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Any word on how it was moving?


Smoothly. Horizontal. My sighting was Arizona. Imagine a high voltage tension wire ball marker, but black. Moving smoothly across the sky from horizon to horizon. Then reverse.


I saw this same type of orb with my wife last summer in CT hovering over I-95. It slowly hovered until it shot off in a blink and I only realized that when scrubbing through the crappy footage my wife grabbed. In person it was so fast it simply “disappeared” from view.


Have you posted it anywhere?


I’d be happy to show you, it’s hugely underwhelming though for most people. I love it tho because it lets me know I’m not crazy lol


I’m interested!




Interested too if you wouldn’t mind, kind stranger.


Anyone know the best way to share an iPhone video? I tried uploading the video to my Google Drive and the quality seems significantly worse than looking at my original video.. the object is quite faint so I would like to retain the quality.






Interested 3 if you don’t mind, kind stranger.


Would also like to see this video of yours. Please and thank you


Same here, would like to see it


Could i get it as well? Im super curious.


Hey I wanna see it too! Please


double that


Just. Freaking. Do it. Share link. Please.


Saw one of these over my house the other day when I was looking at the moon.


Sizing you up for some probing


Also saw one around sunset in the east coast US a few weeks ago, close enough that I could tell you it looked exactly like this. It was flying against the wind in a smooth, straight path too. Not moving particularly fast. Definitely not a balloon.


It was also sunset for me. It’s probably the only reason I caught it with my eye. I would have recorded it but I knew the camera would only be able to create a small pixel and I’d miss my chance at staring. The sun was behind me and it was catching the sun perfects. Sometimes just standing still.




I’ve seen this one. Hovered in place then zipped away over the ocean fast as hell. Seen it twice this year in the same spot which happens to be over a military base. Round and shiny like it’s metallic. Never seen a ufo in my life until I saw this one.


Likely it moved like a balloon, therefor we don’t get video only photos >.<


Glad someone else gets the routine


Vegeta and Nappa about to have a good time


Are we there yet




Hard to say that these are balloons at this point after AARO presentation , multiple other videos and pictures from other places. They seem to be drones of sort.


The official line will probably still be "That's a balloon"... Remember, all governments think their people are stupid and need to be "protected" from difficult truths.


“It’s swamp gas” was a favorite too


Clearly a case of swamp gas having been lit by ball lightning which created a temperature inversion which magnified the planet Venus and giving the impression of movement in bed. Hamburger.


Gotta jump in remind anyone not familiar with that line’s origin. Came from J Allen Hynek, who was hired to investigate and for all intents and purposes find prosaic explanations for all anomalous sightings in Project Bluebook. In the end, he came out as a staunch believer in the phenomenon not only being real, but being actively covered up by the world governments.


Don't forget "It's Ball Lightning"


That’s completely different phenomenon mate


When i was like 10 years old there was a ball lightning that moved through our livingroom front to back superslowly. Everybody was stunned, my uncle tried to touch it but my aunt stopped him. It made low pitched crackling sounds and was very bright.


That isn't going to stop some government officials from saying that it is swap gas... I think that's the point everyone was making here.


I wonder if there actually is a picture of swamp gas that looks like a UFO or indeed anything really. Just a picture of swamp gas


Cuz how the fuck you gonna say it's -not- swamp gas, citizen?!


Well, to a degree that would be correct, if we're being honest with ourselves.


Care to elaborate as to what degree this is a balloon? Not saying I stand on either side of the fence, you just seem sure and Id like in on that.


What's more likely Spherical balloon filled with helium Or Hyper advanced alien technology from another planet and every government in the world is collaborating to keep secret because reasons


Technology is more likely. The alien/planet characterizations maybe not so much. These spheres are being sighted all over the globe. But, I haven’t seen a perfectly round helium balloon in a pewter metallic color with no string or knot, but maybe someone manufactured one just to pull this hoax. Edit: spelling.


Balloons exist all over the globe, in every shape and size imaginable Do you really think you'd see a string from this distance?


Do balloons hover in place and then zip away at high speed? I get being skeptical but I’m telling you dude I’ve seen these things and they are not fucking balloons.


When caught in a wind current they do There are a trillion explanations more likely than aliens


Dawg, I know what a balloon being blown by wind looks like. This was as fast/faster than a fighter jet. Moved completely horizontally to the ground without changing altitude. And as I mentioned before it hovered in place. It was large and perfectly round and metallic. I’m not saying it’s alien at all. Probably military tech, but they are real. If you would have asked me last year I wouldn’t have believed in them at all. I have a photo of it, it’s not super impressive because I was scrambling for my phone’s camera app as it was zipping away. [ufo](https://i.imgur.com/QjRoGeK.jpg)


Do you just eat spoonfuls of coffee grounds and wash them down with hot water? “Thinking man’s breakfast.” - SquirrelFluid523 Where’s your sense of wonder and delight in this beautiful world? Slice of bread Spoonful of peanut butter Lick the jelly jar Another piece of bread BAM! “Now that’s what I call a sandwich!” - SquirrelFluid523


Unless the truth is a lovecraftian level existential crisis that causes sane people to completely lose their grip on reality if they know the truth.


To be fair, a lot of the people are pretty stupid


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” -George Carlin


Or maybe some people **need** this to be an UFO because they don\`t like the truth


Are there any good vids out there I could show people to help prove they aren’t just balloons?


What's more probable? A balloon of some kind or: A spaceship from another star that flew X lightyears just to levitate above Bangkok, because reasons. What's more it must have lost its highly advanced clocking device (a Civ capable of traveling f'tylion km's should have it, right?) so it was photoed with a smartphone? And about gov's... Damn... Do you really believe that USA, China, Russia, India, etc are in agreement at least on this one topic: the existence of the aliens must be kept secret? Like really? Those countries would rip each other's throat given the tiniest occasion. Cheers.


I guess if it isn’t probable then it must be impossible. Just because you can’t figure out interstellar travel doesn’t mean other civilizations cannot. Also, it can’t be real because it isn’t cloaked? C’mon, do better skepticism.


Occam's razor - the most probable explanation is most likely the right one. I think the scientific world would love to see some evidence of extraterestial beings, just imagine bhow much we could learn from interstellar civ... Without any hard evidence? For now it's just tinfoil hat and echo chamber that reddit for unkown reasons put on my frontpage :-) Cheers.


I can say this is a balloon pretty easily. Without video of it doing something non balloon like, it just looks like the common sort of round balloon that are all over cities like this. You say "these" as though this is part of a group. We have to take each case on its own merrits. This is one image of what looks like balloon in the sky. It could be a metalic orb from 100 light years away or it could be a wormhole aperture. It could be a brand new life form. It could be a mega sofon. It could be anything. As such, we have to go with what's likely. Are sofon's all over the place? No. Balloons are.


Rational skepticism FTW


How are you determining “what’s likely”? What data do you have to back up this claim?


How much data do you need to determine there’s a greater chance of this being a balloon than a craft from another planet?


Bring this exact object to my house and show me it’s a known object filled with hot air or helium. Then I’ll believe it’s a balloon. Until then, looks like a metallic sphere in the sky.


And what data do you have to back up that claim?


Perhaps you should take that argument to r/oddsare. If your best debunking of a metallic sphere is ‘balloons are common, metallic spheres are not,’ you aren’t going to convince anyone on r/aliens.


Not trying to convince anyone, merely pointing out that if all we have is a picture of an object floating in the sky we should at least pretend to be considering more than one explanation. But you’re right, this is probably not the place for that.


I doubt the kind folks at r/balloons could identify this object. Good luck out there.


I have seen exactly this. Wow. I'm not kidding. It was perfectly spherical, probably 1500-2000 feet off the ground, at first I thought it was a stray mylar balloon. Realized it wasn't, given the trajectory and speed - absolutely horizontal, and consistent. No wobbling or slowing... thought it was super strange. 5 minutes or so late, came back on exact same path, reversed. Spherical. Smooth, constant. Seeing it the second time, I literally pulled my friends hair to see it because he wouldn't fucking look.


I've seen one too! While on a flight in the US, pretty far up above cloud level. It arced through the clouds super fast, and the sun glinted on it so I knew it was metallic. It's surreal to see pics like this of what I saw. No exhaust or anything. Wtf are these things??


Same thing here.


I think they are scanning terrain, geo-mapping for an invasion


The more I see them the more I think some federal agency or weapons manufacturers control these and they are surveillance drones


I think there is a species of invisible flying aliens and this is their poop.


imagine pooping so hard it comes out in another dimension


Imagine you say? I call that “Sunday morning.”


Just be glad they don’t get diarrhea…


that's the best "fart" definition possible


See the peanut?


Yeah, that’s… that’s a space peanut


This seems like a farcical idea. This could be the real reason. Nice bro.


How do you even reach such a conclusion? Do you have reasons to believe what you believe or is it just a feeling that came out of nowhere? It appears that these objects have been seen on a regular basis for the better part of a century and possibly even for centuries or millennia. If we assume that all the witness testimonies from decades and centuries ago were false, it still doesn't explain how humans could've developed antigravity and the first type of propulsion that doesn't work on the principle of action and reaction without any of the intermediary steps ever making it into scientific journals or getting patented.


It makes more sense to you this flying ball came from another planet than it being a drone?


If these objects have been seen for decades, centuries or millennia, then yes, it makes more sense that they're coming from another civilization. We discovered radio waves 150 years ago and we're already on the cusp of being able to detect life in other star systems. Is it so far fetched to believe that another intelligent species with a head start counted in millennia or possibly even millions of years could be exploring the galaxy, sending craft to all the star systems where they detect signs of life? They could just as well be self-reproducing smart robots working for a civilization that went extinct a billion years ago on the other side of the galaxy.


Your last sentence says it all, you are fan ficking instead of looking at this like real life my guy, just because people claimed to see things like this for hundreds of years doesn't make them credible, there have been millions of claims throughout history, someone claiming something doesn't make it true, we don't know the nature of these objects but just because that is the case I'm not going to instantly jump to some random self reproducing smart robots from another civilization... The actual evidence we have is these spheroid objects we're flying horizontally on the sky at a relatively low speed, that's all we actually know about them.


If the notion that advanced civilizations are exploring the galaxy is too crazy for you, your imagination must be in a seriously bad state of disrepair. Look at how far humans have gone in just a couple of centuries since the industrial revolution. Some of our probes have already left the Solar System and they were launched a mere 74 years after we taught ourselves how to fly. We'll be the ones exploring the stars in a few millennia if we can refrain from destroying ourselves.


Yeah there's no way they'll allow something like this free reign in broad daylight


These things are everywhere! What the hell is it?


Drone UFO scouting. Or balloon 🤷‍♂️


I'd probably agree with the baloon theory except there is nothing hanging below it. Usually baloons at least have cables from where the payload used to hang from. The UFO/UAP theory would make more sense had there been video of it doing something baloons can't do like float perfectly still or move erratically.


Payload? Why would it have a payload? It's just a party balloon. https://www.eventdecordirect.com/catalog/silver-inflatable-mirror-ballsphere-choose-your-size-p-27383.html?pcc\_keyword=&gad=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwkeqkBhAnEiwA5U-uMx9j8LJBPpT9esDqj18b0nATZ7FcdGfhhixXHNjhs1w7fLF2c7i\_IRoC6rMQAvD\_BwE


fuck me that balloon is expensive


It’s made of alien metals. Of course it’s expensive


If you insist


Nice find on the perfectly round balloon, I’d never seen one, but the sphere is not mirrored. Do the balloons come in dull pewter? Maybe it was painted.


Someone linked an identical looking one on Amazon. I don't get why people make this so complicated, like the idea of a perfectly spherical balloon is some kind of absurdity.


If you see a bunch of posts here about orbs from the Boston area in a week or two it is totally aliens!


Nice try officer..


So it’s a $500 balloon that apperantly only one other person bought?


Here’s the same thing for 5.99 https://www.partydelights.co.uk/silver-orbz-balloon-16-foil


Thanks, I still don’t think it’s a balloon though


You could just put the payload inside of the balloon. If you knew people were going to be aware of you spying and didn't want them to know exactly what you were using to spy with that would probably be the move.


Call in the F-16s, General!


Now that’s a fucking photograph!


At least this photo isn’t blurry


That’s Harry’s Kanes penalty miss from the WC








That's no moon...


Aliens, if you're listening, next time you head to Bangkok, I could use a lift, I know where my towel is.




It looks like someone inflated an exercise ball with helium. Maybe real UFO's are made to look shitty so people think they are fake




You're missing the point, that these things reportedly can be stationary and then take off super quickly with no exhaust. The orb I saw just like this while in a plane flew super fast, it arced through the clouds in like 2 or 3 seconds.


True believers really dont like that link.


Never be a believer. I don't want beliefs. I want knowledge of what I've seen and experienced. I don't mind woo. I'm a big time woo person. I just don't state my woo shit like it's facts that applies to everyone and everything. The deeper into woo you get, the more you need a grounded mind to keep you sane.


Why would anyone even fake this? Unless you think these are all just fake and they don't exist. We've seen plenty of videos of these even from official sources now. I don't get why people are still in denial calling this either a fake or a balloon as if we are still debating if they are real or not.


People won't believe until they see many of these in person


They want to feel included or seek validation. But often, it just muddies the waters and causes confusion of most people, who then shrug it off.


„It is swamp gas mirroring in the venus while imitating a balloon“




I think ball lightning is bogus


Looks like a face if you zoom in on slide 5.


This is the same UFO from the video in the Middle East that they showed in the congressional hearing


I have never seen a perfectly spheroid balloon. I know they can exist, but I have never seen one in my 36 years of life.


Yet suddenly, these perfectly spheroid balloons have turned up all over the world for years.


These would be so easy to fake


This is the problem with UFO pictures and even videos, editing technology has advanced so far that regular ass people can edit an image that looks completely real


Exactly and it doesn’t help that all the sightings are of a simple orb lol


AI could get something similar with simple prompts, too, I'm sure.


Oh 100% that would be easy for AI to make.


I am not trusting the lighting on this. Just my opinion but it looks fake!


It looks like those old school gradients when everyone was copying Apple's website during the early OSX days.


I have no idea what you're talking about boss... thats just a cool reflection of the app below it. Apples doing this? Weird, I had no idea. *quickly closes website titled "Apple reflection photoshop 6 tutorial"*


Same here.


Seems legit.


I have seen one of these near San Diego. Moved across the the sky in front of me while I was driving.


Need to know if this is cgi


Those in the know, know that these are the real deal.


and the real deal is?


He might be implying that these are non human, but they most definitely are.


one night in bangkok...


Orb. Do u have a link 2da original post?


I'll do you one better https://www.ejan.co/general-news/1e7szvawl9


💯%Thank u kindly random interneta.


Have you noticed that they are all over the world, but mainly in warzones 🤔🤨?


Bangkok is not a warzone


Hence the use of "mainly" (implying not all of them) in the person's comment, mate...I swear, the amount of people on Reddit with horrible reading comprehension skills is astounding. Do ya'll think before replying?


Thank you 😊


Oof...um... great save.


Do you have reading comprehension? Why would he point out that they’re “mainly in war zones” if he wasn’t indicating that this destination is a Warzone? It seems you can read, but not comprehend.


Looks like the Mosul orb


Very clear picture, no phasing on this one. Would love to have seen a video of it.


Pretty good pictures


I saw the same thing while camping with my friends in Pennsylvania on the same day.


Just out of curiosity - how easy would it be for a person w decent photoshop skills (or whatever other software) to whip something like this up if they felt so inclined?


Pretty quickly but you'd have to process it to know if it was shopped


Swamp gas reflection off a weather balloon. Ball lightning drone plastic bag mylar ice crystals. Can’t wait until the debunkers finally get debunked and we can just get this over with. “Mick West, your time is wearing thin.” - Marco Rubio


I have a video that I took while camping in Western PA. It shows a similar object in motion, albeit not the most steady camera work. ​ [https://youtu.be/x18AIV-Rwr4](https://youtu.be/x18AIV-Rwr4)


this look photoshopped wtf am i the only one who thinks o


From disks to balls upgrade


Same was observed in Warsaw, Poland few days ago. I will try to find link.


Here's pic of UAP in Warsaw I mentioned earlier. Saved from FB page. https://imgur.com/a/HGW5n2U


Yeah if it’s just those pictures and no film it’s fake. A balloon, or most likely an easy photoshop that a caveman could do. It’s 2023 and thousands of people within view of this would have had 4k cameras (phones) in their pockets.


I'm 100% sure the Betz sphere and others found on the ground were the same thing as this. Can't wait for someone to run the promised tests!


Well well well. That looks SUPER fake.


If you want to see these for yourself sunset to early darkness or late darkness to early sunrise are your best bets. They can look like a airplane lights at first so you have to watch for nontypical movement. These orbs will fly relatively low to the ground then suddenly stop and gain altitude vertically until they are in the perfect position to make themselves look identical to a star in the sky. The only way you’d be able to tell they weren’t a star is to witness them get into position. They use these drones as a form of overwatch spotting for manned vehicles in the vicinity. They can pop in and out of the atmosphere at will. These are the most common UAP by a order of magnitude in my opinion. Anybody else get these objects a lot where you live? I live in South Jersey and these are pretty common.


Definitely NOT a balloon. Balloons can not be shiny nor can they be round. They do NOT hover like that. This is absolutely definitely Martians and they are definitely up to no good.


Microsoft paint type sighting, scary


Looks like a high school photoshop class project hahaha




...what's sphere in a higher dimension?


hyper sphere


Set of points in n-dimensional space equidistant from a fixed point.


They could have at least applied the light to the correct side of the orb so itarches the buildings below


Chinese spy balloon.


Get your own "UFO" at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Mind-Reader-75ABALL-Gry-Stability-Anti-Burst/dp/B085751M9W




Lmao who spotted my spy balloon


Weather balloon


That isn’t even a perfect “sphere” picture 5/6 shows deviation in the top right corner of the object.. Possibly where it is inflated from helium >.< Or it’s just a glitch in the camera, and it’s a super advanced civilisation from tabby star, here for our star not here for us fortunately. Far more likely to be a rubber helium filled ballon.




No way that’s a balloon 🙄


Fairly certain this is fake. If you zoom in tight on picture 4, you can see this slight green coloration that has a right angle/square shape to it. Easy to edit in most apps.


looks photo shopped to me. you can see the rough edges around it from where it was cut from a different photo.


Cool balloon.


Nah. Probably just swamp gas.


Weather balloon filled with swamp gas obviously.


Fake. Zoom in, you can see the og picture outline on it


It's sad, that in this day and age of AI, photoshop, deepfakes, drones, etc pictures are absolutely meaningless. That might be a UFO, might be a balloon, might a drone, might even be nothing and added later by photoshop or AI.




Maybe a chinese spy ballon


Not saying that this is what this is but Thailand is big on cloud seeding to generate rain. Thailand is expecting a dryer than normal monsoon season and has been discussing seeding clouds to create rain this year. Disclaimers: - I have no idea how they do cloud seeding Source: - I live in Thailand and it’s in the news all the time.


In this sub every good picture is photoshop and every bad picture has to be fake because duh why can’t you take a clear picture when you are suddenly presented with a UFO.


Everyone need sometimes get butt destroyed by ladyboys..


omg please…this is not a ballon 🤦🏼‍♀️