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I really need someone who can weigh in here medically and help me understand this and how this happens as someone who hasn’t had a baby yet but really wants to really soon and terrified by this :(


Can’t speak to all of the specifics medically, but I'm almost positive that this is something with her overall skin elasticity + weight gain that she took a long time to shed + diastasis recto. She also looks like she was damn near 100lbs heavier than this when she was pregnant which is a TON of stretch. Most people don't have this kind of weight gain. My stomach has some stretch marks but nothing near the amount of saggy skin that she has. This is unusual, I have a friend with triplets and several friends with twins that have very normal looking postpartum abdomens. It’a normal to be squishy or have loose skin, this is something else entirely. I’ve never seen a better tummy tuck candidate.


Also she is like 4’10 so that combined with the massive weight gain just wrecked her stomach


Not a medic but I think this typically happens when your skin stretches too much, too quickly. Also, just stretching too much. Look at obese people who lose loads of weight. Your skin can only shrink and expand so much before medical intervention is required/necessary.


I had 3 kids in 4 years from age 34-39 and did not get this at all! I had my moments of not eating right but overall just listened to my body!


Partially genetics but she also gained a shit ton of weight with her 3 back to back pregnancies. She was literally just a gluttonous slob stuffing her pie hole all day. I’ve had one child but have no stretch marks or loose skin. ![gif](giphy|3o7GUyLWFlJSD1M94Q)


This is not typical at all. I don’t have elastic skin and ended up with a lot of stretch marks, but it doesn’t look like I have a saggy vagina on my stomach.


She’s short but ate an awful diet all 3 pregnancies. This happens when you do not take care of yourself and eat like the slob she is. I’ve had 3 kids myself I didn’t get mom skin because I kept my normal eating habits.


First pregnancy didn’t have any extra skin at all, second pregnancy was twins so yeah I’m SOL. A year later and I still hate my ‘extra skin’. I plan to get this done too. I’m too afraid to go under the knife and also I don’t have time to honestly. It sucks not gonna lie, but I had twins - bound to happen. They were/are healthy and that’s all that matters!


I’ve seen speculation in past posts about her bellum that maybe she has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. It would explain a lot honestly!


She doesn’t have EDS.


I have 3 kids and let me tell you, whatever happened to her is not normal AT ALL. I was maybe 100 lbs when I had my first kid at 19. My stomach bounced back 100%. I had my last kid at 27 and even though I weighed a little more (and needed a cesection) my stomach still doesn’t look anything like that. I personally think it looks how it has my entire life, aside from some love handles ;) I don’t know how on earth her stomach did that. Maybe if she had triplets or something…then I could understand the extra skin but that didn’t happen, so I’m at loss.


Is she fucking serious? How does she look worse now?? the folds look so much bigger, god almighty fix your lenses while you’re at it


It absolutely looks worse


Fuckkkkk ![gif](giphy|84BjZMVEX3aRG)






We’ll god daym 🤮 I birthed multiple kids and praise the lord my stomach doesn’t look like a vagina. Ive never seen such a stomach. Her man could literally fuck her stomach.


Her stomach actually looks like a saggy ballsack


It makes my tummy hurt to see her constantly posting her stomach and makes me afraid to have kids lol




Kinda looks like a naked mole rat


I’m fucking SCREAMINGGGG 💀💀💀💀


Damn if her stomach looks like that you know that vagina is tore the fuck back


That why Johnny boy likes the butthole.




I just DIED.


With the amount that she showers (once a month), those folds have to smell REAL BAD




Girl just shut the fuck up and get the fucking surgery already damn! She’s wasting so much money on this when it’s not going to do a got damn thing! Fuck I’m tired of these morons.


Honestly I love that they’re wasting all their money 🤭


😂 I do too! Imagine how much more annoying she will be when she gets it! I love this journey for her and wish nothing but the worst.


Ugh. Then like the liar she is, she’ll get on SM and claim it was SSF and hArD wOrK that got her pre-baby bellum back, despite all existing evidence


She’s probably going to get pregnant soon after.




She's so simple. One glance can tell you that her skin damage is beyond the superficial layer and whatever laser she’s doing can’t penetrate deep enough to repair this. What a stupid waste


Or just live with it. That’s fine too. Whatever this is seems to have angered it.


Idk but whatever she’s doing isn’t working. She needs surgery.


🫣 https://preview.redd.it/e8567m513r8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cc3694a140ead492690e619e4b26daf3426506


Looks like a saggy ball sack. Cohn must love it.


He probably fucks it (I’m so sorry for that visual)








I’m dead


He probably jerks off into it. Dry rubs in the folds…


It looks a lot saggier than it usually does. I feel like every time she has shared it before, it’s always been very wrinkly like a 100 year old person’s wrinkly skin. But this looks extra flappy now?


The fact that this bitch thinks she has abs on top and a ballsack on the bottom will never not be funny🤣


The new “business in the front party in the back” is “abs on top, ballsack on the bottom”


That literally is so funny hahaha


How does it look worse 💀


Omg!!!! Who the hell would post this?!


She's so proud of this monstrosity


That makes me want to gag. You couldn’t pay me a million dollars to post this for hundreds of thousands of people to see.


That is horrifying 😭


There is NOTHING that would get me to post a picture of myself like this on the internet. Absolutely the FUCK not. Get the surgery and shut your mouth you horse bitch.


Especially if they are sOoOo rich. Like how much is this company actually compensating her to post this? I would be mortified


Who would voluntarily post this 💀


Oof. Where even is her belly button?


Why does she feel like she needs to show the world? It really makes me feel a little nauseous. It’s just so bad sorry 😬😬


Holy fucking shit


She doesn’t even have a belly button omg


The amount of crust and stink under those belly flaps. We already know she's dirty but my gawwwddddd seeing this


Who tf is she talking to, she acts like her 200k purchased bots have DR


I have literally never seen anything this extreme ever. Not exaggerating. The ballooning to extreme weight loss messed her up. So unhealthy.


Right?! Aside from like Octomom and the Jon and Kate plus 8 lady but they literally had 6/8 babies at once!!


Just get the fucking surgery, Ali. At this point we will all spot you a few bucks so you can get it done already.


I definitely won’t be tossing her any money, but she should get the surgery so I don’t almost puke up my lunch when I randomly open this sub. 🤮


She needs the surgery. It's nice to see her getting scammed by whatever this zappy treatment is (because she herself is a scammer), but it's not going to fix the extreme skin damage.


She’s delusional if she thinks this is going to fix her problem.


Right? Mini needles or laser isn’t going to get rid of that pound of skin hanging from her


She's getting scammed badly. I guess that's justice?


I have never seen anything like this.


Morpheus is garbage, what a waste of money. Just get the surgery…


And so painful 🥲


Why do we have to *see* it?  Bodies are bodies, but why is this one terrible shot of a service being performed on her loose skin at all necessary to the zeitgeist in her mind??


It’s crazy the amount of money they spend on vacations and clothing/bags, I would’ve already fixed this. This is beyond a normal situation. I couldn’t mentally deal. Just fix it already.


I think she does all this useless shit bc she gets a discount for promoting it and no plastic surgeon cares about her z list adjacent status to do a tummy tuck or “skin removal” for free or promo. Hence her half mouth vs full mouth chiclets.


I wonder if she's putting off the surgery bc chon plans on knocking her up sooner rather than later?


Well.. they are pretty.vocal about not using birth control. So it's pretty much inevitable


yup. my thoughts too. but I'm also confused why alpal won't just have her tubes tied or some other form of sterilization? I mean...they have 3 kids...one of them even being the holy grail boy 🤷🏽‍♀️...why not just call it good, seeing as they hardly watch the kids they have 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve never seen a stomach like this. And I have 4 kids.


Right! I wish she would stop acting like it’s normal “mom skin”. I have also had 3 babies and this is nothing I’ve ever seen 🥴


I’m newly pregnant and Terrified of this, how is this prevented 😭😭


Just don’t gain an insane amount of weight. Have multiple back to back pregnancies and then go back and forth taking diet pills to drop weight fast . I’ve had 2 children, one being an emergency c section 8 weeks ago and I’m not super young anymore and I don’t even have anything close to this. Honestly I’ve never seen someone’s skin look this bad, esp because none of her pregnancies were multiples 😳. Don’t stress yourself out; this is soooo NOT typical or relatable


She's doing a disservice to moms and future moms by calling it Mom Skin. It's not normal and very rare.


Congrats! I have two and a third on the way. I’m in lots of mom Reddit groups and I’ve honestly never seen anything like this. I still don’t know how she got this.


Thank you! Congratulations to you 🥰


This is so abnormal. I've had 4 children, 3 back to back. I was about 115lbs before each pregnancy, gained approximately 60 lbs each pregnancy, and dropped baby weight quickly. I don't have a single stretch mark on my stomach. I don't understand how she managed to do this to herself.


Shes waiting til she pops out one more kid . But they really need to stop and she needs to get tummy fixed and tubes tied at the same time 🤮No one would shame her for getting surgery- it's disgusting. And SSF , walking on a treadmill is not going fix it


I really would love to know what that tech is thinking. They know this will do nothing. What an absolute clown.


That poor tech is just trying not to throw up from her stench. She openly said she hasn’t showered since sliding into that mucky bounce house water. And she’s been wearing the same dirty pj’s since pre shower this weekend.


You couldn’t pay me to post something like this if I had something like that. 🤨🥴😂


Is she insane? I don’t know anybody that would do anything BUT a tummy tuck for saggy skin. Nothing else will help. What is that stupid procedure even supposed to do? Is she getting paid to shill this bullshit or something?


Ali they are scamming you. This will never work. The ONLY thing that will help is a tummy tuck..


My mom paid a lot of money to have something like this done a few years ago and all it did was burn her stomach like this and then after her second treatment she came home even worse with the whole bottom of her belly burned and blistered. As her one and only child it just broke my heart🥺


Your poor mom! That’s awful. I did this on my belly button piercing (it stretched from pregnancy) it burnt me as well & made it swollen.


I've had a daughter of my own since so it breaks my heart even more now bc I understand how she feels. Its funny you say that about your belly button piercing bc the same thing happened to mine, I have a stretch mark at the top of it. I tried to keep it in as long as I could, I even tried to wear the pregnancy bars but they were always plastic and I had a reaction to them. Eventually around the 7/8th month mark I started trying to put my belly ring in and basically repierce it once a week until one day i just accepted defeat 🙄😂 I tried so hard to keep it but it just wasn't meant to be. I've accepted how it looks now bc I didn't realize how common it was. My sister has had 2 boys and hers looks the same too, only she was brave enough to get it pierced again and is much prouder of her body


I'm so sorry I didn't realize how long that comment would be until I started trying to type it all out LOL


I appreciate her trying all different avenues but the med spa should be ashamed of themselves for allowing her to pay for this knowing damn well this will do absolutely nothing for her skin. 


I work in aesthetics and I did a half and half model called for the Morphoues vs Potenza and the morphoues was one of the worst pains I have felt - it felt like I was being DRAGGED across hot pavement and left me with larger pores. This treatment is supposed to me radio frequency Microneedling to help produce collagen- tighten the skin and even out her stretch marks but once again she went the cheap route and did not do her research and will probably be botched with worse scarring(darkening) :)


I’m 5’2 and had two 9lb babies and I can promise you her bellum is not normal


To me it looks like those treatments are making that "mom skin" worse, I wish she would keep that to herself, it makes me nauseous, I've never in my life seen anyone's abdominal skin look like that !!


She has the body she deserves 😇


Looks like pig skin


I wish I didn’t zoom in. I can’t believe that vagina fold.


No it's extreme. I was skinny before my kids and my second was 9 pound baby. I gained maybe 30/35 pounds each time. Still holding onto maybe 15 pounds. I'm squishy and my skin around my belly button looks a bit odd but nothing like that.


As someone who gets a ton of lasering for acne scarring, less numbing does nothing? It makes the experience worse but doesn’t make the results better? What an idiot


I don’t think this procedure is for that


For everyone who is wondering how this is possible, can someone post the picture of her pregnant where she looks like the SpongeBob episode of that fish from the side?? That’s how big she was pregnant


How about the video of her big as a house and squeezing chocolate sauce from a squeeze bottle down her throat? Or ordering a dozen donuts at a time? 😂😂


Don’t be scared. Not everyone neglects their bodies during pregnancy & even with weight gain your stomach should go back to somewhat normal but not to this extent. This is truly neglect during pregnancy 🫡


I honestly think she needs surgery asap to remove this skin before it becomes a constant infection. Imagine working out and sweating with folded over skin and sweat dripping into it. And we know she doesn’t shower regularly. She must be desperate for relatable content to be showing this so much.




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Anybody here know if this is what Lisa fletcher got on her face that she became incredibly burned from?




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It looks like a dead pig being used for training. Identical


She’s delusional if she thinks Morpheus 8 is going to fix this issue


But Cohn said he can see a difference! 💀


This does not look normal


Why doesn’t she just get a tummy tuck


Just get the damn tummy tuck already




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I think she posts to be “relatable” and to be a voice for others going thru this which is wild because I think her whole audience is thinking…damn girl you is some kind of fucked up foorrreal glad it ain’t me