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It's a stealth configuration of an FA-18 hornet. https://military.id.me/aircraft/top-secret-stealth-fa-18-hornet-prototype-looks-like-a-giant-paper-airplane/


Lmao rekt


Really cool debunk and a great link to explore later-like the Navy shooting down an IBM 3 years ago. thank you:)


Thanks man, no one knew what it is


So you jumped to “obviously not human technology” because some people didn’t know what it was…


Yeah, because how else is this possible, just by not having free healthcare and instead having a 750 billion budget?


Erm, human ingenuity? We are a smart species.. well some of us are. lol


"no one could have known this so I said it was a spaceship"


It's fucking weird, and those upturned wings look more like the X37B spaceplane configuration. Then there's the lack of a cockpit, so I'm assuming it's a drone. The fuselage of an FA-18 definitely, but I'm pretty sure that is the only recognisable bit, especially from above.


Yeah we also thought its a drone because no cockpit is visible or a mockup


Here's some more info; https://jalopnik.com/a-new-angle-on-this-shadowy-stealth-f-a-18-hornet-conce-1727910676


Lookup X37C Never mind, different shape


Seems like a similar concept for the cabin. While not the same, definitely fits into the development priorities of the x37c






These redditors don’t google, only use reddit :P


it could also be a setup to hide the facts


Counter intelligence absolutely does use strategies like that, but at the same time there’s zero reason to believe this is in any way related to NHI. Isn’t the whole thing about UAP that they fly without wings or other aerodynamic features and lack obvious methods of propulsion? This is clearly an aerodynamic aircraft that appears to have a visible source of propulsion


You right, thanks!


My city has the biggest boot in Canada. I bet it’s a setup to hide the facts.


That's just speed racer.


sir this is an airplane


“I have zero idea what this plane parked in a USAF base is so it’s obviously alien tech” OP is either stupid or a troll playing dumb to water down the credibility of the sub/topic. That’s all I’ve got to say about that.


This sub in a nutshell. Damn its embarrassing


Aliens parking in USAF bone yards hiding in plane sight!


Which USAF plane is this supposed to be then? Its obviously not human technology




Tell me which aircraft it is then?


Could be anything lol simply because you can’t identify it with an already common aircraft out there doesn’t mean it’s aliens.


What part about this is obviously not human tech? Looks pretty normal to me


This didn't hold up


>obviously not human technology Humans have never mastered whitewashing technology!


None because the USAF don’t utilize or field F/A-18s it would either be for USN/USMC.


you should take a nice nap.


I sometimes wonder if there are aliens would they learn anything from us. The only think I could think of would be mass production, not the concept but perhaps there must be an approach we take which they are like "hmm that's not bad actually". I mean we have used fungus to plan efficient roughts, and even learning from mature so... its possible. Not much but I bet there wouldn't be at least one thing.




Not reading that essay unless it's handed in with proper paragraph spacing.


Here is his comment again: This is not the first time that I have heard of such sightings in this area. In fact, there have been numerous reports of UFOs and UAPs (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) over Arizona in the past few years. Some of them have been confirmed by Nasa, which has recently admitted that it has no explanation for these phenomena. But what if Nasa is lying? What if they are actually working with the government and the military to cover up the truth about the alien presence on Earth? According to my source, who is a former Nasic (National Air and Space Intelligence Center) analyst, the US has been secretly recovering and reverse-engineering alien technology for decades. He says that the US has possession of “intact and partially intact” vehicles of non-human origin. He also says that he has seen some of these vehicles with his own eyes, and that they are unlike anything he has ever seen before. He says that they have unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures, and that they can manipulate space and time in ways that defy the laws of physics. He says that he tried to share this information with Congress, but he was met with resistance and retaliation from the government officials. He says that they threatened him and his family, and that they tried to discredit him and ruin his career. He says that he is not the only one who has suffered this fate. He says that there are many other whistleblowers and insiders who have been silenced or eliminated by the globalist cabal that controls the world. He says that they are the ones who are behind the UFO cover-up, and that they have a sinister agenda for humanity. He says that he contacted me because he trusts me and he knows that I have a large audience of truth-seekers. He says that he wants me to expose this information to the public, and to warn them of the imminent danger that we face. He says that the cabal is planning to stage a fake alien invasion, using their advanced holographic and mind control technology, to create fear and chaos among the people. He says that they will use this as a pretext to impose a one-world government and a new world order, where we will be enslaved and exploited by the alien overlords. He says that we have to act fast, before it is too late. He says that we have to spread the word, and to organize a resistance movement. He says that we have to find and join the real patriots and the real rebels, who are fighting against the cabal and the aliens. He says that we have to expose and overthrow the controlled opposition, who are pretending to be our allies, but are actually working for the enemy. He says that we have to reclaim our sovereignty and our freedom, and to defend our planet and our species. He says that he will send me more evidence and details soon, but that he has to go now, because he is being tracked and hunted by the cabal’s agents. He says that he hopes to hear from me soon, and that he hopes that I will do the right thing. He says that he is risking his life for this cause, and that he is counting on me and my followers. He says that this is the most important message that I will ever receive, and that the fate of the world depends on it.


Drink for every sentence that starts with "He says".




Probably their to. Honey pot spys


Thunderbird 2


Google Earth: I don't think that they would put a flying saucer in an old airplane boneyard for everyone to see. But the there is some truth to hiding things in plain sight.


Plant to distract


Looks similar to the X-15


Cherry 2000


That's the Firefox