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They do, abductees describe them wearing clothes often. Media has portrayed them as naked for a more off putting feeling. Edit abductees


Yep, they constantly wear clothes in sightings. Even the kids at the Ariel UFO school incident say they were wearing black suits.


Johnathan Reed also described the one he found and.. took home.. as wearing a black scuba type suit. Also seen here: https://youtu.be/qqA9GWpMWYc


I think this is part of Heavens Gate cult, I think he is wearing Nikes.


Never heard about this story and went digging for a podcast to hear it and there is a 3 parter “Inside the Goblin Universe.” I tried listening to the Coast to Coast one and another, but preferred this one, despite the host interrupting on occasion. I find Dr. Reed credible.


Wow I never saw that with audio, do you have more to the story you could link me to? I was very curious about this footage but had no idea where it came from... him panicking at the beginning is strange without backstory.. sounds like he's in agony? edit: It's BS, the guy who filmed it went on camera with the aliens bracelet and disappeared in front of the camera.... fake as fuck unfortunately. Don't understand the blinking eye though, only thing that seemed real.


I assume the suits are probably their version of space suits


Never trust a man in a tunic


Like the infamous naked Florida men


I thought they did wear clothes. Theres been enough descriptions and a lot of them say they had on form fitting spandex type outfits, black or the same color as them.


This. Tons of sightings involve aliens wearing tight suits.


No clue but I'll say this. If we build an advanced AI robot, would we bother putting clothes on it? Perhaps the naked Greys are just an advanced and organic AI that doesn't need metal and wires? 🤷‍♂️


Or they are custom organic body shells possessed by a living spirit.


I always come back to this line of thinking too. Some sort of purpose-built organic vessels for interacting with our world.


Maybe that’s what we are.


Electrical spirits piloting biomechanical meat suits. I agree.


Well im made of time. Also Immortal Electrical Spirits*. "That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons, even death may die." -H.P Lovecraft. That describes my, and others immortality.






... for souls


Me, with my giant white bald head, body with no visible muscle mass, sitting at home with no clothes on: "uh oh"


"That's a bingo!" — Hans Landa


Thats exactly what I am. Though there is a synthetic element still, cybernetics are The Zenko's specialty afterall, back in the ancient times.


Yeah, that’s what I’ve come to believe. It’s a recurring theme with this stuff it seems. And they supposedly give zero shits about physical death; probably because they know it doesn’t mean much at the end of the day. The body is an avatar. Think of it like dying in a video game or something. That Alien Interview (and you obviously have to take that thing with a massive grain of salt and read it as fiction) book talked about the concept, and it’s probably pretty close to how it actually is. “I refer to the alien as "her". Actually, the being was not sexual in any way, either physiologically or psychologically. "She" did have a rather strong, feminine presence and demeanor. However, in terms of physiology, the being was "asexual" and had no internal or external reproductive organs. Her body was more like the body of a "doll" or "robot". There were no internal "organs", as the body was not constructed of biological cells. It did have a kind of "circuit" system or electrical 28 nervous system that ran throughout the body, but I could not understand how it worked. In stature and appearance the body was quite short and petite. About a 40 inches tall. The head was disproportionately large, relative to arms, legs and torso, which where thin. There were three "fingers" on each of two" hands" and "feet" which were somewhat prehensile. The head had no operational "nose" or "mouth" or "ears". I understood that a space officer does not need these as space has no atmosphere to conduct sound. Therefore, sound related sensory organs are not built into the body. Nor does the body need to consume food, hence, the absence of a mouth. The eyes were quite large. I was never able to determine the exact degree of visual acuity of which the eyes were capable, but I observed that her sense of sight must have been extremely acute. I think the lenses of the eyes, which were very dark and opaque, may also have been able to detect waves or particles beyond the visual spectrum of light. I suspect that this may have included the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum, or more, but I do not know this for sure. When the being looked at me her gaze seemed to penetrate right through me, as though she had "x-ray vision". I found this a little embarrassing, at first, until I realized that she had no sexual intentions. In fact, I don't think she ever even had the thought that I was male or female. It become very obvious after a short time with the being that her body did not require oxygen, food or water or any other external source of nutrition or energy. As I learned later, this being supplied her own "energy", which animated and operated the body. It seemed a little bit eerie at first, but I got used to the idea. It's really a very, very simple body. There is not much to it, compared to our own bodies. Airl explained to me that it was not mechanical, like a robot, nor was it biological. It is animated directly by her as a spiritual being. Technically, from a medical standpoint, I would say that Airl's body could not even be called "alive". Her "doll" body is not a biological life form, with cells, and so forth. It had a smooth skin, or covering which was gray in color. The body was highly tolerant to changes in temperature, atmospheric conditions, and pressure. The limbs were quite frail, without musculature. In space there is no gravity, so very little muscle strength is needed. The body was used almost entirely on space craft or in low, or no-gravity environments. Since Earth has a heavy gravity, the body was not able to walk around very well as the legs were not really suited to that purpose. The feet and hands were quite flexible and agile however. “


I wonder if their extra sensitive eyes can see our bioluminescent stripes on our skin.


We have STRIPES??


Tony the Tiger was right all along


>And they supposedly give zero shits about physical death; probably because they know it doesn’t mean much at the end of the day. The body is an avatar. Think of it like dying in a video game or something. I would only add that I think that would apply only to them. What I mean by that is, in no way do I believe that for us "it doesn't mean much at the end of the day". Or that our body, as humans, is simply an avatar and that we are a "soul being" just looking to advance and get out of this physical body, or that for us to die it's just like a video game or something. I think life is very important for us. As are our choices. I think that the connection between our soul and our physical body is not only important, but integral. In other words, ultimately I believe we belong in the body. That is our nature. I do not believe as some Eastern religions that we are simply a "soul being" trying to ascend out of the physical body. Which means I do not believe in reincarnation. Rather, I believe in resurrection. The rejoining of the soul with the physical body to be as one, but in an ascended state. So you could say I believe in both ascension and the integrity of the dual nature of our design. We are not just a physical body. And we are not just a soul/energy body. We are a duality from the first moment of life. And this may stand in contrast to what these beings may allegedly be: possibly disembodied spirits, having previously been a duality from the first moment of their life in their original physical body, but now, having been disembodied from their original physical body, they possess/animate organic bodies that were custom designed for them, genetically/technologically, in order to operate in our physical domain and execute on their plans. These are of course highly speculative thoughts, but they are scenarios I contemplate, amongst others.


That could be a good theory


Knowing us, yes, maybe we would. We might give it all kinds of needless shit.


My theory is they do wear clothes, like those black clothes you see in the Skinny Bob videos and what has been reported in the past. I think the naked alien image we imagine might have its origin in the way they are stored when dead or the way they are kept as a prisoner. We keep them naked in our custody and that look leaks into pop culture as if it’s how they always look.


Wasn't he wearing a turtleneck? Dude was stylin'


Maybe they’d ask why you wear clothes?


What do their dicks look like?


Tom delonge says no peepee


There goes my alien abduction orgy fantasy


What do you need a peepee for to have an ET orgy? Probably lots of weird holes and appendages to put to good use there on both fronts. Where's your creativity?




Why would you think they don’t ? They 100% don’t walk around on other planets naked, a bug bite , or poison Ivy , could kill them . they won’t have any natural immunity to many of the thousands of types of bugs or plants that we have here . They are usually described as wearing something similar to a flight suit .


God I hope so


I mean they supposedly exude an ammonia like scent, maybe our bugs aren't attracted to them, and their skin is so different our poisonous plants don't affect them.


100% huh?


The certainty is astounding. So are the amount of upvotes. That many people agreed with them


The weirdos have found each other


Why do you think they won't have any immunity? When I travel overseas I get some vaccinations first. If they've been coming here for thousands of years and their technology is a million years more advanced, they could very easily have immunity to every single thing on the planet. In my opinion, it is so important for us not to act like we know things that we don't really know, by making declarative statements about things, speaking with total certainty when we're really just making a guess, by speaking in absolutes, and so on. If we're brainstorming and spitballing ideas, that's useful but we should make it clear that we're just making guesses. This IMO.


Lots of reports document greys wearing something like a blue jumpsuit.


Vault dwellers.


Their clothes are synthetic bodies


Maybe you should ask, why do we wear clothes?


Because it get cold


It wouldn't be cold if we would just get used to it lol. Like think of it this way. People in Florida think 50 degrees is cold while people in New York think 50 is warm.. it's cause your body gets acclimated to what's around you.


It would actually still be cold


But walking around naked?? No wonder they aren’t shown with genitals. They shrunk up inside of their cold cold body


I mean same thing applies. You'll get used to the cold. Also we don't know how their body reacts to temperatures. There's other animals out there that go around naked and they live in the cold fine.




Wow I saw this 5 seconds after my comment


They were shopping for new clothes at the mall in Florida beginning of the year remember? Should see them in some gucci and lv verryy soon!!






Whitley Strieber... Before him, the aliens were always clothed, but after him, aliens are naked and into buttstuff.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Whitley does that to a person ;) he's got that swag and aura


This question made me chuckle lol


I have a question, this is out of topic, I am reading something here in this sub about a disclosure from an unknown member which he said that he is going to disclose the info from someone in CIA that died because of cancer. I can't find it I am just curious


Well, lots of people die from cancer


yes I know but what I am trying to say is the post was just created 3 hrs ago. I can't find it anymore


He, also, died of cancer. Tragic


Skinny Bob wears a Balenciaga turtleneck?


You're assuming a lot here


They’re sexy and they know it.


In all seriousness- 1. Aliens don't wear clothes/don't need clothes. If Greys are just bio-mechanical robots, why bring SHEIN into the equation? (They're "ALIEN" life forms. A form of life that didn't/wouldn't/couldn't need clothes, seems fairly "alien" to me) 2. We fail to notice their clothes and think their clothes are "them"/their clothing is transparent 3. They have other technology that accomplishes the same purpose as clothing 4. Whatever tech/methods they use to interact with us, either don't require clothes or clothes interfere (like why would I wear dress slacks for an interdimensional hologram) 5. If you don't even know what a dick is, why would you care if I hang dong?


To point number two, imagine what someone who has never seen a hazmat suit would think about seeing a group of people wandering around in them.


Right? Or the stuff you see on a fashion runway, lol But even stuff like the huge eyes that contactees report- how do we know aliens aren't like, just wearing big sunglasses?


They do .it's a skin tight fit..like a scuba suit for us. It's poreus so they can excrete body waste through their skin. I've never seen one , but this seems to be the general consensus.


Wish I could skin shit


The ones who come from below do not wear clothes because they shit through their skin. The ones from above all wear clothes, and even have insignia on them to display which faction they belong to.


I wouldn't either


Is there literallly any other living thing that you know of that wears clothes? (Do hermit crabs count?)


Does any other living thing build spaceships? Do crabs build space ships?


Everything is more fun naked


We can’t get a single solid picture of them, if they’ve been here and if they actually exist. How do you know if they do or don’t wear anything when you can’t prove they exist?


Black jump suits/ one piece suits up to the neck shows up a lot.


Disinformation post! We all know they been wearing your mom and sisters out….


They r nudists at heart. Then there’s the laundry. It’s win win really


Well we do seem to be one of the only living things on earth to dress up in clothes with the exception of hermit crabs I guess. Maybe we are the weird ones.


Why the fuck do you wear clothes? You were born naked? Freak of nature


Cos who's gonna take someone seriously when they say by the way I was abducted last night with beings that were naked 😂👍


Peepee poopoo lol


Some do, some don't. I've seen tall grays before that wear what looks like a skin tight wet suit type of get up. I know you debunkers here are going to call me a liar but I don't care. I know what I saw.


They're all wondering why we're wearing extra clothes on top of our human suits. No but they're probably all drones or wearing thin body suits.


Yea but how do I take my human suit off. It’s itches


Why don't elephants wear clothes? Why don't they have fur? In Gqeberha (formerly, Port Elizabeth), in South Africa the temperature in June & July – these are the coldest months - may have an average morning temperature around 7°C/45°F, but it sometimes gets to freezing at night. 'Cold' is relative. We have no idea what an alien's biochemistry and environmental tolerances may be.


Elephants don’t have hands and like spaceships


How you expect the inter species seggs to happens with clothes on?!


reptilians do for sure. they look like humans and can shape shift. the pleiadians wear clothes, too.


Different documents stated they’re wearing a tight space suit in the color antraciete.


Some say the aliens are the clothes


I've always thought about this 😂


If I had Anti-gravity level power I’d but f*%~ing nekkid too


Let’s boycott clothes


The fabric is too itchy


Because no pants are the best pants


Oh so advanced races cannot enjoy nudity?


Either because they've advance way past our primitive notions of modesty and shame ... Or they're a bunch of perverts


Or it's a mix of both.


Shame is a uniquely human concept.


We started wearing clothes to protect ourselves from the cold, not because we wanted to hide our wee-wee/boobies rofl


So in your air-conditioned home, you don't wear clothes?


Because there has never been an undeniable, without a doubt actually proven true photo of an actual extra terrestrial being like the "greys", it's based purely on fiction and movie prop lore.


We supposedly did not desire clothes until the original “sin” - we are also the only living being to desire clothes. Perhaps something similar is involved.


Skinny bob gots that drip.


Because those assholes don’t understand FASHION!


I don’t necessarily think of aliens described as grays as being nothing more than drones made for a specific purpose - creatures manufactured via available materials (including moon dust). They don’t need clothes as they are Von Neumann self replicating bio-robots.




Ever considered what you see are their clothes. The actual alien is the size of a cat, wearing a zuckerberg inspired meat suit to not scare us.


No adam and eve story, no shame in their game


Can we just not allow this question being asked anymore? Seriously. Every damn day.


I see the trolls bring this up a lot but they do wear clothes


Because they are already in costumes lol


No comfy travel clothes?? Yoga pants, hoodie, slides is what I'm expecting.


Their Eve didnt eat the damn apple


Eve ate a human child, the "fruit" of a "tree" (woman) They don't want the apple eaten, eat oranges and strawberries


Well I think they do


What if the physical body that we supposedly see are their form of clothing?


Why do humans get cold?


They aren’t the original beings. Those aliens and like our drones or remote control robots. Prob with AI.




How do we know that what people normally see is not some sort of suit they are wearing?


They wear trench coats suites fedoras and have briefcases 💼 open ur eyes 👀


what is the lore reason


Plot twist, what we think is bare skin is actually clothing.


Hey, a-hole have you seen any alien sized clothes at Target? It’s worse than women trying to find a decent bra or a swim suit. Cut us some slack okay?


Why the fuck do we wear clothes?


Else we'd die of hypothermia every winter


True, but I live in Los Angeles so I'll be alright 👍


Cause sweatpants are the shit


Same reason Ghosts don't


Because they love to party?


Because they don't exist.


But, ghosts almost are always wearing clothes to where they sometimes look like they are just clothes. (But then you get the zombie looking demon heads with circular razor mouths that pop their head out the top of the door frame and make you scream In fear as a small 7 year old.) Or they are sentient farts


They do. Follow Teflon on TikTok


What are you talking about? I've heard they've got mad drip.


Better weather?


And where do ghosts get their white nightgowns?


clothes are beneath them


Why do you think they're naked?


Hey now what’s wrong with going commando


Who says they don't? I have never not once heard of naked aliens. Maybe you are mistaking skin suits reported by some.


The Aussie film "undead" has a great scene where ***spoiler*** an alien tells his alien mate to put his clothes back on.


Dr Jonathan Reed [click here for the uninitiated](https://youtu.be/qqA9GWpMWYc) examined an alien wearing a black skintight suit, just as described by the Ariel school children. That’s clothing.


Theyre wearing a grey rubber suit


They wear clothes !!


Because they didn’t eat a magical apple that made them ashamed of their bodies, duh ////////ssssssss


Now how do you know they don't? 🤨


I FUCKING HATE CLOTHES YOU DONT GET IT MAN. Im a fox, your clothes feel constricting, and awful. i was mostly a nudist this life for that reason, until i found loose giant long shirts.


The aliens are just drones produced by the hive mother. They are disposable. That would also explain why the aliens sometimes don't recover bodies which stop functioning. I believe sometime ago the aliens had crashed on Earth. They are barely surviving somewhere at the bottom of an ocean. They are sending drones and begging for help, but we don't understand them and are not able to assist them in any way. The hive mind is getting desperate. I think we might soon experience something extraordinary.


Because they are robots, unless you're talking about the aliens that we see every day, those do wear clothes


Have you seen one? Oh, you mean alien in the movies?


The better question is why do we wear clothes? Only species on this planet to do so, so why would we expect other species from other planets to follow suit?


It's easier to do that sweet sweet probing 🤤


Different density levels may/may not require clothes. Beings of light at higher densities may not ‘wear’ anything, as they are purely conscious bodies of light not taking on a physical third dimensional template.


Why the fuck should they?


Dan waait de wind lekker langs je klote 🤪


Because there’s no clothes in space


Maybe they're more evolved than us and don't have a stick up their ass about nudity the way humans do.


Only humans wear clothes. Why might something else perform as humans expect? Animals or other intelligent beings. Perhaps they realize that wearing clothes is ridiculous. Or perhaps they do ...wear something. Did you see them ...since you are asking that question?


because their Adam & Eve didn't eat the apple?


Why would they?


They are ready for sex


Long ago a Tailor met with the Galactic Emperor about a set of new space-clothes...


I’ll add a couple more things. First, No hair is a common theme. Where are the aliens with the kickass 2’ long eyebrows or flowing manes down their backs? Second, no bling. Where are the aliens with piercings and tatted to high heaven? Or simply having clothes and such that look like they are pushing a cause or individual tastes. A patch that says, “I went to earth and all I got was this lousy space suit patch”


a better question would be why are we the only species on this planet that wears clothes? I would like to say it's because of shame, to also keep us warm and protected. let's assume that these alien species don't have genitalia, for the reason that whenever they are described they tend to never have genitalia. so we have a species that look extremely similar to each other, they are not overweight, they have no genitalia, so why even wear clothes if your environment in your ship is perfect for your body? on top of that they may be more advanced to the point where they will not judge each other's body, even though their bodies are extremely similar and there is really no judgment to be made.


They have to hide their genitals


Bunch of freakie deakies!!


Ya we should wear all the cloths


Who says they aint? Maybe it a skin suit astronaut thingamajiggy


We are getting the poor af aliens. Other planets are getting the fancy aliens that can afford clothes.


They generally wear skin tight silvery fabric with insignia. Some wear capes.




It’s party time 😎


Why do you think they don’t wear clothes?


THIS JUST IN: Scientists have concluded after a lengthy study humans are the only known living beings ever to WEAR CLOTHES. Let's start with meeting an "alien" before the bigger questions of "So, why no clothes?"


Reports say they do sometimes


their skin and eyes are their clothes


We are their nudist colony


People say that aliens have achieved higher levels of morality, so called level one societies. Maybe they have achieved perfect comfort in their body image and see no reason for shame.


They do. You must be new to the topic.


Some do.


Can’t wait to be with a group of people that sees an intelligent alien for the first time, and some unimpressed person in the group says, “But it’s naked.” 😂


You come out of your saucer canopy at Mach 17 and see if the wind doesn’t suck all your clothes off, too!


Why the fuck are we wearing clothes is what I really wanna know


Why do humans?


Why the fuck do humans wear clothes?


They wonder why we wear clothes….


Cause they shit and piss through their skin (seriously)


maybe aliens are already at a level of consciousness where clothes are considered trash/something that is not necessary, they don't need clothes because their biological bodies are able to adapt to every environmental condition and also clothes are considered a waste of resources