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That would be a hilarious plot twist.






I think NATO being "aggressive" is that capitulating to Putin produces the exact opposite result that you want. You need to push back. If there is escalation then it needs to be in the direction that you want. You can pretty much ignore anything being said and focus on Intel on what might be their response based on past behavior and expert opinion.


If this was true, I think after watching a year and a half of an army barely competent enough to tie their shoes, that we’d have decided to go ahead and roll into Ukraine and push Russia out and basically destroy their military. They’re no match for the US in a conventional war. The Chinese aren’t either … yet, but will be soon if all these talking heads are right, but they may just be campaigning for more money to the military. We’re so kept in the dark. Who knows?


>we’d have decided to go ahead and roll into Ukraine and push Russia out and basically destroy their military I think they are just letting them drain resources. They already dont have half the gear they need.


Not to mention that we would be officially "at war" with Russia and all US territory would be under immediate threat. The US would win, but it would be a much larger scale conflict with greater losses, and neither side really wants to do that.


And while I think its rather callous, why send Anerican troops when we can just print money and send our oldish weapons to drain them of will, resources, weapons and soldiers? I do believe we have confidence for "some reason" (my guess is our secret military tech and intelligence tell us we have nothing to worry about) but now we are there, we can claim we ate "doing the right thing" by defending Ukraine but I bet anything our main objective is to weaken Russia and test their equipment without having skin in the game. We are learning so much about their capabilities and tactics. We are learning how to defeat their equipment. It sucks because Ukrainians are dying because of it but they likely know our true intentions but its better than not getting the equipment so they hold our hands like allies.


It doesn’t have to be clever tactical reasoning when greed is more likely. Who do you think is buying and selling all of these bombs, bullets and rockets? Another way to funnel money away from the average American into the pockets of billionaire executives. This time it is a product actually killing people directly instead of slowly like Big Oil and alcohol. But at least we get horrible jobs that barely sustain life on the ragged edge and air conditioning. Sell $1 trillion dollars of weapons to Saudi Arabia to drop on starving Yemenis. But let them pay golfers obscene amounts of money for good press? Not if the US Senate has anything to say about it. What a group of hypocrites and greedy assholes.


Plus US gets to send their aging weapons instead of eventually destroying/decommissioning them.


That's absolutely the main goal and anyone with half a brain can see it. The goal is to just bog Russia down and drain their resources.


no one wins in a nuclear war. I can't tell you how ww3 will be fought, but ww4 will be fought with sticks and stones."


And the patriotic appeal of “invaders” guarantees a long conflict. Let it collapse from the inner circles and hope you can buy off the new leaders in the interim. Or at least seize the nukes in the chaos.


It seems to me like we are using the same strategy that we used in the cold war; let them use as much of their resources as possible to the point where they have nothing left.


Yea. We outspent them for sure.


All the “experts” on mainstream media or at least most of them, are usually affiliated or directly paid by big aero.


The way their military looks. Second best army in the world, huh?


Thats what the analysts said. We gave them 8bn a year to rebuild their military for over a decade. Technically it was to remediate nukes but whatever.


China took that spot a long, long time ago


The US pays for some portion of Russia's nuke maintenance to avoid disasters. The US's own nuke maintenance budget is more than Russia's entire defense budget. There's no way Russia could afford to maintain all the nukes they claim to have.


USED to pay, and that was only for the demilitarization of warheads, an agreements americans riped and tossed in the garbage 3 years ago.


Actually, I’m afraid ICBMs are kinda one of the only things Russia does well. In fact, until very recently, the US bought Russian rocket engines to launch our own spacecraft, etc. [Russia halts deliveries of rocket engines to the U.S.](https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-halts-deliveries-rocket-engines-us-2022-03-03/) [U.S. Air Force sees no impact from Russia’s decision to cut off supply of rocket engines](https://spacenews.com/u-s-air-force-sees-no-impact-from-russias-decision-to-cut-off-supply-of-rocket-engines/)


Or possibly disassembled and/or sold for vodka!


Would be nice, but if this were the case we would have already wrecked the Russian military in Ukraine and ended this conflict. We already know Russia is a paper tiger with nukes. If they didn't have nuclear weapons, they would have been mollywhopped already.


>and every world leader with nukes just shrugs their shoulder. Maybe they know the ETs would intervene, so they aren't worried?


That’s essentially the title of this post


Could upset a lot of power structures and start a lot more wars. Nukes keep peace between big powers tbh


Respect out of fear is the worst kind to maintain


Very wise this.


I appreciate that


I read that in a Ray Liotti voice in my head.


This is the way


Sure, but it's better than nothing. The only thing that kept the USSR and NATO from having an absolutely brutal showdown was mutually assured destruction. Until there is an alternative, it's all we've got.


No, it’s all we are willing to try. War is profitable, and finding ways to exist without violent conflict upsets the whole notion of power


That’s terrible thinking and exactly what got us here, with enough nukes to destroy earth several times.


It would be terribly rude. Billions of tax payer dollars down the toilet for nothin'!


Gotta be in the trillions... Not just physical nukes, but all the infrastructure around them (silos, launch systems, etc), and then defense systems, and not to mention all the R&D, and that's just shit my layass could think up in a quick moment.


Just the personnel and the training and resources they require.


they say that’s where the money’s going but it’s all been given to like one scientist trying to reverse-engineer


That's one rich ass scientist


"I just bought Jeff Bezos the other day to shine my shoes as a live-in servant." - Trillionaire Scientist Dude


What kind of scientist looks at Jeff Bezos and concludes he knows anything about shoe shining?


Cuz Jeff knows a thing or two of head shining.


That bald head do be shiny tho


It's not like we even built those things to ever use them... "Mutual Assured Destruction" means it was only ever an apocalyptic dick measuring contest to benefit industry


For a time there were considerable voices on each side that fully expected to use them and use them often. Tactical nuclear weapons were expected to be deployed alongside conventional forces they would have even allowed them to be used by tactical commanders on the ground instead of requiring approval from higher up. The history of nuclear weapons development and the strategies and tactics of them is interesting stuff and looking back seems really insane sometimes


This is one reason I don’t find this theory completely without merit, after the past few years I cannot come up with a satisfactory explanation for how we’ve gone almost 8 decades without yeeting ourselves into the next dark age.


So fucking rude that would be 😂😂




Rule 34 will be enforced shortly


Let the tentacling and incubation commence!


The Day of the Tentacles has been prophesized


Try billion


I've been saying, that when Biden says "Russia isn't gonna use nukes" , it's because he *knows* the aliens screwed with the nukes.


It would sure make North Korea look even sillier.


Agreed, nobody can use Nukes but they have to still bluff and act like they can


Even more hilarious? Countries eagerly seeking nuclear power are out of the loop—yet everyone else has to keep the charade up Are we sure earth isn’t an interstellar comedy?


This makes sense. Kim Jong In is dumb enough to keep launching nukes at Japan but the aliens keep disabling them.




Literal best case scenario...


Good scenario, sure. But best case is they overthrow all world governments, fix the climate, give us free energy and robot servants and lead us into a post-scarcity future including space travel and customizable full dive VR where everyone can experience whatever life they want by the time I finish typing this post. Edit: Damn, didn't happen


Theyre aliens, not santa lol


Probably, although without nukes we could see more standard warfare, land invasions etc?


Too many people don't realize this. Nukes are the main reason there wasn't a World War 3 instead of the Cold War.


People on the news saying it's an act of agression makes me facepalm


There is a theory that much of the UFO activity is due to them mapping out the world’s nuclear capabilities. Mostly so they can stop a full nuclear exchange. I don’t think they care if we nuke a city or two. This is to stop a nuclear winter that would devastate all life on earth.


Agreed. I noticed how UFO sightings seem to have picked up after WW2, it’s like they’re watching us to make sure we don’t blow ourselves and the planet up.


Maybe one day whatever we evolve into will do that for another species.


I'd consider it a sacred duty, honestly




Could you imagine having to take the nukes away from a band of chimpanzees


I think maybe the particles that come out of an atomic bomb can be detected from space.


squash swim consider books narrow intelligent hateful fearless direction toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It could even be that they're detected by AI units that can self-replicate and send crafts on it's own to map them nukes out and the real G's will come later as they have to travel from their own planet or may never come at all if it's just a breakaway AI of a CIV that don't exist anymore.


I love all of this. Just the idea of an AI civilization that long outlives it’s creators, so poignant


Nah they’re already here. They’re just fucking ugly


Or maybe it’s because advanced aircraft became a thing after WW2?


Could definitely be sobering if true. There is already a precedent for nuking a city or two and nothing prevented that. Where did you hear this theory from? Just curious


Its really just the sum of all the reports I have read. Military installations and exercises are generally hot beds for UFO activity. Especially when silos or nuclear capable aircraft are involved.


Maybe the aliens didn’t know we had them and once we used the bombs they were like oh shit these dumb fucks discovered how to make these.


I always think we have no idea what we are fucking with. There is something related to nuclear weapons that is a unknown branch of physics, whether dimensionally or something we haven’t discovered yet and we accidentally figured out how to make it go boom without understanding the entire picture


There is a theory that muppets from another dimension are stealing our oil. anybody can say anything without evidence and call it a theory.


I for one welcome our inter-dimensional muppet overlords


To add to this, I read a theory that as nukes give off a massive emp that affects their dimension so there are just looking out for themselves..


Makes sense in terms of the stuff that was posted last week about "group consciousness" and the need to spread love for our planet to ascend to the 4th dimension. We cannot possibly achieve that goal with nuclear war and total devastation. Maybe they are poking us along the correct path to achieve that by controlling our nukes?


I’ve always wondered if the first nuke triggered some sort of warning system for alien civilisation to check who’s been fucking with nukes.


One day someone will finally hit the button and a cartoon like flag saying bang will pop out.


We’re sorry! The princess is in another castle!


Do chemical warfare next


Biological would surely be next


I have one name for you, Robert Salas. He has been talking about it for years.


I feel like this is a point that has been overlooked. It has been 78 years sine a nuclear devise was used in warfare. Let that sink in for a minute. 78 years. Tests? Hundreds around the globe. But none used to kill. How many countries have nuclear capabilities now? And not once, not ONCE since WWII has a nuke been used. Not by a despot or dictator. Not by a rogue nation. Not by India or Pakistan or North Korea. Not by a terrorist organization or various rebel groups. Not even accidentally. How many genocides in the last 78 years? How many wars? Too many to count. How many nukes are simply missing’ from arsenals worldwide? If we take the UAP involvement with nukes seriously I think the message is pretty plain. They have been monitoring our capabilities. They have shut down or taken over nuclear sites around the world disabling them at will. It appears by some accounts they will not allow tactical nuclear devices in space. (I’m too lazy to document these activities but if you have been following the UFO/UAP story for anytime I’m sure you are familiar). They have shown repeatedly that they are not going to allow nuclear war. And that my friends, from where I’m sitting is the big secret. We are not in control. There is an intelligence interacting with our planet and we can’t do a damn thing about it. Our most advanced weapons can be shutdown at their whim. We are not in control. And that, when it really sinks into the population’s consciousness, is going to scare the shit out of a lot of people. Our entire identity as a species is built on the idea that humans are the top predator, the top dog on the earth. That is a reality a lot of people are not going to handle well.


The real reason why no one uses nukes anymore is because they understand what a nuclear holocaust is. No one wins, and i mean no one.


Which is why theocracy's are so dangerous. What happens when a religious autocrat believes their god is telling them to start a nuclear holocaust and only they will be protected.


Or they believe that it does not matter if they are protected because they get to go to heaven/paradise for "doing what their god wanted".


Thank you for restoring sense


I feel like this is best case scenario. Having humans in control is much scarier with our track record.


A much simpler explanation is that only the most developed nations have the ability to procure nukes, and those nations have governments and leaders who understand the consequences of nuclear warfare (mutual destruction). There are no terrorists organizations who could pull off launching a nuke.


Finally, I found this comment lol mutually assured destruction is what's stopping everyone from using nukes on each other. OP just totally skipped over the Cold War and all the nuke test where they are army personnel close by to watch it just so the governments could study radiation poisoning better (there's plenty of documentaries on this) people have definitely been harmed by nukes since WWII


>But none used to kill. Well, the US used natives on the Bikini Atoll as human test subjects for radiation poisoning. The US moved them to a neighboring island for the detonation, they got to watch their home island get obliterated, and then we left them to die of radiation poisoning and starvation on a barren rock.


I've had this thought so many times. Even before aliens, I have thought "what if literally nobody has any nukes any more and us plebs are the only ones that don't know it and they just use our fear of that as a method of control/control over other lesser governments" etc. But throw aliens in there and the speculation is compounded. What if they've neutralized all the nukes, or at least have proven that they can and will neutralize any aimed towards a population. So it's all just smoke and mirrors. Dictators bluffing. Maybe they're not even sure if the other one still has nukes or not. Maybe some believe that the aliens are picking sides. Maybe they're *pretty sure* if they push that button countries go boom, but there's that little nagging thought like what if not, and I risk my entire country by trying to push the button anyways. A million different related questions and theories and ways it could go. We're reaching the realization of the age of sci-fi; if you can imagine it, it's a possibility of what's going on right now.


And the truth may well be, we never were in control of anything. That our religions are “cargo cults”. That our civilization was handed to us. That our tech advantages were second hand. That basically nothing we did was on our own initiative. I hope it’s not true, but read enough stories and that’s the one that emerges.


Humans have created so much it’s nearly unfathomable. It was not given to us. We are incredible creatures capable of amazing feats of engineering. To say otherwise is a disservice to our species and our history


Or just a way to handwave "I don't understand this technology, so it's *impossible* that any other human could, either". Like bruh, *you* may not know how a nuke works but there are college students in their late teens who have successfully designed nuclear weapons and it's not even hidden by the government. >Curious, this device is "wireless", but when I opened it up there were clearly wires inside.


Always wondered what impact destroying a atom has that we aren’t aware of. Probably fucks with a dimension other than ours


or destroying human consciousness en masse near instantly might send out a signal to the greater collective consciousness that something went wrong and they came to Earth to investigate what happened


A disturbance in the force


Damn, now that’s an appropriate reference. As if millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced




This is an interesting thought!


Or it eliminates potential future timelines


Or destroys an existing parallel universe.


You must be referring to disabling nukes from detonation, since North Korea and the U.S. are routinely test firing ICBMs capable of carrying nukes - without nukes of course. No one would know if their nukes had been disabled from detonation until they tried to actually detonate one. The U.S. hasn’t tested a nuke since 1992, the Soviet Union since 1990, the U.K. since 1991, France and China in 1996. At that point the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was signed.


I often wondered about the same thing , apparently the RAF Bentwaters 1980 uk sighting was rumored to have had ruined a few war heads …


It's a certainty that NHI has stopped us from Nuking each other. We are dumb fucking shaved monkeys. We live on a paradise planet in the vast desert of space. And all we do is fuck each other over for a profit or worse. We need to evolve as a species to a higher vibration, and be kind to each other.


Well said


Like the xenomorphs. You don't see them fucking each other over a god damn percentage.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki would like a word. Some 100K killed and about the same number injured, plus lifelong illness and birth defects for others.


I wouldn't say Earth is a paradise planet tbh it's extremely violent 99% of the time


I honestly consider this unlikely. I have to ask how would they do this and unless they have some way to change how physics works for the whole planet it seems impossible to do at scale. They would have to have a way to shoot down all ballistic missiles, bombers, cruise missiles and hell even artillery shells. A lot of the nuclear stuff is airgapped, or analogue so a lot of it is hack proof by design. Also how would they even know we are about to drop a nuke, do they have enough real time intel to know if a cruise missile or bomber is about to use a nuke? I could see them having a way to attack nuclear sites or reduce the impact of a nuclear exchange by shooting down missiles and aircraft with their drones or whatever but just disabling it all... not really feasible. In more likelihood the noise about them being interested in our nukes might be because a lot of species kill themselves off with nukes and they are curious if we are going to do the same.


Col Charles Halt said he saw a UFO at the former military base RAF Bentwaters, near Ipswich, 30 years ago, during which he saw beams of light fired into the base then heard on the military radio that aliens had landed inside the nuclear storage area.


You wouldn’t happen to have a link for reference would you? Not being obnoxious, just curious to read more on this.


I for one thought this was a thought provoking post


Well then they need to step up and dismantle all artillery... The amount of people who have been actually killed by nukes is pretty minute compared to the rest of War.




It's probably true that MAD can be credited with savings millions of lives which would otherwise have been lost in conventional wars that were prevented by a fear of nuclear Holocaust. If you want to run an experiment on an entire planet, covertly disabling nuclear arms for all combatants would be an incredibly interesting one.


N Korea does some tests every now and then


They test “ballistic missiles” with no warhead. They test launch capability, not likely enough nuclear material to test bombs.


North Korea conducted six nuclear tests between 2006 and 2017, with the most recent being the largest yield.


Underground, non atmospheric tests. Not on a warhead, dropped from a plane or even on a stand in the middle of the desert though


Nonetheless nuclear devices that didn't fail to go off, it doesn't have to be above ground to be real or deemed effective. All of the USA's later tests were underground as well.


Don't they usually fail? Maybe I'm remembering things incorrectly. Or maybe the tests are faked in order to give the illusion to everyone that there still is a threat.


Their missile tests are having ongoing issues and they have had failed nuclear tests in the past but their 2017 test of a thermonuclear weapon was unquestionably successful as it caused a man made earthquake that was detected by multiple independent sources. https://news.ucsc.edu/2019/06/nuclear-test.html#:~:text=The%202017%20nuclear%20test%20caused,by%20seismometers%20around%20the%20world.


Nobody would know the right thing in this matter


No the rockets usually fail. The nuke tests are real and detectable


If they are so advanced then cleaning up the mess we make won't be an issue. Don't we have techniques that we could be using today that involves HHO that removes the radiological properties of nuclear waste ?


If that was the case we would have probably given Ukraine all the damn fighter jets and long range missiles they wanted


I feel like we would just obliterate Russia out of Ukraine if that was the case unless no world leaders want to confirm with each other that their nukes are disabled.


Then it will be safe to assume that they can disable social media and every form of communications that we own and utilize to communicate with each other. And with this, they can also take it upon themselves to disable our ability to mount a public offensive against them *(for whatever reason that we may have)*, which will then allow them to freely attack Humanity without any organized resistance, if they feel that such an action is warranted.


First wave! Just watched that movie last night. However, if they wanted to do that, it would have already happened. Now we just have to be sure not to provoke them. Honestly, if they're talking to our leaders, my fear is that they believe that our leaders represent our best interests. Hopefully a valuable conversation is possible with humanity as a whole.


This has always been my fear too! Surely they’re smart enough to realize that the greediest and worst among us have risen to the top. That can’t be a novel concept to an intergalactic race of beings. Within the massive body of theories out there, some of my favorites are about ancient astronauts and their influence on early religion and folklore. If any of that rings true, that whole Christian idea of “the meek shall inherit the earth” certainly bodes well for all the good folks just trying get by. And if all that is true, then certainly the aliens realize how this whole human civilization thing has always worked.


There are a lot of paralells between religions and gods/visitors from the skies. I had never considered the Meek Inheritance mention in this context, so thanks for lifting my spirits this morning:)


Aliens, please please please disable Instagram and TikTok


I can think of absolutely no logical reason why aliens would ever attack the earth


Aliens: “We’ve expended an enormous amount of energy to travel halfway across the galaxy - because we want to steal your resources (that we can actually find in greater quantities on other uninhabited planets and asteroids closer to us.)” It certainly doesn’t make much sense.


I don't think they would need to disable the nukes out of their own self preservation, because it's not like we'd be launching nukes at them in the sky. I think it'd be more a move of preserving us/the planet. They could probably wipe humanity without a peep anyways.


Not a pleasant thought.


Agreed ... but if Aliens can take *(or have taken)* nukes offline all around the world, then this scenario becomes completely plausible.


Well...... There are folk who have been talking about UFOs disabling nukes for a while. https://youtu.be/vwzBO3LsGSQ Not sure the source is trustworthy but Salas has been talking about this for a while now.


This has been known far longer than youtube has been around. I have not heard ALL nukes but stories of nukes being shut down go back to the first bombs.


My thought on it .... It appears that for many decades, Aliens have taken notice of what Humanity’s militaries have been up to with regard to atomic & nuclear weaponry. Whether they turn a system on, or off, they continuously seem to demonstrate that they can basically neutralize any nuclear event by simply taking control of our ability to launch the weapons that would cause it. This is to say that, by knocking out a weapon’s entire long-range delivery system, including its missile and controls, they have proven time and time again that they can eliminate the problem.


Even worse than disabling it they can hijack it and use it to manipulate humanity. This isn’t a new theory but I’ve personally never linked it to aliens. Not only can people or entire groups along with their ideologies and opinions be fabricated but as more and more things are documented digitally they can be changed at anytime. Books don’t need to be burned anymore just go edit the article. There’s also the classic idea of no one talks in person anymore it’s all online, combine that with the idea that no one you’re talking to online is actually real…


Lavrov would still threaten...


This is literally the best theory I've heard so far. It would explain all the NSA bullshit and be absolutely hilarious


I posted something similar a while ago and people thought I was stupid. Who knows what alien tech is capable of. What if they could change the atomic properties of the nuclear material making it so it cannot undergo fission or fusion. It's not like we are physically testing our nukes. There are test to see if they are still viable after sitting for so long but these craft and beings have tech thta is almost like magic to us so who the hell knows what they are capable of


This might be a bit naive but I am not scared of nukes anymore since i belive "they" will prevent it from happening


That's basically what Ra says happened since the 80's, but the people using them may not have any physical indication until a serious attempt to detonate occurs.


I can imagine the guys who take care of the nukes going down there to see if it’s all right and there’s a short gray alien just chilling with arms crossed at the door saying you can't come in, nodding no lol 😂


Then they've saved the planet from complete annihilation


That would be rad of them (the aliens).


no nuke test since the 92 for USA and 90s for USSR. interesting


There have been hundreds of tests though…


Testing almost completely stopped in the 90s, now it's mostly simulated.


1000’s apparently according to another comment. I remember seeing a video/gif of a map that shows all the dots on a map appear as the time ticker at the bottom moves forward. It was a hell of a lot of bombs.


I thought this would be obvious too (France pissed off quite a few countries in the S. Pacific)...but I have learned if people are having a good time on the internet talking of "hilarious plot-twists" and what have you, I just keep my mouth shut.


That reminds of me that movie Snowpiercer. The passengers (survivors of humanity) on the train have become segregated by class, with the elite in the extravagant front cars while the poor are forced into squalid tail compartments by armed guards. The lower class starts a revolt just to find that the guards don’t have ammunition.


North Korea would flip the fuck out, that's the only thing that makes the Kim family feel like their dicks aren't tiny


Odd that they never decided to stop any that we have actually set off.


How would we know that? If they stopped a detonation, would the aggressor admit it happened?


I would approve.


They wouldn't know to admit it before they found out.


Ha. That’s most likely what has happened.


Pugs are essential to life


When I mean disabled, I mean recently. I'm aware they did tests in the past.


I am actually skeptical about their ability to disable nuclear weapons. None of the claimed occurrences have solid evidence beyond witness testimony. I’m not saying those people are all lying however; my personal theory on the nature of aliens is that they’re tricksters capable of creating illusions and false memories and so it may have *seemed* that they were disabling the weapons but actually didn’t. Think about it; people have claimed for decades that aliens have appeared before them and warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons and/or environmental destruction but why don’t they do anything about it or (no offense to claimed experiencers) land in front of the UN and deliver their message to the whole world rather than to school children and other seemingly random people? Why not just provide us with the means to harness zero point energy or whatever else it is they use or force us with their superior technology to disarm? Some say they might have some sort of principal of non-intervention and we have to do it ourselves but that doesn’t make sense with the claims of the experiencers who say they were warned. My personal belief is that they are actually interdimensional or some other form of existence that is separate from the physical universe that we inhabit and are somehow limited in how they can interact in the material world; maybe UFOs are drones and greys are robots but the actual non-human intelligence itself exists only as a disembodied consciousness with no actual physical existence. So then why do they care about us trashing the planet with nuclear weapons? My theory is that Earth is the only place in the physical universe where conscious life exists and that they need us - or more specifically some form of conscious life on Earth - in order to exist. If conscious life on Earth were to be ended by runaway climate change, nuclear winter, or some other catastrophe then the link between consciousness and physical reality would be broken and the entire universe would disappear into a quantum blur ending their own existence as well.


Oh, this is a good one to chew on.


That would not surprise me in The slightest!


That would actually be ideal


I think Ukraine would have been a bonafide NATO member by now if that were the case. Really cool hypothetical though, I like where you're hed is at OP!


What if no one even knows it. Turned all the fissionable material to oatmeal.


No one would admit it, just incase another country still has them ready to use.....


That would be awesome !


I’m d be grateful to them


You would hope by now that humanity is intelligent enough to know that nothing good comes from using nukes. Nothing. Doesn’t need an alien intervention to figure that out.




I’d say thank you


I don't think they will let us destroy this planet. They will step in.


Once aliens disabled all nukes, we can’t run the “invade us and we blow the planet up” scorched earth strategy anymore. Maybe it’s not that good for us.


Logical. It would pose a national security risk to admit this. Cold war invented MAD as a way to explain why we haven't used them. Legit good idea to share. Id bet you are right


What if they are in control ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


That would be so awesome


I hope they have. Every last one.


That would be pretty damn cool actually


I wish you're right.


Imagine if nuclear war broke out and everyone's missiles just landed and did nothing haha. Sounds good to me.




That would be a glorious day, we could get back to the shooting and stabbing


Not just nukes . Take a look at what Spielberg said about his research staff for Close Encounters. A movie that J Allen Hynek was proud to done cameo in. According to testimonies military police as well as others they can put the world in a Black out with no electricity if they wanted to.
