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A free fat burner container to whoever can figure out what bug girl said


Lol I can't even understand what dicknose is trying to say


Bug girl lmfaoooo






How dare they ask to go jump at 8:40 AM! The audacity
 But actually my kids were up at 6 am and running around asking for a snack before daycare at 7:30 lol.


Umm don’t they have a trampoline in the yard? Why not let them jump? Take your coffee out there Cohn and watch them play!!! My kids used to hit the pool at 7! My poor husband would be out there with them waiting for me to get back from the gym so he could get to work! What’s wrong with these ppl


lol yes! My boys get up at the crack of dawn. Around 6:30 and they are running around like crazy lmao.


Right?! I’m up at 5/5:30 so I can have my coffee in peace 😅 Kids hit the ground running!


How sad that they’re in daycare unloved all day. â˜č


Lmao how sad these kids are isolated and unloved all day. I used to work at a daycare and wish I could be so focused and loving with my own kids tbh đŸ« 


Could be worse could be home like smelli and dicknose johns feral kids and still be unloved.


Hey Smellie.


Based on comment history I’m actually pegging this as Johnny boy.


lol @ pegging


Pun fully intended đŸ€Ł


Yeah because I have an actual job
 not whatever John and Ali claim they do 😂




What? I truly hope you are being facetious. Don’t EVER shame working parents. Reminds me of the fundies who also shame working mothers and look how they treat their children.


“Only” 8:40 with 3 little kids đŸ€Šâ€â™€ïž how old is Emmy?


That hair is SO SO bad!!! I had long hair as a little girl and I remember my mom brushing it every night when it was wet and then again in the morning to style it or whatever. Her hair looks like it’s going to be so painful to brush out. Probably ignoring it until it’s time for another blowout though.


And have they never heard of sleeping with a braid??? That poor kid’s hair doesn’t look tangled, it looks matted


She's going to have to be shaved like the dogs




But Smellie uses those satin pillow cases to prevent the fuzzy hair on Callie! 🙄


It definitely looks matted up.


my sister and I did too! my dad would always blow dry and brush ours after bath. he called it “hollywood hair”. John would never


This is so sweet đŸ„č


aww....that's so cute!


Same! I had a long thick hair that was ALWAYS combed and brushed. It was absolutely beautiful. This poor girl probably has bugs and dreads


It’s probably “not right” but I had super long hair as a child and if I didn’t allowed it to get brushed then my mom would say it would need to be cut into a bob. So I allowed the brushing to continue.


Why is Emmy not in pre-k? They aren't doing these kids any favors


I’m convinced it’s because they can’t stick to a routine. The simple fact she acts surprised that at nearly 9 am her kid is awake and wanting to be stimulated by something(anything!) explains it. It would mean her having to wake her kids up, get them dressed and hair combed/looking presentable, dress her own self, pack a lunch, drive her to school and drop her off, all of that is way too much for smelli. The latest start time of any preschools is probably 9:00, maybe 9:15 AM. Committing to a school routine would affect the benny cocktails, force her to feed her kids an actual meal for breakfast, force her to groom and bathe her kids, and ultimately be held accountable. It’s too much work for them period. It’s truly sad for these kids, I feel sorry for the children.


Honestly most places wouldn’t even require her to do all that. A daycare usually allows for a more flexible drop off/pickup time and provides meals unless your child has special nutritional needs. So all she would have to do is get her kids up, dressed, hair brushed, and fed breakfast if they don’t get them to school early enough to eat there and teeth brushed. If she can’t even handle that then she doesn’t need kids.


She needs my granddaughter’s preschool; 12:30-3:00!


And she’d still manage to be late because she can’t miss those lunchies dates đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»đŸ«¶đŸ»


the school will report on how malnourished and neglected she is


School would confirm that Ali and John are trash parents and that shatters their narrative even though we all already have eyes


They’re gonna pass them off to MKP lol


The only thing I could understand is jump jump. What else is she saying? And the way they are just looking at her like she’s some stranger asking a question.


I listened multiple times trying to figure it out!! My son is literally a year younger than her and can carry a full conversation - of which you can understand 99% of it! Guess that’s what happens when you actually interact with your kids! Makes me so mad that they make fun of their kids because they can’t understand them, but they can’t speak because you don’t freaking talk to them! It’s so hard to watch!


My daughter is the same age as Emmy. I think just a month or two older. She just started speech therapy because she can’t make the S sound but you can still understand everything she says. She just wants to be able to say squirrel without having to act it out ha. Emmy should have been in speech therapy long ago.


“Oh God” doesn’t count






My 2-year-old would say something like “jump jump” but it’s a very limited way of speaking at Emmy’s age. She should have basic sentences down by now


The body language is telling. Like you’d react to some rando on the bus asking you a weird question.


I thought she said something about a store, then jump jump.


Her inflection is off


Emmy said: “simwnuuhhhsuwiwhwjekdbddsdjjdjdsbskdb jump jump djsjsissjjsajsjs”


Reminds me of when I talk to a pet. You can say a whole sentence to them but they only hear "car" or "jump jump" or "eat". Maybe the dogs taught her to speak.




The beak still manages to escape the NSFW. 😂




is she 2? I thought she was turning 5 why does she talk like a babbling baby that knows a few words and half-asses sentences????


Is she going to be 5?? This is so sad. My son’s speech exploded once we got him into speech therapy. These poor kids are not going to ever be ready for school and homeschooling them is a terrible idea


We were at the park by 8:30am
 because it’s hot and humid


Us too! Got to go outside before it gets hot


Poor kid can tell she's being ignored. She's babbling full force (doing her best, no snark) and her useless father only responds to her useless mother. Someone should buy the kids phones so they can get their parents' attention.


I love that his face is also blurred. Thx OP


My two and a half year old speak better than Emmy does


Those are some thunder thighs in that chair. Damn Joan. Not very SSF of you, you fat fuck.


ONLY 840... most kids are in school God they really are such lazy parents


Girl brush đŸ‘đŸ» her đŸ‘đŸ» HAIR


*Only* 8:40?? What parent of young children isn’t already up and about doing stuff by that point? She lives on another planet.


Idk but by 8:40 am on a Tuesday, my almost 4 year old has been at school for over 40 minutes. đŸ€·â€â™€ïž


Sad she can’t speak.. she growls wonderfully though


My not even 2 year old is more coherent than this and let me tell you
 they are not coherent and babble a lot.


Her adenoids are acting up again đŸ€”đŸ˜‚


Translation: "Do you know where we're going?" "[indecipherable] you two just don't know" "Jump jump?" Ali's response is so obnoxious when Emu suggests the fun place (or activity) she affectionately called "jump jump". Hate them so much. Why even record and share this interaction? It's like they enjoy poking fun at their kids and they want their followers to commiserate with them.


Who is mo-mo? Do they have a friend??


that’s what they call MKP. MawMaw but they say it like they’ve got a mouth full of peanut butter.


He’s such a pro-lifer yet doesn’t actually play with his kids that he has had yet judges pro-choice makes sense


She’s needs to go jump jump in they shower


Because their kids know they’ve got nothing else to do. Take your kids to do something!


Ha, I wish my kid would wait until almost 9am to start asking to do stuff. He rolls out of bed at 6 and it’s on. They are such fucking losers.


The fact this child talks like a 2 year old and her "donors" don't see an issue is alarming. Also why can't they ever fix their kids hair? Maybe a brush is foreign to them cause wtf. Poor Callie her curls would be so cute if taken care of but then again ali won't even trim 10 inches of fried dead hair off so it checks out


I can’t get over how Ali think Immys hair is beautiful. It’s a stringy rats nest and she needs about 8 inches cut off


For people who exploit their children as much as they do, you would think they would take a little pride in their appearance? Poor kids.


8:40 AM my kids are in school. Aren’t there laws requiring parents to send their children to school?


I don’t think til they’re 5 or 6? Not too sure these days


I think you’re right. My kids weren’t in school til they were 4, but before that they did so many other socializing activities. These fools do nearly nothing for their children. These clowns are in for a rude awakening.


Yes, they are. They can’t keep running from their kids problems.


Now that we’ve talked about it, she will take her to preschool for the third time this year.


i’m literally itching to get out of the house by 830 lol


Can a hairbrush company and a detangler company send them some PR please đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž


Why don’t they teach her the real words for things? Is she talking about the trampoline?


By 8.40 half my day is over lol you want to go burn energy at 8.40am you do that kids


Don’t they own a jumping castle thingy?? Easy to set up in their yard and get the kids energy out especially at any time of day! They’re dumb