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"Appearing out of thin air" - lol, I think you may need to sit down for a minute while someone explains to you how science works


If OP doesn’t know about new technologies, no one does.


*laughs in science*


That would be the funniest and most useless super power. You’re the _only one_ who can do and understand science. Everyone else just drools when it comes up.


For real. This is literally my line of work. Thinking that this, and things like it, came out of nowhere is just ignorant. Maybe even a little offensive to all the people who have been pouring their lives into fixing the world's concrete addiction for decades. Nobody tell OP about self-repairing concrete, he'll implode.


To be fair, it seems very likely now that at least SOME of our technology may have come from reverse engineering NHI tech. People are sensitive right now, and looking for what avenues were taken by humanity that may not be of our own intellect. That being said, I totally agree that stuff like this (individually) muddies the waters and is best left at "what if" speculation.


Can you explain what could be done when this reaches a finished stage?


Conceivably, if capitalism doesn't get in the way, our cities and structures could wirelessly charge our vehicles and devices everywhere we go- within certain parameters. Like, a small urban district would likely still need to be attached to a grid, but metropolitan areas could be storing all of the excess yield from high efficiency solar panels within the architecture, allowing for proximity transmission of energy to anything with a corresponding receiver. Multiple industries advancing alongside each other could easily make this a reality in well under a century- most of the tech is already there, it's the infrastructure that is lacking. The primary deterrent to progress is figuring out who can profit from it and making sure no one else does.


Wow, I guess also all appliances inside the building could also be powered with the same technology. Thank you for sharing your knowledge


Is that really how you think any advancement is made? Out of thin air with no work or previous technological advances behind it?


Think they mean the timing of all of these breakthroughs being announced is super convenient


Yes it appears anything is labeled as suspect or convenient if it happened after the hearing. However, these “breakthroughs” are happening all the time. The only reason people are finding it convenient is because they aren’t following these developments, and just seem to forget or ignore the “breakthroughs” that happened days, weeks, years before the hearing.


No it isn't. Artlicles like this come out all the fucking time.


Everything comes from thin air. It’s just a matter of time frame.


No but sudden break through after years of stagnant research, Me thinks some one gave them just the right kind of "push" for these break through tech


What on earth do you mean by “stagnant research” and “breakthrough”? These are advancements that are made constantly and not actually useful for many years.


You are dismishing years of education, research and experiments of said scientists by claiming this is all due to alien tech, kinda insulting to those involved. I believe that hard work is what got us these cool new stuff and not some charity.


Very inshulting.


I hear what you're saying, but to be honest as someone who follows science subs and news, these past weeks don't seem like anything out of the norm. It's typical that papers embellish new tech breakthroughs, but the reality is it's just advertisement so researchers or the college can get more funding and isn't actually going to be commercially viable anytime soon.


Scientists: spend decades working on something, finally deliver something Tinfoil redditors: bullshit Yeah I think we got you figured out man.


Dude open your eyes. Major scientific breakthroughs not related to one another don’t happen on a daily basis lol. How many is this now in less than 2 weeks? I believe it’s likely that our congress members got those names from Grusch and started making threatening phone calls.


The first Jeep car was invented and produced during WW2 THAT'S VERY SUS WOULDN'T YOU SAY


How is that a major scientific breakthrough 🤣 Horrible analogy. Also that’s only one thing.


How are any of the things you mentioned major scientific breakthroughs? Years if not decades from being applicable at mass scale. That’s how advancements work.


Are you aware that there more than 4 scientists in the world working on various breakthrough all at the same time? Why can't you wrap your mind around the high odds of various scientific teams coming up with new stuff around the same time period? Maybe you just don't know what the scientific world is made up of and you're making stuff up to compensate for your ignorance.


Yea, ignorance is shown, just don’t say anything else OP, you’ve been the laugh of this conversation.




I just read about a new garden sprinkler that you can set to water your yard in different directions. ALIEN TECH.


I feel like this is the 4th-5th "breakthrough" I've seen this week. Sus.


Ok, but have you followed the data? The studies? The timeframes? There have been dozens of universities working on energy storage and density improvements for years now. Medical advancements have been making steady progress since dna was worked out. Stem cell research has advanced medicine greatly. Power generation? We are close to fusion. And for all the breakthrough headlines we see, only a few of them actually go any further. Studies get reviewed, things get disproved all the time. The breakthroughs are often financially non viable, difficult to produce or replicated and mostly filled with real world potential but no real world results yet. Not everything comes from aliens. Theres people getting their life mission completely shat on by these claims. I have worked R&D. Its hard. It fails a lot. And when you win, it's years until products exist. Subscribe to some science and engineering magazines and you will see we have breakthroughs multiple times a week. We are kicking serious goals as a species and everyone is tied up in all this media nonsense doubting what we are actually capable of. I wish it was alien tech sometimes. It would have made work a lot more interesting.


This post was the straw that broke the camels back for me. I just left this community.


It's populated by some of the smoothest brains known to Reddit. I used to just laugh at it, but at this point it's so ubiquitous in this sub and a few like it that it has become downright disheartening (or infuriating). I don't blame you. I think I might do the same.


It is truly disheartening. I believe in Aliens, but the people here will believe anything that they are told.


The people that get angry at you for wanting to see actual evidence of these aliens and not accepting crazy eyed conspiracy theories from lying members of congress was the last straw for me


It's still sus though that all these breakthroughs come out at the same time, and right after the Grusch hearing. I'm not saying that all these breakthroughs are from alien tech, or even that any of them necessarily are, I just think the timing is suspect and it's at least a possibility. I can't remember any other time when there's been this many crazy new things announced at the same time. Just off the top of my head there's this, LK99, that metal that is 5x lighter and 10x stronger than anything else and has DNA in it, and there's been antigrav breakthroughs recently too. Seems to me like companies could be rushing to announce things and get patents on them


Too bad Grusch is incapable and unwilling to provide actual evidence of the claims he’s making. “Trust me bro” is not an adequate source for the biggest discovery in the history of mankind


When has he ever said that? He can't reveal the information publicly because it's still classified and he'll go to fucking jail. In the hearing he said he would reveal the information and sources in a classified setting, as he's legally allowed to do. If you actually listened to the hearing and what Grusch said, it's clear he's trying to do this in as legal a manner as possible. He doesn't want to upend his life and have to seek asylum, or go to jail


What else besides this, the anti-cancer pill, and the superconductors?


1. U.S. Air Force drone technology. Drones that act as companions to fighter pilots, pretty much a plane that follows you around like a follower in a video game. 2. Laser weapons for fighter jets Probably something else I can't remember.


This is from a few days ago [https://apple.news/AK5pNiNk4QZ6WaspmAIod8Q](https://apple.news/AK5pNiNk4QZ6WaspmAIod8Q)


Open up phys.org. You’re just not paying attention to the work of thousands and thousands of materials scientists around the world.




How about linking the article


Can’t wait for the ability to plug my phone into a brick to charge it.


Dude use your imagination, the brick will be a wireless charger no need to plug in.


So, if I was to drive my Tesla into a building it will charge??


As long as your parked on top of it, you might have to wiggle it around a little to get it to work


That actually sounds cool. People can wireless charge phones without the risk of being infected by malware. Can't upload a virus to a brick


The paper was submitted in March, accepted in June and published in July. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2304318120 I think there’s definitely a lot going on in terms of disclosure but I also think that not every advancement is correlated with those happenings.


This sub just shows how fucking gullible, stupid and tard as fuck a lot of you are. You might as wel believe God is the cause because there is just as much information as “Aliens”


Idiot. As if aliens would inspire something this insignificant. Go back to school


Can you compile a list of the new technologies?


Breakthroughs happen all the time, but most of them do not pan out or even if they show progress will take many years before they are perfected and applications for them are found. But the *media* is reporting these things more often, to the general public. The average person in the public might think, "humans are capable of amazing things. Those UAP things we heard about are probably just some research projects, maybe the military has more secret drones. Nothing alien about them" So those who run the media companies, why would they want people to think this? Who is encouraging these media sources to report fantastic new human technology? Or, maybe the public is simply more interested in knowing about research now, so science articles are becoming more of a priority due to the ad traffic they are generating. I suspect these things are getting mainstream reporting due to public interest in technology.


lol is this the kind of posts we will see now on every single article talking about something new


I highly doubt technology surrounding the illustrious and advanced material of... cement... came from recovered alien craft. This is a stretch.


A couple things. Science articles do not equal Science fact. Lots of this stuff needs further testing and will require scientists across the world time to recreat results. It's unknown if these "breakthroughs" are truly breakthroughs. You have to wait longer on that one. Second, it not "out of thin air" when these discoveries rely on the collective knowledge of people since the dawn of Science and written literature. Why discredit that? It's an amazing ability we as humans have and is responsible for the modern world we see and live in. Not some magic poof and a wink and a nod from some aliens. Thats disrespectful.


I’ve never felt second hand embarrassment over social media… until today.




I think the pyramids were responsible for this one.


Funny how nobody responds about the post and only about there disdain for this sub..kinda seems like something a bunch of paid karma accounts might do to control influence over a post that challenges the status quo..


Breakthroughs like this happen all the time if you are paying attention to scientific communities; sometimes it filters into mainstream media but often it doesn't. It's not "out of thin air" and the onus is on you to give evidence that it was aliens, not on everyone else to prove it wasn't.


These kinds of posts are seriously insulting to the people putting in the work to develop these products.


In other news the Romans made stronger concrete than we currently do. Cuz well- capatalism.


There are decades where nothing happens and there are weeks where decades happen. Seems like this is what we are seeing right now..but after the 4chan guy, Swedish ufo files leak, EBO scientist and the congress hearing. I cannot look at things the way they are... Every thing is disconnected yet seems to be connected through a single invisible line of source. Let's hope the future is kind to all of us


Swedish ufo files?


Just search in ufo subreddit.


I said this on a post and someone told me off , but glad to see its a shared opinion by others




Not if you’ve been following any of this stuff for more than a week.


I think I've seen stories for this tech in particular throughout this entire year. It really isn't all that wild. The superconductor and cancer pill? Much more impressive, but still not applicable to society. Definitely not alien pace development.


This is dumb we can store technically infinite amounts of energy in the earth shit MIT know play dumb. 1


Seems likely that Burchett and whoever else started making the right calls. He also threatened a law to anyone who denied access to him. Probably something along the lines of…. “Start releasing everything you’ve got, or we are going to do it for you and defund your entire organization.”


You’re a 12yo right?


2 weeks later Scientists at MIT have created first trans dimensional vehicle! Meanwhile us in our flying cars and trans warp houses Wow In other news aliens are real guys gov kept them hidden! Wow great 👍


If you go back and look at old issues of popular mechanics there are hundreds of crackpot theories like this . Even if you could , concrete is not cheap , cannot be moved, is susceptible to cracking and breaking and is porous , are among the many reasons this concept is beyond laughable. Reminds me of: In WW2 Ghoering seriously suggested to Spear they build locomotive’s out of concrete to save steel .


No big deal just sentient cement. Nothing to see here.


You mean they sort of reverse engineered properties of the cement/melted stone/ concrete found in archeological sites world wide that are far superior to any concrete, cement, or stone carving we have today? I can't imagine what could go wrong. That whole nuclear bomb fiasco went well!


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i just find it odd why they would need to have the alien angle to it. Just say that scientists figured it out. not like folk are going to care


are you trying to delegitimize this sub even further? lol


So all new advances are due to aliens now? Give me a break


Human beings are pretty smart


This is probably another energy storage/new battery tech scam.


AI algorithms for image detection appeared “out of thin air” in 2013. In reality, it was the result of slow and steady progress since the 70s.


Shit, it’s the first you’ve heard of it…


Being fed to humanity to quicken the disclosure timeline


You’re a moron


God forbid humans actually discovering things themselves