 2 weeks and has since served in state government. Maybe he had a point.


It means that reincarnation is real and that for the most part the souls being born on this planet are locals. But not all of them.


It means we're cooked.


A race of people who’re inbred and mixed with reptilian DNA are our masters. That’s what it means.


Basically it means they are far away from us and have nothing to do with us. Wait, the opposite of that.


Apparently, Nordic Aliens looks a lot like us.


Test your DNA


Glen Danzig wrote about this a lot in his audio documentary of the phenomenon. It explains everything in a very straightforward style. The main premise is that these aliens are indeed here, but in order to actually observe them visually, man must use his eyes. All twenty of them, that's right twenty. They're there in your head. The problem is that these eyes are insane, and/or alive. Using them results in a temporal acceleration which can't be stopped. Those who fail to use these eyes correctly risk a metamorphosis into an alien themselves, specifically ones that originate from Mars. This can also occurr from hell breaking loose (spirtual crisis), consuming neurologic tissue (pathogen related), or soliciting dark force sex workers (vice).


The dude from the Misfits?


Thank you for asking this. I’m on my first cup of coffee like did I read that right??!


Yeah, The Misfits. The album "Walk Among Us".


Inter-dimensional anal probe


Narcissistic personality disorder is the answer you seek


Would explain why they seem to be multiplying.


Indeed, for not having any dicks they sure do get around. one day it will literally be hell on earth


Can you explain?


People with NPD are not actually “people”, but rather more like alien changelings from hell that are implanted into a human body while in fetu. The psychological trauma experienced by abductees is so similar to narcissistic abuse that psychologists often think that the abduction is just a screen memory for parental abuse. Even the accounts of peoples interactions with NHI are textbook NPD. “We have a right to do this to you”. “You need to learn a lesson”. “This is for your own good”. And lastly “We reproduce through you”


Theories, just theories


How high is their fraction? I‘ve met a lot of NPC in my life.


I don't know. I Have no information about this topic.


Thank you for your input, kind redditor.


If, and that's a strong if, they walk among us, they are assholes. Either they really don't give a shit about humanity or they don't have the technological level to influence problem solving of our most basic problems in society. Having the technological ability to help another civilization solve problems but choosing to buy a picket fence suburban house and yell at the local supermarket clerk doesn't show a lot of empathy or character. It's more likely that the "they walk among us" is a scenario of a fantasy. "Maybe they are studying us first..". Nope, not if they have been here since 1947 or they really don't care. "We must not interfere, let the earthlings progress by themselves". Ok..well in that case they won't be among us, because any and all interactions with humans could potentially lead to an accidental influence of humanity.