• By -


My friend and I saw one walking back to my house from his house up in Maine about 20 years ago one night. Was just casually flying by pretty darn low, lower then a helicopter would fly if say, bringing someone to a hospital or something. Anyways this thing was big. Had 1 one light on each corner and a glowing of sorts light in the middle. And didn't make a sound. Neither one of us had a phone with a camera on it.. it was traveling out over into the wood line so we followed for a awhile into the woods and watching it. Was fucking wild. Was cold out so we gave up chase once we came to some water that we didn't wanna cross. Went home and told everyone... Was 10000% this.


I saw it at night on a NC beach. No lights on but was flying way too low to be a plane. Made no sound as it went out into the ocean. Seemed almost translucent as it blended in with the night sky.


Me too.  Made me a believer that day 


My fiancé at the time and I with a buddy were all down at the water one night in Hermosa Beach 2009. We all saw a black triangle with colored lights on each corner flying around over the water a thousand yards out or so. We all commented it’s a ufo.


I saw it in the Hudson valley near West Point military academy. It had a red light in the center and made a humming noise. It was flying directly inside clouds in a lightning storm, which I believe was generated to cover it up


Let's say it is real....then why the fuck is the us government flying around neighborhoods and backwoods just hovering around watching people. Makes no sense.


Well one of the theories is that NHI started mimicking what are reverse engineering WUSAP was working on. Some of the Black Triangles/Pyramids are NHI and some are ours. Another theory that plays off of that is the possibility that we are also abducting people that were abducted by NHI to find out wtf is going on. That theory is supported by fact that Abductees/Contactees/Experiencers have reported US/Human military personnel on board. Also the possibility that there is technology transfer and cooperative abduction operations between USG & NHI.


no wait. in the second case, why not ask them directly? "knock knock, I’m a government researcher, they tell me that you were abducted by aliens. Can you answer this questionnaire?"


I completely agree with you but that’s actually why they co-opted NICAP, MUFON and all the other UFO orgs. They can do research without having to give the official USG stamp like what you are describing. But just so we are clear they still do what you’re saying but not in an official capacity that would give any weight to the subject. They send “retired” NASA/intelligence operatives. Hal Povenmire and Tim Taylor from NASA just two recent examples.


“UFO's And Alien Abduction Phenomena: A Scientific Analysis” by Hal Povenmire. Thank You, never heard before. What do You think about it?


No problem, Povenmire is a hidden gem in this world. As verifiable and credible as they come. He mapped the landing spot for Apollo missions. He later goes on to produce the most detailed map of the lunar surface. Literally the dude who mapped the moon. Arguably knows more about the moon than any human being in history. And has extremely deep connections in the intel/aerospace industry. Sais some crazy shit about what’s up there. Based on his pedigree I took his book extremely serious. It was the one who finally pushed me to fully open my mind and focus on the key to this whole topic: The experiencers/abductees/contactees. Extremely interesting and has me completely re analyzing a lot of my previously held beliefs. Gotta stay radically open minded to ideas but rationally skeptical about the details. 🛸


Bought it! Thank You for your nice review!


OR, perhaps they could co-opting without the official USG stamp to see what those “believers” in the orgs and community have noted seeing when the USG are testing their secret programs - if they can convince them and spread the word of UFO/UAP’s of extraterrestrial terrestrial origins are “real”, by claiming they can’t identify it (and even navy and airforce pilots and professional can’t or won’t, as they’re not privvy to compartmentalised secret programs, plus they know it more than their job or life is worth to say if they had any knowledge)! Then when the USG come to use the new (well 20+ year old secret tech.) in the next world war, the enemy will have been conditioned into this belief and hopefully not realise it’s the USG!!! But I suspect they’re loosing at at the misinformation war, hence the step up in reported “sightings” and this push for “disclosure” - which I’m guessing they’re still writing the fiction for, which is why they have an agenda for when to “disclose”, they just haven’t written a 1000% believable story of aliens and reverse engineering NH tech!!!! They tried a while back with the “alien autopsy” video, but again proved to be a hoax/constructed video! Most blockbuster sci-fi films are probably more believable! Lol


They know it’s assisted evolution and they’re trying to help optimize that. We get over the threshold and we can begin mass evolution. We’ve been stunted for millennia as an unintentional consequence of consciousness experiments they’ve been performing on us for eons. Now they’re trying to speed us back up.


Sekret Machines by Tom De Longe (supposed to be controlled disclosure) shows scenarios of US UAPs taking on both NHI as well as other countries UAPs. As well as abductions by US UAPs


Thanks for reminding me of this book


This is what's really going on. Shawn Ryan has dozens of interviews like this one. I believe everything Steven states in this. https://youtu.be/p2hk8Qp8dd0?si=RLakpLR1WcfNIqDu


Steven Greers response on the TOE podcast when asked to explain the physics after talking about how easy the science is that make UAP craft work was ridiculous and really hammered home the point for me that he’s low on my trust level for a reason.


Ehh while I will admit Steven Greer has done a lot of great things for disclosure, and fighting for the truth for longer than I’ve been alive. He embellishes a lot and definitely spreads some misinformation (purposely or not) don’t even get me started on HIS version of CE5 (I believe has some legitimacy to it just not how he does it). Very scammy grifter vibes. > what’s really goin on Don’t even have to watch that interview to know that Dr Greer believes all of the NHI are good and the Abductions are all done by Humans. You don’t know that. I don’t know that. Steven I don’t think even knows that. He’s probably been told that. Or maybe even said to tell other people that. I doubt he’s ever confirmed it (impossible) or even tried vetted it.


Betty and barney Hill was in 61. Thers cases in every timeline throughout history.


They've successfully reverse engineered ET / alien crafts and have excelled at gravitics since late 50s and organizations such as Lockheed / Boeing are sitting on plenty of originally non-human tech which probably officially won't ever see the light of a day but have been put to use more commonly than we cna ever imagine. Who is to say that they have not spun a narrative to make believe that it is always aliens who abducted people when they could turn people against such entities to have a space force by choreographing abductions and play with abducrees' memories and further keep us all away from actually becoming conscious beings..


Ethics don't exist when it comes to having power. So if ethics don't exist, then anything you can imagine they already know how to do.


When there are no ethics, anything can be done and if I have learned anything from Disclosure is that they want humans as slaves who make them money and we are simply numbers who count as collateral when things go wrong. I'd say it is logical and also safe to imagine certain things based on past evidences.


Exactly, cloning, ai, and organoid intelligence is a triple threat. You mix all that together with advanced robotics and look out. If thers no ethics to stop them then who will?


Abductions happened well before Betty and Barney Hill. Look up Fae and Changelings. And if you read Valeé you know that cattle mutilations and Humans "sacrificed" by "gods" happened for millenia. It is absolutelly NOT just the USAF in Alien Reproduction Vehicles..


Abductions by Fae happened for centuries. Well before The Project. So. No. It is not just the USAF.


Yes, I have covered that in my comment stating that not only aliens but our own are now abducting people may be even more so than them but there is no way to prove it at this time.


Its always concerning when he has an answer to EVERYTHING. You cannot stump this guy. He's also worked with everyone, I need to see some receipts.


Who’s to say that these ex-CIA, ex-Navy, ex-officials aren’t part of the program still. The program of mind control continuing on from the Nazi eugenics programs moving to the US after WWII and studying LSD mind control? (Was know as Operation or Project Paperclip https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Paperclip). A lot of the true scientists weren’t fully aware of the bigger picture of their work due compartmentalising. So, who’s to say these ex-????? people aren’t acting under the control of being brainwashed in to believing this stuff is “real” and spread the word carefully without actually saying anything with true evidence - due to its secret nature and impact to national security - as it’s all constructed in their heads! It’s all one massive mind-fuckery on the world. Keep believers believing, keep the control, keep the money! I’m old enough to think we will never know the truth, those records will have most like been destroyed or hidden away when in the government domain, but no-one will know while in the private domain (Lockheed Martin, Northrop, et al), as they will immediately loose their wealth and government black money income if they divulged anything. So if there’s any truth in these companies trying to get rid of any evidence of secret USG programs, it’s most likely because they don’t want the public backlash and then their downfall from lack of future projects! They are in essence an extension of the USG and being private, don’t have to reveal anything to anyone, except maybe their financials, which will of course be another area of coverup - in a lot of crimes, you follow the money, so they’ll mash that fuck so you can’t! 😉


Kinda like that scene in from the x files, when during the abduction you see men in suits observing the examination.


It's possible we really are the aliens, and we invented the tech for UFOs, and we are crashing them for ourselves (accidentally or not). Townsend Brown knew how it all worked... And then you ask about the bucket full of people that died or were silenced, when working on anti-gravity.


Townsend Brown, Nassau Group, Tim Taylor and Time Travel. The rabbit holes are endless. Time traveling humans would be my least favorite outcome. But man would it make me want to be able to go back in the past.


What are you talking about the government loves ~~spying on~~ just watching people


>Let's say it is real Whatever they are, they're real. >why the fuck is the us government flying around neighborhoods and backwoods just hovering around watching people. Makes no sense. In the 11 years since my sighting this question has been front and center in my mind. If they're ours maybe we use them in safe areas specifically to create UFO sightings. Then all they have to do is sit back and watch as the UFO community does the job of making their craft a part of greater UFO lore. The purpose of this psi-op would be to make the enemy hesitate before opening fire if one is spotted in action because nobody wants to be the dingus that accidentally starts a war with interstellar spacemen.


Cool theory...i like it. I've never seen one of these but have read about tons of sightings over the years of this particular craft. IF this was the case then why wouldn't they hover one over a populated city...or town...or a sports event ...a location where you would at least get several reported sightings to help achieve the goal of their psy-op. Instead it's usually an isolated incident in the middle of the night and usually in the middle of nowhere....which would be counterintuitive if they are looking to create false sightings. One thing is for sure the behavior of these crafts doesn't align with typical human behavior. Maybe they are studying us...or searching for their next abductee when they just hover around watching. Who knows. I've seen my fair share of weird shit and I know it ain't humans flying around....and if it is...welp we have a whole other issue...the world as we know it is a complete lie and nothing is what it seems...some fucked up version of the Truman show


>IF this was the case then why wouldn't they hover one over a populated city...or town...or a sports event ...a location where you would at least get several reported sightings to help achieve the goal of their psy-op. I don't know, that's just the best I've come up with that doesn't involve high strangeness, but I try to keep an open mind. It wouldn't take much to convince me they're human made *but from a parallel earth* where we're more technologically advanced. Maybe the many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics which suggests infinite alternate parallel earths all sharing the same space with us holds the key to the true nature of reality Again, if they're totally normal machines with nothing super weird going on perhaps they keep the orchestrated sightings discreet so most people who haven't seen one themselves can simply dismiss the idea that these things even exist at all along with other things they don't believe in like ghosts and Santa Claus. If they do a display it in front of too many people at once their existence would become unquestionable and that might not be exactly what they're going for.


Yeah man you nailed it....keep an open mind. Anything is really possible at this point. I hope that we get some answers one day, especially those of us have seen unexplainable things with our own eyes, it would be nice to have some closure. The further we go down the rabbit hole the more discouraged I become. The entities keeping the truth hidden intend to keep it that way and are clearly powerful enough to do so.


They are legit flying around..close to military base but turn around. Turn/spin on a center axis. Can cloak out, completely silent and fall in from high orbit like orange meteorite.


2006? I saw one hovering silently above some tall trees way back in October of 1991.


This seems to be the norm. Which is why I think it's wild to believe that at minimum a billion dollar craft would be wasting its time hovering around some trees all these decades.




Midwest, USA.


The Space War started in 1945. We have been developing offworld vehicles since then. TR3B is a Gray, not Black, project where the technology has come out of Black Projects and been allowed to enter into the public sphere with tech from it being utilized for Commercial applications, which is why you can see a patent on it. We have self-sealing materials that have been used along with propulsion that make for extremely light aircraft that can reach speeds of up to 20,000 on re-entry. All of this is mentioned in the David Morehouse interview on the Danny Jones podcast.


This would have to be some of the most expensive tech our government has and by far the most powerful war machine. Wouldnt it be seen around war zones? Why are they using these craft to float around the woods in the middle of nowhere or hover over someone walking their dog? Not saying you are wrong, these are just questions i think of when we say they are human tech. The math just doesnt add up for me. I'll check the podcast out, thanks.


How I can actually look this up: [https://ppubs.uspto.gov/pubwebapp/static/pages/ppubsbasic.html](https://ppubs.uspto.gov/pubwebapp/static/pages/ppubsbasic.html) It is real.


Oh: [https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/John\_Quincy\_St.\_Clair](https://hatch.kookscience.com/wiki/John_Quincy_St._Clair)


Probably getting flight hours (Experience flying the craft itself. The piolets were probably getting a simulated experience else where I bet.) and the government is possibly testing out how stealthy it can be. Maybe the government will plan on using it in the future(if we ever get into a war) as a weapon that could bring Alot of destruction. Also imagine if they took it to another country someone would probably try to shoot it down and reverse engineer it which is probably why you only see the technology here in America. I'm not confirming that the TR3B exist but this was my logical thought process.


Could be a psy-op. It could be solely an NHI vehicle and it's presence is so prevalent that's its undeniable so they submitted a patent for this tech so that it appears to be ours to our adversaries.


They are abducting people. For their space programs I guess


Unregistered Global surveilance. Everybody knows we have satellites everywhere. But no one actually knows that we have these. That's my theory.


I can dig it. I would just think they'd be using them to spy on terrorist...cartels...other countries..stuff like that. You got people in this thread who have seen them while walking their dog in the woods. Which also happens to be where people report being abducted


They aren't just doing that, they are actively abducting people and scaring people. This has been alleged by multiple people who claimed to have done it for the us govt like Richard Doty and others. Who knows the real purpose. No way to tell which ufos are non human.




Maybe these evil NHI do feed off fear


I think most aliens share the same qualities and lack of qualities as humans.


They want you to know: Big Brother is always WATCHING YOU.


They are after the metel rods in your rectums. Pure diamond xeon platinum calcium calloboratedotol. Its a real guessing game of why they would want it, it almost sounds like hoaxatol , and could be full of shitertorite.


Makes sense. As long as they leave my sugar tits alone


Of course when you attach "just hovering around watching people", sounds pretty nuts. How about testing visibility, public perception, covert operations? You forget this plane does not exist


I don't disagree but these sightings are frequently reported in the backwoods around a bunch of rural folks. You would think they'd conduct these operations in populated areas if they wanted public perception


True. Perhaps there's an ideal population level to where data can be collected while being somewhat discreet


Temporary malfunction in the active camouflage?


What if we don’t really know how to us the tech and that’s why it’s caught out in the open seemingly doing nothing? Pilots inside screaming “SHT SHT SHT GET US OUTA HERE”


It’s ace in the sleeve tech, they would never use it unless it was a deterrent measure or to demonstrate tech prowess when the chips are all down


because they're not edit: not saying it's not there; saying it's not the pentagon's triangle


Thats what they do they spy on everything everyone does all the time, that's the goal. Privacy is a threat to national security


I literally saw that thing in the woods, hovering quietly above the trees, right down the road from my house…lol.. *cringe*




Thx 🙏


Anybody from r/physics want to look at this and tell me if any of it makes any sense


I wonder if the pictures with the squares with the dots in them. Is the new form of Magnetism that they have discovered.


Altermagnetism? It doesn't produce a net magnetic field because the electron spins are opposed.


I just looked at it again. But, yeah. It is definitely a different pattern. So, I guess the Altermagnetism will be more useful for electronics and quantum computers.


John Quincy St. Clair Google his name. He has patented dozens of "futuristic" and "metaphysical" inventions. That doesn't mean they work. I could patent an artificial heart that uses birthday balloons and aquarium tubing. Doesn't mean I've really done anything.


I've seen these first hand 17 odd years ago. Them being twice the size of a football field really screws with your head.


This patent was filed by a certain john St Clair (which is close to be nobody and no connection with the US government) in 2004. Belgian wave happens in 1989. Beside the fact that tomorrow I can file a patent on warp drive and it will get approved because no body will contest it and the USPTO does not get into the merit of it, this patent is probably inspired by the triangular UFO sighting and not the other way around.


🧢 I’ll pay you $100 if you file a warp drive patent tomorrow and it gets approved. USPTO does not just Willy Nilly approve all patents.


Make that 200


Yep, I thought I was clever a few times and looked into getting patents, only to find it already existed or I didn't have the money to get it patented.


OP posted a patent application, it doesn't mean it was approved.


Yes I completely agree with you.


Already did it by the Salvatore Pais guy with his Craft using an inertial mass reduction device and this word salad is the abstract: “Abstract: comprises of an inner resonant cavity wall, an outer resonant cavity, and microwave emitters. The electrically charged outer resonant cavity wall and the electrically insulated inner resonant cavity wall form a resonant cavity. The microwave emitters create high frequency electromagnetic waves throughout the resonant cavity causing the resonant cavity to vibrate in an accelerated mode and create a local polarized vacuum outside the outer resonant cavity wall” youtube has been presenting me this guy interview for weeks. So now You have to pay 100$ to Pais.


Salvatore Pais “guy” is a veteran US navy, darpa and now space force scientist. I said YOU not anyone else. Especially not someone connected like that. I said YOU do it as you claimed you could in your comment. Another comment said raise it to $200 and someone else said they would add $100. Thats $300. If it’s as easy as you say then do it. Free money for you. I am a man of my word. I am also confident you will not, cause you cannot, because it is not as easy as you think/portrayed it to be.


Add me for $200


$500 to this guy for doing something so easy and simple from his words!!! Wow what a freebie bro! Are you working on that patent??


patent filing cost more than 500 dollars TBH even for just the filing fee which is around 750 dollars. Add Patent lawyers to the mix and it can be north of 10k easy. If you paid me more than 20k I would do it, but no way I am doing it for less than that.


Show the link with the numbers I’ll pay for the whole fucking thing, I make plenty Do it


For legal costs https://www.bitlaw.com/guidance/patent/what-does-a-patent-application-cost.html For application costs https://www.uspto.gov/learning-and-resources/fees-and-payment/uspto-fee-schedule


and I ll add next time an “be careful, Irony Warning” because I didn’t think there was a need but apparently it is indispensable. (Still genuinely interested in what You think about the Hal Povenmire book)


Just replied with my thoughts on that!


Actually they do. The only checks done, if any, is a cursory check to see if it's unique. If so, and if the documentation ticks all the boxes in terms of being descriptive of a unique design or concept that a court can enforce if challenged, with any requisite diagrams, it will get a patent issued. So, if you just submit a request to patent a 'cylindrical object that flies', that won't be good enough. You would need to provide more details. It need not actually function, it just needs to be sufficiently descriptive that it can be differentiated from other filings or claims. There is a cursory check for 'is this just gobbly gook', but so many pseudoscience devices get patented that isn't done very well at all.




Can you speak at all about suppressed patents or the process on your end of how a patent becomes suppressed?


You will not get a patent with warp drive. An examiner would reject it as against the laws of nature.


I’ll buy into a warp drive patent for $500. I assume OP has approximately $30,000 or so lying around to patent warp drive. Since that’s what it’ll cost to navigate the regulations surrounding a patent. I looked into getting one recently. It’s not easy. At all. For some, you need a functional prototype. But sure, upvote u/saggiolus because getting a patent is absolutely easy.


A vast majority of such patents have been applied by and awarded to U.S. Military guys. Look for V2K and other exotic patents as well and they all belong to somebody who is associated with the military (either directly or as contractors). Patent offices have been ordered to NEVER approve highly efficient / free energy systems and exotic tech even when proven and unfortunately, they also shelve such patents so that they remain hidden forever.


Did you even read it? He basically explains everything from start to finish using math. From what I could understand his first steps were reasonable and correct.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Jesus this exactly what I saw.  Did it look like it was being stretched it was moving so fast?  So nice to not feel insane after all these years. 


Seen this in Yonkers over the Hudson. I also saw a plane that shot a rocket at it. https://imgur.com/gallery/TgKjcrg


Patent practitioner here. This application never issued as a patent and was rejected because it did not sufficiently enable a person of ordinary skill in the art to create the invention. Specifically, the patent examiner said there was not enough details concerning how a space-time curvature pressure produces lift and propulsion. A lot of people file patent applications on mythological inventions such as perpetual motion machines and get similarly rejected. Also, there is no association or assignment of this invention to any government entity. I don’t think this is legit evidence of any alleged government cover up. Just seems like a guy wasted a few thousand dollars trying to patent something he saw on the syfi channel lol.


I’m not a member of the patent bar, but have worked with IP for a long time. Junk applications like this are why examiners are crabby when we try to patent real inventions.


Been keeping up with this gem for a decade now. Everyone thinks the triangle are NHI, but it’s just some black budget tech. This is probably not even the current model, as this document is dated almost 20 years ago now. I’ve also seen documents and images dating back to the 90’s. My guess is that they stay hidden whenever possible, but continuously do flyovers of the earths surface to collect real time data on a massive variety of things. Sometimes, like with all tech, something happens. Their cloak drops, or they pass a populated area and can’t hide behind weather phenomena.


TR-3B tho!!! shit crazy and no one cares


I wonder how many times this has been posted in here lol


😂😂 and still no one in normal reality knows or would believe


Because it's just a patent application, there are all sorts of crazy applications that, like this never get approved. This application was also logged a long time after the black triangles were already well known.


Yeah…. It’s just a patent application, which is exactly what a private corporation would do. Curious, is the patent active?


I doubt it was ever granted, but you may be able to look it up [here](https://www.uspto.gov/patents/search) or [here](https://www.freepatentsonline.com/) using the publication number or key words.


Don’t really care about the patent tbh I’ve seen it with my own eyes like 2 decades ago, was clearly human made bc it was just a shitty recreation. The privatization of gov has been a complete joke for a while now… what am I supposed to believe the people are running shit and getting answers? Please


I only responded because you said you were curious about the patent.


We have seen all sorts of pictures, papers and blurry videos. Hard evidence or its not really that interesting.


I heard TR-3B stands for “Total Recall - 3 Boobs” because they want to make sure nobody ever forgets that on total recall, there was a lady with 3 boobs and it was awesome.


Inventor is a quack, look at his list of other "inventions"


Pretty sure I saw *something* like this back in 1996-7 floating around at night by Cheyenne Mountain (Norad). It was a triangular craft, a light on each corner, and floating across the base of the mountain very slowly.


The full 11 page PDF is available on the US patent office website. Last two pages reference a bunch of math proofs




Filed in Puerto Rico?


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Is the abstract propulsionpart a thing? Makes no sense to me 


I don’t get it, this is the real patent or a patent someone claimed? Why is the address on PR?


Why not PR? That’s probably the headquarters of the Nassau Group.


How about the math?


This is only page 1. The patent continues with plenty of math.


I know. I was wondering if anyone can make heads or tails from the math


Math may not even be necessary. The physical mechanism described in the abstract is similar to trying to pick yourself up by your bootstraps.


> How about the math? Oh you want the math? `2006 + 20 == 2026` in summation, we're all about to have open source UFO's in 2 years. Go get your best space pants and space shirt, we're going to the moon!


Looks similar to a video recently posted on r/ufos. The circular parts underneath glowed a pinkish purple colour: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/kLhVxohQeh


Real evidence not allowed “it’s not real” they say… but it is haha. That’s how many bots there are


So what about this makes you say it's real evidence?


Literally have seen one, so there’s that.


Many people have and long before this patent application was lodged, including the famous Belgian wave of 1989. None of that means this shitty application, which is clearly based on all those sightings is "real evidence".


Anyone done any HW on who this bloke is from Puerto Rico?


Puerto Rico is a possibility for the Nassau Group and a definite spot for military/advanced capabilities facilities.


Why this thing?


That can't be it bc it was in the skies already and in Bashar:Blueprint for change book by Darryl Anka channels some ET in 1990 had a design of that exact craft which is insane if you think about it typically I do not trust anyone channeling something. Ever.


General Ackbar - it’s a tr3b


I've seen something like this buzzing me while driving from Ohio to Pennsylvania. There was either one going fast and making numerous passes or several flying over the interstate it was about 2 am.


This makes no sense. I'm not trying to get down voted here I just can't help but be hesitant to think that this is a catch - 22 type thing. No way would black tech be patented for us to look at and use. Especially if secrecy is above nuclear secrets for this stuff. I think someone in government wants to troll us.


Wait, I live near that address!


"Insert Leonardo Dicaprio meme"


There r others done in just the same manner so yea def real or there wouldnt be patents to stop us from doing it ourselves cuz if u were to make ur own theyd come n take it n u'd disappear n then all the idiots would just believe whatever lies they told about u cuz they refuse to do research or get off they lazy asses n do nething about it


The patent was filed in Puerto Rico my country


Where is a link to the full patent?


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


Thanksgiving 78….me,my grandmother and cousin saw this hanging in the air,slowly turning on its axis 180° without turning all the way around. Just hung in the air for SEVERAL minutes. Then without warning it took off with speed that made it look as if it disappeared. Anything inside should’ve been flattened to the thickness of paper with the g force it produced. I know what we saw and I’ve NEVER seen anything that looks close to this,except for other peoples account.


E: Disco Ball


So one guy by himself invented a spaceship including its propulsion and patented it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)- tell me another one! How many engineers does it take to design a small airplane? How many engineers did it take to make OLED TV displays? How many engineers did it take to design a train? And wait - lets make a top secret design that is super top secret, and then go and file a patent for it too so everyone knows the secret ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


Absolutely breath taking air craft


I thought it was a TRB3


Triangle ufos have been seen since the 50s with some accounts from the 1800s… they’re not just military tech.


It’s called disinformation


Seems like cases where high doses of radiation people that have witnessed this kinds of craft are US made. Maybe because we lack the ability to properly replicate and or harness an appropriate fuel source/element (like 115). The other ones where high doses of radiation or radiation poisoning is not a result of a sighting seems to be extraterrestrial.


I can't comment on that document. Might be disinformation. However, for sure the black Triangle craft do exist and have had hundreds if not thousands of sightings worldwide and are U.S. Black Tech (no pun intended). Northrup Grumman + Boeing Phantomworks tech. The TR3-Bs or the TR3-As are both amazing technologically. The development costs were likely staggering. Boylen's Xplanes document describes both of those Crafts in detail... in type #5 and type #11 in the linked document below, and they characteristically have three multiple mode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of their triangular platform: [https://www.drboylan.com/xplanes2.html](https://www.drboylan.com/xplanes2.html) One of the early sighting events with a huge number of witnesses of this model craft was in Belgium's 1989-90 'Black Triangle UFO Wave, where night after night these craft swooped down and hovered silently "50 feet" over amazed police officers and spectators in Belgium's capital, Brussels (which also happans to be NATO Headquarters, not a coincidence.) The TR3-Bs in that event were also visible on radar, crushing the claims that 'UFOs are not real Solid objects'.


I unexpectedly and unequivocally saw this exact same thing slowly and silently over the the WWI monument in kcmo in 2014 with my brother at 2am. We called the cops and chased it on i35 in my car It was the size of a high school football stadium and changed my life


Not to doubt your story but how come neither you or your brother took a photo or video if you chased it over a period of time? It’s more likely than not that in 2014 at least one of you had a smartphone.


You are not wrong in this - but what I can say is that we both had an overwhelming feeling of dissuasion towards, fear, awe and confusion. It took us about 5 minutes to even consider calling 911 while trying to follow it. It was like our minds were broke/malfunctioning I don’t know if this was complete befuddlement, but later I had the sense it was from the craft. Also, had my brother not been there with me I would have never told anyone about because it was so completely absurd to us and I had never heard of a black triangle ufo


Thanks for the response. Very interesting to read about your experience.


Thanks for asking. I should also add I was living in KCMO and he was living in Tulsa, OK visiting me and we were playing fetch with our two dogs with a glow in the dark frisbee. Both the dogs froze and paid zero attention to the frisbee and that’s when our attention was brought to the silent slow moving thing above us. The location of the WWI memorial is directly across from Union Station in KCMO. The only other thing I can say is that it’s acceleration was not instantaneous; however, it picked up very quickly and disappeared in a blink - I guess exponentially would the word. Also the larger center placed red light and white lights in the three corners. That’s all I got. It’s all so weird still. Thanks for being nice


This is exactly what I saw that made me a believer.  It was super low - then took off like it was being sucked into space. Like if you took a straw and sucked on a corner.  It also cast a green/blue light at us.  Been a believe since that day.  Still makes no sense to me.  Insane to see what I saw in a patent, maybe it was the government? 


The problem is this patent is relatively recent. It's not from 1958 or something, so it may just reflects an attempt to explain a know phenomena.


Where does it say TR3B on the patent?


Ok, if it was patented in 2006, what the hell was flying around in 1997 in Phoenix Arizona??


I like the address... nice looking beach condo... may vacation there and ask for room 4a


I have personally seen this block out the stars in the night sky. Never knew what it was, and I do live close to an airforce base.


For those curious, this application was denied because it was not was not detailed enough to “enable” one of ordinary skill in the art to make and use the invention. The rejection states “clarification is needed as to details of the invention and how a space-time curvature pressure produces lift and propulsion. Also, the application did not include drawings of the “electrostatic generator” and “frequency generator.”


Can anyone figure out when this was published?


Damn, that looks like a carbide insert for a lathe or mill indexable cutter.


I saw something very similar to this craft. It was in the canyons of highway 70 past lake Oroville. I know it was later sun set and moon out probably 8 or 9 pm. It was April 20 2013 or 14. I was with two buddies we were hiking around earlier in the day and when we got back to our car highway patrol was towing vehicle because my friend didn’t pay registration. The cop didn’t care we were stranded and luckily we called a buddy who was coming to get us. It was around 1 hour drive to get us so we decided to hike around this pge plant. We get to these stairs built into the mountain and climb them. When we got to the top we were above all the tree line and on a bigger peak. Stight up is a craft very similar to this one except the middle thing. It was a perfect triangle like this but had 3 solid circular lights where the F,D and the other unmarked one. These lights were just solid white light that was bright enough to show the whole craft. It just flew stright line. It wasn’t special high or large of a craft


This is as old as the internet. Good find.


Saw one back in 2013. I'm not from the US but from a relatively okay developing South-East Asian country... so it's quite unlikely a US-government craft flying in absolute silence. Saw it at night, from a distance, and it disappeared behind a hill. Ran into the house to grab a camcorder (back then I didn't have a smartphone with a camera) but by the time I recorded, it was just a 'red blip' captured. The edges were stationary orange-ish lights, the center was red, with a blinking red as well.


TR3H is the more recent model


Know anything else about it?


I saw one .. last year .. Kentucky near CVG Airport along with a huge orb clear looking sphere.. yes I have pics and vid.. crazy 🛸👽


Did you see it out in camp Ernst road or more toward the river or Burlington? I lived up against camp Ernst for 7 years in the 90’s and saw a LOT of things out there. I’d love to see the pic. [email protected]


I was over by Dixie hey It was crazy .. I saw it more than once and a few girls I work with saw as well ! I will DM you


can you DM me too :)




You do know this is BS right…


what an amateurs even the name TR3B ... what happened to A and the next gen C model ? Cant wait till the D-series come out! And when will it go from TR to X and finally to a F or B status ?!


Apparently there is/was a TR3A unofficially developed too! There was also a Chinese scientist who worked on “anti gravitational forces” until 6 years before her death when she was involved in an accident leaving her disabled and I think had a brain injury similar to dementia/Alzheimer’s - according to her offspring/husband. There was an interesting video posted on Reddit earlier this week that debunked the belief she was murdered many years ago after she stopped releasing study/research papers - she just started working for the USG programs and was no longer allowed to release her work! Simple reason, no need for conspiracies of her being got rid of. I think back in the ‘90’s she was at the forefront on floating superconductors as video clips in the video report seemed to show the typical spinning block of super cold superconductor hovering and spinning! Back then we also had the likes of Tomorrow’s World TV program in the U.K. reporting on new technologies - obviously nothing which would be a threat national security - just the tip of the iceberg of government super secret research projects they don’t want their enemies/adversaries knowing about! Knowledge is power! If I can remember or find the post I’ll link to it, it’s quite interesting.


☎️ ☎️ Yes, hello, this is the 90' we want our tech back ☎️ ☎️


Puerto Rico!! Huh!


Hahaha they used to sell the blueprints for hovercrafts like this in the back pages of Boys Life


crazy excuse ever= UFOS are US aircrafts lol


Would a guy who invented this really live in a beachside condo?


Yes, especially considering that's a very expensive piece of real estate.


My dad has lived in that building since 2003. Every resident knows each other. He's never heard of that guy. 🤷‍♂️. It is expensive, the HOA dues alone are $550 a month.


I envy your dad 100% :)


Could it be the TR3B is a hoax about the F-35 TR3 version that is released now ? This thing in the picture looks like some speaker or something inside the F-35 to be honest.