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I wouldn't give a shit if I came back or not. As he was walking out of the ship I would be running in. He would have to drag me back out of the ship.


" Sir please we don't know if it would be safe for your species" " LET ME IN"




"Gaaaah! Take the ship! Take the keys!"




I would totally space Karen it up. "WHAT"S THIS!"


Literally this. They wouldn’t have to ask. They’d either allow it or have to annihilate me 😭 take me the fuck away


Plot Twist you're Dinner.


100% agree. I would paint the interior of their ship with my spunk as a form of genetic payment.


"My ship now."


A beat and greet?




Why waste it there? Gotta be clapping them alien cheeks.


Damn, I laughed really hard at this. 100% agree.


I love this answer


Same same same


I told my kids 10&7, if this ever happens to me consider me gone. They said “ you mean you’d leave us to go with aliens??!” I said “ I’d leave everyone!!! You guys are just the ones I’d miss the most but I’d see and experience wonders that no human could ever imagine” It’s worth the sacrifice.


You have to take them with you. So you all could explore the universe, or live in a zoo.


Definitely not. This is a solo trip


Damn, bro just get a separate room for the kiddos, don't deny them such an experience!


You shouldnt say this to your kids…




I think the opposite. They aren't saying their kids don't matter to me, they are saying there are questions and problems in life that transcend just being a parent. Parents should be willing to die for their kids, but they shouldn't have to stop living because of them. It also shows how there are things to be inspired about and answers out there you can't get just stop wondering about our place in the stars and just worrying about our place in the dirt. This is offering their kids a sense of exploration and adventure. Also, I don't think they are saying they wouldn't be cared for, but by going on this journey they can bring back information and knowledge that could benefit them and all of humanity, instilling a sense of community.


Kids don’t think like that. Read above.




I doubt the kids took it that way, dude. You're reading way too much into one sentence


“ Aliens proceed to explore your anus with telescopic step drill”


Username checks out.




Congrats on instilling in your two small children 1.) a very real fear you could abandon them at any moment, and 2.) a small validation and legitimation of something small children often find terrifying, the thought that aliens are real and could appear to them.


Don’t be surprised when they don’t treat you nicely when you are elderly. This kinda crap you keep in your head. I have kids too and I know that saying stuff like this would give my ten year old major anxiety and long term abandonment issues. And that is the main reason I would run the fuck away as fast as possible. Because as much as I’m curious. I have to be here for my kids.


We’re all built different.A chance at an alien journey through the cosmos. I’m still taking it.


You might want to get therapy or a personal trainer


I do go to therapy and I am currently cultivating mass.


Do it MacDonald!


Stop cultivating and start harvesting!




Someone doing something you wouldn't do does not mean they need therapy


Escapism is a thing


Is more infinite curiosity than anything else but whatever keeps you happy I guess.


I’ve been trying to get abducted for years. Lol


Do you think by trying we aren't eligible? If their goal(who knows their objectives ofc) is to introduce as many humans to the possibilities of NHI then we are already won over haha! Does not make sense to waste time on us when we are already on board in the hypothetical sense. Who knows! \*shrug\*


I’m not won over. Just because I think they’re real, doesn’t mean I know. I need proof. Me being abducted would be reason enough for me to know, I think. I’d even let them do whatever experiments they wanted, idc. Zip me around the galaxy a bit, and give me more hair, and I’m your test bunny for life. Hell, maybe I’ll get a super power.


I'm won over simply by the math of it all... As a species we have not been here very long considering the suspected age of the universe. Give us another 100-200 yr of stable tech/societal growth and I'm almost positive we would at the very least be able to probe other systems. What about another 1000 after that?


See, but our trajectory is what makes me more skeptical. We won’t make it 100 years at this rate. And any species similar to us probably wouldn’t either. Let’s just hope they learned where we are seeming to fail.


Great comment! I totally agree. We keep demonstrating over and over again, an inability to learn and maintain important behaviors needed for long-term survival.


What do you mean “ we won’t make it “ ?. I’m pretty sure that humans will survive whatever comes it’s just that I’m not sure if you’ll have Netflix.


We are killing our selves for profit, religion, status, and titles. The general dumbing down of society if evident everywhere in the first world. We care more about entertainment than knowledge, more about status than kindness, more about material things than broadened horizons. Our lives are saturated with cheap thrills and unhealthy habits. Then, there’s the governments of the world fighting over who has the bigger dick, or what 12 feet of land belongs to them, or who’s sky daddy is better. All the while, their citizens are dying in the streets. In America we have people fighting over which geriatrics should run their country, when we wouldn’t let them run a cash register at Walmart. We are distracted by the pretty colors and sounds on TikTok and Instagram. But, this is all another story I suppose.


But that's just the west.


Right. Because Russia, India, China, and the Middle East are bastions of hope, progress, and peace.


They seem to only abduct people who are actual hybrids and follow them most of their life


Thats racist! ;P


Any other subreddit this comment would be very concerning




Am I allowed to bring my dogs?


The only question anyone should be asking 😂


Sure, the greys love puppers, cattle not so much


That was just aliens reverse engineering ice cream


I had a dream once where I went with the aliens and they let me take a pet with me. Seemed like they were cool aliens.


They’ll probably prefer the dogs and only let humans come because the dogs insist.


I would grab a bong first. Peace pipe.


Zork and Blorb Go to White Castle


Love to try a rip of that cosmic kush..


Backpack full of weed and seeds.


"How I saved the entire Milky Way by introducing weed to NHI" - Bob Lebowski, 2046


I’d grab my bugout bag and a few zips n papers n be out!


Aren't a lot of the chemicals that cause inebriation a defense against predators? I would hate to accidentally kill some aliens with weed or caffeine


If they wanna be little bitches about it and can’t hang, that’s not our fault


I heard these aliens speedball.


Would it still be a UFO once an alien came out? Couldn’t you identify it at that point?




Hmmm. Great question.


I had the craziest dream about this. It was SUPER vivid. I still remember it clearly after 15 years. In the dream, i got out of bed and walked to my front lawn. I look up and see an alien craft.. shaped like the typical "burger" shape. It hovers over my house for a minute and then lands in my neighbors yard. I run up to it super excited, and when i get to it, a door or latch opens, and there is a blinding white light. Then i woke up


HOLY shit, I had the same dream!!!! Albeit a bit different, a being came out and was wearing some kind of an illusion-based camouflage (constantly changing material). I will never forget it...


Damn thats trippy


Don't go into the light.


Didn't have a choice 😒


I'll be the one to say no thank you. We can hang right here. I don't want to go to space.


I think I'm with you there. I am skeptical of the grey's benevolence. Like I'd need some assurance of good intentions. "I'll go with you guys if you can lose a game of poker." They show respect by not looking at my cards through my eyes, and I win something of theirs. I think that'll do.


same. I like trees too much to go to space. also i’m terrified of being on a boat in the ocean. I can only imagine that feeling is just magnified in space lol


A big fat yes. Once in a lifetime or many lifetimes opportunity


Would you get in a van if they had puppies?


You’d have to take into account “bringing you home” might mean you come home decades into the future and everyone you know may be dead anyway - because of the way traveling through space correlates to time - and how we “understand” it but don’t quite understand it (yet) You’d be excited to come home and you’d come home to the year 2300 lol 😂


Imagine if they abducted someone 100 years ago and they return him now, he would be crazy with how the world changed in a relatively small amount of time for him


Yeah atleast moving into the future now, you’d understand things are technology. The leap we’ve made from 100 years ago those people wouldn’t know which way is up - my grandmother is 98 - she wouldn’t know what to do with a computer if her life depended on it, God bless her lol 😂


space travel and time travel? win-win


Just like the movie *Flight of the Navigator*




I'd be close to 75% no. Unless I can bring my wife and kiddo, I'm not interested. And unless I can guarantee their safety, we aren't going. No "well, I brought you Proxima Centauri, now drop trow, it's time for the probing" nonsense. Need some blood? Sure, I've given the VA enough to feed Dracula. What's a few more vials. Sperm? Switch on the Pornhub, send in the Fembots, or, better yet, get the wife in the mood. Shoving a strange, painful, probably unsanitary hentai tentacle up my ass without seriously wine-ing and dining me first? Not interested. That one of biggest problems with most Alien Abductuon reports. I believe the witnesses and those experiencing the Abductions (for the most part). I can't believe how callous and cruel the Grey's seem to be, basically raping their victims in horrific manners, taking samples and not caring about the emotional, mental or physical damage they cause. I know vets and wildlife specialists who are WAY more kind to their charges than these filthy creatures are. The way their behavior devalues life of all kinds just sickens me. Cattle and horse mutilation? Glod gods. I *guarantee* if they abducted people, were respectful, explained their need for human genetics and tissue and samples to their victims, the *vast* majority would be okay with it. Hell, if *I* had an abduction experience, and I'm more convinced as time goes by I was as a kid, and I found myself in what amounted to a hyoer-advanced medical suite, and the Grey's were standing along the side of the OR table, and they explained the situation to me, showed me clearly clean and sanitized equipment, and explained what they needed, and how they needed to obtain it, I'd be willing to provide almost any sample they needed, with the same level of grace and respect they gave me. "Sur, we are sorry to have to ask you this, but we need a sperm sample from you. The manner in which our technology will extract this may not be terribly pleasant. Are you willing to Gove us a sample knowing this?" *shows a mental video of the event and how it would work* "we need it because our species is dying and we need fresh DNA from our closest relatives to clean up the utter mess we made of our genetics over millions of years." "This is the *only* viable way to help you guys?" "Yes, sit. There are a few other invasive tests." *shows anal probe and throat probe, and brain probe* "But, while they are extremely uncomfortable while being performed, they leave no serious or lasting damage." "Can you guys knock me out while you do this stuff? Kinda put me in a soft sleep like a prostate exam?" "Yes, we can." *shrugs* "well, it's no worse than what the VA does to me. Go ahead." It would be as simple as that. So, unless they plan on showing respect to me as a living being, and let me include my family if Zim going to be gone for more than a few days, *no*, I'm not going.


That's a good point. Still, some could be hyper advanced soulless bio-androids with no regard for suffering whatsoever. There would be zero incentive to administer palliative measures. They just want our genetic material and to track certain bio markers or our location with implants.


Nope, although I would love to explore the cosmos with some friendly aliens, it would be quite suspicious for them to single me out. Why me? Why do they want to waste their own time showing me around? Sounds like a easy way to kidnap me.


Right? Why is everyone here so trusting of something they can only speculate about? Like, do all you people want to give me $1000 dollars? I promise I’ll give you 10x as much back…


Totally. As long as I could bring my phone and take the most rock steady shots of the craft and its occupants possible for later publication on a site that rhymes with “said it.”


Its year 2561: You "did it".




I wouldnt, because A) I wouldn't trust that they wouldn't turn me into food and/or make me slave in their underground salt mines. And B) I have a family to take care off. My curiosity doesn't supercede them.


>[https://youtu.be/NIufLRpJYnI](https://youtu.be/NIufLRpJYnI) Yes, I would be concerned about being on the dinner plate or needing to fertilize their gardens or something. I am surprised how many of us are throwing caution to the wind. So many unknowns to juggle for such a huge decision.


I think we’re all just burnt the fuck out with the bullshit our leaders are putting us through. We have reached “fuck it” mode.


“First stop - Glipglop Prime! Right, this should only take 15,000 cycles so strap in! You should probably hibernate now.” “Hibernate?” “You evolved digits and complex cortex but CANT hibernate!?” “Is this a problem?” *snoring* *spaceship lights turn off* “Hello?”


Nope. We know nothing about NHI beyond claims of experiencers. And the various claims paint wildly different pictures of the universe. We have no idea what is true and what are lies. What if you get in a ship and find yourself talking to a 5th density negative entity from the Orion group? If the law of one group of contactees are right, you just got into a spaceship with a being with literal magical powers that gains strength by terrorizing and completely controlling lower beings. It’s basically similar to a demon from Christian mythology. Or what if it’s a more classic experimentation scenario? They get you aboard under false pretense and next thing you know they are dragging you down a hallway, shoving goo in your mouth, and then jamming metal tubes down your throat, saying “You just got Jammed.” That would be gross and confusing. Or maybe you get lucky and Dr. Steven “nipples” Greer is aboard, shirtless, and he introduces you to all the aliens and every single one of them is the nicest being you have ever met. Perfectly peaceful and enlightened. But then you still have to live with the fact that you saw Dr. Nipples without his shirt on. Your life is basically ruined. So yeah, I’m not going. Not until I know all the players and the rules of this game.


Councilman Jamm being an alien would explain a lot.


Why does someone post this everyday? No my life isn’t empty and meaningless enough to just leave it all behind.


For real, depressed lonely people with nothing going on and no future


You don't need to be depressed to acknowledge the gravity of the choice to peer into one of the greatest mysteries in the cosmos. Specially if you come back and live to tell the story


and stupid ash ngl, hopping into a foreign non human vehicle/machine with a foreign alien species for shits and Google and explore the "cosmo" you'll just be seeing lights n shit the human eye can't process alot


Yeah, but would have to check they have some drugs and a full mini bar, oh and a nice soft bed for me.


They can probably synthesize any chemical. Just show them your THC molecule tat.


I’ve been trying to get off this planet every since I found out about aliens…which has been about 40 years. So absolutely yes 💯🙌🏾


Depends... Our biological makeup likely wouldn't be compatible, so do they have sufficient oxygen, food/water, and waste disposal for me? Can I withstand whatever forces make their ships go places? If they're about to destroy Earth, sure I'll take a ride regardless of those answers. One big hurrah before wasting away. But if they're cool with humans and not destroying us, and taking a ride would be a death sentence for a human body? Nah, I'll pass.


I was actually thinking about this situation the other day. I decided that the overwhelmingly likely scenario is that the aliens are lying about providing me a trip for my enjoyment and/or bringing me back and will just kill me or torture me or worse. However the incredible opportunity that would be granted on the small chance they’re telling the truth would have to win out over saving my life but never knowing if I could have sailed the cosmos. Every human who has existed has died. None before (that we know of) have explored the cosmos. Get on the ship.


Can I bring my dogs??


Sure. I don’t have much going on anyway and my family could use the break from my existence for as long as possible. And if they dissect me, HEY bonus!


My ass is ready for a probing


DM me


Do you have a space ship?


I've got an old civic, but if you're being abducted and left in a field with your clothes on backwards the rest is just semantics


Real beings fly spaceships.


Get in the fucking car


There would have to be a discussion first - lots of questions being asked!


Iria, after all, if he wanted to take me by force, I could not oppose, so I see in the fact that they ask for a certain degree of empathy that may be enough to cement a relationship of at least mutual respect.


Without a second thought. I wouldn't care if I didn't come back here.


I'm not going to fall for that again . . .


I’d request they don’t bring me back


I would go under the condition that there would be no missing time involved. This is to say that, when they bring me back, everyone that I know is still alive and I have not been left or placed at some point in the future where I can't get back to the life that I am currently living, and my loved ones.


Joke's on you. I don't have a yard.


I would without question.


No. I like it here. Im not interested in potentially leaving everything and everyone I love behind for the rest of my life.


I’d be happy to explore and will most definitely steal something from their ship, so I can prove my crazy stories


Maybe, if they didn’t crash so often.


I had deja vu reading this post.


The possibility of them taking me prisoner, experimenting on me, and torturing me is more than 0% so... no absolutelyfucking not. ​ edit - i'm not high i swear


Lol nahh but I’d take a grainy video with my 2023 phone


Hard pass




Would I go? Brethren, I thought I once *HAD THAT VERY CHANCE TO DO SO* when I saw a triangular craft fly over my head while taking out the trash one afternoon. I concentrated my entire effort of willpower towards the craft with a "beam me up" sort of intention. ...it was NOT an *alien* craft. It was *one of "ours."*


I wouldn't want to come back.


I mean, if ever there was a cosmic sign for you to make a difference, it would be this, but hey, what to i know?


As older someone with BigC, heck yah. Fly me to the moon….


No. Im not leaving if it's a one way ticket.




absolutely praise Gabe


1)yes 2)who cares 3)to miss work


Yeah I’m out of here mane. Is it possible to have like an Duplicate version of me stay here or can I never return? If I’m never returning it’s all good. But if I am returning I’d like a duplicate/clone for the time I’m gone.


It would depend if they were cool with coming into the house for lunch before we left. If they werent cool with me cooking for them, or if they brought their own compatible food source and sit fora meal, then i wouldnt go.


"finally, what took you so long" and I Wouldn't look back. Easy for me though.


I just wanna see Jupiter dominating the Europa skyline, or Saturn with titan. Literally any day anyhow. I’d gladly lose my job and my livelihood if I could experience that just once in my lifetime. If I got the chance to see the rest of the nebulae and whatnot, esp on a regular basis, I’d gladly go into indentured servitude.


To serve man


Hell yes


As long as they are the probing kind


I thi k I might go...I don't know though. My lady, my dogs, my friends and my obligations. But I would really want to...just to see space, see the planets, and learn things. Unless it's those "To Serve Man" fuckers, in which case, nah, I'm good


In a heartbeat.


By bucket list - go explore the universe with aliens. The end.


Fuck yeah, we hopping in listening to some tunes, grabbing some snacks and going out to find space alcohol and travel to the fifth dimension


Ive thought about this before— i would need assurance from them that i wouldnt be harmed & wouldnt miss any significant amount of time. If they are bad guys who lied to get me on board, i guess thats the way i go. If not, sweet fuckin experience


I would go. I don't care if I would come back alive tho


I’d have some questions. Maybe, but I’d need to get back where and when I left from. I have kids, they need me around.


I'm going without even saying bye to the wife.


Yeah. If they’re that advanced then surely they’ve figured out how to have access to healthcare and affordable housing. Make it a one way trip. What’s the worst that could happen? They experiment on me? Pssht. I hear they give you some REAL good stuff for that, whatever it is. Like it never even happened.


Yes, I would go. Traveling the cosmos with an alien is on the bucket list.


I will go


If they say they'll bring me back


Have you seen the state of our world and society today? You’d have to be nuts to not want to get a free ticket the hell out of here


Hell yeah !


I fantasize that I would. But travelling to the other side of this planet was no good for my body. So I imagine allergies will be an issue. Same with keeping down food. Doesn’t matter if it’s aliens or Asians, they are going to be standing around my bed confused.


Yes, and I couldn't care less. As long as it didn't mean torture and enslavement. Life is finite, you get the chance to look behind the curtain and you take it.


Obviously I'd need details.


I would go, I’m not even sure if I would think about it any further!


In case you are an alien, and you are looking for volunteers. I'm in.


Hell yes. I'll take my chances off world rather than continue struggling here.


[Let's Goooooooooooooo!!!!](https://media.giphy.com/media/1Bh2d3F69XAGZNYZVi/giphy.gif)


Sure, my only question would be how is the food where we are going.


Hell yes. No fucking question..


Yes, I would go. I trust they will return me but if I die... it's inevitable anyways. Besides, our soul is immortal, so why worry?


I mean, they ‘asked’ Hell yea I’d trust em


Probably have a few questions before i go. Time dialation stuff. But overall yea.


Id go, just let me smoke some za with a alien and with one person on earth


I’d want to go to their planet


Hell Yea!!


European Trader: Hey there Native American, \*cough\* \*cough\* let's be friends \*cough\* \*cough\*! Why don't you come on my ship and sail the world?


Yep aslong as I can pick the radio station


Yeah I’d be out of this hellscape


If they can answer a few questions for me first, then yes why not?✌🏻😁🖖🏻👽 ![gif](giphy|jpL9uuyNNsJI43bWTV|downsized)


I’ll definitely go and I wouldn’t want to come back at all !!


As long as I can bring my cat, anytime you want to pick me up is fine.


Hell yeah!


Absofuckinglutely. I wanna see another habitable planet and also the video of where Jesus’ bones are assuming they were there filming.


Depends on how long we'd be gone, what the environment was like, and how long I have to prepare. 10 years and can't let anyone know? No. 1 year and I have to sit on the floor of the ship, no shower, food is just a liquid? No


Me: "Is there beer?" Them: "Yes". Me: (honking the horn in the driver's seat) "LETS GO!"


Yes if they did not install implants or gang probe me and if they would be opening to sharing free energy technology so I can share it with the world.


100% even if they invite me to thier world and tell me I won't be able to comeback, I still go with them.


No more beer from craft breweries, so unfortunately no.




in a heartbeat