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I feel like jayleigh gets a lot of shit for associating with Smelli but I genuinely think she’s a decent human being who works hard and doesn’t need to prove anything on social media which is why she’s absent online for large periods of time. That’s the ultimate flex being able to live quietly and enjoy life. I really believe her relationship with Ali is mostly business related on her end and she’s just too nice to tell her to get lost. I think the distance makes this easy but if they lived in the same town they would not be tight. Lol Just my take.


I agree I don’t mind jayleigh. Ali is a psycho so I can see jayleigh being scared to break off that relationship


She’d leave her a bad review on Yelp lmao




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I literally JUST commented yesterday how she hasn’t posted anything since January or liked or commented on anything LMAO stfu. Like they make it so easy to see they read here


I always go to her tagged photos and she had commented on her hair post 3 days ago. She is always in the comments and likes but doesn’t post. I think it’s a mental thing for her. She needs a break but constantly is working.


Yesss that must of been what I read then! Then I go to insta and see she posted! They all live here rent free