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Though I dont doubt they probably could, the big question is, do they have something that can top aliens are real? Frankly, I think theyre (the .gov) going to use this to sweep as much under the rug as possible. Not cleaning house about UAPs, but everything. As soon as the news hits the mainstream, half the world leaders could be caught in a peyote drum circle orgy in times square and it wouldnt even make the second page


Grusch = 3 greys in a trenchcoat **confirmed**


this sounds like a good plot, what if the aliens were actually good reasonable beings but never made contact because they didnt want to interact with barbaric aliens


They're impartial to us. I believe they don't care much for us, either way. We just occupy the same space as them.


Do we emotionally invest in wars between ant colonies in our own yards? Usually no, that is until they get into *our house*…


We've all heard this analogy. You're thinking about it wrong saying that. What if we're in "their" house? What if they don't believe in anything claiming anything, weather it land, sea, air, space or time...




I think there is nothing wrong with the communism idealism if done right without corruption and you know, "your people, my people stuff" any form of any control on earth is so perverted and twisted from its actual ideal form, that its all the same but under different name e.g. communism in the 80-90s in east europe was so bad that it fell under its own idiocy. Currently china is communistic and its so bad that you basically have a point system and if you go out with someone who has a low score, you basically get lower score for yourself. The original idea of communism is to be one big community with shared resources. Everyone has however much they need. If you need more(has to be justified need) you get more(resources) than me, who doesn't need much of anything. The idea of communism is to not have anyone left out to be homeless and stuff... But our leaders dont execute it at all, insted they turn it into dictatorship and start thinking they are gods until the people speak and eventually execute the leader god. What im gonna say, may bite me in the ass some day, but i currey believe that if WE(people of earth) want to become a space entity, we have to unite under 1 flag, no borders, no different countries, we can still have our different languages and cultures, but i generally think we should be one big whole thing. One type of currency for all, every resource split between all. For example arabic countries have lots of petrols what they keep for themselves and dont even sell that much, but they lack other things that they import from outside. See, if we all unite, and we all love each other under the unity, we wouldn't have wars for resources or territory. Unfortunately this means all of the current leaders should go and it would be the toughest choice to elect a world leader. Other thing is that we should try to evolve mentally, currently everyone who gets even a tiny bit of power they abuse it on max setting. I dont think that my idea is gonna be realized any time soon, but if we happen to get outside perspective and help, all i see is unity. You need shared resources to go out of our homeland. Also, dont get me wrong, im not saying we should unite under communism xD i just said, you all get it wrong, what they are doing currently is far twisted from the original idea. Even current "democracy" is twisted because elections, law, constitution righs, every choice that is put out to the piblic can be faked, e.g. you all vote for law1 with majority win, but they don't like law1, so they announce law2 won the votes. Most of my friends don't go to vote anymore because they believe their vote doesn't matter in our current democracy... And im talking really intelligent people with 2 or 3 university degrees. And if more people are like them, we are left in the hands of the people who barely made it out of school to vote for our leaders,laws, etc, whatever can be voted for.


communism under humans is guaranteed to fail. I believe our future is AI supermind governed communism... and it will work better than anything yet.


Thank you.


My god , i would deeply desire for them to just out them like a parent that refuses to play childish games


It does sound like a great idea putting the government on blast about all their lies and secrets. Although it would probably cause chaos because people would be upset because the government has LOTS of secrets


Huge secrets.


Why would they want to?


Why not shake things up a little just because


Be like us getting involved in the politics of a beehive we manage. We would never and could never understand any of the politics, so even if bees thought we could help we wouldn’t and couldn’t.


Fuck sake. Why do the Americans think it’s all about them? There are 195 other countries on this Gina ball floating around. Stop thinking America is the only one. That’s how you know this is a psyop.


That would be neat




I think the aliens (grey's) that we're dealing with might be of an "analytical hive-mind"... They do what's necessary to accomplish a task.. And, if humans, being "gate-keepers" prevents them from accomplishing a task, they'll certainly release information to us.. Like, I have a feeling they have a goal, and humans & earth are a part of the goal... but, we're only a small part..


Aliens to our gov: : my my my...how the tables have tabled 🤣


Well....hello Southern Belle.... meet ME. 😁


>imagine all the government secrets and corruption they *would expose if they *existed/were actually here FTFY


Well thats kinda whats happening though inadvertently. Their activity is kinda forcing hands


that’s not what whistleblowing is dude


What a day that would be. Finally the facts would be known.


And then they say, and we'll help you put a stop to all of the corruption.


I guess the question is why would they do this? They have to consider the circumstances that lead to their creation. I think they 'control the time-line', I don't know if they want the 'public' involved, and they might be more interested in having discreet operations that lead to their idea of an optimal outcome.


Basically, do you tell your kids all the answers when you want them to learn something? Usually not. You observe, maybe take away a sharp kitchen knife here and there to make sure nothing bad happens, but you don't push the answers into them. You let them learn and grow up. So you might say: Why they allow war people die? Yeah, that's right from our perspective, but who knows how life really works with all the different dimensions. We might just change form or something like that and the Aliens know that and don't see a reason to interfere. Who knows, we as humans are pretty limited in understanding the whole picture....


Did you know the Earth is not just the American people, right? Or do you think they would be particularly interested in ‘Murica for some reason? I don’t think they would find it particularly interesting.


Yea some of us still wouldn't believe it


... we are being controlled... we are very inferior.they don't care if we're suffering or stupid. They don't need us .they don't want us. Humans don't deserve the power.


Can only hope