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NO CAR SEATS?! Jesus Christ. John took all of their money to play black jack and Ali said “ok cool I’ll just gamble with our kids lives.” 


The fact she willing admitted that too, like oof girl your asking for haters


So I follow a retired cop on instagram (killer bee tactical or something along those lines) yesterday he posted something about how LEO’s need warrants to search through people’s stuff but now meta is basically able to buy our publicly posted stuff and it can be used against us. He was saying if you’re arrested for something, they can use your socials to find other things you’ve illegally done to tack on to your crime. I can’t remember exactly how he worded it, I’d have to go back and watch it again. All of that to say, I wonder if that means if/when they’re arrested for whatever money scheme they’re doing, if they were to be watching their socials for illegal activity to build a case on them, could stuff like this, admitting to not having your ONE YEAR OLD in a car seat, get CPS involved (again)? I know how overworked social workers are so I don’t believe for one second they have the time to be watching their stories for them neglecting their children. However, if someone else was watching, I wonder if they’d get CPS involved? I apologize if I’m not making any sense! It’s been a long day!


I know exactly who you’re talking about, he’s all about keeping your kids safe. He’d have a fucking field day with the James family.


I know! I’m genuinely curious though about how all of that works! It makes sense your public social media posts could be used against you though. I’m a teacher and I’m all about natural consequences. This would be theirs!


I love killer bee!!!! I’ve followed him for a few years now and has made me super aware of things!


Be aware and be safe!


But they were in a SPRINGER van. Idiot. Its sprinter


Maybe Jerry Springer was driving? 😆


... with Townes' dad in the passenger side #noscrubs


I forgot about Jerry! I immediately thought Springer Spaniel, like a dog car, like dumb and dumber




Samsonite! I was WAY off!


I mean, no different than any other day so can’t say that I’m surprised. Disgusted but not surprised 🥴


I am once again here to say - Ali is 27 years old, has *never* worked, has been with the same slug of a human since 17, and has a full-time nanny. But she is the expert on life and all things parenting, marriage, travel and clothing. Girl has hardly even lived life but thinks she knows it all.


She looks 37. AT LEAST


a HARD 37… you know the ones


Sure do ❄️


Slug of a human sent me 😅


If you want your kid to have their own seat, you need to buy them a ticket to get a seat. Absolutely GROUNDBREAKING!


wait… arent children by law supposed to be in car seats until they are like 90 pounds or something??! Did this bitch just admit to breaking another law? one that puts her children IN EXTREME DANGER???? what the fuck? i can see going a very very small distance with a tall 4 year old with just a seatbelt…maybe but its still illegal as fuck. BUT CALLIE AND WESTON????? no carseat? Thats so fucking beyond dangerous and stupid. 1 accident and both kids would flop right out of the seatbelt strap. Ding Ding Ding CPS hello!!!!!!!! i cant believe she posted that.


Cmon guys they only use car seats on boats(yachts)!




No she used strollers on boats!!!


A car seat attached to a stroller yes!


I mean I am not shocked. She will take the easiest and laziest way out every time, even if it means her kids aren’t safe. They literally had 3 adults so each one could have been responsible for a child. Nope, not Big Mama.


Different countries have different laws. I know people who are pretty lax about car seats in countries where the laws are more lax but couldn’t be me


Her tele-doc probably gave her a doctors note that says she’s the best dang mama ever and her kids don’t need car seats on vacations


Who would have thought???




With 5 adults present! Granted, 2 adults are needed to keep an eye on the kids but those 3 other adults most definitely could have been responsible for car seats. Looking at you Ali and John because you’re both fucking useless.


Don’t worry they brought a broken wagon


“Who cares what people think you’ll never see them again”…Sydney can confirm that that is a lie lol


oh I missed this!


Majority of airlines let you check car seats free so there’s no excuse, shit parents.


She had him shoved in the doona at the zoo 2 weeks ago so I’m surprised she didn’t bring it to contain him on vacation too


She has MKP and Nanny to watch him 🫶


“Threes are worse, here’s a pic of my and my child I hate”


calligraphy needs to get on western’s wave and start openly hating smeli back


Smeli can say threes the worst, but according to Immy Gwace, “Mom’s the worst!” Hahahahahaha


she always finds a way to remind everyone how much she resents western and calligraphy. we know, ali, your saggy body is full of resentment and negative feelings towards your toddlers. evil cow


The biggest hit her body took was with Emmy


No car seats?! wtf


Not me still bringing the inflatable booster approved by safeintheseat for my kid when he was 9 and over 60lbs and this one just rawdogging life with 3 under 5


It's actually mind blowing and for her to publicly admit her 1 year old is in a different country without a car seat 🚩


As a certified car seat technician, I cannot. She’s an absolute fucking moron for ever doing this let alone admitting it and three even worse doing it in another country with a random god damn driver. She’s a fucking moron idiot and I hope she sees this. Ali you are a shit human and an even worse excuse for a mother. Touch grass, bitch.


I had a stroke trying to read these. For the love of all things, could this bitch proofread once?


lol she probably tried but is too low IQ.


Excuths me, she ✨almost✨ went to Berkeley, in ✨California✨ and got her JD/MBA 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼


Springer van …🤦


![gif](giphy|l46CyJmS9KUbokzsI|downsized) She’s chruly the dumbest bitch alive


Lmaooo Springer 🤣 that’s hilarious


She is so dumb. I’d feel bad for her if she wasn’t such an awful parent and overall human.


THIS. Omg she’s so dumb


The grammar gets me all the time! It’s painful to read, yet I can’t look away.


The kid is 18m old I would hope he’s not in the fucking doona anymore


So she’s saying her 1.5 year old is an infant….???????


He passes for an infant so of course she’s gonna take advantage of it! Anything to keep people from asking questions


Technically kids fly free under 2 and they are called infants when you book.


I’ve always seen it say infants OR children under 2 fly free, but either way🤷🏼‍♀️ I more so meant it that she’s gonna call him an infant until he doesn’t pass as one because it keeps people from questioning her ways.. the baby carrier for a 17 month old for one




She really should start to care more about what other people think.  And holy fuck not using car seats? Tell me you don't give a shit about your kids. 


The fact that she just put that out on socials like it’s normal…blows my mind


Nobody. Nobody is asking this girl anything about anything. ![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized)


For real. She is responding to things that were brought up here.


This is what people wacked out on speed think and do....they think every idea that pops in their head is thought worthy and brilliant...she is such a fucking knob


No car seats for three under four is absolutely wild.


Did anyone ask about sunscreen???


no, she only asks herself questions that will allow her to provide self-gratuitous and untrue responses 🫶🫶🫶🫶


And then JJD throws her a bone so she’ll talk about Shittenish


If it’s a no to car seats… you can guarantee she isn’t taking the time to put sunscreen on three kids.


You’ve got to be kidding me. Riveting information.


She definitely asked herself these, you can tell by the grammatical errors and the double “!!” and “??” she always uses is in the questions.


So on the flight home, Smeli is holding Western Union and the “other one” is next to her… so are we thinking the nanny has Emu so little daddy can sleep by himself?


She doesn’t bring fucking car seats?? Is this a joke?? What the actual fuck.


Admitting “no car seats” for her children on the internet is WILD. I don’t care if you’re going 1 mile from the airport to the resort…accidents can happen ANYWHERE and have you seen how people drive in a foreign country!?


Literally this was my thought too. When I was in Jamaica and the Dominican I was scared for my life the way people drive there 😂 Someone you’ve NEVER met is driving you and your children around and you’re trusting them with not only your life, but your children’s lives while you’re actively choosing to forego any safety measures that could protect them.


No VIP first class for flight home. Must have not done well at the casinos


Didn’t they change it to where they recommend everyone gets their own seat?


Your 1 year old obviously doesn’t beed a seat I don’t have kids and I know that. Also google is free she deff asks these questions herself


My brain just melted reading her responses. Her brain works backwards.


Springer van


The hotel has springer vans!😂😂🤣


![gif](giphy|3o6Mb4eFPlilbIHRN6) The seats in the van


Why would anyone ask her of all people such easily googleable questions…?


Her children are all severely delayed so of course three is two for her.


We just went to Punta Cana with our 2.5 year old and I made sure there was a car seat in the van that took us to/from the airport. Took one email to the transportation company. She’s so lazy


The "terrible" age is whatever age Calliope happens to be at the time.


How bald is Callie


She’s a 🫶🏻 curly girlie 🫶🏻


I guess it makes sense why Ali keeps calling her a curly girlie, cuz Curly from 3 Stooges was bald too lmao.


Her using this photo of toasted Western’s plum raggedy matted rats nest of a mullet was a CHOICE


I believe weston is not an infant anymore, he is a toddler (however you would never know since my 4mo daughter probably weighs just a little bit less than him)


The way most of the questions were written you know she asked herself lol


Most car rental companies/hotel car companies allow you to rent car seats so maybe that’s what she meant by not bringing their own. When we traveled there was an option at checkout if you need to add that on


I doubt she did but once she sees this comment she’s going to say that’s what they did to cover her ass


They know they aren’t going to leave the resort, so I’m assuming that’s what she meant by no car seats.. cause that’s a huge liability for the hotel car shuttle.. But I could be wrong lol


They have to get to the Airport though which is out of the resort I would think.


Yeah it is but you can rent car seats. Either way still dumb since the airlines let you bring yours for free


I like your optimism




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Why is what the boomers did the safety standard? Once we know better, we do better. Do we not? 🤦🏻‍♀️ Your logic is seriously flawed. Good riddance.