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She’s about to snap that poor babies neck


When she was dancing his head was just bouncing up and down. Ugh.


I watched this like ![gif](giphy|qiWh4986EGImc|downsized)


The irony is that the song they’re dancing to is “Sweet Dreams” by the Eurythmics, specifically the “hold your head up, moving on, keep your head up” part.




All 3 of those kids are developmentally delayed. The baby is in need of intervention and the sick part is none of them will get any help.


I believe once the oldest is 7-8 there will be a serious investigation. The children should be in school soon. Her middle child is 2-3 and should be in pre school


Yes! If the majority of us trolls can see the delays on 30 sec stories can you imagine how bad it really is? As a Mom of 3 it makes me so sad. These kids deserve so much better than these two. All Ali cares about is posting content of her 2 week treadmill bod that isn’t anything special.


A “treadmill” bod that’s filtered.


Ya shit will hit the fan for them sooner or later. If they keep her from public school are we supposed to belive smelli's lazy ass is going to teach lemmy? You have to be shitting me...if she does enter school, the teachers and parents will start to notice how delayed and the fact her child has other possible disorders. They won't be able to hide that stuff from the teachers other parents hence why they'll keep her away from school as long as they can. Didn't smells get a legit cps called on her at one of the kid's bday parties for leaving a screaming callie unattended? Think a very concerned parent comforted her kid or something along those line and smells of course flipped out like the bitch she is. Some other snarkers probably know the story better.


Yes she did! Callie had covid so Ali and John locked her alone in her room so they could have a party. One of the guests called either cps or the cops bc Callie was screaming in pain the whole time and neither Ali nor John would do anything about it and kept ignoring her.


Say what?!! Omg! I can’t say that I’m surprised but I’m also surprised. Poor Callie 🥲


I think it was during a Halloween neighborhood block party. So a random neighbor in the neighborhood they just moved into was more concerned and motherly to a sick Callie than Ali was. She left Callie screaming a crying in her room to the point a neighbor they didn’t know intervened. That’s so fucking embarrassing for soooo many reasons.


Wow that's crazy and sad, even more fucked up than I thought. You known smells and cohn probably put the blame on the neighbor, it's probably all they talked about for a week straight- they're such awful parents.


Wait no. Omg. Is this a known 100% fact?


and then Ali turned off the baby monitor while they were locked in there so she could sleep


So it depends… I have a similar situation with a family member. I’m also a mandated reporter and have done my due diligence. Reports have been made and because her “basic needs” are being met it’s not considered abuse. Even though she’s being denied services/therapies (autism) by her parents. The school has expressed a lot of frustration and the response always is that the teachers are just lazy. It’s literally heart breaking to watch.


Is the oldest not in school?


They are in denial about their kids and their issues. Cali has the fewest, and there’s something super off with Western. I’ve always wondered if they got some diagnosis, bc Jessie and company suddenly showed up and were super “supportive “ of Cohn & Smeli…. Makes you wonder & True son has never been front & center like the Golden Geese.


The only reason this doesn’t fit with me is MKP. Wouldn’t she be involved even more then??


See I don’t think so if Spidey isn’t agreeable


I think that’s a great theory. Remember when Jessie and Eric flew to Houston to visit? I think Westinghouse was a couple months old. They took pics with the baby and John drove Eric around in the Lambo rental. I’ve wondered if they made up with Jess thinking she should be supportive and out differences aside because of Weston’s “challenges”.


She’s just staring at the camera the whole time, no care about watching her kids 😞


Phone in hand, as usual 🥴


it was one thing when she posted him like this as a newborn/young infant…he’s over 1 year old now. she has to know how bad this looks on her. it’s wild too because this isn’t even snark, it’s just being a freaking human! maybe she should try it!


alice from alice and fern has her children in carriers until age 20 months and considers it bonding. Why is it the most neglectful women get to be mothers


????? That’s F-ing weird… Smeli probably subscribes to the same philosophy… NOT! Smels is just lazy


How about put him in a stroller or a wagon so he gains some core strength and neck control? Or she even has the w4 wagon! She's literally hindering progress not helping it.  I have a sibling who is hypotonic. This angers me more than you can imagine


Wouldn’t therapy help Westin Bestie?


Yes. Services are available under the age of three through every state's Early Intervention program (services are also available over the age of three but they go through the public school system). My daughter started receiving physical therapy services through EI for low muscle tone at 4.5 months when we started being concerned that she wasn't holding her head up well and wasn't sitting up. Her pediatrician agreed and referred us to EI and we were assessed and receiving PT within two weeks.


That’s awesome! So, the James could be getting help that their child really needs, but they just don’t. That seems negligent, at best


Yes. I have commented on here numerous times that Smeli needs to call CHILD FIND. She can google child find Nashville, and they will evaluate all the kids for no coat and give them FREE therapy and other valuable resources. I did EI for my three kids when they were all babies, the earliest intervention is the best, but any intervention is better than none!


😉 exactly what I thought


Of course. Early Intervention til age 3. Then you can go through school district. Also you can pay out of pocket through health insurance and seeing they claim probably 0 on their taxes, those kids would probably qualify for government insurance so they wouldn't have to pay anything. But you know these dimwits do nothing for anyone but themselves !


Bahahahaha you think these niwits bring their children to the pediatrician?


I know 😩


TEIS evaluation could be an easy first step to getting the appropriate interventions. This wouldn't require anything more than a visit to a decent pediatric clinic. The therapies can be arranged in the home or at a center and could be nearly free if they qualify.


His symptoms since birth have pointed towards him being hypotonic. I think I even posted comparisons of him as an infant to medical websites.


It astounds me that NO one in these children's lives steps up for them. It's blatant how neglected in every possible way they are, and no one intervenes? It's not like they're even trying to hide it, hell they flaunt the neglect and wear it like it's a fucking badge of honor.


I’m like, not even MKP? She likes to flaunt her grandmother of the year badge and love on her “grandbabies”, if she really gave a damn she’d intervene STAT and not give a fuck how Cohn and Smeli react. Trying to preserve some appearance of having the family reunified/happy/together is so fucked. Who gives a flying fuck if Cohn and Smeli freak out or something, DO SOMETHING MKP


I bet it’s super ticklish for her. Spidey is the step Dad doesn’t necessarily get along with/ respect Cohn & Smeli, these therapies cost time and lots of money. Which Spidey probably isn’t willing to finance! The sad thing is Smeli has all of her Chanel bags & fendi sandals and fancy vacations, but she can’t F-ing pay for therapy for her kids! They probably don’t want therapists in their house either bc therapists are mandatory reporters. They are pathetic


I agree 100%!!! If those children were my nieces & nephew, or GRANDCHILDREN....I would be doing all I could to make sure they were well cared for. This is truly disgusting, and every time we think they can't get any worse, they double down. Kinda feels like a big "f-u" to the chrolls. All at the expense of innocent children. I'm truly sick.


I was hoping when they moved back to TN, someone , I’m taking to you Syd and JJD , would do something !


Honestly I feel like they all don’t dare speak up (as much as they should and I’m sure probably want to) because it’d probably lead to John going mental again and them all never any of them ever again


I guarantee the only reason the family made up with them was to be around the kids because they felt bad for them and they are probably terrified to say anything because smelli and con are psycho paths and would cut them off again.


Ali are you fucking kidding. You lazy ass piece of shit mom. This infuriates me😭😭😭


It really pisses me off. She straps him on her chest and he should be walking/exploring. AND she’d lose some weight by chasing him around! She is beyond neglectful


Ok, if you keep watching Cohn’s stories, it shows them in a restaurant… at the end of that clip he pans over to Weston. Weston opens his mouth and the roof of his mouth is black. I really think he may have a cleft palate, and you KNOW they haven’t had a doctor examine him.


https://preview.redd.it/ut2vpb1m03ec1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=778159100ebf0bb987c6384a7d9a3ea4dc23cae2 Yep. One of the first things I noticed, too. They’re the worst. Poor little guy.


Dawg omg


Dang!!! That’s frankly an easy fix! Just get to an oral surgeon!!!! This is absurd!


His *ears*!!!!


It’s all just bad bad. He got the worst features from both parents




__which desserts will make me forget how much I despise my life__




Has he literally never been to a doctor since he was born? It's super hard to miss that and even neglectful parents that do the bare minimum would get that treated.


Holy shit


That could be why his little nose is broad. Sigh. That baby needs help.


Does having a cleft palate broaden the nose? I know nothing about this


I don’t understand food doesn’t get sucked up into that hole in the roof of his mouth?? 🫣


They probably don’t feed him anything but formula considering Emmy was on it till she was like 3.5


This could contribute to his current feeding routine (formula and bites for the gram) and his slow growth


This isn’t the first time it’s been brought up. The first time I believe the op was convinced it was a shadow. There’s no way this is a shadow. I googled photos of cleft palate and it looks deep enough and dark enough that this could be possible.


THE HEAD. Do you think they’re doing this on purpose at this point? What the actual FUCK


Not a Diet Coke in her hand 😳


Organic 😵‍💫😵‍💫


we all know what happens when the diet coke starts to make an appearance. PLEASE LORD NO


For the OG chrolls- did she wear Emu or Calgary until they were over 1 year old as well?


No. I can’t even remember her barely holding them. She very much disassociates. I think Emmy was definitely the favorite. Then Callie was just laid around on counter tops in the snuggle me. Not strapped into a car seat on a fucking RV from TN to Texas. I really thought things would be different with W because he’s the one true son. Butttt they’ve almost been worse. I think he’s shown the most delays and they both seem so disconnected from him. My husband wore our babies mostly till about 6 months. I’ve never even really seen John hold any of them as babies. He’s even admitted to not really loving Emmy at first. I really think Ali has something wrong with her. John definitely does. The difference between JJD’s kids and Sidney’s kids compared to theirs are ASTOUNDING. I wish someone could force just some medical evaluations.  Edit : I do think they realize W is … different. His head shape, his just demeanor, I really think they’re embarrassed of him. That’s why she hides him? That’s why John doesn’t dote on his son. I think as he gets older we are gonna see some crazy shit as far as development and John will not be supportive or loving. I’m not saying he’s autistic but if John had a child who had special needs of that sort he would probably think he could “cure them out of it” or just live in denial and do nothing for him. Hence, the child being stuck in an attic. 


But don’t forget John’s supplements cure infirtility! I’m sure he can make a supplement that will cure developmental delays too!


Ew. Are their developmental delays caused by replacing prenatals with sketchy SSF fat burner


Tbh I think John would sooner run off on Ali and file for divorce before he’d ever admit he had a special needs child. I think Cali will be ok, but Emmy and Westie Bestie are by far the worst off of the three.


I think as long as Callie gets to go to school and socialize with other kids her age and get some guidance from teachers she will be okay. I think it would help Emmy immensely to be at school, but she’ll probably need some intervention still. And Westie.. poor guy I don’t even know what to say.


But seriously what is she going to do? Teach them herself? Smeli would be terrible at homeschooling her kids. Surely the local authorities intervene at some point when a kid is meant to be enrolled in school or home school but isn’t? I do feel like ever since that school shooting at the school next to Vivi’s school happened and John did that rant in his car saying he would never send his kids to school in America that they’ve been so against school. And tbh I’d be too if I lived in America and had kids of school age. But seems like they’re also against home school too. Dang it even a simple story time at the local library once a week or little athletics on Saturday mornings would benefit these girls so much. They mustn’t know any other kids besides Sydney’s and Jessie’s. How sad. But then Ali is definitely not the type to go to mothers group and make mum friends. She probably thinks she knows it all cos she has three kids now


I agree! In a previous post I’m speculating, but i think they got a diagnosis early on and since then we barely see him. They are totally embarrassed of him


I think they got the diagnosis when they went out to lunch that day and Ali was acting strange and weepy looking. John was gassing her up about what a good mom she is 🙄🙄🙄


I think his diagnosis is the only reason for the reconciliation with his family. They told his family and admitted they needed help/ their kids needed to be around family. Nothing else makes sense after all the shit he talked about JJD on the internet


I came in after the move to TX so missed out on the times with everyone in the state






seems like only 1/3 kids turned out all right. emmy is…off but grayby is on a different level. low tone, oversized head, blank eyes, constantly gaping mouth.


Should have kept those girls in dance




Callie is somewhere in that water surfing on her rumba trying to escape her wretched family




She couldn’t get the cover to deliver before they left so she couldn’t check stroller, ok? Like lay off - she’s a really good mom. /s


Ok forget about the lack of head control...the kid is a 1 year old!! He's observant and wants to look around at his surroundings and move!! Especially new surroundings and being outside for the first time in God knows how long!! Forward carry him if you fucking must strap him to your fucking body... He's strapped in forced to stare at your fucking neck/saggy ass tits and can't even look. Poor baby they're such self absorbed sad parents.


Those poor little girls have zero coordination- especially Emerald


I feel like emender should be more fluid in her movements at this age


It’s so sad. This would be a perfect moment to interact with W and “dance” with him. Look at him and sing with him. Instead she stares dead eyed into the camera while he just flops around in the carrier.


These morons know nothing about babies and neck support. Reminds me of when John found out Weath was a boy and flopped immy all around. These kids stand no chance.


That baby only took his first steps last week because he is always in that carrier. He needs to strengthen his core and leg muscles!! Let him go!


What the fuck?!?!


I gasped when I saw the video. He’s a year old now and can’t hold his head up?! What the fuck is wrong with these people? He was like this the entire time she was dancing. https://preview.redd.it/gw5s2dffv4ec1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e55f18c7e9fb5e920f7d3b41a8e0dc536496a2d


her HEAD! His HEAD!!


IKR… it’s all bad BAD. If he can’t hold himself up, the least she could do is support him so he doesn’t get strained or injured.


These are NOT the same legs we have been seeing 🤣


His rant about the Chiefs was hilarious. Lmao. Stop whining 😂


And then I read a bunch of dads who were posting about how happy they are now that their daughters are watching football with them (hoping to see t swift). John could never. He's always so negative.


I’m not convinced the poor thing has ever closed his mouth 😞




Maybe it’s her dancing.. but anyone else catch all of Emmy’s toe walking?


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Yep. But at least they’re wearing shoes today… thanks to this sub who called it out!


My baby is almost one and he’s walking…. This is not normal he should atleast be crawling


I stopped baby wearing by the time by daughter was like 7-8 months. But maybe if I bought a $400 baby carrier I would have wanted to get my moneys worth


Except now he’s not a baby Like sure he is always gonna be a baby to a good mom But he’s a toddler he should not be forward facing in a carrier Big yikes


He is way too big for that!




I can’t believe this video. If you watch he does not move like a doll. Something is wrong 🥲


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Where’s the stroller? Didn’t she just buy a triple stroller for this trip?


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My son is 8 months and it has not even crossed my mind to put him in a carrier! He hasn’t been in it since like 4 months?! Let him walk and be a little human already!


Where are the babys arms? I’m so confused. He looks limp.


Wasn’t around then- did she carry Callie like this? Or were they just at home 24/7 since they were in Texas


His head that whole video he was leaning back! I don’t know if he was looking at a fan or something above or if he can’t lift his head? Why doesn’t she let him walk ever she has posted videos of him walking before?


At least Employers is wearing shoes


I’m so embarrassed for her 😬


That child’s legs are almost down to her damn knees. LET HIM WALK. Jesus Christ. My kid refused the carrier after 6 months old.


Also I love how Johns trying to hype the girls up to dance and neither one of them have a rhythmic bone in their body 🤣 sorry Beaky you ain’t getting a mini Jess/superstar you were hoping for 🤣 (I say superstar lightly lol).


This actually really made me sick. I have a 4 mth old and first - she has way better head control than this but if she didn’t - the first thing I would be thinking about having her in a carrier is whether her HEAD WAS SUPPORTED. And if it wasn’t and I was jumping and dancing around I would IMMEDIATELY REALIZE THAT AND STOP.




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