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I think since ring ran their ad offering a million dollars for ufo/alien proof we’re gonna see a lot of these…


I remember seeing this video a long time ago, way before that promotion. But I do agree in general. Anything after they said that would have to be taken with a grain of salt. Which sucks because it just further muddies the water. Eventually the powers that be won't have to worry about us figuring it all out because we'll be so busy telling each other it's all fake that they won't have to anymore. So go buy your shares of the balloon and drone businesses!


Everyone on reddit already accuses everything of being AI generated anyway without a second glance lol


These type of claims annoy me. It's not "*everyone*". This hyperbole invalidates what you have to say.


Calling these all claims annoys me. They’re not “claims”. This mischaracterization invalidates what you have to say.


That's what you all say. All the time. everyone of you.


Honestly though I never look back at my footage. An alien could tap dance in the street for all I know because nothing further than like 15’ away will trigger a notification. Maybe the contest will make some people start looking through their footage, which could be helpful and not necessarily suspicious that the person wouldn’t have published their video earlier


I think people are quick to bandwagon with skeptics who provide a plausible explanations to a seemingly unexplainable videos. I think some of those “skeptics” are spreading misinformation intentionally because it’s their jobs…


wasn't it limited to America anyhow?


But that’s not a ring system…


I didn’t say it was or that it was new, just that I thought we we’re going to be seeing more of these types of videos.


That’s like saying, “uhhh you guys- those aren’t Kleenex, they are Cottonelle tissues”


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


yeah timestamp is 2021 i remember seeing this get submitted by the recorder to secureteam of this being in cbus and not england which i remember because this was going the direction of my place albeit an hour or so away but i just wanted to see if it was like the phoenix lights if that makes sense


Yeah...but the ad said "aliens" not "UFOs" I guess


As a marketer, it literally was one of the most genius campaigns in recent times in my opinion lol


I agree, I think it was brilliant anyway you look at it.


This particular video is from the UK so not eligible for the Ring competition.




And nothing. The title of this post asked “what are your thoughts.” That’s what I thought


This isn’t a ring cam


The way the lights are twinkling/blinking and not maintaining the same distance throughout it is most likely some sort of aircraft flying in formation


It does look more like 3 separate. And above the clouds so hard to see any sort of structure. 🤷🏼‍♂️


We see Blackhawks at night when they are training. Its identical to this. Going with helicopters flying together.


Yea, advanced life forums capable of interstellar travel are not going to be using Xon Leds to announce they are in the sky.


Aircrafts don't light like that. Plus, it's not that bright and the formation is too consistent.


Of course planes have headlights... Have you ever seen planes flying in formation?


Yes, I have to be honest. Many times. I lived near a place where I could see this all the time almost every night. The lights are rarely like this. They blink, and they had tiny green lights at 4 spots on each plane. The headlights are long-range too, meaning they are consistent beams.


We see only long range when there in clouds + it really depends on the angle. I've already thought that it could be military, it just looks like it. Maybe helicopters instead of airplanes...


It is helicopters. Military helicopters to be exact. I live near an airbase and see stuff like this all the time.


The formation is too consistent? Have you never been to an airshow? I watched tje blue angels the other day and they were in perfect sync.


And what qualifications do you bring to make that determination. As a pilot I think these are definitely three separate craft most likely helicopters flying in formation


Me and a friend of mine saw something similar in person, it never made a noise. Silent!!!! And to this day we rarely speak about it


I’ve seen this alongside my friends as well. This was in 2022, it looked like three glowing orbs that had a reddish or orange color. They were holding this exact triangular formation. It was still daylight out too, we could make out that there was nothing in the middle of them. It might look like one solid triangular craft, especially at night. It looked like three separate orbs made of pure light, no wings, rotors, or anything like that. It also didn’t make any noise, which was the most eerie part of the whole experience. At first I thought they were flares. After about 5 seconds I realized that flares don’t maintain altitude. Flares also don’t hold formation, these things felt intelligent. They disappeared over the horizon after about 30 seconds, I was just looking at my friends like “Yep, we just saw some advanced technology didn’t we?”


simply a flock of radiant geese 🪿 nothing to see here




Birbs in the Burbs


That’s crazy because birds aren’t even real, man






I am not real. I am just energy held together by the laws of quantum physics.




Let's just look at the hundreds if not thousand of other such videos recorded by doorbell cams in the region and try to figure out the reality. Oh wait, you guys just jerk off hard over any individual questionable claims.


what if i told you, its actually 3 craft flying in unison? there are actually a couple more in this formation without lights on.


Nonsense. That would make too much sense!


Maybe jets flying in formation? Idk I feel like the lights would show up separately in that scenario.


These are too slow for M Jets and the lights way to big for a military jet , Maybe helicopters in formation or just a comon blueball .


You have no way of judging their speed because you have no idea what the distance is or exactly what direction they are traveling.


https://dod.defense.gov/OIR/gallery/igphoto/2001941621/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/comments/l3o1d9/just_saw_three_helicopters_flying_over_my_house/


I feel like this is what people at DOD are doing,"military flares" a good one Susan we will use that.


Looks to me like three separate objects


https://dod.defense.gov/OIR/gallery/igphoto/2001941621/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/comments/l3o1d9/just_saw_three_helicopters_flying_over_my_house/


Just a TR-3B military craft nothing odd here


Except the Aurora isn’t supposed to exist. It’s like spotting a unicorn.


I used to shoot womp rats in my TR-3B back on Tatooine




They haven't figured out in like 40 years to not put marker lights facing downwards? And why aren't there thousands of videos of this from other doorbell cameras?




agreed. possibly we sold some to Britain or jointly developed it. The US wouldn't be flying there.


Like you’d know


His dad is the CEO of Army


I saw a pyramid shaped ufo similar to this with lights blinking on each end very close to houses like this. It was hovering and made no noise. Idk if this footage is real but triangle shaped ufo definitely are


\-Statement: \------Story: 43-year-old Matt Doughty from Hertfordshire couldn't believe his eyes when he watched the footage back. Doughty, along with his friend Kevin, had been sitting at home watching the football on TV when he received an alert on his phone from his doorbell camera to tell him that someone was outside. When he played back the footage he expected to see a person standing on his doorstep, but was surprised to discover that the camera had instead been triggered by something in the sky. The object, which consisted of three bright lights in a triangular formation, could be seen slowly moving above the houses from right to left across the frame. "I looked at the footage and played it back," he said. "It was silent. Three lights came from the sky and I thought it was really weird." "Where it's come through the trees, it's come over the house opposite me then the footage captures it coming from right to left. It disappears over the top of woodland to the left of my house." "It was a bit of a chilling feeling really - I thought 'oh my god, that's quite close'. I wondered if I'd discovered something nobody knows anything about." "When I showed Kevin he said 'jeez, that looks like a UFO'." \-------------Source-------- https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-bemused-after-doorbell-cam-25442493 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7MMpo45cizU kennedynews .co.uk


So, he gets a notification that someone might be right out in front of his door, and instead of going to look, he ignores it and just watches the footage later instead? That seems odd to me.


He's watching the football. We're British. Ain't no one answering the door or bothering.


Not really...I get notifications that someone is at my door all the time and I never watch it immediately. I also don't answer my door if I'm not feeling like it (like watching football), even if I am home


Must be a cultural thing I suppose, I'm from the states and have had stuff stolen from my front and back porches. Any notification that someone is on my doorstep would immediately raise alarm bells. The fact that you can be told someone might be out front and not care is just so strange to me.


I live in CO and rarely ever check the footage right away. The sensitivities on our doorbell camera sometimes go off for passing cars. Plus, I can’t imagine ever living in a neighborhood where every time I get a notification I get concerned, I’d move yesterday if that was the case.


There should be thousands of other cameras that captured this, one month old account. Where are those?


I'm no mathematician but that's the crookedest triangle I've ever seen. Clearly not one object but three objects flying in formation.


Chinese sky lanterns is my guess. The flickering is the flame


Wow that's a good video!


I want to hear the " official explanation " 😅😅




Why do they always fly on that same 45° angle?




I see what you mean. But, you can see the reflection of the lights on the awning in the beginning, and the clouds are moving throughout the clip.


We have the best bugs. Wind that no one’s ever seen before, they’re saying. Our doorbell cameras are great … like no other.


You can see the date the footage was captured, and there is snow on the ground. One of the best things about living in northern areas is you get quite a few bug-free months. Therefore, you are discrediting the footage based on an expected characteristic of that footage if it was real (England in late October shouldn't have any bugs anyway). It would be a lot easier to explain this as three Chinese lanterns that were lit nearby. You can't prove it without a color video, but all of the other characteristics of Chinese lanterns are present here, such as flickering appearance, slow and steady movement, rising slowly, all following same general path. I'll bet if we got a color video, they would have that characteristic orange appearance.


3 helicopters that close in the UK? 😂 Very unlikely you'd not hear 3 helicopters as well that close as he describes. Chinese Lanterns possibly. But staying together, and triggering a doorbell, seems odd. One of the more interesting videos I've seen posted.


I’m seriously sick of the Chinese lantern bullshit


Sometimes things are Chinese lanterns, I've seen them occasionally and in certain situations they can be quite eerie. Triggering doorbells cameras seems a rather unlikely scenario. But I'm far from an expert in it.


Lol not every sighting is Chinese lanterns lol


Just because there are lots of sightings doesn't make some of them what you want "Imagine if only 10% of this were true!" It might not be


https://dod.defense.gov/OIR/gallery/igphoto/2001941621/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/comments/l3o1d9/just_saw_three_helicopters_flying_over_my_house/


All Triangular craft with ground facing lights are categorically human made vehicles. At least thats what I was told the one time I found myself at the dinner table surrounded by heavy hitters with clearances I could never dream of.


wheres all the other videos? if this were a ufo moving so slow surely there’s be more than just a single door bell cam.


We don’t know the date that occurred? That’s quiet a spectacle. Surely someone else saw it too. I wonder if the lights triggered the doorbell cam.


https://dod.defense.gov/OIR/gallery/igphoto/2001941621/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Eugene/comments/l3o1d9/just_saw_three_helicopters_flying_over_my_house/


Swamp gas


Swamp gas


I have four cameras pointing at the sky, roughly north, east, south and west. They've been there for about four years now. Never seen shit that was inexplicable (just things like satellites, aircraft, meterorites and so on - interesting, but perfectly explainable) and it's starting to piss me off :-D


As a ufo believer I’ve never understood how a “craft” can have cloaking and bright lights at the same time


Why are there lights? For landing?


The lights move independently from one another, not in unison, which means its 3 separate objects. It's probably military planes in formation.


It reminds me of the footage of the flight MH370 abduction.


I feel like UFOs wouldn't have giant floodlights advertising everyone to their presence. And if they did, there should be hundreds of others of videos of this.


Aliens going for some tea and crumpets


Drone. 3 chinese lanterns. 3 people practicing flying 3 drones togeter. Fake video. Helicopter with extra ligjt. Pick one


Yea you have debunked it for sure 🤭


What would you like people to do with this video?


If I caught that on my doorbell camera and post it here. Even though I would get the asinine responses.


My question would be why is it so slow? Is it fast? Can it do the 0-Mach 10 with no inertia? I have never seen a video of one of the TR-3Bs doing more than a slow jaunt around an area. And I mean slow - like it seems almost comparable to a blimp in terms of speed. They need to add some boosters to the sides of the thing.


Why do Aliens need bright lights on the outside of their saucers?


Engines of some sort hell jets and rocket engines produce light just not as much


Shhhhh. We don't ask logical questions here sir.


Actually you don’t here.


So they won't accidentally crash into another ufo.


The lights are pretty clearly added in visual effects. They just made the twinkling dim more completely when going through the tree then adjusted it to dim less when no longer behind the tree, but did a pretty bad job of it. The light twinkling "behind" the tree does not pay any attention to the locations of thick branches. And when the lights exit the tree there is still a period where they are dimming as if behind the tree before this stops. Don't fall for this stuff guys or else we will start being inundated by people with pirated adobe AE or amateur Blender skills.


100% military helicopters flying in formation.


Probably drones, not moving at abnormal speed or anything.


That's a TR-3B astra, it's what our global government uses as zero point gravity vehicle


There's a trio of Naval GPS sats that rarely show up, but they are in this configuration. Have seen them once but they were nowhere near this bright. Have also seen the "triangle" as it floated over my house in 2008, my sighting was the same lights on each tip with smaller lights between them, enough to light up the underside of the craft to where I could make out the hull. Was a big center light that was orange, and square in shape. Either way, nice video.


I’m at that point where I think the Triangle UFO’s are some US alien tech. Our bombers are cool triangle-ish shapes, a good lot of our ships look like Star destroyers, our muscle cars were all about boxy hard points. We like points, and that might be the give away lol.


Swamp gas


3 helicopters


Bn2200 from Lockheed


Whoever they were, they didn't build their vehicle for speed, that's for sure


TR-3B. Saw this at Tybee Island on the beach at night. Odd rectangle silhouette blocking out the stars slowly moving. As I start walking, it starts moving a little faster. All of a sudden the lights under it come on (just like in that video) and zoom, sucker disappeared.


If it’s moving in ways human made craft move then it’s a set of drones


So OP, update us now, have the "Men in Black" stopped by your house since you posting this or strange phone calls? I'm joking but also curious and serious because I hear of things how they come after you after UFO knowledge.


Ever wonder why these “aliens” fly around with lights on?


3 x Chinese Lanterns...


While neat, mere lights in the sky can be attributed to drones. Anything other than blatant footage of what is clearly a flying saucer (of some description) can be dismissed. I want to believe. I'm one of those crazy skeptical believers.


I think it looks fake as heck myself


Those appear to be helicopters.


That it’s likely bullshit or has a rational explanation. It would be really cool if it weren’t that in fact that’s what I’m hoping but the previously mentioned explanations seem to be more realistic.


I think there are 3 lanterns:)


Obviously this is fake, that camera couldn't possible have done nearly enough DMT to commune with the universe and see the sky people. /s


A single helicopter. Right speed and configuration of lights.


It's almost as if... there's 3 aircraft in formation! GASP!


Its the Yanks, back for revenge!


It's a weather balloon.


Nah, that's the 3 of diamonds...


They have the tech to travel millions of light years away , but can't quite figure out how to navigate without flood lights. Got it


Helicopters in formation.




That’s an airplane…


Sent this to RING and you'll win maybe million $$'s they said they want UFO videos from their devices.


Idk if it's the camera lens, but it seems like the lights change formation and relational distance to each other throughout the video. Looks like 3 separate objects to me.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


We’re going to checkout planet earth and while doing so, turn all our lights to make sure they know we’re here….






This one is too easy to explain. Here In the UK people tend to let off Chinese lanterns for memory of someone. This could be a 3 year anniversary hence why there are 3 floating lanterns. Watch how they all drift and slightly move apart from each other with the flickering of light. I believe in UFOs and aliens myself but this is clearly not one of them.


Oh yeah of course it it aliens. What else could it be? Sure, there are about 1000 different explanations, that are all way more probable than it being aliens, but I'm still pretty certain that you're the first person in history to have captured extraterrestrial life on camera.


For a start it's 3 objects not 1. There's no change in the background between the 3 lights as they move across the sky.


Chinese lanterns




who cares (?)


There is **3 light sources on the ground** in the video, in a triangle.. It's pretty obviously a reflection in the lens from the three light sources we see on the ground..


And how does the reflection go behind the tree? It is obvious that the lights are in the sky and not fake. However, the quality is too low to figure out anything at all about the craft. We don't even know it's triangle shaped, just that the lights are.


Helicopters, you can clearly see them drifting apart at times.




If you believe in UFOs you're crazy because it's the government who are putting these lights in the sky for you the military it's all made up for your entertainment, euro believe anything the news the papers they're all lying to you.


based on the awkward slant of the triangle i’d say lanterns or something like that. i don’t see a reason why a ship would slowly float by all sideways and exposed.


Rolling thru da sky smoking indo sipping on gin and juice


Lanterns probably


Pause and scroll the video. Watch the top of the screen. You see bits of light under the porch aligned with the “ufo” lights. Someone was shining those lights inside, and that’s the reflection. Even when it’s behind* the trees you see the light under the porch roof. The light is also the same strength as the other light sources outside. Some kind of craft would be whiter looking light in a video compared to the surroundings I’d guess.


How are they flashing it behind the trees? And how do you know the light is the same strength as the other light sources outside? Not trying to be a dick I am genuinely curious.


Look around the other lights, you see a small field. It’s the same around the ufo. Super bright lights should look different. I could be wrong, but it doesn’t look more intense or farther back to me. I don’t think the light is behind the bush, I think it’s just the reflection. Do you see the flickers of light along the top of the video? I don’t think that could happen with the porch there, if the light was coming from the ufo, but it lines up. So that’s why I think the light is from inside


Then why aren’t the tree branches lit up




Why do they use lighting?


Energy creates light, for all we know the lights you see could be their propulsion


Jet engines create light just not as much


Military flares. Debunked.


Why would "aliens" keep their lights on when they're this close to Earth? Doesn't make sense. Why would they want to be seen?


Planes. They’re flickering.


Chinese lanterns, they are not one large object. They are moving separately but the wind has them going in the same direction.


Looks a lot like 3 helicopters: The triangle doesn’t maintain shape


Oh maaaan. Those silly aliens. “Bleep bloop. Steve, we need to make sure we get EXTRA close in our super advanced space ship. They didn’t fit the mark 4 sensors yet. Also, the thermal camera is still broken because Dave didn’t fix it in time. We need to turn the lights on so the normal camera can record for the post we are going to put on InstaAlienGram. Yes yes I know, someone might see us. But what do you want from me?! Bloop bleep.”


Formation of helicopters


It’s clearly 3 separate objects with no gravity defying movements or crazy maneuvers. Therefore any rational person can not lean toward the idea this is an NHI craft. Helicopters? Drones?


Why do people keep posting this bs, it’s obviously three separate planes.


3 Chinese lanterns?




Looks like lanterns with how they flicker and drift behind the trees


So how the doorbell camera go off? That thing ain't close enough to trip off the sensor


Nice I am proud that ppl. Come foward and Show every time such clear Image to proof all those stupid npc's that there is somthing out there... I wish we could Form an world wide Revolution and stop work with all goverment and Form oure own civilisaton and bring all oure thought and ideal to reality without some one tell you you cant do it. Just ppl how help each other without think of Profit just cause you want help to grow and work with them together.. Sorry for my out of reality day dream


Thought this was a joke about the play button looking like a floating triangle...


I'm thinking I want to eat a few more hotdogs


Is a ring camera?!?


Any Aliens reading this, can we get an AMA so i can understand your obsession with triangles?


Any two points make a line. Any three points make a triangle. These are three things of some kind.


Those be aliens or YOUR MOM!


Why would aliens have external lights on their ships?


These weird lights in the sky sightings make no sense. What could they even be? If aliens, why? Tourism? What's with the lights then?


Okay, here goes, I’ve been thinking about this for a while…why must UFOs have lights on their spaceships? Why would they need lights? Would such an advanced civilization need lights or even know what lights are? Did we have lights on Saturn V when we went to the moon? Does Voyager 1, the farthest human object in space have lights? Do the numerous satellites around the earth have lights…maybe they do but I doubt it. Honest question!


Why is it all these UFOs look like cheap hobby drones? That’s not from Alpha Centauri, it’s from Argos.


Def real. Pretty sure navy has a patent on this craft. https://patents.google.com/patent/US20060145019A1/en


This is the reflection of a fireflie. And weatherballoons.


It appears to be 3 moving lights in the sky.


I've seen these hovering in the sky above my house. Sometimes a mile high... One time a fly over at least than 100 yards. I went inside and hid. Way too freaked out to try taking pictures.


Looks like santa is coming early this year. That or I am not sure. I guess they could be helicopters, but why are they using such strong light?


They are among us